public void send(Byte[] bytes) { lock (UdpAdapter._udpc) { Byte[] b = new Byte[bytes.Count() + 8]; Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, 0, b, 0, bytes.Count()); Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(UdpAdapter.count++), 0, b, bytes.Count(), 8); UdpAdapter._udpc.Send(b, b.Count(), new IPEndPoint(this._ipep.Address, this._ipep.Port)); } }
private void ProcessMessage(Byte[] receiveBytes) { if (receiveBytes.Count() < MessageHeaderLength) { return; } long timeStamp = BitConverter.ToInt64(receiveBytes, 0); if (timeStamp <= lastTimeStamp) { Debug.WriteLine("UDP packet out of order"); return; } lastTimeStamp = timeStamp; byte messageType = receiveBytes[8]; switch (messageType) { // Cursor position case 0: // Check length if (receiveBytes.Count() != MessageHeaderLength + 8 * 4) { return; } int[] values = new int[8]; for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { values[i] = BitConverter.ToInt32(receiveBytes, MessageHeaderLength + i * 4); } InputEventArgs eventArgs = new InputEventArgs(); eventArgs.cursorPosition = new Point(values[0], values[1]); eventArgs.caretPosition = new Rectangle(values[2], values[3], values[4], values[5]); eventArgs.screenSize = new Point(values[6], values[7]); if (OnInputPositionReceived != null) OnInputPositionReceived(this, eventArgs); break; default: break; } }
public static List<Packet> DecodeBytes(Byte[] bytes) { List<Packet> packets = new List<Packet>(); Byte marker; Int32 offset = 0; Single lastTime = 0; UInt32 contentLength = 0; Byte packetHeader = 0; UInt32 blockParam = 0; while (offset < bytes.Count() - 5) { marker = bytes[offset++]; if (((marker >> 7) & 1) == 1) lastTime += bytes[offset++] / 1000.0f; else lastTime = BitConverter.ToSingle(new Byte[4] { bytes[offset++], bytes[offset++], bytes[offset++], bytes[offset++] }, 0); if (((marker >> 4) & 1) == 1) contentLength = bytes[offset++]; else contentLength = BitConverter.ToUInt32(new Byte[4] { bytes[offset++], bytes[offset++], bytes[offset++], bytes[offset++] }, 0); if (((marker >> 6) & 1) == 0) packetHeader = bytes[offset++]; if (((marker >> 5) & 1) == 1) { Byte b = bytes[offset++]; if (b >> 7 == 1) { b = (byte)(0xff - b); blockParam -= b; } else blockParam += b; } else blockParam = BitConverter.ToUInt32(new Byte[4] { bytes[offset++], bytes[offset++], bytes[offset++], bytes[offset++] }, 0); List<Byte> content = new List<Byte>(); for (UInt32 j = 0; j < contentLength; j++) { content.Add(bytes[offset++]); } packets.Add(new Packet(blockParam, packetHeader, lastTime, content.ToArray())); } return packets; }
public Byte[] Encrypt(Byte[] data) { Byte[] ret = new Byte[1024]; int mLoopItr = 0; int loop3 = 0; byte var_f, var_e, var_d, var_c = 0, var_b = 0; mLoopItr = data.Count() / 3; if (data.Count() % 3 != 0) mLoopItr++; for (int x = 0; x < mLoopItr; x++) { var_d = data[loop3]; if (loop3 + 1 < data.Count()) try { var_c = data[loop3 + 1]; } catch { var_c = 0; } if (loop3 + 2 < data.Count()) try { var_b = data[loop3 + 2]; } catch { var_b = 0; } ret[x * 4] = Convert.ToByte(var_d >> 2); var_e = Convert.ToByte((var_d & 3) << 4); var_f = Convert.ToByte(var_c >> 4); ret[x * 4 + 1] = Convert.ToByte(var_e | var_f); var_e = Convert.ToByte((var_c & 0x0F) << 2); var_f = Convert.ToByte(var_b >> 6); ret[x * 4 + 2] = Convert.ToByte(var_e | var_f); ret[x * 4 + 3] = Convert.ToByte(var_b & 0x3F); ret[x * 4] += 0x3B; ret[x * 4 + 1] += 0x3B; ret[x * 4 + 2] += 0x3B; ret[x * 4 + 3] += 0x3B; loop3 += 3; } int size = Array.IndexOf<Byte>(ret, 0); ret[size] = 0x2E; ret[size + 1] = 0x0A; // ret[size + 2] = 0x00; Array.Resize(ref ret, size + 2); return ret; }
public void send(Byte[] bytes) { this._udpc.Send(bytes, bytes.Count(), ConnectionInfo.Host, ConnectionInfo.Port); }
