private void BanCheater(object player, string reason) { var p = RustAPI.GetUser(player); if (p == null) { R.Log("Ban failed! No such user. [Reason: " + reason + "]"); return; } string date = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); string time = DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString(); string banMsg = string.Format("Nickname: {0}, Date: {1} {2} Reason: {3} Ping: {4}", RustAPI.GetUserName(p), date, time, reason, RustAPI.GetUserPing(p)); try { using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(RowacCore.rowacFolder, "bans.txt"), true)) writer.WriteLine(banMsg); } catch (Exception ex) { R.LogEx("BanEvent", ex); } R.Log("[BAN] " + banMsg); RustAPI.KickUser(p, NetError.Facepunch_Kick_Ban, true); }
internal static void CheckPlayer(NetUser player) { try { ulong userID = RustAPI.GetUserID(player); string userName = RustAPI.GetUserName(player); if (IsKickNeeded(userID)) { R.Log(string.Format("Kicked: {0}. Connection time: {1}", userName, RustAPI.GetUserConnectionTime(player)), true); // username includes ID RustAPI.KickUser(player, NetError.Facepunch_Connector_AuthException, true); // No client-side anticheat } #if DEBUG else { R.Log(string.Format("NoKick: {0}. Connection time: {1}", userName, RustAPI.GetUserConnectionTime(player)), true); } #endif } catch (Exception ex) { R.LogEx("CheckPlayer", ex); } }
private static void AntiCheat() { Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = System.Threading.ThreadPriority.Highest; R.Log("[RowAC] main thread initiated"); while (true) { try { var connections = RustAPI.GetConnections(); foreach (var p in connections) { var player = RustAPI.GetUser(p); if (RustAPI.IsUserConnected(player) && RustAPI.GetUserConnectionTime(player) >= rconf.minConnectionTime) { CheckPlayer(player); } } Thread.Sleep(rconf.threadSleepTime * 1000); } catch (Exception ex) { R.LogEx("LoopCrash", ex); } } }
private void takeCoordsEvent(object x, ElapsedEventArgs y) { var connections = RustAPI.GetConnections(); foreach (var p in connections) { try { var player = RustAPI.GetUser(p); if (player == null) { R.Log("No user on join: " + + " " + p.ipAddress); continue; } if (RustAPI.IsUserConnected(player)) { R.Log("NotConnected: " + RustAPI.GetUserName(player) + " - " + RustAPI.GetUserID(player)); } if (aconf.adminCheck && RustAPI.IsUserAdmin(player)) { continue; } Vector3 CurrentPosition = RustAPI.GetUserTransform(player).position; Vector2 CurrentPlayerCoords = new Vector2(CurrentPosition.x, CurrentPosition.z); // Ignore Y ulong playerID = RustAPI.GetUserID(player); string playerName = RustAPI.GetUserName(player); if (!playerCoordinates.ContainsKey(playerID)) { playerCoordinates[playerID] = CurrentPosition; continue; } Vector3 OldPlayerCoordsVector3 = playerCoordinates[playerID]; playerCoordinates[playerID] = CurrentPosition; Vector2 OldPlayerCoords = new Vector2(OldPlayerCoordsVector3.x, OldPlayerCoordsVector3.z); #if DEBUG // TODO: fix /* * Log("=== Pos Control ==="); * Log(CurrentPosition.x + " " + CurrentPosition.z); * Log(Player.GetNetworkPosition().x + " " + Player.GetNetworkPosition().z); * Log(Player.GetPositionForChecks().x + " " + Player.GetPositionForChecks().z); * Log("=== =========== ==="); */ #endif if (OldPlayerCoords != && OldPlayerCoords != CurrentPlayerCoords) { float distance = Math.Abs(Vector2.Distance(OldPlayerCoords, CurrentPlayerCoords)); float speed = distance / (float)aconf.checkInterval; R.Log("[Speed] " + playerName + " speed is " + speed.ToString()); if (!playerWarnings.ContainsKey(playerID)) { playerWarnings[playerID] = 0; } int warnLevel = playerWarnings[playerID]; if (speed < aconf.sayChatSpeed) // decrease warning level for user { playerWarnings[playerID] = (warnLevel > 0 ? warnLevel - 1 : 0); } else if (warnLevel == aconf.warnLimit && // Time to ban (speed > aconf.teleportSpeed && !aconf.allowTP)) // Not allow to TP { if (speed > aconf.sayChatSpeed && aconf.sayChat) { RustAPI.SayToChat("Moved with speed" + speed.ToString("F2")); } else if (speed > aconf.banSpeed && aconf.ban) { BanCheater(player, "Moved with speed" + speed.ToString("F2")); } else if (speed > aconf.kickSpeed && aconf.kick) { R.Log("Kick: " + playerName + ". SpeedHack. Maybe lag (Ping " + RustAPI.GetUserPing(player) + ")"); RustAPI.KickUser(player, NetError.Facepunch_Kick_Ban, true); } } // Turn player back if (warnLevel < aconf.warnLimit && speed > aconf.sayChatSpeed) { RustAPI.GetUserTransform(player).position = OldPlayerCoordsVector3; if (speed > aconf.kickSpeed) { playerWarnings[playerID]++; } R.Log("Warning: " + playerName + " moved with speed " + speed.ToString("F2") + ". Warnings: " + warnLevel + ". Ping: " + RustAPI.GetUserPing(player)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { R.LogEx("TakeCoordsLoop", ex); } } }