public void Handle(int opcode, JagexBuffer buf) { entityUpdateCount = 0; entityCount = 0; UpdateActorMovement(buf); HandleNewActors(buf); UpdateActorMasks(buf); for (int i = 0; i < entityUpdateCount; i++) { int index = entityUpdateIndices[i]; if (GameContext.Actors[index].UpdateCycle != GameContext.LoopCycle) { GameContext.Actors[index].Destroy(); GameContext.Actors[index].Config = null; GameContext.Actors[index] = null; } } if (buf.Position() != buf.Capacity()) { Debug.Log("ERROR ACTOR UPDATING 1"); } for (int i = 0; i < GameContext.ActorCount; i++) { if (GameContext.Actors[GameContext.ActorIndices[i]] == null) { Debug.Log("ERROR ACTOR UPDATING 2"); } } }
/// <summary> /// Parses the next packet in the provided binary data. /// </summary> /// <param name="opcode">The opcode of the packet.</param> /// <param name="b">The binary data to decode.</param> private void ParseOpcode(int opcode, JagexBuffer b) { if (opcode == 1) { Part = b.ReadUByte(); } else if (opcode == 2) { ModelIndex = new short[b.ReadUByte()]; for (int k = 0; k < this.ModelIndex.Length; k++) { ModelIndex[k] = (short)b.ReadUShort(); } } else if (opcode == 3) { Unselectable = true; } else if (opcode >= 40 && opcode < 50) { OldColor[opcode - 40] = b.ReadUShort(); } else if (opcode >= 50 && opcode < 60) { NewColor[opcode - 50] = b.ReadUShort(); } else if (opcode >= 60 && opcode < 70) { DialogModelIndex[opcode - 60] = (short)b.ReadUShort(); } else { Debug.Log("Error unrecognised config code: " + opcode); } }
public void Handle(int opcode, JagexBuffer buf) { entityUpdateCount = 0; entityCount = 0; UpdateLocalPlayerMovement(buf); UpdateRemotePlayerMovement(buf); UpdateNewPlayers(buf); UpdatePlayerMasks(buf); for (var i = 0; i < entityUpdateCount; i++) { var playerIndex = entityUpdateIndices[i]; if (GameContext.Players[playerIndex].UpdateCycle != GameContext.LoopCycle) { GameContext.Players[playerIndex].Destroy(); GameContext.Players[playerIndex] = null; } } if (buf.Position() != buf.Array().Length) { Debug.Log("PLAYER UPDATING ERROR 69"); } for (var i = 0; i < GameContext.PlayerCount; i++) { if (GameContext.Players[GameContext.PlayerIndices[i]] == null) { Debug.Log("PLAYER UPDATING ERROR 777"); } } GameContext.ReceivedPlayerUpdate = true; }
public CacheArchive(JagexBuffer buffer) { var decompressedSize = buffer.ReadTriByte(); var compressedSize = buffer.ReadTriByte(); if (decompressedSize != compressedSize) { byte[] tmp = new byte[buffer.Capacity() - 6]; buffer.ReadBytes(tmp, 0, buffer.Capacity() - 6); byte[] compressed = ReconstructHeader(new DefaultJagexBuffer(tmp)); MemoryStream outs = new MemoryStream(); BZip2.Decompress(new MemoryStream(compressed), outs, true); buffer = new DefaultJagexBuffer(outs.ToArray()); extractedAsWhole = true; } var size = buffer.ReadUShort(); InitializeFiles(size); var position = buffer.Position() + (size * DescriptorSize); for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) { fileHashes[i] = buffer.ReadInt(); unpackedSizes[i] = buffer.ReadTriByte(); packedSizes[i] = buffer.ReadTriByte(); positions[i] = position; position += packedSizes[i]; } this.buffer = buffer; }
