Inheritance: INativeEventObjectWrapper
Esempio n. 1
        public static swd.TextPointer GetTextPositionAtOffset(this swd.TextPointer position, int characterCount)
            while (position != null)
                if (position.GetPointerContext(swd.LogicalDirection.Forward) == swd.TextPointerContext.Text)
                    int count = position.GetTextRunLength(swd.LogicalDirection.Forward);
                    if (count >= characterCount)

                    characterCount -= count;

                var nextContextPosition = position.GetNextContextPosition(swd.LogicalDirection.Forward);
                if (nextContextPosition == null)

                position = nextContextPosition;

Esempio n. 2
        TextPointer GetTextPositionAtOffset(TextPointer position, int characterCount)
            while (position != null)
                var context = position.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Forward);
                if (context == TextPointerContext.Text)
                    var count = position.GetTextRunLength(LogicalDirection.Forward);
                    if (characterCount <= count)
                        return position.GetPositionAtOffset(characterCount);

                    characterCount -= count;
                else if (position.Parent is LineBreak)
                    var count = 2;
                    if (characterCount <= count)
                        return position.GetPositionAtOffset(characterCount);

                    characterCount -= count;
                var nextContextPosition = position.GetNextContextPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward);
                if (nextContextPosition == null)
                    return position;

                position = nextContextPosition;

            return position;
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new Run instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text"> 
        /// Optional text content.  May be null.
        /// </param> 
        /// <param name="insertionPosition"> 
        /// Optional position at which to insert the new Run. May
        /// be null. 
        /// </param>
        public Run(string text, TextPointer insertionPosition)
            if (insertionPosition != null) 
                if (insertionPosition != null)
                    // This will throw InvalidOperationException if schema validity is violated.
                if (text != null) 
                    // No need to duplicate the string data in TextProperty here. TextContainer will 
                    // set the property to a deferred reference.
                if (insertionPosition != null) 
Esempio n. 4
        // Constructors

        #region Constructors

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new AnchoredBlock instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="block">
        /// Optional child of the new AnchoredBlock, may be null.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="insertionPosition">
        /// Optional position at which to insert the new AnchoredBlock. May
        /// be null.
        /// </param>
        protected AnchoredBlock(Block block, TextPointer insertionPosition)
            if (insertionPosition != null)
                if (insertionPosition != null)
                    // This will throw InvalidOperationException if schema validity is violated.

                if (block != null)
                if (insertionPosition != null)
    public static TextEffectTarget[] Resolve(TextPointer startPosition, TextPointer endPosition, System.Windows.Media.TextEffect effect)
      Contract.Requires(endPosition != null);
      Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<System.Windows.Documents.TextEffectTarget[]>() != null);

      return default(TextEffectTarget[]);
Esempio n. 6
        // Helper for GetPositionAtWordBoundary.
        // Returns true when passed TextPointer is next to a wordBreak in requested direction.
        private static bool IsPositionNextToWordBreak(TextPointer position, LogicalDirection wordBreakDirection)
            bool isAtWordBoundary = false;

            // Skip over any formatting.
            if (position.GetPointerContext(wordBreakDirection) != TextPointerContext.Text)
                position = position.GetInsertionPosition(wordBreakDirection);

            if (position.GetPointerContext(wordBreakDirection) == TextPointerContext.Text)
                LogicalDirection oppositeDirection = (wordBreakDirection == LogicalDirection.Forward) ?
                    LogicalDirection.Backward : LogicalDirection.Forward;

                char[] runBuffer = new char[1];
                char[] oppositeRunBuffer = new char[1];

                position.GetTextInRun(wordBreakDirection, runBuffer, /*startIndex*/0, /*count*/1);
                position.GetTextInRun(oppositeDirection, oppositeRunBuffer, /*startIndex*/0, /*count*/1);

                if (runBuffer[0] == ' ' && !(oppositeRunBuffer[0] == ' '))
                    isAtWordBoundary = true;
                // If we're not adjacent to text then we always want to consider this position a "word break".
                // In practice, we're most likely next to an embedded object or a block boundary.
                isAtWordBoundary = true;

            return isAtWordBoundary;
Esempio n. 7
        //  Protected Methods

        //  Internal Methods

        #region Internal methods.

