Inheritance: MagerySpell
Esempio n. 1
 public InternalTarget( CurseSpell owner )
     : base(Core.ML? 10 : 12, false, TargetFlags.Harmful)
     m_Owner = owner;
Esempio n. 2
 public InternalTarget(CurseSpell owner)
     : base(Core.ML ? 10 : 12, false, TargetFlags.Harmful)
     this.m_Owner = owner;
Esempio n. 3
 public InternalTarget(CurseSpell owner) : base(12, false, TargetFlags.Harmful)
     m_Owner = owner;
Esempio n. 4
 public InternalTarget(CurseSpell owner)
     : base(owner.Caster.EraML ? 10 : 12, false, TargetFlags.Harmful)
     m_Owner = owner;
		public override bool Think()
			if (m_Mobile.Deleted)
				return false;

			Mobile combatant = m_Guard.Combatant;

			if (combatant == null || combatant.Deleted || !combatant.Alive || combatant.IsDeadBondedPet ||
				!m_Mobile.CanSee(combatant) || !m_Mobile.CanBeHarmful(combatant, false) || combatant.Map != m_Mobile.Map)
				// Our combatant is deleted, dead, hidden, or we cannot hurt them
				// Try to find another combatant
				if (AcquireFocusMob(m_Mobile.RangePerception, m_Mobile.FightMode, false, false, true))
					m_Mobile.Combatant = combatant = m_Mobile.FocusMob;
					m_Mobile.FocusMob = null;
					m_Mobile.Combatant = combatant = null;

			if (combatant != null && (!m_Mobile.InLOS(combatant) || !m_Mobile.InRange(combatant, 12)))
				if (AcquireFocusMob(m_Mobile.RangePerception, m_Mobile.FightMode, false, false, true))
					m_Mobile.Combatant = combatant = m_Mobile.FocusMob;
					m_Mobile.FocusMob = null;
				else if (!m_Mobile.InRange(combatant, 36))
					m_Mobile.Combatant = combatant = null;

			Mobile dispelTarget = FindDispelTarget(true);

			if (m_Guard.Target != null && m_ReleaseTarget == DateTime.MinValue)
				m_ReleaseTarget = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10.0);

			if (m_Guard.Target != null && DateTime.UtcNow > m_ReleaseTarget)
				Target targ = m_Guard.Target;

				Mobile toHarm = (dispelTarget == null ? combatant : dispelTarget);

				if ((targ.Flags & TargetFlags.Harmful) != 0 && toHarm != null)
					if (m_Guard.Map == toHarm.Map && (targ.Range < 0 || m_Guard.InRange(toHarm, targ.Range)) && m_Guard.CanSee(toHarm) &&
						targ.Invoke(m_Guard, toHarm);
					else if (targ is DispelSpell.InternalTarget)
						targ.Cancel(m_Guard, TargetCancelType.Canceled);
				else if ((targ.Flags & TargetFlags.Beneficial) != 0)
					targ.Invoke(m_Guard, m_Guard);
					targ.Cancel(m_Guard, TargetCancelType.Canceled);

				m_ReleaseTarget = DateTime.MinValue;

			if (dispelTarget != null)
				if (Action != ActionType.Combat)
					Action = ActionType.Combat;

				m_Guard.Warmode = true;

			else if (combatant != null)
				if (Action != ActionType.Combat)
					Action = ActionType.Combat;

				m_Guard.Warmode = true;

			else if (m_Guard.Orders.Movement != MovementType.Stand)
				Mobile toFollow = null;

				if (m_Guard.Town != null && m_Guard.Orders.Movement == MovementType.Follow)
					toFollow = m_Guard.Orders.Follow;

					if (toFollow == null)
						toFollow = m_Guard.Town.Sheriff;

				if (toFollow != null && toFollow.Map == m_Guard.Map && toFollow.InRange(m_Guard, m_Guard.RangePerception * 3) &&
					Town.FromRegion(toFollow.Region) == m_Guard.Town)
					if (Action != ActionType.Combat)
						Action = ActionType.Combat;

					if (m_Mobile.CurrentSpeed != m_Mobile.ActiveSpeed)
						m_Mobile.CurrentSpeed = m_Mobile.ActiveSpeed;

					m_Guard.Warmode = true;

					if (Action != ActionType.Wander)
						Action = ActionType.Wander;

					if (m_Mobile.CurrentSpeed != m_Mobile.PassiveSpeed)
						m_Mobile.CurrentSpeed = m_Mobile.PassiveSpeed;

					m_Guard.Warmode = false;