private void LoadFromBuffer(JagexBuffer b) { opcodes = new int[b.ReadUShort()]; for (var i = 0; i < opcodes.Length; i++) { opcodes[i] = b.ReadUShort(); } }
public static void Pack(string s, JagexBuffer buffer) { if (s.Length > 80) { s = s.Substring(0, 80); } s = s.ToLower(); int a = -1; for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) { int b = 0; char c = s.ToCharArray()[i]; for (int l = 0; l < ChatCharacters.Length; l++) { if (c != ChatCharacters[l]) { continue; } b = l; break; } if (b > 12) { b += 195; } if (a == -1) { if (b < 13) { a = b; } else { buffer.WriteByte(b); } } else if (b < 13) { buffer.WriteByte((a << 4) + b); a = -1; } else { buffer.WriteByte((a << 4) + (b >> 4)); a = b & 0xF; } } if (a != -1) { buffer.WriteByte(a << 4); } }
public void Handle(int opcode, JagexBuffer buffer) { var viewportWidget = buffer.ReadUShortA(); var sidebarWidget = buffer.ReadUShort(); GameContext.Chat.OverlayWidget = null; GameContext.ViewportWidget = new Widget(GameContext.Cache.GetWidgetConfig(viewportWidget)); GameContext.TabArea.TabWidget = new Widget(GameContext.Cache.GetWidgetConfig(sidebarWidget)); }
public void Handle(int opcode, JagexBuffer buffer) { var index = buffer.ReadLEUShort(); var value = buffer.ReadByte(); var settings = GameContext.Settings; settings[index] = value; }
private void ParseFrom(JagexBuffer b) { int opcode = b.ReadUByte(); while (opcode != 0) { ParseOpcode(opcode, b); opcode = b.ReadUByte(); } }
private void UpdateLocalPlayerMovement(JagexBuffer b) { b.BeginBitAccess(); if (b.ReadBits(1) == 0) { return; } int moveType = b.ReadBits(2); if (moveType == 0) { entityIndices[entityCount++] = 2047; return; } if (moveType == 1) { int direction = b.ReadBits(3); GameContext.Self.QueueMove(direction, false); if (b.ReadBits(1) == 1) { entityIndices[entityCount++] = 2047; } return; } if (moveType == 2) { GameContext.Self.QueueMove(b.ReadBits(3), true); GameContext.Self.QueueMove(b.ReadBits(3), true); if (b.ReadBits(1) == 1) { entityIndices[entityCount++] = 2047; } return; } if (moveType == 3) { GameContext.Plane = b.ReadBits(2); int discardMoveQueue = b.ReadBits(1); if (b.ReadBits(1) == 1) { entityIndices[entityCount++] = 2047; } int y = b.ReadBits(7); int x = b.ReadBits(7); GameContext.Self.TeleportTo(x, y, discardMoveQueue == 1); } }
public void HandleNewActors(JagexBuffer b) { while (b.BitPosition() + 21 < b.Capacity() * 8) { int actorIndex = b.ReadBits(14); if (actorIndex == 16383) { break; } if (GameContext.Actors[actorIndex] == null) { GameContext.Actors[actorIndex] = new Actor(); } Actor a = GameContext.Actors[actorIndex]; GameContext.ActorIndices[GameContext.ActorCount++] = actorIndex; a.ServerIndex = actorIndex; a.UpdateCycle = (int)GameContext.LoopCycle; int y = b.ReadBits(5); if (y > 15) { y -= 32; } int x = b.ReadBits(5); if (x > 15) { x -= 32; } int discardWalkQueue = b.ReadBits(1); a.Config = GameContext.Cache.GetActorConfig(b.ReadBits(18)); if (b.ReadBits(1) == 1) { entityIndices[entityCount++] = actorIndex; } a.TileSize = a.Config.HasOptions; a.RotateSpeed = a.Config.TurnSpeed; a.WalkAnimation = a.Config.MoveAnim; a.Turn180Animation = a.Config.Turn180Anim; a.TurnRightAnimation = a.Config.TurnRightAnim; a.TurnLeftAnimation = a.Config.TurnLeftAnim; a.StandAnimation = a.Config.StandAnim; a.TeleportTo(GameContext.Self.PathX[0] + x, GameContext.Self.PathY[0] + y, discardWalkQueue == 1); } b.EndBitAccess(); }
