Esempio n. 1
        private static Cloud MakeCloudTest()
            using (var dmap = new Image<Gray, byte>(Path.Combine(Global.DatDir, @"Cloud Tests\dmap1.jpg")))
            using (var cmap = new Image<Bgr, byte>(Path.Combine(Global.DatDir, @"Cloud Tests\cmap1.jpg")).Convert<Rgba, byte>())
            using (var mask = new Image<Gray, byte>(Path.Combine(Global.DatDir, @"Cloud Tests\dmap1.jpg")))
                var w = 100.0f;
                var h = 100.0f;
                var z = 5.0f;

                var pts = new VertexPositionNormalTexture[dmap.Size.Area()];
                var masked = mask[0, dmap.Width - 1].Intensity;

                for (int y = 0; y < dmap.Height; ++y)
                    for (int x = 0; x < dmap.Width; ++x)
                        var fx = x / w;
                        var fy = (dmap.Height - y) / h;
                        var fz = (float)dmap[y, x].Intensity / 255.0f * z;

                        if (masked != mask[y, x].Intensity)
                            pts[y * dmap.Width + x] = new VertexPositionNormalTexture(
                                new Vector3(fx, fy, fz),
                                new Vector2(x / (float)dmap.Width, y / (float)dmap.Height));


                GrayScanTask.CalculateNormals(pts, dmap.Width, dmap.Height);

                using (var ticture = new Picture<Rgba, byte>(cmap.Width, cmap.Height))
                    var texture2D = Program.Renderer.LeaseFor(ticture);

                    return new Cloud(Color.Pink, dmap.Size) { Points = pts, Texture2D = texture2D };
        void videoCapture_NewFrame(object sender, EventArgs e)
            frame = videoCapture.ReadAs<Bgr, byte>();
            if (frame == null)

            long preprocessTime, matchTime;
            var bestRepresentatives = findObjects(frame, out preprocessTime, out matchTime);

            /************************************ drawing ****************************************/
            foreach (var m in bestRepresentatives)
                frame.Draw(m.BoundingRect, new Bgr(0, 0, 255), 1);
                if (m.Template is ImageTemplateWithMask)
                    var mask = ((ImageTemplateWithMask)m.Template).BinaryMask;
                    if (mask == null) continue; //just draw bounding boxes

                    var area = new Rectangle(m.X, m.Y, mask.Width, mask.Height);
                    if (area.X < 0 || area.Y < 0 || area.Right >= frame.Width || area.Bottom >= frame.Height) continue; //must be fully inside

                    using (var someImage = new Image<Bgr, byte>(mask.Width, mask.Height, Bgr8.Red))
                        someImage.CopyTo(frame.GetSubRect(area), mask);
                    frame.Draw(m, Bgr8.Blue, 3, true, Bgr8.Red);

                Console.WriteLine("Best template: " + m.Template.ClassLabel + " score: " + m.Score);

            frame.Draw(String.Format("Matching {0} templates in: {1} ms", templPyrs.Count, matchTime), 
                       font, new PointF(5, 10), new Bgr(0, 255, 0));
            /************************************ drawing ****************************************/

            this.pictureBox.Image = frame.ToBitmap(); //it will be just casted (data is shared) 24bpp color

            //frame.Save(String.Format("C:/probaImages/imgMarked_{0}.jpg", i)); b.Save(String.Format("C:/probaImages/img_{0}.jpg", i)); i++;