public void MainMenuRun() { Console.WriteLine("What's your next move, Captain?"); Console.WriteLine("1 = Travel, 2 = Trade, 3 = Status Check, 4 = Cargo Check, 5 = Dump fuel and quit"); Console.WriteLine("6 = Hints"); Console.WriteLine(); try { int option; switch (option = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine())) { case 1: MyShip.Travel(); break; case 2: Trade(); break; case 3: CheckStatus(); break; case 4: MyShip.CheckCargo(); break; case 5: // The reason for this implementation of a user choice to end the game is to fulfill the end-game requirement of // 0 fuel = dead. Since planets that are out of range are not displayed as an option, this is the only true way // that fuel can be completely depleted. MyShip.ChangeFuel(-MyShip.GetFuelLevel()); break; case 6: Hints(); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid input"); break; } } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input"); } }