public void Handle(int opcode, JagexBuffer buffer) { var index = buffer.ReadShortA(); if (index == -1) { GameContext.Chat.UnderlayWidget = null; } else { var desc = GameContext.Cache.GetWidgetConfig(index); GameContext.Chat.UnderlayWidget = new Widget(desc); } }
public void Handle(int opcode, JagexBuffer buffer) { var index = buffer.ReadUByteC(); var priority = buffer.ReadUByteA() == 0; var option = buffer.ReadString(10); if (option.ToLower().Equals("null")) { GameContext.PlayerOptions[index - 1] = null; } else { GameContext.PlayerOptions[index - 1] = new PlayerOption(option, priority); } }
public ItemConfigProvider(CacheArchive archive) { dataStream = new DefaultJagexBuffer(archive.GetFile("obj.dat")); var idxStream = new DefaultJagexBuffer(archive.GetFile("obj.idx")); pointer = new int[idxStream.ReadUShort()]; var position = 2; for (var i = 0; i < pointer.Length; i++) { pointer[i] = position; position += idxStream.ReadUShort(); } }
private void UpdateNewPlayers(JagexBuffer b) { while (b.BitPosition() + 10 < b.Capacity() * 8) { var playerIndex = b.ReadBits(11); if (playerIndex == 2047) { break; } if (GameContext.Players[playerIndex] == null) { GameContext.Players[playerIndex] = new Player(); JagexBuffer buf = GameContext.PlayerBuffers[playerIndex]; if (buf != null) { GameContext.Players[playerIndex].Update(buf); } } GameContext.PlayerIndices[GameContext.PlayerCount++] = playerIndex; var p = GameContext.Players[playerIndex]; p.ServerIndex = playerIndex; p.UpdateCycle = (int)GameContext.LoopCycle; if (b.ReadBits(1) == 1) { entityIndices[entityCount++] = playerIndex; } var discardWalkQueue = b.ReadBits(1); var x = b.ReadBits(5); var y = b.ReadBits(5); if (x > 15) { x -= 32; } if (y > 15) { y -= 32; } p.TeleportTo(GameContext.Self.PathX[0] + y, GameContext.Self.PathY[0] + x, discardWalkQueue == 1); } b.EndBitAccess(); }
/// <summary> /// Performs player mask updates using data from the provided buffer. /// </summary> /// <param name="b">The buffer pointing to mask update data.</param> private void UpdatePlayerMasks(JagexBuffer b) { for (var i = 0; i < entityCount; i++) { var index = entityIndices[i]; var p = GameContext.Players[index]; var mask = b.ReadUByte(); if ((mask & 0x40) != 0) { mask += b.ReadUByte() << 8; } UpdatePlayerMask(mask, index, b, p); } }
public void Handle(int opcode, JagexBuffer buffer) { var index = buffer.ReadLEShort(); GameContext.ViewportWidget = null; GameContext.TabArea.TabWidget = null; if (index == -1) { GameContext.Chat.OverlayWidget = null; } else { var desc = GameContext.Cache.GetWidgetConfig(index); GameContext.Chat.OverlayWidget = new Widget(desc); } }
private byte[] ReconstructHeader(JagexBuffer buffer) { var existing = buffer.Array(); if (existing[0] == 'B' && existing[1] == 'Z' && existing[2] == 'h' && existing[3] == '1') { return(existing); } var compressed = new byte[buffer.Capacity() + 4]; buffer.ReadBytes(compressed, 4, buffer.Capacity()); compressed[0] = (byte)'B'; compressed[1] = (byte)'Z'; compressed[2] = (byte)'h'; compressed[3] = (byte)'1'; return(compressed); }