public static Byte[] Decrypt(Byte[] data) { Byte[] ret = new Byte[512]; List<Byte> temp = new List<Byte>(); // int TrimIndex = Array.IndexOf<Byte>(data, 0x2E); // if (TrimIndex + 2 < data.Count()) // throw new Exception("Found 0x2E byte not at end of packet"); // data = data.Take(TrimIndex+1).ToArray(); int mLoopItr = 0; int loop3 = 0; byte var_f, var_e, var_d, var_c, var_b, var_a; mLoopItr = (data.Count() - 1) >> 2; for (int x = 0; x < (data.Count() - 1); x++) { if (data[x] == 0x2E) break; data[x] -= 0x3B; } for (int x = 0; x < mLoopItr; x++) { var_d = data[loop3]; try { var_c = data[loop3 + 1]; } catch { var_c = 0; } try { var_b = data[loop3 + 2]; } catch { var_b = 0; } try { var_a = data[loop3 + 3]; } catch { var_a = 0; } var_e = Convert.ToByte((var_d << 2) & 0xFF); var_f = Convert.ToByte(var_c >> 4); // ret[x * 3] = Convert.ToByte(var_e | var_f); temp.Add(Convert.ToByte(var_e | var_f)); var_e = Convert.ToByte((var_c << 4) & 0xFF); var_f = Convert.ToByte(var_b >> 2); // ret[x * 3 + 1] = Convert.ToByte(var_e | var_f); temp.Add(Convert.ToByte(var_e | var_f)); var_e = Convert.ToByte((var_b << 6) & 0xFF); var_f = var_a; // ret[x * 3 + 2] = Convert.ToByte(var_e | var_f); temp.Add(Convert.ToByte(var_e | var_f)); loop3 += 4; } // int size = Array.IndexOf<Byte>(ret, 0); // ret[size] = 0x00; // Array.Resize(ref ret, size); //Last DWORD byte var i = temp.Count - 1; while (temp[i] == 0) { if (temp[0] == 0 && temp[1] == 0) { i = 1; break; } i--; } temp = temp.Take(i + 2).ToList<Byte>(); return temp.ToArray<Byte>(); }
public void HandleIncoming(Byte[] data) { if (nsa != null) { nsa.AppendPacketIn(data); } PacketReader p = null; switch (data[0]) { case 0x34: // Keep Alive keepalive = Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds; break; //Identifiy /* case 0x37: // for (int x = 0; x < 40; x++) // { // SendPacket(new CreateSlotMagic(new MagicSpell((byte)(x+81), "Hii", 1, 1, (byte)x, library.MagicType.Casted)).Compile()); // } int y = 14; byte sprite = 0; for (int x = 0; x < 255; x++) { Thread.Sleep(100); if (x != 0 && x % 19 == 0) { y += 3; x -= 19; } // SendPacket(new CreateMonster(new Monster(3, (short)(x+23),(short)y,"", sprite.ToString(), sprite, 0), Serial.NewMobile).Compile()); sprite++; } break;*/ case 0x3A: //find 물건 찾기. if (player.Map == "Loen") { var slot = data[1] + 40 + (12 * player.BankTab); var itemtofind = World.NewItems.Where(xe => xe.Value.ParSer == player.Serial && xe.Value.InvSlot == slot).FirstOrDefault(); if (itemtofind.Value != null) { if (player.GetFreeSlot() != -1) { SendPacket(new DeleteEntrustSlot((byte)data[1]).Compile()); itemtofind.Value.InvSlot = player.GetFreeSlot(); SendPacket(new AddItemToInventory2(itemtofind.Value).Compile()); } } } break; case 0x36: //Entrust 보관하기. if (player.Map == "Loen") { var itemtoentrust = World.NewItems.Where(xe => xe.Value.ParSer == player.Serial && xe.Value.InvSlot == data[1]).FirstOrDefault(); if (itemtoentrust.Value != null) { SendPacket(new DeleteItemSlot((byte)itemtoentrust.Value.InvSlot).Compile()); itemtoentrust.Value.InvSlot = player.FreeBankSlot; // 선택한 인벤을 빈칸으로 만듬. SendPacket(new AddItemToEntrust(itemtoentrust.Value).Compile()); } } break; case 0x35: //sell if (player.Map == "Loen") { var itemtosell = World.NewItems.Where(xe => xe.Value.ParSer == player.Serial && xe.Value.InvSlot == data[1]).FirstOrDefault(); if (itemtosell.Value != null && itemtosell.Value.SellPrice > 0) { player.Gold += (uint)itemtosell.Value.SellPrice; itemtosell.Value.Delete(player); } } break; //Cast // 3D-00-00-01-00-00-00-0A-00-09-00 case 0x3D: case 0x19: case 0x18: // 마법 캐스트 관련. if (LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds - player.CastSpeed > LastCast) { LastCast = LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds; p = new PacketReader(data, data.Count(), true); int spellslot = p.ReadInt16(); //if (player.MagicLearned.Count() < spellslot) // return; int castonid = p.ReadInt32(); short castx = p.ReadInt16(); short casty = p.ReadInt16(); script.spells.Spell castspell = player.MagicLearned.Where(xe => xe.Slot == spellslot).FirstOrDefault(); if (castspell == null) return; castHandler.HandleCast(data[0], castspell, player, castonid, castx, casty); } break; //Attack case 0x17: // 공격하는 쪽. if (LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds - player.AttackSpeed > LastAttack) { LastAttack = LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds; World.SendToAll(new QueDele(player.Serial, player.Map, new SwingAnimationChar(player.Serial, player.Face).Compile())); combatHandler.HandleMelee(player, data[1]); } break; //NPC Shop case 0x45: var npclook = World.NewNpcs.Where(xe => xe.Key == data[1]).FirstOrDefault(); if (npclook.Value != null) { if (npclook.Value.Name == "Loen") { SendPacket(new SpawnShopGump2(npclook.Value.Gump).Compile()); } if (npclook.Value.Name == "Arnold") { SendPacket(new SpawnShopGump2(npclook.Value.Gump).Compile()); } if (npclook.Value.Name == "Employee") { SendPacket(new SpawnShopGump2(npclook.Value.Gump).Compile()); } if (npclook.Value.Name == "Boy") { SendPacket(new SpawnShopGump2(npclook.Value.Gump).Compile()); } } break; case 0x2B: //2B-03-00-00-00-01-00-04-00-4D-65-6E-75-00 p = new PacketReader(data, data.Count(), true); var npcid = p.ReadInt32(); var buyslot = p.ReadByte(); var npcitself = World.NewNpcs.Where(xe => xe.Key == npcid).FirstOrDefault(); if (npcitself.Value != null) npcitself.Value.Buy(player, buyslot); break; //Inventory case 0x00: //use if (data[1] == 0) return; var itemu = World.NewItems.Where(xe => xe.Value.m_Parent == player && xe.Value.InvSlot == data[1]).FirstOrDefault(); if (itemu.Value != null) itemu.Value.Use(player); break; case 0x20: //drop var item = World.NewItems.Where(xe => xe.Value.m_Parent == player && xe.Value.InvSlot == data[1]).FirstOrDefault(); if (item.Value != null) item.Value.Drop(player); break; case 0x1F: //pickup var item1 = World.NewItems.Where(xe => xe.Value.m_Map != null && xe.Value.m_Map == player.Map && xe.Value.Loc.X == player.X && xe.Value.Loc.Y == player.Y) .FirstOrDefault(); if (item1.Value != null) item1.Value.PickUp(player); break; case 0x1E: //equip Use // case 0x36: var eitem = World.NewItems.Where(xe => xe.Value.m_Parent == player && xe.Value.InvSlot == data[1]).FirstOrDefault(); if (eitem.Value != null) { if (eitem.Value is script.item.BaseArmor || eitem.Value is script.item.BaseWeapon) eitem.Value.Equip(player); if (eitem.Value is script.item.BaseSpellbook) eitem.Value.Use(player); if (eitem.Value is script.item.BasePotion) eitem.Value.Use(player); } break; case 0x23://unequip var uitem = World.NewItems.Where(xe => xe.Value.m_Parent == player && xe.Value.InvSlot == (data[1] + 25)).FirstOrDefault(); if (uitem.Value != null) uitem.Value.Unequip(player, data[1] + 25); break; case 0x25: //swap items var item11 = World.NewItems.Where(xe => xe.Value.ParSer == player.Serial && xe.Value.InvSlot == data[1]).FirstOrDefault().Value; int sss = 0; if (data.Count() > 3) sss = data[3]; var target1 = World.NewItems.Where(xe => xe.Value.ParSer == player.Serial && xe.Value.InvSlot == sss).FirstOrDefault().Value; player.SwapItems(item11, target1, sss); break; case 0x24: //drag,drop var itemdragdrop = World.NewItems.Where(xe => xe.Value.ParSer == player.Serial && xe.Value.InvSlot == data[1]).FirstOrDefault().Value; if (itemdragdrop != null) { p = new