					WalkRandomInHome(2, 2, 1);
				if (Action != ActionType.Wander)
					Action = ActionType.Wander;

				m_Guard.Warmode = false;

			if ((IsDamaged || IsPoisoned) && m_Guard.Skills.Healing.Base > 20.0)
				TimeSpan ts = TimeUntilBandage;

				if (ts == TimeSpan.MaxValue)

			if (m_Mobile.Spell == null && Core.TickCount >= m_Mobile.NextSpellTime)
				Spell spell = null;

				DateTime toRelease = DateTime.MinValue;

				if (IsPoisoned)
					Poison p = m_Guard.Poison;

					TimeSpan ts = TimeUntilBandage;

					if (p != Poison.Lesser || ts == TimeSpan.MaxValue || TimeUntilBandage < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.5) ||
						(m_Guard.HitsMax - m_Guard.Hits) > Utility.Random(250))
						if (IsAllowed(GuardAI.Bless))
							spell = new CureSpell(m_Guard, null);
				else if (IsDamaged && (m_Guard.HitsMax - m_Guard.Hits) > Utility.Random(200))
					if (IsAllowed(GuardAI.Magic) && ((m_Guard.Hits * 100) / Math.Max(m_Guard.HitsMax, 1)) < 10 &&
						m_Guard.Home != Point3D.Zero && !Utility.InRange(m_Guard.Location, m_Guard.Home, 15) && m_Guard.Mana >= 11)
						spell = new RecallSpell(m_Guard, null, new RunebookEntry(m_Guard.Home, m_Guard.Map, "Guard's Home", null), null);
					else if (IsAllowed(GuardAI.Bless))
						if (m_Guard.Mana >= 11 && (m_Guard.Hits + 30) < m_Guard.HitsMax)
							spell = new GreaterHealSpell(m_Guard, null);
						else if ((m_Guard.Hits + 10) < m_Guard.HitsMax &&
								 (m_Guard.Mana < 11 || (m_Guard.NextCombatTime - Core.TickCount) > 2000))
							spell = new HealSpell(m_Guard, null);
					else if (m_Guard.CanBeginAction(typeof(BaseHealPotion)))
				else if (dispelTarget != null && (IsAllowed(GuardAI.Magic) || IsAllowed(GuardAI.Bless) || IsAllowed(GuardAI.Curse)))
					if (!dispelTarget.Paralyzed && m_Guard.Mana > (ManaReserve + 20) && 40 > Utility.Random(100))
						spell = new ParalyzeSpell(m_Guard, null);
						spell = new DispelSpell(m_Guard, null);

				if (combatant != null)
					if (m_Combo != null)
						if (spell == null)
							spell = SpellCombo.Process(m_Guard, combatant, ref m_Combo, ref m_ComboIndex, ref toRelease);
							m_Combo = null;
							m_ComboIndex = -1;
					else if (20 > Utility.Random(100) && IsAllowed(GuardAI.Magic))
						if (80 > Utility.Random(100))
							m_Combo = (IsAllowed(GuardAI.Smart) ? SpellCombo.Simple : SpellCombo.Strong);
							m_ComboIndex = -1;

							if (m_Guard.Mana >= (ManaReserve + m_Combo.Mana))
								spell = SpellCombo.Process(m_Guard, combatant, ref m_Combo, ref m_ComboIndex, ref toRelease);
								m_Combo = null;

								if (m_Guard.Mana >= (ManaReserve + 40))
									spell = RandomOffenseSpell();
						else if (m_Guard.Mana >= (ManaReserve + 40))
							spell = RandomOffenseSpell();

					if (spell == null && 2 > Utility.Random(100) && m_Guard.Mana >= (ManaReserve + 10))
						int strMod = GetStatMod(m_Guard, StatType.Str);
						int dexMod = GetStatMod(m_Guard, StatType.Dex);
						int intMod = GetStatMod(m_Guard, StatType.Int);

						var types = new List<Type>();

						if (strMod <= 0)

						if (dexMod <= 0 && IsAllowed(GuardAI.Melee))

						if (intMod <= 0 && IsAllowed(GuardAI.Magic))

						if (IsAllowed(GuardAI.Bless))
							if (types.Count > 1)
								spell = new BlessSpell(m_Guard, null);
							else if (types.Count == 1)
								spell = (Spell)Activator.CreateInstance(types[0], new object[] {m_Guard, null});
						else if (types.Count > 0)
							if (types[0] == typeof(StrengthSpell))
							else if (types[0] == typeof(AgilitySpell))

					if (spell == null && 2 > Utility.Random(100) && m_Guard.Mana >= (ManaReserve + 10) && IsAllowed(GuardAI.Curse))
						if (!combatant.Poisoned && 40 > Utility.Random(100))
							spell = new PoisonSpell(m_Guard, null);
							int strMod = GetStatMod(combatant, StatType.Str);
							int dexMod = GetStatMod(combatant, StatType.Dex);
							int intMod = GetStatMod(combatant, StatType.Int);