public Animation(JagexBuffer b) { SetDefaults(); ParseFrom(b); if (FrameCount == 0) { FrameCount = 1; FrameIndicesPrimary = new int[1]; FrameIndicesPrimary[0] = -1; FrameIndicesSecondary = new int[1]; FrameIndicesSecondary[0] = -1; FrameLengths = new int[1]; FrameLengths[0] = -1; } if (SpeedFlag == -1) { if (Vertices != null) { SpeedFlag = 2; } else { SpeedFlag = 0; } } if (WalkFlag == -1) { if (Vertices != null) { WalkFlag = 2; } else { WalkFlag = 0; } } }
private void ParseOpcode(int opcode, JagexBuffer b) { if (opcode == 1) { SetColor(Rgb = b.ReadTriByte()); } else if (opcode == 2) { TextureIndex = b.ReadByte(); } else if (opcode == 3) { } else if (opcode == 5) { ShowUnderlay = false; } else if (opcode == 6) { Name = b.ReadString(10); } else if (opcode == 7) { var hue2 = Hue2; var saturation = Saturation; var lightness = Lightness; var hue = Hue; SetColor(b.ReadTriByte()); Hue2 = hue2; Saturation = saturation; Lightness = lightness; Hue = hue; HueDivisor = hue; } else { throw new Exception("Error unrecognised config code: " + opcode); } }
public void LoadScript(JagexBuffer b) { int count = b.ReadUByte(); byte[] compare_type = null; int[] compare_value = null; if (count > 0) { compare_type = new byte[count]; compare_value = new int[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { compare_type[i] = (byte)b.ReadByte(); compare_value[i] = b.ReadUShort(); } } count = b.ReadUByte(); if (count > 0) { Script = new WidgetScript[count]; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var s = new WidgetScript(b, i); if (compare_type != null && i < compare_type.Length) { s.compareType = compare_type[i]; s.compareValue = compare_value[i]; } Script[i] = s; } } }
public ItemConfig(JagexBuffer b) { SetDefaults(); ParseFrom(b); }
private void UpdateRemotePlayerMovement(JagexBuffer b) { int playerCount = b.ReadBits(8); if (playerCount < GameContext.PlayerCount) { for (int k = playerCount; k < GameContext.PlayerCount; k++) { entityUpdateIndices[entityUpdateCount++] = GameContext.PlayerIndices[k]; } } if (playerCount > GameContext.PlayerCount) { Debug.Log("ERROR PLAYER UPDATING 0"); return; } GameContext.PlayerCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < playerCount; i++) { int player_index = GameContext.PlayerIndices[i]; Player p = GameContext.Players[player_index]; if (b.ReadBits(1) == 0) { GameContext.PlayerIndices[GameContext.PlayerCount++] = player_index; p.UpdateCycle = (int)GameContext.LoopCycle; } else { int move_type = b.ReadBits(2); switch (move_type) { case 0: { GameContext.PlayerIndices[GameContext.PlayerCount++] = player_index; p.UpdateCycle = (int)GameContext.LoopCycle; entityIndices[entityCount++] = player_index; break; } case 1: { GameContext.PlayerIndices[GameContext.PlayerCount++] = player_index; p.UpdateCycle = (int)GameContext.LoopCycle; p.QueueMove(b.ReadBits(3), false); if (b.ReadBits(1) == 1) { entityIndices[entityCount++] = player_index; } break; } case 2: { GameContext.PlayerIndices[GameContext.PlayerCount++] = player_index; p.UpdateCycle = (int)GameContext.LoopCycle; p.QueueMove(b.ReadBits(3), true); p.QueueMove(b.ReadBits(3), true); if (b.ReadBits(1) == 1) { entityIndices[entityCount++] = player_index; } break; } case 3: { entityUpdateIndices[entityUpdateCount++] = player_index; break; } } } } }