        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the document from the reader into the specified position.
        /// </summary>
        internal void Read(XmlReader reader, TextPointer position)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(reader != null);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(position != null);

            ReadDocument(reader, position);
Esempio n. 8
        internal static TextPointer SplitFormattingElement(TextPointer splitPosition, bool keepEmptyFormatting) 
            Invariant.Assert(splitPosition.Parent != null && TextSchema.IsMergeableInline(splitPosition.Parent.GetType()));
            Inline inline = (Inline)splitPosition.Parent;

            // Create a movable copy of a splitPosition
            if (splitPosition.IsFrozen) 
                splitPosition = new TextPointer(splitPosition); 

            if (!keepEmptyFormatting && splitPosition.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Backward) == TextPointerContext.ElementStart) 
                // The first part of element is empty. We are allowed to remove empty formatting elements,
                // so we can simply move splitPotision outside of the element and we are done
            else if (!keepEmptyFormatting && splitPosition.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Forward) == TextPointerContext.ElementEnd) 
                // The second part of element is empty. We are allowed to remove empty formatting elements,
                // so we can simply move splitPotision outside of the element and we are done. 
                splitPosition = SplitElement(splitPosition);
            return splitPosition;
Esempio n. 9
        // Helper that returns a word preceeding the passed position in its paragraph,
        // wordStartPosition points to the start position of word.
        private static string GetPreceedingWordInParagraph(TextPointer position, out TextPointer wordStartPosition)
            wordStartPosition = null;
            string word = String.Empty;

            Paragraph paragraph = position.Paragraph;
            if (paragraph != null)
                TextPointer navigator = position;
                while (navigator.CompareTo(paragraph.ContentStart) > 0)
                    string runText = navigator.GetTextInRun(LogicalDirection.Backward);

                    if (runText.Contains(" ")) // Any globalized application would need more sophisticated word break testing.
                        int index = runText.LastIndexOf(" ");
                        word = runText.Substring(index + 1, runText.Length - index - 1) + word;
                        wordStartPosition = navigator.GetPositionAtOffset(-1 * (runText.Length - index - 1));
                        wordStartPosition = navigator;
                        word = runText + word;
                    navigator = navigator.GetNextContextPosition(LogicalDirection.Backward);

            return word;
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new Span instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="childInline">
        /// Optional child Inline for the new Span.  May be null.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="insertionPosition">
        /// Optional position at which to insert the new Span.  May be null.
        /// </param>
        public Span(Inline childInline, TextPointer insertionPosition)
            if (insertionPosition != null)
                if (insertionPosition != null)
                    // This will throw InvalidOperationException if schema validity is violated.

                if (childInline != null)
                if (insertionPosition != null)
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>

        /// 1.  When wordBreakDirection = Forward, returns a position at the end of the word,

        ///     i.e. a position with a wordBreak character (space) following it.

        /// 2.  When wordBreakDirection = Backward, returns a position at the start of the word,

        ///     i.e. a position with a wordBreak character (space) preceeding it.

        /// 3.  Returns null when there is no workbreak in the requested direction.

        /// </summary>

        private static TextPointer GetPositionAtWordBoundary(TextPointer position, LogicalDirection wordBreakDirection)

            if (!position.IsAtInsertionPosition)

                position = position.GetInsertionPosition(wordBreakDirection);


            TextPointer navigator = position;

            while (navigator != null && !IsPositionNextToWordBreak(navigator, wordBreakDirection))

                navigator = navigator.GetNextInsertionPosition(wordBreakDirection);


            return navigator;

Esempio n. 12
		public int CompareTo (TextPointer position)
			if (position == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("position");

			return NativeMethods.text_pointer_compare_to (native, position.native);
Esempio n. 13
        private void OnKeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
            if (e.Key != Key.Back && e.Key != Key.Space && e.Key != Key.Return)

            if (!Selection.IsEmpty)
                Selection.Text = string.Empty;

            if (e.Key == Key.Space || e.Key == Key.Return)
                myWordsAdded = true;
                mySelectionStartPosition = Selection.Start;
                mySelectionEndPosition = Selection.End.GetPositionAtOffset(0, LogicalDirection.Forward);

                // Hyperlink detection will be done in OnTextChanged()
            else // Key.Back
                var newCaretPosition = DocumentFacade.RemoveHyperlink(Selection.Start);
                if (newCaretPosition != null)
                    // Update selection, since we deleted Hyperlink element and caretPosition was at that Hyperlink's end boundary.
                    Selection.Select(newCaretPosition, newCaretPosition);
Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform the appropriate action for this unit.  If this is a parent undo unit, the
        /// parent must create an appropriate parent undo unit to contain the redo units.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Do() 
            UndoManager undoManager;        
            IParentUndoUnit redo;
            TextPointer textPointerTable;
            Table table;
            undoManager = TopContainer as UndoManager;
            redo = null;

            textPointerTable = new TextPointer(_textContainer.Start, _cpTable, LogicalDirection.Forward); 
            table = (Table) textPointerTable.Parent;  

            _columnWidths[_columnIndex] -= _resizeAmount;
            if(_columnIndex < table.ColumnCount - 1)
                _columnWidths[_columnIndex + 1] += _resizeAmount;

            if(undoManager != null && undoManager.IsEnabled)
                redo = new ColumnResizeUndoUnit(textPointerTable, _columnIndex, _columnWidths, -_resizeAmount);

