Esempio n. 1
        public override IEnumerable <string> SampleMatches(int k, int randomseed)
            // Zero is treated as no seed, instead using a system provided one
            Random random = randomseed != 0 ? new Random(randomseed) : new Random();

            ISolver <TSet> solver        = _builder._solver;
            CharSetSolver  charSetSolver = _builder._charSetSolver;

            // Create helper BDDs for handling anchors and preferentially generating ASCII inputs
            BDD asciiWordCharacters = charSetSolver.Or(new BDD[] {
                charSetSolver.CreateBDDFromRange('A', 'Z'),
                charSetSolver.CreateBDDFromRange('a', 'z'),
                charSetSolver.CreateBDDFromRange('0', '9')
            // Visible ASCII range for input character generation
            BDD ascii = charSetSolver.CreateBDDFromRange('\x20', '\x7E');
            BDD asciiNonWordCharacters = charSetSolver.And(ascii, charSetSolver.Not(asciiWordCharacters));

            // Set up two sets of minterms, one with the additional special minterm for the last end-of-line
            Debug.Assert(_builder._minterms is not null);
            int[] mintermIdsWithoutZ = new int[_builder._minterms.Length];
            int[] mintermIdsWithZ    = new int[_builder._minterms.Length + 1];
            for (int i = 0; i < _builder._minterms.Length; ++i)
                mintermIdsWithoutZ[i] = i;
                mintermIdsWithZ[i]    = i;
            mintermIdsWithZ[_builder._minterms.Length] = _builder._minterms.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
                // Holds the generated input so far
                StringBuilder inputSoFar      = new();
                StringBuilder?latestCandidate = null;

                // Current set of states reached initially contains just the root
                NfaMatchingState states = new(_builder);
                // Here one could also consider previous characters for example for \b, \B, and ^ anchors
                // and initialize inputSoFar accordingly
                states.InitializeFrom(_initialStates[GetCharKind(ReadOnlySpan <char> .Empty, -1)]);
                CurrentState statesWrapper = new(states);

                // Used for end suffixes
                List <string> possibleEndings = new();

                while (true)
                    Debug.Assert(states.NfaStateSet.Count > 0);

                    // Gather the possible endings for satisfying nullability
                    if (NfaStateHandler.CanBeNullable(ref statesWrapper))
                        // Unconditionally final state or end of the input due to \Z anchor for example
                        if (NfaStateHandler.IsNullable(ref statesWrapper) ||
                            NfaStateHandler.IsNullableFor(_builder, ref statesWrapper, CharKind.BeginningEnd))

                        // End of line due to end-of-line anchor
                        if (NfaStateHandler.IsNullableFor(_builder, ref statesWrapper, CharKind.Newline))

                        // Related to wordborder due to \b or \B
                        if (NfaStateHandler.IsNullableFor(_builder, ref statesWrapper, CharKind.WordLetter))
                            possibleEndings.Add(ChooseChar(random, asciiWordCharacters, ascii, charSetSolver).ToString());

                        // Related to wordborder due to \b or \B
                        if (NfaStateHandler.IsNullableFor(_builder, ref statesWrapper, CharKind.General))
                            possibleEndings.Add(ChooseChar(random, asciiNonWordCharacters, ascii, charSetSolver).ToString());

                    // If we have a possible ending, then store a candidate input
                    if (possibleEndings.Count > 0)
                        latestCandidate ??= new();
                        //Choose some suffix that allows some anchor (if any) to be nullable
                        latestCandidate.Append(Choose(random, possibleEndings));

                        // Choose to stop here based on a coin-toss
                        if (FlipBiasedCoin(random, SampleMatchesStoppingProbability))
                            yield return(latestCandidate.ToString());


                    // Shuffle the minterms, including the last end-of-line marker if appropriate
                    int[] mintermIds = NfaStateHandler.StartsWithLineAnchor(_builder, ref statesWrapper) ?
                                       Shuffle(random, mintermIdsWithZ) :
                                       Shuffle(random, mintermIdsWithoutZ);
                    foreach (int mintermId in mintermIds)
                        bool success = NfaStateHandler.TakeTransition(_builder, ref statesWrapper, mintermId);
                        if (states.NfaStateSet.Count > 0)
                            TSet minterm = _builder.GetMinterm(mintermId);
                            // Append a random member of the minterm
                            inputSoFar.Append(ChooseChar(random, ToBDD(minterm, solver, charSetSolver), ascii, charSetSolver));
                            // The transition was a dead end, undo and continue to try another minterm
                            NfaStateHandler.UndoTransition(ref statesWrapper);

                    // In the case that there are no next states or input has become too large: stop here
                    if (states.NfaStateSet.Count == 0 || inputSoFar.Length > SampleMatchesMaxInputLength)
                        // Ending up here without an ending is unlikely but possible for example for infeasible patterns
                        // such as @"no\bway" or due to poor choice of c -- no anchor is enabled -- so this is a deadend.
                        if (latestCandidate != null)
                            yield return(latestCandidate.ToString());
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets a <see cref="BDD"/> that represents <see cref="WordLetter"/> together with the characters
 /// \u200C (zero width non joiner) and \u200D (zero width joiner) that are treated as if they were
 /// word characters in the context of the anchors \b and \B.
 /// </summary>
 public static BDD WordLetterForAnchors(CharSetSolver solver) =>
 s_wordLetterForAnchors ??
 Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref s_wordLetterForAnchors, solver.Or(WordLetter(solver), solver.CreateBDDFromRange('\u200C', '\u200D')), null) ??