Esempio n. 1
        public override Int32 Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
            // According to MS documentation, any implementation of the IO.Stream.Read function must:
            // (a) throw an exception if offset & count reference an invalid part of the buffer,
            //     or if count < 0, or if buffer is null
            // (b) return 0 only upon EOF, or if count = 0
            // (c) if not EOF, then return at least 1 byte, up to <count> bytes

            if (_streamMode == StreamMode.Undefined) {
                if (!this._stream.CanRead) {
                    throw new ZlibException("The stream is not readable.");
                // for the first read, set up some controls.
                _streamMode = StreamMode.Reader;
                // (The first reference to _z goes through the private accessor which
                // may initialize it.)
                z.AvailableBytesIn = 0;
                if (_flavor == ZlibStreamFlavor.GZIP) {
                    _gzipHeaderByteCount = _ReadAndValidateGzipHeader();
                    // workitem 8501: handle edge case (decompress empty stream)
                    if (_gzipHeaderByteCount == 0) {
                        return 0;

            if (_streamMode != StreamMode.Reader) {
                throw new ZlibException("Cannot Read after Writing.");

            if (count == 0) {
                return 0;
            if (nomoreinput && _wantCompress) {
                return 0; // workitem 8557
            if (buffer == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("buffer");
            if (count < 0) {
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count");
            if (offset < buffer.GetLowerBound(0)) {
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset");
            if ((offset + count) > buffer.GetLength(0)) {
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count");

            int rc = 0;

            // set up the output of the deflate/inflate codec:
            _z.OutputBuffer = buffer;
            _z.NextOut = offset;
            _z.AvailableBytesOut = count;

            // This is necessary in case _workingBuffer has been resized. (new byte[])
            // (The first reference to _workingBuffer goes through the private accessor which
            // may initialize it.)
            _z.InputBuffer = workingBuffer;

            do {
                // need data in _workingBuffer in order to deflate/inflate.  Here, we check if we have any.
                if ((_z.AvailableBytesIn == 0) && (!nomoreinput)) {
                    // No data available, so try to Read data from the captive stream.
                    _z.NextIn = 0;
                    _z.AvailableBytesIn = _stream.Read(_workingBuffer, 0, _workingBuffer.Length);
                    if (_z.AvailableBytesIn == 0) {
                        nomoreinput = true;
                // we have data in InputBuffer; now compress or decompress as appropriate
                rc = (_wantCompress)
                    ? _z.Deflate(_flushMode)
                    : _z.Inflate(_flushMode);

                if (nomoreinput && (rc == ZlibConstants.Z_BUF_ERROR)) {
                    return 0;

                if (rc != ZlibConstants.Z_OK && rc != ZlibConstants.Z_STREAM_END) {
                    throw new ZlibException(String.Format("{0}flating:  rc={1}  msg={2}", (_wantCompress ? "de" : "in"), rc, _z.Message));

                if ((nomoreinput || rc == ZlibConstants.Z_STREAM_END) && (_z.AvailableBytesOut == count)) {
                    break; // nothing more to read
            } //while (_z.AvailableBytesOut == count && rc == ZlibConstants.Z_OK);
            while (_z.AvailableBytesOut > 0 && !nomoreinput && rc == ZlibConstants.Z_OK);

            // workitem 8557
            // is there more room in output?
            if (_z.AvailableBytesOut > 0) {
                if (rc == ZlibConstants.Z_OK && _z.AvailableBytesIn == 0) {
                    // deferred

                // are we completely done reading?
                if (nomoreinput) {
                    // and in compression?
                    if (_wantCompress) {
                        // no more input data available; therefore we flush to
                        // try to complete the read
                        rc = _z.Deflate(FlushType.Finish);

                        if (rc != ZlibConstants.Z_OK && rc != ZlibConstants.Z_STREAM_END) {
                            throw new ZlibException(String.Format("Deflating:  rc={0}  msg={1}", rc, _z.Message));

            rc = (count - _z.AvailableBytesOut);

            // calculate CRC after reading
            if (crc != null) {
                crc.SlurpBlock(buffer, offset, rc);

            return rc;
Esempio n. 2
        public void PacketSender2(Byte[] pPacket)
            IntPtr BytesAddr;
            long pSize;
            Byte[] pCode;

            pSize = pPacket.GetUpperBound(0) - pPacket.GetLowerBound(0) + 1;
            BytesAddr = VirtualAllocEx(GameProcessHandle, IntPtr.Zero, pPacket.Length, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
            if (DEBUG_MODE)
                log("VAM Address: " + AlignDWORD(BytesAddr));

            if (BytesAddr == IntPtr.Zero || BytesAddr == null)
                if (DEBUG_MODE)
                    log(">>> Error commiting memory: " + AlignDWORD(BytesAddr));
                VirtualFreeEx(GameProcessHandle, BytesAddr, 0, MEM_RELEASE);

            WriteProcessMemory(GameProcessHandle, BytesAddr, pPacket, pSize, 0);

            String cCode = "608B0D" + AlignDWORD(new IntPtr(PTR_PKT)) + "68" + AlignDWORD(new IntPtr(pSize)) + "68" + AlignDWORD(BytesAddr) + "BF" + AlignDWORD(new IntPtr(SND_FNC)) + "FFD7C605" + AlignDWORD(new IntPtr(PTR_PKT + 0xC5)) + "0061C3";
            pCode = ToByteArray(cCode);

            WriteMemory(new IntPtr(PTR_PKT + 0xC5), 0);
            VirtualFreeEx(GameProcessHandle, BytesAddr, 0, MEM_RELEASE);