            TextRangeEditTables.EnsureTableColumnsAreFixedSize(table, _columnWidths);
            if(redo != null)
                undoManager.Close(redo, UndoCloseAction.Commit);
        //  Public Methods

        #region Public Methods

        // Called by the undo manager.  Restores tree state to its condition
        // when the unit was created.  Assumes the tree state matches conditions
        // just after the unit was created.
        public override void DoCore()
            TextPointer start;
            TextPointer end;
            TextElement element;


            start = new TextPointer(this.TextContainer, this.SymbolOffset, LogicalDirection.Forward);
            end = new TextPointer(this.TextContainer, this.SymbolOffset + _symbolCount - 2, LogicalDirection.Forward);

            // Insert a new element.
            element = (TextElement)Activator.CreateInstance(_type);
            element.Reposition(start, end);

            // Restore local resources
            element.Resources = _resources;

            // Move end into the scope of the new element.
            // Then restore local property values.
            this.TextContainer.SetValues(end, ArrayToLocalValueEnumerator(_localValues));

            if (element is Table)
                TextTreeDeleteContentUndoUnit.RestoreColumns((Table)element, _columns);
        //  Public Methods

        #region Public Methods

        // Called by the undo manager.  Restores tree state to its condition
        // when the unit was created.  Assumes the tree state matches conditions
        // just after the unit was created.
        public override void DoCore()
            TextPointer start;
            TextPointer end;
            TextElement element;


            start = new TextPointer(this.TextContainer, this.SymbolOffset, LogicalDirection.Forward);

            Invariant.Assert(start.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Forward) == TextPointerContext.ElementStart, "TextTree undo unit out of [....] with TextTree.");

            element = start.GetAdjacentElementFromOuterPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward);

            if (_deep)
                // Extract the element and its content.
                end = new TextPointer(this.TextContainer, element.TextElementNode, ElementEdge.AfterEnd);
                this.TextContainer.DeleteContentInternal(start, end);
                // Just extract the element, not its content.
Esempio n. 17
        public bool CanMerge(RichTextBox edit, TextPointer insertPosition)
            if (edit.Document.ContentStart.GetOffsetToPosition(insertPosition) == __OffsetEnd &&
                return true;

            return false;
    public int CompareTo(TextPointer position)
      Contract.Requires(position != null);
      Contract.Ensures(-1 <= Contract.Result<int>());
      Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<int>() <= 1);

      return default(int);
Esempio n. 19
        // Helper that returns true if passed caretPosition and backspacePosition cross a hyperlink end boundary
        // (under the assumption that caretPosition and backSpacePosition are adjacent insertion positions).
        private static bool IsHyperlinkBoundaryCrossed(TextPointer caretPosition, TextPointer backspacePosition, out Hyperlink backspacePositionHyperlink)
            Hyperlink caretPositionHyperlink = GetHyperlinkAncestor(caretPosition);
            backspacePositionHyperlink = GetHyperlinkAncestor(backspacePosition);

            return (caretPositionHyperlink == null && backspacePositionHyperlink != null) ||
                (caretPositionHyperlink != null && backspacePositionHyperlink != null && caretPositionHyperlink != backspacePositionHyperlink);
Esempio n. 20
        internal static TextPointer SafePositionAtOffset(FlowDocument document, TextPointer textPointer, int offsetStart)
            var pointer = textPointer.GetPositionAtOffset(offsetStart);
            if (pointer == null)
                    return document.ContentEnd;

            return pointer;
Esempio n. 21
        private void OnPasted(object sender, DataObjectPastingEventArgs e)
            myWordsAdded = true;
            mySelectionStartPosition = Selection.Start;
            mySelectionEndPosition = Selection.IsEmpty ? Selection.End.GetPositionAtOffset(0, LogicalDirection.Forward) : Selection.End;

            // Hyperlink detection will be done in OnTextChanged()
Esempio n. 22
        //  Public Methods

        //  Public Properties

        //  Protected Methods

        //  Internal Methods

        #region Internal methods.