public void Handle(int opcode, JagexBuffer buf) { GameContext.Cache.ClearTempCaches(); GameContext.DestroyProjectiles(); GameContext.RegionX = GameContext.LoadedRegionX; GameContext.RegionY = GameContext.LoadedRegionY; GameContext.RegionX = buf.ReadUShortA(); GameContext.RegionY = buf.ReadUShort(); GameContext.LoadedRegionX = GameContext.RegionX; GameContext.LoadedRegionY = GameContext.RegionY; UnityEngine.Debug.Log("RX/Y: " + GameContext.RegionX + "/" + GameContext.RegionY); GameContext.MapBaseX = (GameContext.LoadedRegionX - 6) * 8; GameContext.MapBaseY = (GameContext.LoadedRegionY - 6) * 8; GameContext.RestrictRegion = false; if ((GameContext.LoadedRegionX / 8 == 48 || GameContext.LoadedRegionX / 8 == 49) && GameContext.LoadedRegionY / 8 == 48) { GameContext.RestrictRegion = true; } if (GameContext.LoadedRegionX / 8 == 48 && GameContext.LoadedRegionY / 8 == 148) { GameContext.RestrictRegion = true; } int count = 0; for (int chunkX = (GameContext.LoadedRegionX - 6) / 8; chunkX <= (GameContext.LoadedRegionX + 6) / 8; chunkX++) { for (int chunkY = (GameContext.LoadedRegionY - 6) / 8; chunkY <= (GameContext.LoadedRegionY + 6) / 8; chunkY++) { count++; } } GameContext.ChunkLandscapePayload = new byte[count][]; GameContext.ChunkObjectPayload = new byte[count][]; GameContext.ChunkCoords = new int[count]; GameContext.MapUids = new int[count]; GameContext.LandscapeUids = new int[count]; count = 0; for (int chunkX = (GameContext.LoadedRegionX - 6) / 8; chunkX <= (GameContext.LoadedRegionX + 6) / 8; chunkX++) { for (int chunkY = (GameContext.LoadedRegionY - 6) / 8; chunkY <= (GameContext.LoadedRegionY + 6) / 8; chunkY++) { GameContext.ChunkCoords[count] = (chunkX << 8) + chunkY; if (GameContext.RestrictRegion && (chunkY == 49 || chunkY == 149 || chunkY == 147 || chunkX == 50 || chunkX == 49 && chunkY == 47)) { GameContext.MapUids[count] = -1; GameContext.LandscapeUids[count] = -1; count++; } else { GameContext.MapUids[count] = GameContext.Cache.GetMapId(chunkX, chunkY, 0); if (GameContext.MapUids[count] != -1) { GameContext.ChunkLandscapePayload[count] = GameContext.Cache.ReadCompressed(4, GameContext.MapUids[count]); } GameContext.LandscapeUids[count] = GameContext.Cache.GetMapId(chunkX, chunkY, 1); if (GameContext.LandscapeUids[count] != -1) { GameContext.ChunkObjectPayload[count] = GameContext.Cache.ReadCompressed(4, GameContext.LandscapeUids[count]); } //UnityEngine.Debug.Log(GameContext.MapUids[count] + " " + GameContext.LandscapeUids[count]); count++; } } } int baseDeltaX = GameContext.MapBaseX - GameContext.LastMapBaseX; int baseDeltaY = GameContext.MapBaseY - GameContext.LastMapBaseY; GameContext.LastMapBaseX = GameContext.MapBaseX; GameContext.LastMapBaseY = GameContext.MapBaseY; for (int i = 0; i < 2048; i++) { Player p = GameContext.Players[i]; if (p != null) { for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { p.PathX[j] -= baseDeltaX; p.PathY[j] -= baseDeltaY; } p.SetSceneX(p.JSceneX - (baseDeltaX * 128)); p.SetSceneY(p.JSceneY - (baseDeltaY * 128)); } } sbyte x1 = 0; sbyte x2 = 104; sbyte dx = 1; if (baseDeltaX < 0) { x1 = 103; x2 = -1; dx = -1; } sbyte y1 = 0; sbyte y2 = 104; sbyte dy = 1; if (baseDeltaY < 0) { y1 = 103; y2 = -1; dy = -1; } if (GameContext.GroundItems != null) { for (int x = x1; x != x2; x += dx) { for (int y = y1; y != y2; y += dy) { int oldX = x + baseDeltaX; int oldY = y + baseDeltaY; for (int plane = 0; plane < 4; plane++) { if (oldX >= 0 && oldY >= 0 && oldX < 104 && oldY < 104) { GameContext.GroundItems[plane, x, y] = GameContext.GroundItems[plane, oldX, oldY]; } else { GameContext.GroundItems[plane, x, y] = null; } } } } } if (GameContext.MapMarkerX != 0) { GameContext.MapMarkerX -= baseDeltaX; GameContext.MapMarkerY -= baseDeltaY; } UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Flagging for load"); GameContext.WaitingForScene = true; GameContext.ReceivedPlayerUpdate = false; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a player appearance config from binary data. /// </summary> /// <param name="b">The buffer containing the binary data.</param> public PlayerAppearanceConfig(JagexBuffer b) { SetDefaults(); ParseFrom(b); }
public void Handle(int opcode, JagexBuffer buffer) { GameContext.NetworkHandler.ResetState(); }
public void Update(JagexBuffer b) { b.Position(0); Gender = b.ReadByte(); PrayerIcon = b.ReadUByte(); b.ReadByte(); SkullIcon = b.ReadShort() == 0 ? -1 : 0; for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { int lsb = b.ReadUByte(); if (lsb == 0) { EquipmentIndices[i] = 0; continue; } EquipmentIndices[i] = (lsb << 8) + b.ReadUByte(); if (i == 0 && this.EquipmentIndices[0] == 65535) { b.ReadUShort(); break; } } for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { colors[i] = b.ReadUByte(); } StandAnimation = 625;//.ReadUShort(); if (StandAnimation == 65535) { StandAnimation = -1; } StandTurnAnimation = b.ReadUShort(); if (StandTurnAnimation == 65535) { StandTurnAnimation = -1; } WalkAnimation = b.ReadUShort(); if (WalkAnimation == 65535) { WalkAnimation = -1; } Turn180Animation = b.ReadUShort(); if (Turn180Animation == 65535) { Turn180Animation = -1; } TurnRightAnimation = b.ReadUShort(); if (TurnRightAnimation == 65535) { TurnRightAnimation = -1; } TurnLeftAnimation = b.ReadUShort(); if (TurnLeftAnimation == 65535) { TurnLeftAnimation = -1; } RunAnimation = b.ReadUShort(); if (RunAnimation == 65535) { RunAnimation = -1; } this.Name = StringUtils.Format(StringUtils.LongToString(b.ReadLong())); this.CombatLevel = (short)b.ReadUByte(); b.ReadUShort(); b.ReadUShort(); this.Visible = true; this.ModelUid = 0L; for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { this.ModelUid <<= 4; if (EquipmentIndices[i] >= 256) { this.ModelUid += EquipmentIndices[i] - 256; } } if (EquipmentIndices[0] >= 256) { this.ModelUid += EquipmentIndices[0] - 256 >> 4; } if (EquipmentIndices[1] >= 256) { this.ModelUid += EquipmentIndices[1] - 256 >> 8; } for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { this.ModelUid <<= 3; this.ModelUid += colors[i]; } this.ModelUid <<= 1; this.ModelUid += Gender; = "Player " + Name; Dirty = true; UpdateObjectScenePos(); }