							var types = new List<Type>();

							if (strMod >= 0)

							if (dexMod >= 0 && IsAllowed(GuardAI.Melee))

							if (intMod >= 0 && IsAllowed(GuardAI.Magic))

							if (types.Count > 1)
								spell = new CurseSpell(m_Guard, null);
							else if (types.Count == 1)
								spell = (Spell)Activator.CreateInstance(types[0], new object[] {m_Guard, null});

				if (spell != null && (m_Guard.HitsMax - m_Guard.Hits + 10) > Utility.Random(100))
					Type type = null;

					if (spell is GreaterHealSpell)
						type = typeof(BaseHealPotion);
					else if (spell is CureSpell)
						type = typeof(BaseCurePotion);
					else if (spell is StrengthSpell)
						type = typeof(BaseStrengthPotion);
					else if (spell is AgilitySpell)
						type = typeof(BaseAgilityPotion);

					if (type == typeof(BaseHealPotion) && !m_Guard.CanBeginAction(type))
						type = null;

					if (type != null && m_Guard.Target == null && UseItemByType(type))
						if (spell is GreaterHealSpell)
							if ((m_Guard.Hits + 30) > m_Guard.HitsMax && (m_Guard.Hits + 10) < m_Guard.HitsMax)
								spell = new HealSpell(m_Guard, null);
							spell = null;
				else if (spell == null && m_Guard.Stam < (m_Guard.StamMax / 3) && IsAllowed(GuardAI.Melee))

				if (spell == null || !spell.Cast())
			else if (m_Mobile.Spell is Spell && ((Spell)m_Mobile.Spell).State == SpellState.Sequencing)

			return true;
        public virtual Spell ChooseSpell( Mobile c )
            Spell spell = null;

            spell = CheckCastHealingSpell();

            if ( spell != null )
                return spell;

            switch (Utility.Random(5))
                case 0: case 1: case 2: // Deal some damage
                        spell = GetRandomDamageSpell(c);
                case 3: // Curse it
                        spell = GetRandomCurseSpell();
                case 4: // Set up a combo of attacks
                        switch ( Utility.Random( 6 ) )
                            default: case  0:
                                m_Combo = 0;
                                spell = new PoisonSpell(m_Mobile, null);
                                m_Mobile.DebugSay( "Poison" );
                            case  1:
                                m_Combo = 0;
                                spell = new EvilOmenSpell(m_Mobile, null);
                                m_Mobile.DebugSay( "Evil Omen" );
                            case  2:
                                m_Combo = 7;
                                spell = new CorpseSkinSpell(m_Mobile, null);
                                m_Mobile.DebugSay( "Corpse Skin" );
                            case  3:
                                m_Combo = 7;
                                spell = new CurseSpell(m_Mobile, null);
                                m_Mobile.DebugSay( "Curse" );
                            case  4:
                                m_Combo = 10;
                                spell = new CurseSpell(m_Mobile, null);
                                m_Mobile.DebugSay( "Curse" );
                            case  5:
                                m_Combo = 10;
                                spell = new ExplosionSpell(m_Mobile, null);
                                m_Mobile.DebugSay( "Explosion" );

            return spell;
        public virtual Spell DoCombo(Mobile c)
            Spell spell = null;

            if ( m_Mobile.HitsMax > 0 && (m_Mobile.Hits / m_Mobile.HitsMax) < 0.1 && m_Mobile.Hits < 300 )
                spell = CheckCastHealingSpell();
                m_Combo = -1;
                return spell;
            if (m_Combo == 0)
                spell = new ExplosionSpell(m_Mobile, null);
                m_Mobile.DebugSay( "Explosion" );
                ++m_Combo; // Move to next spell
            else if (m_Combo == 1)
                spell = new CorpseSkinSpell(m_Mobile, null);
                m_Mobile.DebugSay( "Corpse skin" );
                ++m_Combo; // Move to next spell
            else if (m_Combo == 2)
                if ( !c.Poisoned )
                    spell = new PoisonSpell(m_Mobile, null);
                    m_Mobile.DebugSay( "Poison" );
                    spell = new CurseSpell(m_Mobile, null);
                    m_Mobile.DebugSay( "Curse" );

