Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>Generator for BDD Unicode category definitions.</summary>
        /// <param name="namespacename">namespace for the class</param>
        /// <param name="classname">name of the class</param>
        /// <param name="path">path where the file classname.cs is written</param>
        public static void Generate(string namespacename, string classname, string path)
            Debug.Assert(namespacename != null);
            Debug.Assert(classname != null);
            Debug.Assert(path != null);

            using StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter($"{Path.Combine(path, classname)}.cs");
                $@"// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.

// This is a programmatically generated file from Regex.GenerateUnicodeTables.
// It provides serialized BDD Unicode category definitions for System.Environment.Version = {Environment.Version}

using System.Globalization;

namespace {namespacename}
    internal static class {classname}
            var catMap = new Dictionary <UnicodeCategory, Ranges>();

            foreach (UnicodeCategory c in Enum.GetValues <UnicodeCategory>())
                catMap[c] = new Ranges();

            Ranges whitespace      = new Ranges();
            Regex  whitespaceRegex = new(@"\s");

            for (int i = 0; i <= char.MaxValue; i++)
                char ch = (char)i;
                if (whitespaceRegex.IsMatch(ch.ToString()))

            var charSetSolver = new CharSetSolver();

            sw.WriteLine("        /// <summary>Serialized BDD representation of the set of all whitespace characters.</summary>");
            sw.Write($"        public static ReadOnlySpan<byte> SerializedWhitespaceBDD => ");
            WriteByteArrayInitSyntax(sw, charSetSolver.CreateSetFromRanges(whitespace.ranges).SerializeToBytes());

            // Generate a BDD representation of each UnicodeCategory.
            BDD[] catBDDs = new BDD[catMap.Count];
            for (int c = 0; c < catBDDs.Length; c++)
                catBDDs[c] = charSetSolver.CreateSetFromRanges(catMap[(UnicodeCategory)c].ranges);

            sw.WriteLine("        /// <summary>Gets the serialized BDD representations of any defined UnicodeCategory.</summary>");
            sw.WriteLine("        public static ReadOnlySpan<byte> GetSerializedCategory(UnicodeCategory category) =>");
            sw.WriteLine("            (int)category switch");
            sw.WriteLine("            {");
            for (int i = 0; i < catBDDs.Length; i++)
                sw.WriteLine($"                {i} => SerializedCategory{i}_{(UnicodeCategory)i},");
            sw.WriteLine($"                _ => default,");
            sw.WriteLine("            };");

            for (int i = 0; i < catBDDs.Length; i++)
                sw.WriteLine($"        /// <summary>Serialized BDD representation of the set of all characters in UnicodeCategory.{(UnicodeCategory)i}.</summary>");
                sw.Write($"        private static ReadOnlySpan<byte> SerializedCategory{i}_{(UnicodeCategory)i} => ");
                WriteByteArrayInitSyntax(sw, catBDDs[i].SerializeToBytes());

            sw.WriteLine($@"    }}