public void doTestCheckPoint(frmInput inForm) { bool ans ="animalmanager.dat", mAnimalManager); if (!ans) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to serialize"); } }
public SimulatonManager() { mLog.Debug("making new animal manager "); mAnimalManager = new AnimalManager(); mLog.Debug("getting the hourly manager collection"); myHourlyModifiers = HourlyModifierCollection.GetUniqueInstance(); myDailyModifiers = DailyModiferCollection.GetUniqueInstance(); mElapsedTimeBetweenTimeStep = 0; mLog.Debug("back in sim manager with a modifier Count of " + myHourlyModifiers.Count.ToString()); }
// toto public static bool save(string filename, AnimalManager animalManager) { FileStream fos = File.Create(filename); try { BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter(); bf.Serialize(fos, animalManager); fos.Close(); return(true); }catch (Exception e) { fos.Close(); return(false); // something bad happened } }
public void setUpNewYearDispersalMap(DateTime now, AnimalManager am) { //Because this is happening at the yearly time change the simulation //manager will handle making the new animal maps. try { mLog.Debug("inside setUpNewYearDispersalMap(DateTime now, AnimalManager am) calling changeMap(now)"); this.changeMap(now); if (changeMaps == true) { InitialAnimalAttributes[] inIAA; MapManager.GetUniqueInstance().GetInitialAnimalAttributes(out inIAA); am.addNewDispersers(inIAA, now); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { eLog.Debug(ex); #if (DEBUG) System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); #endif } }
//todo public static AnimalManager load(string filename) { if (!File.Exists(filename)) { return(null); } FileStream fis = File.OpenRead(filename); try { BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter(); AnimalManager am = (SEARCH.AnimalManager)bf.Deserialize(fis); fis.Close(); return(am); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); // something bad happened. fis.Close(); return(null); } }
public void changeMap(DateTime now, AnimalManager am) { try { mLog.Debug("inside changeMap(DateTime now, AnimalManager am) calling changeMap(now)"); string previousMapName = MapManager.GetUniqueInstance().SocialMap.FullFileName; this.changeMap(now); if (this.mMapType == "Social" && changeMaps == true) { am.adjustNewSocialMap(MapManager.GetUniqueInstance().SocialMap); } else if (this.mMapType == "Dispersal" && changeMaps == true) { mLog.Debug("MapType is Dispersal and changeMaps == true so need to make newly released animals"); InitialAnimalAttributes[] inIAA; MapManager.GetUniqueInstance().GetInitialAnimalAttributes(out inIAA); //int numNewDispersers = inIAA.Length; int numNewDispersers = 0; for (int animal = 0; animal < inIAA.Length; animal++) { numNewDispersers += inIAA[animal].NumToMake; } am.addNewDispersers(inIAA, now); mLog.Debug("Back from the animal manager making new animals"); mLog.Debug("trigger type is " + this.mMyTriggers[0].MyTriggerType.ToString()); MapManager.GetUniqueInstance().makeNewDisperserAnimalMaps(numNewDispersers); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { eLog.Debug(ex); #if (DEBUG) System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); #endif } }