                ++m_Combo; // Move to next spell
            else if (m_Combo == 3)
                spell = new StrangleSpell(m_Mobile, null);
                m_Mobile.DebugSay( "Strangle" );
                ++m_Combo; // Move to next spell
            else if (m_Combo == 4)
                spell = new PainSpikeSpell(m_Mobile, null);
                m_Mobile.DebugSay( "pain spike" );
                ++m_Combo; // Move to next spell
            else if (m_Combo == 7)
                spell = new ExplosionSpell(m_Mobile, null);
                m_Mobile.DebugSay( "Explosion" );
                ++m_Combo; // Move to next spell
            else if (m_Combo == 8)
                if ( !c.Poisoned )
                    spell = new PoisonSpell(m_Mobile, null);
                    m_Mobile.DebugSay( "Poison" );
                    spell = new CurseSpell(m_Mobile, null);
                    m_Mobile.DebugSay( "Curse" );

                ++m_Combo; // Move to next spell
            else if (m_Combo == 9)
                spell = new FlameStrikeSpell(m_Mobile, null);
                m_Mobile.DebugSay( "Flamestrike" );
                m_Combo = -1;
            else if (m_Combo == 10)
                spell = new StrangleSpell(m_Mobile, null);
                m_Mobile.DebugSay( "Strangle" );
                ++m_Combo; // Move to next spell
            else if (m_Combo == 11)
                spell = new CorpseSkinSpell(m_Mobile, null);
                m_Mobile.DebugSay( "Corpse skin" );
                ++m_Combo; // Move to next spell
            else if (m_Combo == 12)
                spell = new ExplosionSpell(m_Mobile, null);
                m_Mobile.DebugSay( "Explosion" );
                ++m_Combo; // Move to next spell
            else if (m_Combo == 13)
                spell = new PoisonStrikeSpell(m_Mobile, null);
                m_Mobile.DebugSay( "Poison strike" );
                ++m_Combo; // Move to next spell
            else if (m_Combo == 14)
                spell = new PoisonStrikeSpell(m_Mobile, null);
                m_Mobile.DebugSay( "Poison strike" );
                ++m_Combo; // Move to next spell
            else if (m_Combo == 15)
                spell = new PainSpikeSpell(m_Mobile, null);
                m_Mobile.DebugSay( "Pain spike" );
                m_Combo = -1;
            if (m_Combo == 5 && spell == null)
                switch (Utility.Random(3))
                    case 0:
                            spell = new ExplosionSpell(m_Mobile, null);
                            m_Mobile.DebugSay( "Explosion" );
                    case 1:
                            spell = new PoisonStrikeSpell(m_Mobile, null);
                            m_Mobile.DebugSay( "Poison strike" );
                    case 2:
                            spell = new FlameStrikeSpell(m_Mobile, null);
                            m_Mobile.DebugSay( "Flamestrike" );
                            ++m_Combo; // Move to next spell
            else if (m_Combo == 6 && spell == null)
                spell = new VengefulSpiritSpell(m_Mobile, null);
                m_Mobile.DebugSay( "Revenant" );
                m_Combo = -1;

            return spell;
		public void ChargedAbilityAttack( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			if ( m_AbilityCharges <= 0 )

			AbilitySpell m_Spell = null;
			Mobile dummy = DummyCaster;

			switch ( m_ChargedAbility )
				case WeaponChargedAbility.Clumsiness: m_Spell = new ClumsySpell( dummy, null ); break;
				case WeaponChargedAbility.Feeblemindedness: m_Spell = new FeeblemindSpell( dummy, null ); break;
				case WeaponChargedAbility.Weakness: m_Spell = new WeakenSpell( dummy, null ); break;
				case WeaponChargedAbility.Burning : m_Spell = new MagicArrowSpell( dummy, null ); break;
				case WeaponChargedAbility.Wounding: m_Spell = new HarmSpell( dummy, null ); break;
				case WeaponChargedAbility.DragonsBreath:
				case WeaponChargedAbility.DaemonsBreath: m_Spell = new FireballSpell( dummy, null ); break;
				case WeaponChargedAbility.Thunder: m_Spell = new LightningSpell( dummy, null ); break;
				case WeaponChargedAbility.MagesBane: m_Spell = new ManaDrainSpell( dummy, null ); break;
				case WeaponChargedAbility.GhoulsTouch: m_Spell = new ParalyzeSpell( dummy, null ); break;
				case WeaponChargedAbility.Evil: m_Spell = new CurseSpell( dummy, null ); break;

			if ( m_Spell != null )
				m_Spell.OnHit( attacker, defender );

Esempio n. 9
 public InternalSphereTarget(CurseSpell owner)
     : base(Core.ML ? 10 : 12, false, TargetFlags.Harmful)
     m_Owner = owner;
     m_Owner.Caster.SendAsciiMessage("Select target...");
Esempio n. 10
 public InternalSphereTarget(CurseSpell owner)
     : base(Core.ML ? 10 : 12, false, TargetFlags.Harmful)
     m_Owner = owner;
     m_Owner.Caster.SendAsciiMessage("Selecione o alvo...");