Esempio n. 1
 public ActionResult Data(string stock,int? total,string date)
     stock = string.IsNullOrEmpty(stock) ? null : stock;
     total = total ?? 60;
     date = date?? DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1).ToShortDateString();
     string s = null;
     var cache = MemoryCache.Default;
     var key = "SData" + (total == null ? "" : "_" + total.ToString()) + (date == null ? "" : "_" + date) + (stock == null ? "" : "_" + stock.ToString());
     var cacheObj = cache[key];
     if (cacheObj != null)
         s = (string)cacheObj;
         return this.Content(s, "text/xml");
         var data = new DBStockQuoteData().GetStockPrice(stock, total.Value, DateTime.ParseExact(date,"yyyyMMdd",null));
         XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(StockPrice[]));
         StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
         serializer.Serialize(writer, data);
         s = writer.ToString();
         cache.Set(key, s, DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddHours(23));
         return this.Content(s, "text/xml");
 public void GetStockPriceTest()
     DBStockQuoteData target = new DBStockQuoteData(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     string secuCode = string.Empty; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     int numRecord = 0; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     DateTime endDate = new DateTime(2011,01,20); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     StockPrice[] expected = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     StockPrice[] actual;
     actual = target.GetStockPrice("000001", 1, endDate);
        public void CalcReturnTest()
            DBStockQuoteData target = new DBStockQuoteData(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            List<string> secuCode = new List<string>{"000001"}; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            DateTime startTime = new DateTime(2011,1,3); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            DateTime endTime = new DateTime(2011,1,5); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

             //   var actual = target.CalcReturn(secuCode, startTime, endTime);
             //   Assert.AreNotEqual(null, actual);
            //    Assert.IsTrue(actual.Exists(s=>s.SecuCode == "000001"));
            //    Assert.IsTrue(actual.Where(s=>s.SecuCode == "000001").First().Value != default(double));