Esempio n. 1
        public static void GetSQT(DataGridView viewSRT, out Vector3 localScale, out Quaternion localRotation, out Vector3 localTranslation)
            DataTable table = (DataTable)viewSRT.DataSource;

            Vector3[] srt = new Vector3[3];
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                srt[0][i] = (float)table.Rows[2][i + 1];
                srt[1][i] = (float)table.Rows[1][i + 1];
                srt[2][i] = (float)table.Rows[0][i + 1];
            localTranslation = srt[2];
            localRotation    = FbxUtility.EulerToQuaternion(srt[1]);
            localScale       = srt[0];
Esempio n. 2
        public void SetKeyframeRotation(xaAnimationTrack track, int keyframeIdx, object rotation)
            xaAnimationKeyframe keyframe = track.KeyframeList[keyframeIdx];

            if (((object[])rotation).Length == 3)
                Vector3 rot = new Vector3((float)(double)((object[])rotation)[0], (float)(double)((object[])rotation)[1], (float)(double)((object[])rotation)[2]);
                keyframe.Rotation = FbxUtility.EulerToQuaternion(rot);
            else if (((object[])rotation).Length == 4)
                Quaternion rot = new Quaternion((float)(double)((object[])rotation)[0], (float)(double)((object[])rotation)[1], (float)(double)((object[])rotation)[2], (float)(double)((object[])rotation)[3]);
                keyframe.Rotation = rot;
                throw new Exception("SetKeyframeRotation must be called with three or four arguments");
            Changed = true;