public void ClearBoard(Mobile from, PlayerInfo player) { if (from != { from.SendMessage("This game needs maintenance."); SecurityCamera(0, "This game needs maintenance."); Active = false; return; } PayMethod PayTable = PayMethod.QuickPick; byte[] Selected = new byte[80]; byte[] MachinePicks = new byte[] { 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255 }; byte TotalSelected = 15; byte[] TPicks = PickNumbers(TotalSelected); for (int i = 0; i < TotalSelected; i++) Selected[TPicks[i]] = 1; from.CloseGump(typeof(KenoGump)); from.SendGump(new KenoGump(this, from, player, false, (int)PayTable, GetPayTable((int)PayTable, player.Cost, TotalSelected), 2, TotalSelected, false, Selected, TotalSelected, MachinePicks)); player.LastPlayed = DateTime.Now; }
public void DoCashOut(Mobile from, PlayerInfo player) { if (from != { from.SendMessage("This game needs maintenance."); SecurityCamera(0, "This game needs maintenance."); Active = false; return; } int credit = player.OnCredit; if (from == null || credit == 0) return; if (!m_Active && (m_ErrorCode == 9500 || m_ErrorCode == 9501 || m_ErrorCode == 9502)) // Prevent a loop cashing out return; if (from != { from.SendMessage("You are no longer playing this game!"); return; } if (player.OnCredit < 0) // This should never happen but protect against some kind of overflow and a wild payout { if (from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster) // Allow a GM to clear out the invalid amount { from.SendMessage("Invalid gold won amount({0}), reset to 0.", player.OnCredit); player.OnCredit = 0; } from.SendMessage("There's a problem with this machine's gold amount, this game is offline. Page for help."); KenoOffline(9502); return; } if (player.OnCredit < 1000) { try { from.AddToBackpack(new Gold(player.OnCredit)); from.SendMessage("{0} gold has been added to your pack.", credit); } catch { from.SendMessage("There's a problem returning your gold, this game is offline. Page for help."); KenoOffline(9500); return; } } else { try { from.AddToBackpack(new BankCheck(player.OnCredit)); from.SendMessage("A bank check for {0} gold has been placed in your pack.", credit); } catch { from.SendMessage("There's a problem returning your gold, this game is offline. Page for help."); KenoOffline(9501); return; } } player.OnCredit = 0; string text = null; if (credit >= 10000) { text = String.Format("{0} is cashing out {1} Gold!", from.Name, credit); this.PublicOverheadMessage(0, (this.Hue == 907 ? 0 : this.Hue), false, text); } text = String.Format("{0} is cashing out {1} Gold!", from.Name, credit); SecurityCamera(credit >= 10000 ? 0 : 1, text); from.PlaySound(52); from.PlaySound(53); from.PlaySound(54); from.PlaySound(55); }
public int ProcessPlay(Mobile from, PlayerInfo player, int amount) { player.OnCredit += amount; if (player.Cost * 2 < amount && !m_Profile) DoWinSound(from,, amount); m_TotalWon += (ulong)amount; UpdateLastWonBy(from, amount); string text = null; if (amount > 499999 && !m_Profile) { if (m_MembershipCard) IssueMembershipCard(from, amount); if (m_AnnounceBigWins) { text = String.Format("{0} has won {1} gold on {2}!", from.Name, amount, this.Name); AnnounceWin(from, text); } } text = String.Format("{0} wins {1}.", from.Name, amount); SecurityCamera(amount > 5000 ? 0 : 1, text); text = String.Format("OnCredit={1}.",, player.OnCredit); SecurityCamera(player.OnCredit > 10000 ? 1 : 2, text); return player.OnCredit; }
public int OnCredit(Mobile from, PlayerInfo player, int amount) { if (from == null || player == null || from != { from.SendMessage("This game needs maintenance."); SecurityCamera(0, "This game needs maintenance."); Active = false; return player.OnCredit; } player.OnCredit += amount; if (amount < 0) m_TotalCollected += (ulong)Math.Abs(amount); return player.OnCredit; }
public bool RemovePlayer(Mobile from, PlayerInfo player) { if (from != { from.SendMessage("This game needs maintenance."); SecurityCamera(0, "This game needs maintenance."); Active = false; return false; } string text = String.Format("Removing: {0}.",; SecurityCamera(0, text); if (player.OnCredit != 0) DoCashOut(from, player); PlayerList.Remove(player); m_TotalPlayers--; InvalidateProperties(); return true; }