        /// <summary>
        /// Writes the container into the specified XmlWriter.
        /// </summary>
        internal void Write(TextPointer start, TextPointer end, XmlWriter writer)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(start != null);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(end != null);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(start.CompareTo(end) <= 0);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(writer != null);

            WriteContainer(start, end, writer);
Esempio n. 23
 internal ColumnResizeUndoUnit(TextPointer textPointerTable, int columnIndex, double[] columnWidths, double resizeAmount) : base("ColumnResize")
     _textContainer = textPointerTable.TextContainer;
     _cpTable = _textContainer.Start.GetOffsetToPosition(textPointerTable);
     _columnWidths = columnWidths;
     _columnIndex = columnIndex;
     _resizeAmount = resizeAmount;            
Esempio n. 24
		public void Select (TextPointer anchorPosition, TextPointer movingPosition)
			if (anchorPosition == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("anchorPosition");
			if (movingPosition == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("movingPosition");

			NativeMethods.text_selection_select (native, anchorPosition.native, movingPosition.native);
 public FindAndReplaceManager(FlowDocument inputDocument)
     if (inputDocument == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("需要给构造函数传入一个有效的FlowDocument对象");
     this.inputDocument = inputDocument;
     this.currentPosition = inputDocument.ContentStart;
Esempio n. 26
        // public static methods
        /// <summary>
        /// resolves text effect on a text range to a list of text effect targets.
        /// The method will walk the text and perform the following task:
        /// 1) For each continous block of text, create a text effect targeting the scoping element
        /// 2) For the text effect created, calculate the starting cp index and cp count for the effect
        /// The method will create freezable copy of the TextEffect passed in and fill in 
        /// CharacterIndex and Count for the range.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startPosition">starting text pointer</param>
        /// <param name="endPosition">end text pointer</param>
        /// <param name="effect">effect that is apply on the text</param>
        public static TextEffectTarget[] Resolve(
            TextPointer             startPosition, 
            TextPointer             endPosition,
            TextEffect              effect
            if (effect == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("effect");

            ValidationHelper.VerifyPositionPair(startPosition, endPosition);            
            TextPointer   effectStart   = new TextPointer(startPosition);            

            // move to the first character symbol at or after Start position

            TextEffect effectCopy;
            List<TextEffectTarget> list = new List<TextEffectTarget>();

            // we will now traverse the TOM and resolve text effects to the immediate parent 
            // of the characters. We are effectively applying the text effect onto 
            // block of continous text.
            while (effectStart.CompareTo(endPosition) < 0)
                // create a copy of the text effect 
                // so that we can set the CharacterIndex and Count
                effectCopy                 = effect.Clone();

                // create a position
                TextPointer continuousTextEnd = new TextPointer(effectStart);
                // move the position to the end of the continuous text block
                MoveToFirstNonCharacterSymbol(continuousTextEnd, endPosition);

                // make sure we are not out of the range
                continuousTextEnd = (TextPointer)TextPointerBase.Min(continuousTextEnd, endPosition);

                // set the character index to be the distance from the Start 
                // of this text block to the Start of the text container
                effectCopy.PositionStart = effectStart.TextContainer.Start.GetOffsetToPosition(effectStart);

                // count is the distance from the text block start to end
                effectCopy.PositionCount = effectStart.GetOffsetToPosition(continuousTextEnd);

                    new TextEffectTarget(
                // move the effectStart to the beginning of the next text block.
                effectStart = continuousTextEnd;

            return list.ToArray();
Esempio n. 27
        void SetDecorations(swd.TextRange range, sw.TextDecorationCollection decorations, bool value)
            using (Control.DeclareChangeBlock())
                // set the property to each element in the range so it keeps all other decorations
                foreach (var element in range.GetInlineElements())
                    var existingDecorations = element.GetValue(swd.Inline.TextDecorationsProperty) as sw.TextDecorationCollection;

                    // need to keep the range before changing otherwise the range changes
                    var elementRange = new swd.TextRange(element.ElementStart, element.ElementEnd);

                    sw.TextDecorationCollection newDecorations = null;

                    // remove decorations from the element
                    element.SetValue(swd.Inline.TextDecorationsProperty, null);

                    if (existingDecorations != null && existingDecorations.Count > 0)
                        // merge desired decorations with existing decorations.
                        if (value)
                            newDecorations = new sw.TextDecorationCollection(existingDecorations.Union(decorations));
                            newDecorations = new sw.TextDecorationCollection(existingDecorations.Except(decorations));

                        // split up existing decorations to the parts of the element that don't fall within the range
                        existingDecorations = new sw.TextDecorationCollection(existingDecorations);                         // copy so we don't update existing elements
                        if (elementRange.Start.CompareTo(range.Start) < 0)
                            new swd.TextRange(elementRange.Start, range.Start).ApplyPropertyValue(swd.Inline.TextDecorationsProperty, existingDecorations);
                        if (elementRange.End.CompareTo(range.End) > 0)
                            new swd.TextRange(range.End, elementRange.End).ApplyPropertyValue(swd.Inline.TextDecorationsProperty, existingDecorations);
                        // no existing decorations, just set the new value
                        newDecorations = value ? decorations : null;