PacketReader(data, data.Count(), false); var targetid = p.ReadInt32(); script.item.Item targeti = null; World.NewItems.TryGetValue(targetid, out targeti); if (targeti != null) { string fail = "Refining failed."; string succ = "Refining success."; if ((itemdragdrop is script.item.Zel && targeti is script.item.BaseArmor) || (itemdragdrop is script.item.Dai && targeti is script.item.BaseWeapon)) { if (targeti.TryUpgrade()) { castHandler.CreateMagicEffect(targeti.Loc, targeti.m_Map, 42); SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)succ.Count(), succ).Compile()); SendPacket(new DeleteObject(targeti.m_Serial).Compile()); SendPacket(new CreateItemGround2(targeti, targeti.m_Serial).Compile()); } else { castHandler.CreateMagicEffect(targeti.Loc, targeti.m_Map, 56); SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)fail.Count(), fail).Compile()); } itemdragdrop.Delete(player); } } if (targetid == 4) { if (itemdragdrop.Name == "Promote Life Drug" && AronStage == 4) { AronStage = 1; itemdragdrop.Delete(player); string achat = "[Aron]: Are you ready for the promotion?"; SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)achat.Count(), achat).Compile()); } if (itemdragdrop.Name == "Promote Magic Drug" && AronStage == 4) { AronStage = 2; itemdragdrop.Delete(player); string achat = "[Aron]: Are you ready for the promotion?"; SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)achat.Count(), achat).Compile()); } } } break; //Chat message case 0x16: p = new PacketReader(data, data.Count(), false); var str = p.ReadString(); var str2 = str.Split(' '); if (Util.ContainsUnicodeCharacter(str)) { var x = 1; } HandleChat(str2, str); break; //Movement case 0x14: player.Face = data[1]; World.SendToAll(new QueDele(player.Serial, player.Map, new ChangeFace(player.Serial, player.Face).Compile())); break; case 0x15: if (Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds - player.lastmove < 150) { return; } long totalwalk = 0; foreach (var loc in walktrace) { totalwalk += loc; } // if(player.Name == "SIR") // Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0},{1} {2}", px, py, Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds)); if (Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds - player.lastmove > player.m_MoveSpeed) { p = new PacketReader(data, data.Count(), true); player.Face = p.ReadInt16(); var px = p.ReadInt16(); var py = p.ReadInt16(); walktrace.Add(Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds - player.lastmove); player.lastmove = Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds; /* if (walktrace.Count > 3 && totalwalk < 1600) { SendPacket(new MoveSpriteWalkChar(player.Serial, player.Face, player.X, player.Y).Compile()); return; } while (walktrace.Count > 4) walktrace.Remove(walktrace.ElementAt(0)); */ if (World.Dist2d(new Point2D(px, py), player.m_Loc) > 3) { SendPacket(new MoveSpriteWalkChar(player.Serial, player.Face, player.X, player.Y).Compile()); return; } player.X = px; player.Y = py; World.SendToAll(new QueDele(player.Serial, player.Map, new MoveSpriteWalkChar(player.Serial, player.Face, player.X, player.Y).Compile())); parseFace(); } else { SendPacket(new MoveSpriteWalkChar(player.Serial, player.Face, player.X, player.Y).Compile()); } break; //Stats case 0x2C: player.AddStat(ref player.m_Str); SendPacket(new UpdateCharStats(player).Compile()); break; case 0x2D: player.AddStat(ref player.m_Men); SendPacket(new UpdateCharStats(player).Compile()); break; case 0x2E: player.AddStat(ref player.m_Dex); SendPacket(new UpdateCharStats(player).Compile()); break; case 0x2F: player.AddStat(ref player.m_Vit); SendPacket(new UpdateCharStats(player).Compile()); break; case 0x03: //Login