public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader) { base.Deserialize(reader); int version = reader.ReadInt(); m_Active = reader.ReadBool(); m_Theme = (ThemeType)reader.ReadInt(); m_TotalSpins = reader.ReadULong(); m_TotalCollected = reader.ReadULong(); m_TotalWon = reader.ReadULong(); m_ErrorCode = reader.ReadInt(); m_OrigHue = reader.ReadInt(); m_Throttle = reader.ReadBool(); m_ThrottleSeconds = reader.ReadDouble(); m_CardClubOnly = reader.ReadBool(); m_MembershipCard = reader.ReadBool(); m_LastWonBy = reader.ReadMobile(); m_LastWonByDate = reader.ReadDateTime(); m_LastWonAmount = reader.ReadInt(); m_SecurityCamMobile = reader.ReadMobile(); m_SecurityChatter = (VerboseType)reader.ReadInt(); m_TotalPlayers = reader.ReadInt(); InvalidateProperties(); if (m_TotalPlayers > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < m_TotalPlayers; i++) { PlayerInfo player = new PlayerInfo(); = reader.ReadMobile(); player.LastPlayed = reader.ReadDateTime(); player.OnCredit = reader.ReadInt(); player.Cost = reader.ReadInt(); PlayerList.Add(player); } } for (int i = 0; i < m_HitStats.Length; i++) m_HitStats[i] = reader.ReadULong(); if (m_OrigHue != -1 && m_Active) { this.Hue = m_OrigHue; m_OrigHue = -1; } SetupTheme(m_Theme); ActivateIdleTimer(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)); m_GameSpeed = Utility.RandomList(5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12); }
public PlayerInfo AddNewPlayer(Mobile from) { if (PlayerList.Count > MAXUSERS) { from.SendMessage("This game is full, try again later."); return null; } for (int i = 0; i < PlayerList.Count; i++) { PlayerInfo p = (PlayerInfo)PlayerList[i]; if ( == null) { = from; p.LastPlayed = DateTime.Now; p.OnCredit = 0; p.Cost = 1; m_TotalPlayers++; InvalidateProperties(); return p; } } PlayerInfo player = new PlayerInfo(); = from; player.LastPlayed = DateTime.Now; player.OnCredit = 0; InvalidateProperties(); player.Cost = 1; PlayerList.Add(player); m_TotalPlayers++; InvalidateProperties(); /*for (int i = 0; i < PlayerList.Count; i++) { PlayerInfo tplayer = (PlayerInfo) PlayerList[i]; //Console.WriteLine("(AddNewPlayer) Added/{0}/{1}", i,; }*/ return player; }
public bool SearchForPlayer(Mobile from, out PlayerInfo player) { for (int i = 0; i < PlayerList.Count; i++) { player = (PlayerInfo)PlayerList[i]; if ( == from) { player.LastPlayed = DateTime.Now; return true; } } player = null; return false; }
public bool CashCheck(Mobile m, PlayerInfo player, out int amount) { amount = 0; if (m != { m.SendMessage("This game needs maintenance."); SecurityCamera(0, "This game needs maintenance."); Active = false; return false; } if (m == null || m.Backpack == null || player == null) return false; #if RUNUO2RC1 List<Item> packlist = m.Backpack.Items; #else ArrayList packlist = m.Backpack.Items; #endif for (int i = 0; i < packlist.Count; ++i) { Item item = (Item)packlist[i]; if (item != null && !item.Deleted && item is BankCheck) { amount = ((BankCheck)item).Worth; item.Delete(); if (item.Deleted) { string text = null; Effects.PlaySound(new Point3D(this.X, this.Y, this.Z), this.Map, 501); player.OnCredit += amount; text = String.Format("{0}:Check={1}.",, amount); SecurityCamera(amount > 5000 ? 0 : 1, text); text = String.Format("OnCredit={1}.",, player.OnCredit); SecurityCamera(player.OnCredit > 10000 ? 1 : 2, text); } else { m.SendMessage("There's a problem trying to cash a check in your backpack, this game is offline. Page for help."); KenoOffline(9503); return false; } return true; } } return false; }