                    if (newDecorations != null && newDecorations.Count > 0)
                        // apply new decorations to the desired range, which may be a combination of existing decorations
                        swd.TextPointer start = elementRange.Start.CompareTo(range.Start) < 0 ? range.Start : elementRange.Start;
                        swd.TextPointer end   = elementRange.End.CompareTo(range.End) > 0 ? range.End : elementRange.End;
                        new swd.TextRange(start, end).ApplyPropertyValue(swd.Inline.TextDecorationsProperty, newDecorations);
Esempio n. 28
        // Helper that returns a hyperlink ancestor of passed position.
        private static Hyperlink GetHyperlinkAncestor(TextPointer position)
            Inline parent = position.Parent as Inline;
            while (parent != null && !(parent is Hyperlink))
                parent = parent.Parent as Inline;

            return parent as Hyperlink;
Esempio n. 29
        public static TextPointer RemoveHyperlink(TextPointer start)
            var backspacePosition = start.GetNextInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Backward);
            Hyperlink hyperlink;
            if (backspacePosition == null || !IsHyperlinkBoundaryCrossed(start, backspacePosition, out hyperlink))
                return null;

            // Remember caretPosition with forward gravity. This is necessary since we are going to delete
            // the hyperlink element preceeding caretPosition and after deletion current caretPosition
            // (with backward gravity) will follow content preceeding the hyperlink.
            // We want to remember content following the hyperlink to set new caret position at.

            var newCaretPosition = start.GetPositionAtOffset(0, LogicalDirection.Forward);

            // Deleting the hyperlink is done using logic below.

            // 1. Copy its children Inline to a temporary array.
            var hyperlinkChildren = hyperlink.Inlines;
            var inlines = new Inline[hyperlinkChildren.Count];
            hyperlinkChildren.CopyTo(inlines, 0);

            // 2. Remove each child from parent hyperlink element and insert it after the hyperlink.
            for (int i = inlines.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                hyperlink.SiblingInlines.InsertAfter(hyperlink, inlines[i]);

            // 3. Apply hyperlink's local formatting properties to inlines (which are now outside hyperlink scope).
            var localProperties = hyperlink.GetLocalValueEnumerator();
            var inlineRange = new TextRange(inlines[0].ContentStart, inlines[inlines.Length - 1].ContentEnd);

            while (localProperties.MoveNext())
                var property = localProperties.Current;
                var dp = property.Property;
                object value = property.Value;

                if (!dp.ReadOnly &&
                    dp != Inline.TextDecorationsProperty && // Ignore hyperlink defaults.
                    dp != TextElement.ForegroundProperty &&
                    dp != BaseUriHelper.BaseUriProperty &&
                    inlineRange.ApplyPropertyValue(dp, value);

            // 4. Delete the (empty) hyperlink element.

            return newCaretPosition;
Esempio n. 30
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
        // Internal Methods
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------

        #region Internal Methods
        internal static TextElement InsertElementClone(TextPointer start, TextPointer end, TextElement element)
            TextElement newElement = (TextElement)Activator.CreateInstance(element.GetType()); 

            // Copy properties to the newElement 
            newElement.TextContainer.SetValues(newElement.ContentStart, element.GetLocalValueEnumerator());

            newElement.Reposition(start, end);
            return newElement;
Esempio n. 31
        // По указателю в тексте получает индекс символа в тексте, связанного с этим указателем.
        // Причем текст считается относительно начала параграфа, в котором находится этот указатель
        public static int GetTextIndexInParagraphFromPointer(TextPointer pointer)
            if (pointer != null)
                // Такой вот извращенный способ узнать индекс символа в строке
                TextRange textRange = new TextRange(pointer.Paragraph.ContentStart, pointer);
                return textRange.Text.Length;

            return -1;
        //  Public Methods

        #region Public Methods

        // Called by the undo manager.  Restores tree state to its condition
        // when the unit was created.  Assumes the tree state matches conditions
        // just after the unit was created.
        public override void DoCore()
            TextPointer start;
            TextPointer end;


            start = new TextPointer(this.TextContainer, this.SymbolOffset, LogicalDirection.Forward);
            end = new TextPointer(this.TextContainer, this.SymbolOffset + _symbolCount, LogicalDirection.Forward);

            this.TextContainer.DeleteContentInternal(start, end);
Esempio n. 33
        public static int GetTextOffset(this swd.TextPointer position)
            var offset = 0;

            while (position != null)
                if (position.GetPointerContext(swd.LogicalDirection.Backward) == swd.TextPointerContext.Text)
                    offset += position.GetTextRunLength(swd.LogicalDirection.Backward);

                var nextContextPosition = position.GetNextContextPosition(swd.LogicalDirection.Backward);
                if (nextContextPosition == null)

                position = nextContextPosition;

Esempio n. 34
        // Callback for FrameworkElement.ContextMenuOpeningEvent.
        // If the control is using the default ContextMenu, we initialize it
        // here.
        internal static void OnContextMenuOpening(object sender, ContextMenuEventArgs e)
            TextEditor   This = TextEditor._GetTextEditor(sender);
            const double KeyboardInvokedSentinel = -1.0; // e.CursorLeft has this value when the menu is invoked with the keyboard.