var result = TryLogin(data); switch (result[0]) { case '1': var puser2 = result.Remove(0, 1).Split(','); player = handler.add.Where(xe => xe.Value.Name == puser2[0]).FirstOrDefault().Value; player.client = this; player.loggedIn = true; LoadPlayer(); SendPacket(new CloseLogin().Compile()); break; case '2': SendPacket(new WrongPass().Compile()); break; case '3': SendPacket(new WrongID().Compile()); break; case '4': //invalid chars SendPacket(new WrongID().Compile()); break; case '5': SendPacket(new AlreadyOnline().Compile()); break; case '6': player = new Player(this); player.CreateBeginner(result.Remove(0, 1)); firstlogin = true; LoadPlayer(); player.Pass = Cryption.CreateSaltedSHA256(player.Pass, player.Name); try { handler.add.TryAdd(player.Name, player); var touch = handler.add.Where(xe => xe.Key == player.Name).FirstOrDefault(); touch.Value.client = this; touch.Value.loggedIn = true; // BinaryIO.SavePlayer(player); // World.DBConnect.InsertPlayer(player); } catch { Console.WriteLine("failed to insert new player"); } SendPacket(new CloseLogin().Compile()); break; } break; case 0x49: //delete magic var magdelslot = data[1]; player.DeleteMagic(magdelslot); break; case 0x26: //swap magic if (data.Count() < 4) player.SwapMagic(data[1], 0); else player.SwapMagic(data[1], data[3]); break; case 0xff: SendPacket(new PlayMusic(1000).Compile()); if (true) //Login { // SendPacket(new CloseLogin().Compile()); // SendPacket(new LoadWorld(1, 0x12, 0x12, new byte[] { 00, 04, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 03 }, // 01, 01, 00, 03, 04, 00, 00, // new byte[] { 0x69, 0x70, 0x69, 0x67, 0x6d, 0x79, 0x31, 0x2e, 0x6d, 0x61, 0x70, 00 }).Format()); break; } } }
/// <summary> /// Deserializes passed binary data. /// </summary> /// <param name="lInputData"><see cref="Byte[]"/> of data you want to serialize.</param> /// <param name="InitalOffset">Offset where you want to start serialization as <see cref="int"/></param> /// <param name="NewOffset"Offset where serialization ended as <see cref="int"/></param> /// <returns>Serialized objects as <see cref="object[]"/></returns> public virtual object[] DeserializeData(Byte[] lInputData, int InitalOffset, ref int NewOffset, int startType = 0, int endType = 0) { int offset = InitalOffset; List<object> OutputStructures = new List<object>(); int loffset = 0; uint ManyParse = 0; bool ManyParseCondition = false; if (endType == 0) endType = cSerializableTypes.Count(); //Check the bounds of start and end. if (startType > cSerializableTypes.Count() - 1 || endType > cSerializableTypes.Count()) return null; for (int x = startType; x < endType; ) { Type CurrentType = cSerializableTypes[x]; if (offset >= lInputData.Count()) { log.Error("Offset is bigger than data count"); return null; } switch (CurrentType.Name) { case "VarByte": ManyParseCondition = true; CurrentType = typeof(Byte); break;//Go to next export round case "VarUInt16": ManyParseCondition = true; CurrentType = typeof(UInt16); break;//Go to next export round case "VarUInt32": ManyParseCondition = true; CurrentType = typeof(UInt32); break;//Go to next export round } switch (CurrentType.Name) { case "String": string strdata = ByteArrayToString(lInputData.Skip(offset).ToArray()); if (strdata == null) { log.Error("Problems while deserializing to String"); return null; } OutputStructures.Add(strdata); loffset = strdata.Length + 1; break; case "Byte[]": Byte[] bytedata = lInputData.Skip(offset).ToArray(); OutputStructures.Add(bytedata); loffset = bytedata.Length; break; default: //We must get size or we get error. object result = ByteArrayToStructure(lInputData.Skip(offset).ToArray(), CurrentType, ref loffset); if (result == null) { List<Type> t= new List<Type>(); foreach (System.Reflection.FieldInfo prop in CurrentType.GetFields()) t.Add(prop.FieldType); object[] allData= (new BinarySerializer(t.ToArray())).DeserializeData(lInputData.Skip(offset).ToArray(), loffset, ref loffset); int m=0; object o = Activator.CreateInstance(CurrentType); foreach (System.Reflection.FieldInfo prop in CurrentType.GetFields()) { prop.SetValue(o, allData[m]); m++; } log.Error("Problems while deserializing to unkown type"); return null; } OutputStructures.Add(result); break; } offset += loffset; loffset = 0; if (ManyParseCondition) { ManyParse = (uint)Convert.ChangeType(OutputStructures.Last(), typeof(uint)); ManyParseCondition = false; x++; } else { if (ManyParse > 1) ManyParse--; else x++; } } NewOffset = offset; log.Debug("Deserialized "+ OutputStructures.Count+ " elements with types; "+ GetStringTypes(OutputStructures.ToArray())); return OutputStructures.ToArray(); }
public static bool sendReport(UdpClient client, IPEndPoint to, Byte[] msg, int timeOut, int retries, LogFile log) { Byte[] received = new Byte[msg.Count()]; int loop = 0; int nBytesSent; String dataReceived; string strRecv; bool response = false; do { try { nBytesSent = client.Send(msg, msg.Length); log.writeToLogFile(string.Format("message sent: {0}", System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(msg))); } catch (Exception ex) { log.writeToLogFile("Excepcion al enviar udp : {0}", ex.Message); } Thread.Sleep(250); client.Client.ReceiveTimeout = timeOut * 2; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (client.Available > 0) { try { received = client.Receive(ref to); dataReceived = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(received); strRecv = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(received).Trim('\0'); log.writeToLogFile(string.Format("message response: {0}", strRecv)); response = true; break; } catch (Exception ex) { log.writeToLogFile("Excepcion al recibir udp : {0}", ex.Message); } } else { //si ya lo envió, dale mas tiempo al server log.writeToLogFile("Extra time para recibir udp : {0}", timeOut * (loop + 1)); Thread.Sleep(timeOut * (loop + 1)); } } loop++; } while (!response && loop < retries); return response; }
public void CallOperation(int LinkId, string OperationName, object[] data=null) { MemoryStream StreamToWrite= new MemoryStream(); BPOperation lOperation; try { lOperation = (from o in cOperations where o.cOperationName == OperationName select o).First(); } catch { return; } if (lOperation.cSendCode == -1) return; //Serializes header data. BPProtocolHeader lBPProtocolHeader= new BPProtocolHeader((byte)lOperation.cSendCode); base.SerializeData(ref StreamToWrite, new object[] {lBPProtocolHeader}); int ExpectedLength= lOperation.cDownlinkSerializer.GetSerializedDataLength(); //It allows us to send only a command if data is not set. Byte[] SerializedData = new Byte[0]; if (data != null && lOperation.cUplinkSerializer!=null) { SerializedData = lOperation.cUplinkSerializer.SerializeData(data); StreamToWrite.Write(SerializedData, 0, SerializedData.Count()); } cLinkLayer.Write(new BPPacket( LinkId, lBPProtocolHeader, StreamToWrite.ToArray(), SerializedData, ExpectedLength); }
public List<Tuple<int, int>> Find(Byte[] input) => Find(input, 0, input.Count());
virtual public bool WriteBytes( string fileName, Byte[] bytes ) { try { using ( IsolatedStorageFileStream isfs = new IsolatedStorageFileStream( fileName, FileMode.Create, UserStorage ) ) { isfs.Write( bytes, 0, bytes.Count() ); } } catch ( IsolatedStorageException ex ) { Logger.Log( ID , string.Format( "WriteByte@{0}: {1}", fileName, ex.Message ) , LogType.ERROR ); return false; } return true; }