public virtual object GetValue(IContentData contentData, PropertyInfo property)
            var annotation = property.GetAnnotation<CmsPagePredicateAttribute>();

            var predicate = (IPagePredicate) ServiceLocator.Current.GetService(annotation.Predicate);

            return predicate.Test((PageData) contentData);
        public virtual object GetValue(IContentData contentData, PropertyInfo property)
            var content = (IContent) contentData;
            var annotation = property.GetAnnotation<CmsPublishedStatusAttribute>();

            var result = FilterPublished.CheckPublishedStatus(content, annotation.Status);

            return result;
        public object GetValue(IContentData contentData, PropertyInfo property)
            // define if property is required
            var requiredAnnotation = property.GetAttribute<RequiredAttribute>();

            // get annotation attribute
            var annotation = property.GetAnnotation<CmsReferenceAttribute>();

            // get reference property name set by attribute or default
            var referencePropertyName = annotation.LinkFieldName ?? property.Name + "Link";

            // lookup reference property
            var referenceProperty = contentData.Property[referencePropertyName] as PropertyPageReference;

            if (referenceProperty != null)
            // if reference property found
                // get link to a referenced page
                var link = referenceProperty.ContentLink;

                if (!ContentReference.IsNullOrEmpty(link))
                // and if it's not empty
                    // load referenced page and cast it to the target property type.
                    var result = ContentLoader.Get<PageData>(link).Cast(property.PropertyType);

                    if (result != null)
                        return result;

            if (requiredAnnotation == null)
            // if property is not marked as required
                return null;

            // otherwise get error message
            string errorMessageFormat;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(requiredAnnotation.ErrorMessageResourceName))
                errorMessageFormat = LocalizationService.GetString(requiredAnnotation.ErrorMessageResourceName);
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(requiredAnnotation.ErrorMessage))
                errorMessageFormat = requiredAnnotation.ErrorMessage;
                errorMessageFormat = LocalizationService.GetString("EPiProperties/PropertyRequiredFormat", "Required property '{0}' is not properly set on the page #{1} of type '{2}'. ");

            var content = contentData as IContent;

            if (content != null)
                var contentType = ContentTypeRepository.Load(content.ContentTypeID);

                var errorMessage = string.Format(errorMessageFormat,

                throw new ApplicationException(errorMessage);
                throw new ApplicationException(string.Format(errorMessageFormat,
                    "?")); // TODO