            if (This == null || This.TextView == null)

            // Get the mouse position that base on RenderScope which we will set
            // the caret on the RenderScope.
            Point       renderScopeMouseDownPoint = Mouse.GetPosition(This.TextView.RenderScope);
            ContextMenu contextMenu = null;
            bool        startPositionCustomElementMenu = false;

            if (This.IsReadOnly)
                // If the TextEditor is ReadOnly, only take action if
                // 1. The selection is non-empty AND
                // 2. The user clicked inside the selection.
                if ((e.CursorLeft != KeyboardInvokedSentinel && !This.Selection.Contains(renderScopeMouseDownPoint)) ||
                    (e.CursorLeft == KeyboardInvokedSentinel && This.Selection.IsEmpty))
            else if ((This.Selection.IsEmpty || e.TargetElement is TextElement) &&
                     e.TargetElement != null)
                // Targeted element has its own ContextMenu, don't override it.
                contextMenu = (ContextMenu)e.TargetElement.GetValue(FrameworkElement.ContextMenuProperty);
            else if (e.CursorLeft == KeyboardInvokedSentinel)
                // If the menu was invoked from the keyboard, walk up the tree
                // from the selection.Start looking for a custom menu.
                TextPointer start = GetContentPosition(This.Selection.Start) as TextPointer;
                if (start != null)
                    TextElement element = start.Parent as TextElement;

                    while (element != null)
                        contextMenu = (ContextMenu)element.GetValue(FrameworkElement.ContextMenuProperty);
                        if (contextMenu != null)
                            startPositionCustomElementMenu = true;
                        element = element.Parent as TextElement;

            // Update the selection caret.
            // A negative offset for e.CursorLeft means the user invoked
            // the menu with a hotkey (shift-F10).  Don't mess with the caret
            // unless the user right-clicked.
            if (e.CursorLeft != KeyboardInvokedSentinel)
                if (!TextEditorMouse.IsPointWithinInteractiveArea(This, Mouse.GetPosition(This.UiScope)))
                    // Don't bring up a context menu if the user clicked on non-editable space.

                // Don't update the selection caret if we're bringing up a custom UIElement
                // ContextMenu.
                if (contextMenu == null || !(e.TargetElement is UIElement))
                    using (This.Selection.DeclareChangeBlock()) // NB: This raises a PUBLIC EVENT.
                        // If we're not over the selection, move the caret.
                        if (!This.Selection.Contains(renderScopeMouseDownPoint))
                            TextEditorMouse.SetCaretPositionOnMouseEvent(This, renderScopeMouseDownPoint, MouseButton.Right, 1 /* clickCount */);

            if (contextMenu == null)
                // If someone explicitly set it null -- don't mess with it.
                if (This.UiScope.ReadLocalValue(FrameworkElement.ContextMenuProperty) == null)

                // Grab whatever's set to the UiScope's ContextMenu property.
                contextMenu = This.UiScope.ContextMenu;

            // If we are here, it means that either a custom context menu or our default context menu will be opened.
            // Setting this flag ensures that we dont loose selection highlight while the context menu is open.
            This.IsContextMenuOpen = true;

            // If it's not null, someone's overriding our default -- don't mess with it.
            if (contextMenu != null && !startPositionCustomElementMenu)
                // If the user previously raised the ContextMenu with the keyboard,
                // we've left h/v offsets non-zero, and they need to be cleared now
                // for mouse placement to work.
                contextMenu.HorizontalOffset = 0;
                contextMenu.VerticalOffset   = 0;

                // Since ContextMenuService doesn't open the menu, it won't fire a ContextMenuClosing event.
                // We need to listen to the Closed event of the ContextMenu itself so we can clear the
                // IsContextMenuOpen flag.  We also do this for the default menu later in this method.
                contextMenu.Closed += new RoutedEventHandler(OnContextMenuClosed);

            // Complete the composition before creating the editor context menu.

            if (contextMenu == null)
                // It's a default null, so spin up a temporary ContextMenu now.
                contextMenu = new EditorContextMenu();
            contextMenu.Placement       = PlacementMode.RelativePoint;
            contextMenu.PlacementTarget = This.UiScope;

            ITextPointer     position = null;
            LogicalDirection direction;

            // Position the ContextMenu.