static void ReceiveClientProcess(Object socket) { bool bQuit = false; // Cast object argument back into a socket Socket chatClient = (Socket)socket; // Server console debug message Console.WriteLine("client receive thread for " + GetNameFromSocket(chatClient)); // Create a new Player class instance Player newPlayer = new Player(GetNameFromSocket(chatClient)); // Initialise the start location newPlayer.CurrentRoom = myDungeon.StartRoom; // Locking on heavens door lock (playerDictionary) { // Sanity check, then add new Player and appropriate socket as a PlayerInfo struct to the playerDictionary with the clientName as the dictionary's key if (playerDictionary.ContainsKey(GetNameFromSocket(chatClient))) { playerDictionary[GetNameFromSocket(chatClient)] = new PlayerInfo(newPlayer, chatClient); } else { playerDictionary.Add(GetNameFromSocket(chatClient), new PlayerInfo(newPlayer, chatClient)); } } // On new player instantiation, update all players with the new client list SendClientList(); // Initialise string that will recieve the message from the server String sendMsg = ""; while (bQuit == false) { try { byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; int result; result = chatClient.Receive(buffer); if (result > 0) { MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(buffer); BinaryReader read = new BinaryReader(stream); Msg message = Msg.DecodeStream(read); if (message != null) { Console.Write("Got a message: "); switch (message.mID) { case PublicChatMsg.ID: { PublicChatMsg publicMsg = (PublicChatMsg)message; String formattedMsg = "<" + GetNameFromSocket(chatClient) + "> " + publicMsg.msg; Console.WriteLine("public chat - " + formattedMsg); SendChatMessage(formattedMsg); } break; case PrivateChatMsg.ID: { PrivateChatMsg privateMsg = (PrivateChatMsg)message; String formattedMsg = "PRIVATE <" + GetNameFromSocket(chatClient) + "> " + privateMsg.msg; Console.WriteLine("private chat - " + formattedMsg + "to " + privateMsg.destination); SendPrivateMessage(GetSocketFromName(privateMsg.destination), GetNameFromSocket(chatClient), formattedMsg); formattedMsg = "<" + GetNameFromSocket(chatClient) + "> --> <" + privateMsg.destination + "> " + privateMsg.msg; SendPrivateMessage(chatClient, "", formattedMsg); } break; case GameMsg.ID: { // Cast back to GameMsg class GameMsg gameMessage = (GameMsg)message; // Get the string from the GameMsg class String formattedMsg = gameMessage.msg; // Filter the incoming message for a reference to another player and store // Empty player with otherwise unassignable name, this can be picked up in the controls checks Player targetedOtherPlayer = null; // new Player("unassigned", new List<Item>()); String[] FormattedStringWords = formattedMsg.Split(' '); foreach (String possibleName in FormattedStringWords) { if (playerDictionary.ContainsKey(possibleName)) { targetedOtherPlayer = playerDictionary[possibleName].player; break; } } // Get the sending client name, to be used as a dictionary key next, and to pass the String value String clientName = GetNameFromSocket(chatClient); // Lock it before changing it lock (playerDictionary) { // Temporary variable to alter outside of dictionary Player tempPlayer = playerDictionary[clientName].player; // Update function of the DungeonClass instance. If moved, Updates the current room of the player instance, and the currentRoom occupency of the dungeon room sendMsg = controls.Update(ref tempPlayer, ref targetedOtherPlayer, formattedMsg); // Console debug message Console.WriteLine(sendMsg); // Update dictionary variable playerDictionary[clientName] = new PlayerInfo(tempPlayer, playerDictionary[clientName].socket); // Parse the returned String from the controls for any server specific commands. Program.cs is the glue which holds the playerDictionary together. // OUTBOUND STRING PARSING!!! Is this a good idea? // Try/catch is needed to avoid crashing due to mismatched string sizes. i.e. comparing the first 14 characters of a 10 length string. // "Say" command will always return a sendMsg beginning with "Room chat:". If true then send private message to all players in room try { if (sendMsg.Substring(0, 10) == "Room chat:") { foreach (String playerName in tempPlayer.GetCurrentRoomRef.PlayersInRoom) { SendPrivateMessage(playerDictionary[playerName].socket, "", sendMsg); } break; } } catch { } // If sendMsg conditions have not returned true for any of the ablove specific cases, then send the message to the player socket SendGameMessage(chatClient, "", sendMsg); } } break; case PlayerInitMsg.ID: { // Cast back to GameMsg class PlayerInitMsg playerInitMessage = (PlayerInitMsg)message; // Get the string from the PlayerInitMsg class // String characterSheetString = playerInitMessage.msg; // String[] processedCharacterSheet = characterSheetString.Split(' '); // Get the sending client name, to be used as a dictionary key next, and to pass the String value String clientName = GetNameFromSocket(chatClient); // Lock lock (playerDictionary) { // Temporary variable to assign value outside of dictionary Player tempPlayer = playerDictionary[clientName].player; // Update dictionary variable playerDictionary[clientName] = new PlayerInfo(tempPlayer, playerDictionary[clientName].socket); } } break; default: break; } } } } // Remove player from game catch (Exception) { bQuit = true; // Lost the player message String output = "Lost client: " + GetNameFromSocket(chatClient); // Debug message to server console Console.WriteLine(output); // Inform the other players SendChatMessage(output); // Always lock the list!!! lock (playerDictionary) { try { // Sanity check, then remove player name from the current rooms list of currently occupying players names if (playerDictionary[GetNameFromSocket(chatClient)].player.GetCurrentRoomRef.PlayersInRoom.Contains(GetNameFromSocket(chatClient))) { playerDictionary[GetNameFromSocket(chatClient)].player.GetCurrentRoomRef.RemovePlayer(GetNameFromSocket(chatClient)); } // Sanity check, then remove player information from playerDictionary if (playerDictionary.ContainsKey(GetNameFromSocket(chatClient))) { playerDictionary.Remove(GetNameFromSocket(chatClient)); } } catch (Exception) { } } // Update all other players current client list SendClientList(); } } }
public void StartServer() { TcpListener tcpListener = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Parse(""), 7777); tcpListener.Start(); Console.WriteLine("Server started"); Random rnd = new Random(); while (true) { if (tcpListener.Pending()) { Console.WriteLine("New pending connection"); tcpListener.BeginAcceptTcpClient(AcceptTcpClient, tcpListener); } foreach (Player player in _playerList) { switch (player.GameState) { case GameState.Connecting: if (player.DataAvailable()) { Console.WriteLine("New player registering"); string playerJson = player.BinaryReader.ReadString(); Player playerMsg = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Player>(playerJson); player.Name = playerMsg.Name; foreach (Player notifyPlayer in _playerList) { Message msg = new Message(); msg.MessageType = MessageType.NewPlayer; msg.Description = (notifyPlayer == player) ? "Successfully joined" : "Player " + player.Name + " has joined"; PlayerInfo playerInfo = new PlayerInfo(); playerInfo.Id = player.Id; playerInfo.Name = player.Name; playerInfo.X = 0; playerInfo.Y = 0; playerInfo.Z = 0; playerInfo.Rotation = 0; playerInfo.HP = 3; msg.PlayerInfo = playerInfo; int slot = Array.IndexOf(picked, false); playerInfo.SpawnLocation = slot; picked[slot] = true; Console.WriteLine(slot); string msgJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(msg); notifyPlayer.BinaryWriter.Write(msgJson); notifyPlayer.MessageList.Add(msg); Console.WriteLine(msgJson); } player.GameState = GameState.Sync; } break; case GameState.Sync: Console.WriteLine("New player sync"); // processar todos os NewPlayer SyncNewPlayers(player); Console.WriteLine("1231231212"); // processar todos os PlayerMovement SyncPlayerMovement(player); Message messagePlayer = new Message(); messagePlayer.MessageType = MessageType.FinishedSync; string msgPlayerJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(messagePlayer); player.BinaryWriter.Write(msgPlayerJson); player.GameState = GameState.GameStarted; Console.WriteLine(msgPlayerJson); Console.WriteLine("dg4gaegae"); break; case GameState.GameStarted: if (player.DataAvailable()) { Console.WriteLine("New player position"); string msgJson = player.BinaryReader.ReadString(); Console.WriteLine(msgJson); Message message = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Message>(msgJson); if (message.MessageType == MessageType.PlayerMovement) { //if(message.PlayerInfo.HP <= 0) //{ // var remove = _playerList.First(item => item.Name == player.Name); // _deadPlayerList.Add(remove); // _playerList.Remove(remove); //} foreach (Player p in _playerList) { if (p.GameState == GameState.GameStarted) { p.BinaryWriter.Write(msgJson); } } } } break; } } } }