public ActionResult CreateItinPartial(ItineraryModel newItinerary) { PlacesDAL dal = new PlacesDAL(); PlacesModel p = new PlacesModel(); if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(RedirectToAction("UserDashboard")); } else { p = dal.GetSinglePlace(newItinerary.StartingLocationId); newItinerary.StartLocationLat = p.Latitude.ToString(); newItinerary.StartLocationLong = p.Longitude.ToString(); UserModel user = Session["user"] as UserModel; newItinerary.UserId = user.UserId; ItineraryDAL idal = new ItineraryDAL(); idal.CreateNewItinerary(newItinerary); int neededIdNumber = idal.GetMostRecentlyCreatedItinerary(user.UserId); idal.AddPlaceToItinerary(neededIdNumber, newItinerary.StartingLocationId); return(RedirectToAction("UserDashboard")); } }
public void GetAllLandmarks() { //Create itinerary & Save To DB int itnID = new ItineraryDAL(connectionString).CreateItinerary(new Itinerary("Sample Itinerary", DateTime.Now.AddDays(1), "This is a test description", "*****@*****.**")); //Create Landmarks Landmark fSquare = new Landmark("00002", "Fountain Square", " 520 Vine St, Cincinnati, OH 45202", "Fountain Square is the city square; features many shops, restaurants, hotels, and offices.", 39.101789, -84.512794, true, "Attraction"); Landmark newport = new Landmark("00003", "Newport On the Levee", "1 Levee Way, Newport, KY 41071", "Newport on the Levee is a premier dining and attraction destination!", 39.094690, -84.496364, true, "Attraction"); //Add Landmarks to DB int fSquareId = testLandmarkDAL.CreateLandmark(fSquare); int newportID = testLandmarkDAL.CreateLandmark(newport); //Add Landmark to Itinerary bool wasSuccesful = new ItineraryDAL(connectionString).AddLandmarkToItinerary(fSquareId, itnID); //Test Assert.IsTrue(wasSuccesful); //Add 2nd Landmark wasSuccesful = new ItineraryDAL(connectionString).AddLandmarkToItinerary(newportID, itnID); //Test Assert.IsTrue(wasSuccesful); //Get All Landmarks for an Itinerary List <Landmark> landmarks = testLandmarkDAL.GetAllLandmarks(itnID); //Should contain 2 Landmarks Assert.AreEqual(2, landmarks.Count); }
public ActionResult DeletePlaceFromItinerary(int placeId, int itineraryId) { ItineraryDAL idal = new ItineraryDAL(); idal.RemovePlaceFromItinerary(placeId, itineraryId); return(RedirectToAction("UserDashboard")); }
public ActionResult DeleteItinerary(int itineraryId) { ItineraryDAL idal = new ItineraryDAL(); idal.DeleteItinerary(itineraryId); return(RedirectToAction("UserDashboard")); }
public ActionResult SavedItinerary(PlacesModel newPlaceForUser) { if (Session["user"] != null) { PlacesDAL pdal = new PlacesDAL(); ItineraryDAL idal = new ItineraryDAL(); UserModel user = Session["user"] as UserModel; newPlaceForUser.UserId = user.UserId; List <ItineraryModel> userItinerary = idal.GetAllItinerary(user.UserId); var save = pdal.CreatePlaceForUser(newPlaceForUser); var saveToItin = idal.AddPlaceToItinerary(userItinerary[0].Id, save); return(Json(new { result = "OK" })); } return(View("LoginRegister")); }
public void RemoveLandmarkFromItnTest() { //Create itinerary & Save To DB int itnID = new ItineraryDAL(connectionString).CreateItinerary(new Itinerary("Sample Itinerary", DateTime.Now.AddDays(1), "This is a test description", "*****@*****.**")); //Create Landmarks Landmark fSquare = new Landmark("00002", "Fountain Square", " 520 Vine St, Cincinnati, OH 45202", "Fountain Square is the city square; features many shops, restaurants, hotels, and offices.", 39.101789, -84.512794, true, "Attraction"); //Add Landmarks to DB int fSquareId = testLandmarkDAL.CreateLandmark(fSquare); //Add Landmark to Itinerary new ItineraryDAL(connectionString).AddLandmarkToItinerary(fSquareId, itnID); bool wasSuccessful = new ItineraryDAL(connectionString).RemoveLandmarkFromItinerary(fSquareId, itnID); //Test Assert.IsTrue(wasSuccessful); }
public ActionResult Route() { PlacesDAL pdal = new PlacesDAL(); if (Session["user"] != null) { UserModel user = Session["user"] as UserModel; ItineraryDAL idal = new ItineraryDAL(); List <ItineraryPlacesModel> model = idal.GetAllItineraryPlacesForUser(user.UserId); return(View("Route", model)); } else { return(RedirectToAction("LoginRegister")); } }
public ActionResult CreateTravelRoute(int itineraryId, List <int> placeIds) { UserModel user = Session["user"] as UserModel; ItineraryDAL idal = new ItineraryDAL(); ItineraryModel newItin = idal.GetAllItineraryInfo(itineraryId); idal.DeleteItinerary(itineraryId); idal.CreateNewItinerary(newItin); int neededIdNumber = idal.GetMostRecentlyCreatedItinerary(user.UserId); foreach (var i in placeIds) { idal.AddPlaceToItinerary(neededIdNumber, i); } return(RedirectToAction("Route")); }
public ActionResult SavePlaceToItineraryFromList(int placeId) { if (Session["user"] != null) { PlacesDAL pdal = new PlacesDAL(); ItineraryDAL idal = new ItineraryDAL(); UserModel user = Session["user"] as UserModel; List <ItineraryModel> userItinerary = idal.GetAllItinerary(user.UserId); if (userItinerary.Count > 0) { var saveToItin = idal.AddPlaceToItinerary(userItinerary[0].Id, placeId); return(RedirectToAction("UserDashboard")); } else { return(RedirectToAction("CreateItinerary")); } } return(View("LoginRegister")); }
public ActionResult ItinPartial() { List <ItineraryPlacesModel> model = new List <ItineraryPlacesModel>(); UserModel user = Session["user"] as UserModel; ItineraryDAL itdal = new ItineraryDAL(); List <ItineraryModel> itinerary = itdal.GetAllItinerary(user.UserId); List <int> listOfPlaceIds = itdal.GetItinerary(user.UserId); foreach (var i in itinerary) { ItineraryPlacesModel singleIntinForUser = new ItineraryPlacesModel(); singleIntinForUser.Itinerary = i; List <PlacesModel> listOfPlacesInItin = new List <PlacesModel>(); foreach (var singlePlaceId in listOfPlaceIds) { PlacesModel newPlaceFromItin = new PlacesModel(); newPlaceFromItin = dal.GetSinglePlace(singlePlaceId); listOfPlacesInItin.Add(newPlaceFromItin); } singleIntinForUser.Places = listOfPlacesInItin; model.Add(singleIntinForUser); } return(View("ItinPartial", model)); }