            SpellingError spellingError = (contextMenu is EditorContextMenu) ? This.GetSpellingErrorAtSelection() : null;

            if (spellingError != null)
                // If we have a matching speller error at the selection
                // start, position relative to the end of the error.
                position  = spellingError.End;
                direction = LogicalDirection.Backward;
            else if (e.CursorLeft == KeyboardInvokedSentinel)
                // A negative offset for e.CursorLeft means the user invoked
                // the menu with a hotkey (shift-F10).  Place the menu
                // relative to Selection.Start.
                position  = This.Selection.Start;
                direction = LogicalDirection.Forward;
                direction = LogicalDirection.Forward;

            // Calculate coordinats for the ContextMenu.
            // They must be set relative to UIScope - as EditorContextMenu constructor assumes.
            if (position != null && position.CreatePointer(direction).HasValidLayout)
                double horizontalOffset;
                double verticalOffset;

                GetClippedPositionOffsets(This, position, direction, out horizontalOffset, out verticalOffset);

                contextMenu.HorizontalOffset = horizontalOffset;
                contextMenu.VerticalOffset   = verticalOffset;
                Point uiScopeMouseDownPoint = Mouse.GetPosition(This.UiScope);

                contextMenu.HorizontalOffset = uiScopeMouseDownPoint.X;
                contextMenu.VerticalOffset   = uiScopeMouseDownPoint.Y;

            // Since ContextMenuService doesn't open the menu, it won't fire a ContextMenuClosing event.
            // We need to listen to the Closed event of the ContextMenu itself so we can clear the
            // IsContextMenuOpen flag.
            contextMenu.Closed += new RoutedEventHandler(OnContextMenuClosed);

            // This line raises a public event.
            contextMenu.IsOpen = true;

            e.Handled = true;
Esempio n. 35
 // Inserts the content held by this container at a specified position.
 // Navigator is positioned just past the new content on return.
 // Navigator is expected to have forward gravity.
 internal abstract void Do(TextPointer navigator);
Esempio n. 36
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new Span instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="childInline">
 /// Optional child Inline for the new Span.  May be null.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="insertionPosition">
 /// Optional position at which to insert the new Span.  May be null.
 /// </param>
 public Hyperlink(Inline childInline, TextPointer insertionPosition) : base(childInline, insertionPosition)
 public bool Contains(TextPointer textPointer)
Esempio n. 38
 internal static bool IsValidChild(TextPointer position, Type childType)
     return(ValidateChild(position, childType, false /* throwIfIllegalChild */, false /* throwIfIllegalHyperlinkDescendent */));
 public TextRange(TextPointer position1, TextPointer position2)
 public System.Windows.Documents.TextPointer GetNextSpellingErrorPosition(System.Windows.Documents.TextPointer position, System.Windows.Documents.LogicalDirection direction)
 // Token: 0x06003AA5 RID: 15013 RVA: 0x00109F45 File Offset: 0x00108145
 internal TextRange(TextPointer position1, TextPointer position2, bool useRestrictiveXamlXmlReader) : this(position1, position2)
     this._useRestrictiveXamlXmlReader = useRestrictiveXamlXmlReader;
 /// <summary>Updates the current selection, taking two <see cref="T:System.Windows.Documents.TextPointer" /> positions to indicate the updated selection.</summary>
 /// <param name="position1">A fixed anchor position that marks one end of the updated selection.</param>
 /// <param name="position2">A movable position that marks the other end of the updated selection.</param>
 /// <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Occurs when <paramref name="position1" /> and <paramref name="position2" /> are not positioned within the same document.</exception>
 /// <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Occurs when <paramref name="position1" /> or <paramref name="position2" /> is <see langword="null" />.</exception>
 // Token: 0x06003AD2 RID: 15058 RVA: 0x0010A137 File Offset: 0x00108337
 public void Select(TextPointer position1, TextPointer position2)
     ((ITextRange)this).Select(position1, position2);
 // Token: 0x06003AD3 RID: 15059 RVA: 0x0010A141 File Offset: 0x00108341
 internal void SelectWord(TextPointer textPointer)
Esempio n. 44
 /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Documents.Floater" /> class with the specified <see cref="T:System.Windows.Documents.Block" /> object as its initial content, and a <see cref="T:System.Windows.Documents.TextPointer" /> that specifies an insertion position for the new <see cref="T:System.Windows.Documents.Floater" />.</summary>
 /// <param name="childBlock">The initial content of the new <see cref="T:System.Windows.Documents.Floater" />. This parameter can be <see langword="null" />, in which case no <see cref="T:System.Windows.Documents.Block" /> is inserted.</param>
 /// <param name="insertionPosition">The position at which to insert the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Documents.Floater" /> element after it is created.</param>
 // Token: 0x06002F05 RID: 12037 RVA: 0x000C94AF File Offset: 0x000C76AF
 public Floater(Block childBlock, TextPointer insertionPosition) : base(childBlock, insertionPosition)
Esempio n. 45
        // Private Methods

        #region Private Methods

        /// <summary>
        /// Changed handler for the Text property.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="d">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">A PropertyChangedEventArgs that contains the event data.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// We can't assume the value is a string here -- it may be a DeferredRunTextReference.
        /// </remarks>
        private static void OnTextPropertyChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            Run run = (Run)d;