private void ParseOpcode(int opcode, JagexBuffer b) { if (opcode == 1) { modelIndex = (short)b.ReadUShort(); } else if (opcode == 2) { name = b.ReadString(10); } else if (opcode == 3) { description = b.ReadString(10); } else if (opcode == 4) { iconDist = (short)b.ReadUShort(); } else if (opcode == 5) { iconPitch = (short)b.ReadUShort(); } else if (opcode == 6) { iconYaw = (short)b.ReadUShort(); } else if (opcode == 7) { int x = b.ReadUShort(); if (x > 32767) { x -= 0x10000; } iconX = (short)x; } else if (opcode == 8) { int y = b.ReadUShort(); if (y > 32767) { y -= 0x10000; } iconY = (short)y; } else if (opcode == 10) { b.ReadUShort(); } else if (opcode == 11) { stackable = true; } else if (opcode == 12) { pilePriority = b.ReadInt(); } else if (opcode == 16) { isMembers = true; } else if (opcode == 23) { maleModel1 = (short)b.ReadUShort(); maleOffY = b.ReadByte(); } else if (opcode == 24) { maleModel2 = (short)b.ReadUShort(); } else if (opcode == 25) { femaleModel1 = (short)b.ReadUShort(); femaleOffY = b.ReadByte(); } else if (opcode == 26) { femaleModel2 = (short)b.ReadUShort(); } else if (opcode >= 30 && opcode < 35) { if (groundAction == null) { groundAction = new string[5]; } groundAction[opcode - 30] = b.ReadString(10); } else if (opcode >= 35 && opcode < 40) { if (action == null) { action = new String[5]; } var actionIdx = opcode - 35; action[actionIdx] = b.ReadString(10); } else if (opcode == 40) { int j = b.ReadUByte(); oldColor = new int[j]; newColor = new int[j]; for (int k = 0; k < j; k++) { oldColor[k] = b.ReadUShort(); newColor[k] = b.ReadUShort(); } } else if (opcode == 78) { maleModel3 = (short)b.ReadUShort(); } else if (opcode == 79) { femaleModel3 = (short)b.ReadUShort(); } else if (opcode == 90) { maleDialogModel1 = (short)b.ReadUShort(); } else if (opcode == 91) { femaleDialogModel1 = (short)b.ReadUShort(); } else if (opcode == 92) { maleDialogModel2 = (short)b.ReadUShort(); } else if (opcode == 93) { femaleDialogModel2 = (short)b.ReadUShort(); } else if (opcode == 95) { iconRoll = (short)b.ReadUShort(); } else if (opcode == 97) { noteItemIndex = (short)b.ReadUShort(); } else if (opcode == 98) { noteTemplateIndex = (short)b.ReadUShort(); } else if (opcode >= 100 && opcode < 110) { if (stackIndex == null) { stackIndex = new int[10]; stackAmount = new int[10]; } stackIndex[opcode - 100] = (short)b.ReadUShort(); stackAmount[opcode - 100] = b.ReadUShort(); } else if (opcode == 110) { scaleX = (short)b.ReadUShort(); } else if (opcode == 111) { scaleY = (short)b.ReadUShort(); } else if (opcode == 112) { scaleZ = (short)b.ReadUShort(); } else if (opcode == 113) { brightness = b.ReadByte(); } else if (opcode == 114) { specular = (short)(b.ReadByte() * 5); } else if (opcode == 115) { team = b.ReadByte(); } }
public void Handle(int opcode, JagexBuffer buffer) { GameContext.FriendsStorageType = (SocialStorageCap)buffer.ReadUByteA(); GameContext.LocalPlayerIndex = buffer.ReadLEUShortA(); }
