GetNextInsertionPosition() public method

public GetNextInsertionPosition ( LogicalDirection direction ) : TextPointer
direction LogicalDirection
return TextPointer
Esempio n. 1
        public static TextPointer RemoveHyperlink(TextPointer start)
            var backspacePosition = start.GetNextInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Backward);
            Hyperlink hyperlink;
            if (backspacePosition == null || !IsHyperlinkBoundaryCrossed(start, backspacePosition, out hyperlink))
                return null;

            // Remember caretPosition with forward gravity. This is necessary since we are going to delete
            // the hyperlink element preceeding caretPosition and after deletion current caretPosition
            // (with backward gravity) will follow content preceeding the hyperlink.
            // We want to remember content following the hyperlink to set new caret position at.

            var newCaretPosition = start.GetPositionAtOffset(0, LogicalDirection.Forward);

            // Deleting the hyperlink is done using logic below.

            // 1. Copy its children Inline to a temporary array.
            var hyperlinkChildren = hyperlink.Inlines;
            var inlines = new Inline[hyperlinkChildren.Count];
            hyperlinkChildren.CopyTo(inlines, 0);

            // 2. Remove each child from parent hyperlink element and insert it after the hyperlink.
            for (int i = inlines.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                hyperlink.SiblingInlines.InsertAfter(hyperlink, inlines[i]);

            // 3. Apply hyperlink's local formatting properties to inlines (which are now outside hyperlink scope).
            var localProperties = hyperlink.GetLocalValueEnumerator();
            var inlineRange = new TextRange(inlines[0].ContentStart, inlines[inlines.Length - 1].ContentEnd);

            while (localProperties.MoveNext())
                var property = localProperties.Current;
                var dp = property.Property;
                object value = property.Value;

                if (!dp.ReadOnly &&
                    dp != Inline.TextDecorationsProperty && // Ignore hyperlink defaults.
                    dp != TextElement.ForegroundProperty &&
                    dp != BaseUriHelper.BaseUriProperty &&
                    inlineRange.ApplyPropertyValue(dp, value);

            // 4. Delete the (empty) hyperlink element.

            return newCaretPosition;
        // Token: 0x06003B89 RID: 15241 RVA: 0x0010F754 File Offset: 0x0010D954
        private static TextPointer GetPositionAfterList(List list)
            Invariant.Assert(list != null, "list cannot be null");
            TextPointer textPointer = list.ElementEnd.GetInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Backward);

            if (textPointer != null)
                textPointer = textPointer.GetNextInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward);
            if (textPointer == null)
                textPointer = list.ElementEnd.TextContainer.End;
            if (TextRangeEditTables.IsTableStructureCrossed(list.ElementEnd, textPointer))
                textPointer = list.ContentEnd;
Esempio n. 3
        public void SetCell(BufferCell cell, TextPointer position, LogicalDirection direction)
            TextRange range = null;

            TextPointer positionPlus = position.GetNextInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward);
            if (positionPlus != null)
                range = new TextRange(position, positionPlus);

            if (null == range || range.IsEmpty)
                position = position.GetInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward);
                if (position != null)
                    Run r = position.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Forward) as Run;

                    if (null != r)
                        if (r.Text.Length > 0)
                            char[] chr = r.Text.ToCharArray();
                            chr[0] = cell.Character;
                            r.Text = chr.ToString();
                            r.Text = cell.Character.ToString();
                        r = position.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Backward) as Run;
                        if (null != r
                            && r.Background == BrushFromConsoleColor(cell.BackgroundColor)
                            && r.Foreground == BrushFromConsoleColor(cell.ForegroundColor)
                            if (r.Text.Length > 0)
                                r.Text = r.Text + cell.Character;
                                r.Text = cell.Character.ToString();
                            r = new Run(cell.Character.ToString(), position);
                    r.Background = BrushFromConsoleColor(cell.BackgroundColor);
                    r.Foreground = BrushFromConsoleColor(cell.ForegroundColor);
                    //position = r.ElementStart;


                range.Text = cell.Character.ToString();
                range.ApplyPropertyValue(TextElement.BackgroundProperty, BrushFromConsoleColor(cell.BackgroundColor));
                range.ApplyPropertyValue(TextElement.ForegroundProperty, BrushFromConsoleColor(cell.ForegroundColor));
Esempio n. 4
        internal static int GetColumnNumberFromSelection(TextPointer position)
            if (position == null)
                return 0;

            int linesMoved;
            TextPointer lineStartPosition = position.GetLineStartPosition(0, out linesMoved);

            int columnNumber = 0;
                position = position.GetNextInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Backward);
            while (position != null && position.CompareTo(lineStartPosition) > 0);

            return columnNumber;
Esempio n. 5
        public static string GetSentenceFromPosition(RichTextBox rtb, TextPointer position)
            string sentence = string.Empty;
            while (true)
                string c = GetCharacterAtPosition(rtb, position);
                sentence += c;
                if (c.Equals(".")) break;

                position = position.GetNextInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward);
                if (position == null) break;

            return (sentence);