            // Return if this update was caused by a TextContainer change or a reentrant change.
            if (run._changeEventNestingCount > 0)


            // CoerceText will have already converted null -> String.Empty, but our default
            // CoerceValueCallback could be overridden by a derived class.  So check again here.
            string newText = (string)e.NewValue;

            if (newText == null)
                newText = String.Empty;

            // Run.TextProperty has changed. Update the backing store.
                TextContainer textContainer = run.TextContainer;

                    TextPointer contentStart = run.ContentStart;
                    if (!run.IsEmpty)
                        textContainer.DeleteContentInternal(contentStart, run.ContentEnd);

            // We need to clear undo stack if we are in a RichTextBox and the value comes from
            // data binding or some other expression.
            FlowDocument document = run.TextContainer.Parent as FlowDocument;

            if (document != null)
                RichTextBox rtb = document.Parent as RichTextBox;
                if (rtb != null && run.HasExpression(run.LookupEntry(Run.TextProperty.GlobalIndex), Run.TextProperty))
                    UndoManager undoManager = rtb.TextEditor._GetUndoManager();
                    if (undoManager != null && undoManager.IsEnabled)
 /// <summary>Checks whether a position (specified by a <see cref="T:System.Windows.Documents.TextPointer" />) is located within the current selection.</summary>
 /// <param name="textPointer">A position to test for inclusion in the current selection.</param>
 /// <returns>
 ///     <see langword="true" /> if the specified position is located within the current selection; otherwise, <see langword="false" />.</returns>
 /// <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Occurs when textPointer is not in the same document as the current selection.</exception>
 // Token: 0x06003AD1 RID: 15057 RVA: 0x0010A12E File Offset: 0x0010832E
 public bool Contains(TextPointer textPointer)
        public System.Windows.Documents.TextRange GetSpellingErrorRange(System.Windows.Documents.TextPointer position)
            Contract.Requires(position != null);

 /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Documents.TextRange" /> class, taking two specified <see cref="T:System.Windows.Documents.TextPointer" /> positions as the beginning and end positions for the new range.</summary>
 /// <param name="position1">A fixed anchor position that marks one end of the selection used to form the new <see cref="T:System.Windows.Documents.TextRange" />.</param>
 /// <param name="position2">A movable position that marks the other end of the selection used to form the new <see cref="T:System.Windows.Documents.TextRange" />.</param>
 /// <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Occurs when <paramref name="position1" /> and <paramref name="position2" /> are not positioned within the same document.</exception>
 /// <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Occurs when <paramref name="position1" /> or <paramref name="position2" /> is <see langword="null" />.</exception>
 // Token: 0x06003AA2 RID: 15010 RVA: 0x00109ECC File Offset: 0x001080CC
 public TextRange(TextPointer position1, TextPointer position2) : this(position1, position2)
        public int GetOffsetToPosition(TextPointer position)
            Contract.Requires(position != null);

Esempio n. 50
        //  Constructors

        #region Constructors

        // Creates a new instance.
        // start/end span the content to copy into the new undo unit -- they
        // should always share the same scoping TextElement.
        internal TextTreeDeleteContentUndoUnit(TextContainer tree, TextPointer start, TextPointer end) : base(tree, start.GetSymbolOffset())
            TextTreeNode node;
            TextTreeNode haltNode;

            Invariant.Assert(start.GetScopingNode() == end.GetScopingNode(), "start/end have different scope!");

            node     = start.GetAdjacentNode(LogicalDirection.Forward);
            haltNode = end.GetAdjacentNode(LogicalDirection.Forward);

            // Walk the content, copying runs as we go.
            _content = CopyContent(node, haltNode);
 public bool IsInSameDocument(TextPointer textPosition)
Esempio n. 52
 // Inserts the content held by this container at a specified position.
 // Navigator is positioned just past the new content on return.
 // Navigator is expected to have forward gravity.
 internal override void Do(TextPointer navigator)
     navigator.TextContainer.InsertTextInternal(navigator, _text);
Esempio n. 53
        // Adds a DeleteContentUndoUnit to the open parent undo unit, if any.
        // Called by TextContainer.DeleteContent.
        internal static TextTreeDeleteContentUndoUnit CreateDeleteContentUndoUnit(TextContainer tree, TextPointer start, TextPointer end)
            UndoManager undoManager;
            TextTreeDeleteContentUndoUnit undoUnit;

            if (start.CompareTo(end) == 0)

            undoManager = GetOrClearUndoManager(tree);
            if (undoManager == null)

            undoUnit = new TextTreeDeleteContentUndoUnit(tree, start, end);


 public void Select(TextPointer position1, TextPointer position2)