private void UpdatePlayerMask(int mask, int index, JagexBuffer b, Player p) { if ((mask & 0x400) != 0) { p.MoveStartX = b.ReadUByteS(); p.MoveStartY = b.ReadUByteS(); p.MoveEndX = b.ReadUByteS(); p.MoveEndY = b.ReadUByteS(); p.MoveCycleEnd = b.ReadLEUShortA() + (int)GameContext.LoopCycle; p.MoveCycleStart = b.ReadUShortA() + (int)GameContext.LoopCycle; p.MoveDirection = b.ReadUByteS(); p.ResetQueuedMovements(); } if ((mask & 0x100) != 0) { p.SpotAnimIndex = b.ReadLEUShort(); var info = b.ReadInt(); p.GraphicOffsetY = info >> 16; p.SpotAnimCycleEnd = (int)GameContext.LoopCycle + (info & 0xffff); p.SpotAnimFrame = 0; p.SpotAnimCycle = 0; if (p.SpotAnimCycleEnd > GameContext.LoopCycle) { p.SpotAnimFrame = -1; } if (p.SpotAnimIndex == 65535) { p.SpotAnimIndex = -1; } } if ((mask & 8) != 0) { var seqIndex = b.ReadLEUShort(); var delay = b.ReadUByteC(); if (seqIndex == 65535) { seqIndex = -1; } var seq = GameContext.Cache.GetSeq(seqIndex); if (seq != null) { if (seqIndex == p.SeqIndex && seqIndex != -1) { var type = seq.Type; if (type == 1) { p.SeqFrame = 0; p.SeqCycle = 0; p.SeqDelayCycle = delay; p.SeqResetCycle = 0; } else if (type == 2) { p.SeqResetCycle = 0; } } else if (seqIndex == -1 || p.SeqIndex == -1 || (GameContext.Cache.GetSeq(p.SeqIndex) != null && seq.Priority >= GameContext.Cache.GetSeq(p.SeqIndex).Priority)) { p.SeqIndex = seqIndex; p.SeqFrame = 0; p.SeqCycle = 0; p.SeqDelayCycle = delay; p.SeqResetCycle = 0; p.StillPathPosition = p.PathPosition; } } } if ((mask & 4) != 0) { p.SpokenMessage = b.ReadString(10); if (p.SpokenMessage.ToCharArray()[0] == '~') { p.SpokenMessage = p.SpokenMessage.Substring(1); GameContext.Chat.Add(new ChatMessage(MessageType.Player, p.Name, p.SpokenMessage)); } else if (p == GameContext.Self) { GameContext.Chat.Add(new ChatMessage(MessageType.Player, p.Name, p.SpokenMessage)); } p.SpokenColor = 0; p.SpokenEffect = 0; p.SpokenLife = 150; } if ((mask & 0x80) != 0) { var settings = b.ReadShort(); var rights = b.ReadByte(); b.ReadByte(); var length = b.ReadUByteC(); var startOff = b.Position(); if (p.Name != null) { var buf = new DefaultJagexBuffer(new byte[5000]); b.ReadBytesReversed(buf.Array(), 0, length); p.SpokenMessage = StringUtils.GetFormatted(length, buf); p.SpokenEffect = settings & 0xFF; p.SpokenColor = settings >> 8; p.SpokenLife = 150; var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(p.Name); var msg = new ChatMessage(MessageType.Player, sb.ToString(), p.SpokenMessage); if (rights > 0) { msg.CrownIndex = rights; } GameContext.Chat.Add(msg); } b.Position(startOff + length); } if ((mask & 1) != 0) { p.FaceEntity = b.ReadLEUShort(); if (p.FaceEntity == 65535) { p.FaceEntity = -1; } } if ((mask & 0x10) != 0) { var payload = new byte[b.ReadUByteC()]; b.ReadBytes(payload, 0, payload.Length); var pb = new DefaultJagexBuffer(payload); GameContext.PlayerBuffers[index] = pb; p.Update(pb); } if ((mask & 2) != 0) { p.FaceX = b.ReadLEUShortA(); p.FaceY = b.ReadLEUShort(); } if ((mask & 0x20) != 0) { var damage = b.ReadUShortA(); var type = b.ReadUByte(); var icon = b.ReadUByte(); var soak = b.ReadUShortA(); p.QueueHit(type, damage, (int)GameContext.LoopCycle); p.CurrentHealth = b.ReadUShortA(); p.MaxHealth = b.ReadUShortA(); p.EndCombatCycle = (int)GameContext.LoopCycle + 300; } if ((mask & 0x200) != 0) { var damage = b.ReadUShortA(); var type = b.ReadUByte(); var icon = b.ReadUByte(); var soak = b.ReadUShortA(); p.QueueHit(type, damage, (int)GameContext.LoopCycle); p.CurrentHealth = b.ReadUShortA(); p.MaxHealth = b.ReadUShortA(); p.EndCombatCycle = (int)GameContext.LoopCycle + 300; } }