Inheritance: IDisposable
Esempio n. 1
        public static bool Unify(object v1, object v2, PrologContext context)
            object o1 = Deref(v1);
            object o2 = Deref(v2);

            if (o1 == o2)
                // Fast path
            var t1 = o1 as Term;
            var t2 = o2 as Term;

            if (t1 != null)
                if (t2 != null)
                    return(t1.UnifyWithTerm(t2, context));
                return(t1.UnifyWithAtomicConstant(o2, context));
            // o1 isn't a Term
            if (t2 != null)
                // o2 is a Term
                return(t2.UnifyWithAtomicConstant(o1, context));
            // Neither is a Term
            if (o1 == null)
                return(o2 == null);
        internal static IEnumerable<CutState> SetImplementation(object[] args, PrologContext context)
            if (args.Length != 2) throw new ArgumentCountException("set", args, new object[] { "Variable", "NewValue"});

            object value = Term.CopyInstantiation(args[1]);
            if (value is LogicVariable) throw new UninstantiatedVariableException((LogicVariable)args[1], "Value argument should be a data object, not an uninstantiated (unbound) variable.");
            var functor = Term.Deref(args[0]) as Symbol;
            if (functor == null) throw new ArgumentTypeException("set", "functor", args[0], typeof (Symbol));

            List<KnowledgeBaseEntry> entries = context.KnowledgeBase.EntryListForStoring(new PredicateIndicator(functor, 1));

            switch (entries.Count)
                case 0:
                    entries.Add(new KnowledgeBaseVariable(value));
                    return CutStateSequencer.Succeed();

                case 1:
                    var v = entries[0] as KnowledgeBaseVariable;
                    if (v==null)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Functor is not a variable; it has another entry defined for it.");
                    v.CurrentValue = value;
                    return CutStateSequencer.Succeed();

                    throw new ArgumentException("Functor is not a variable; it has multiple entries defined for it.");
Esempio n. 3
        public static bool TryChildQuery(
            out ELNode foundNode,
            out ELNodeEnumerator enumerator,
            object parentExpression,
            object keyExpression,
            bool isExclusive,
            PrologContext context)
            // Decode the parent expression
            ELNode parentNode;
            ELNodeEnumerator parentEnumerator;
            if (!TryQuery(parentExpression, context, out parentNode, out parentEnumerator))
                // Parent failed, so we fail
                enumerator = null;
                foundNode = null;
                return false;

            // Decode the key argument
            var key = keyExpression;
            var v = key as LogicVariable;

            return isExclusive?TryExclusiveQuery(out foundNode, out enumerator, parentNode, parentEnumerator, key, v)
                : TryNonExclusiveQuery(out foundNode, out enumerator, parentNode, key, v, parentEnumerator);
Esempio n. 4
        public static bool TryQueryStructure(
            Structure term,
            PrologContext context,
            out ELNode foundNode,
            out ELNodeEnumerator enumerator)
            // Dispatch based on the functor and arity.

            // Handle root queries, i.e. /Key
            if (term.IsFunctor(Symbol.Slash, 1))
                return TryRootQuery(term, context, out foundNode, out enumerator);

            if (!IsELTerm(term))
                throw new Exception("Malformed EL query: " + ISOPrologWriter.WriteToString(term));

            if (term.IsFunctor(SBindNodeOperator, 2))
                var variableToBind = term.Argument(1) as LogicVariable;
                if (variableToBind == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("RHS of >> must be an uninstantiated variable: "+ ISOPrologWriter.WriteToString(term.Argument(1)));
                foundNode = null;
                return TryNodeBindingQuery(out enumerator, term.Argument(0), variableToBind, context);

            return TryChildQuery(
                out foundNode,
                out enumerator,
                term.Functor == Symbol.Colon,
Esempio n. 5
        public static bool TryQuery(object term, PrologContext context, out ELNode foundNode, out ELNodeEnumerator enumerator)
            // Dereference any top-level variables.
            var t = Term.Deref(term);

            // Dereference indexicals
            var i = t as Indexical;
            if (i != null)
                t = i.GetValue(context);

            // A game object means the gameobject's EL KB.
            var g = t as GameObject;
            if (g != null)
                t = g.KnowledgeBase().ELRoot;

            // If it's already an ELNode, use that.
            var n = t as ELNode;
            if (n != null)
                foundNode = n;
                enumerator = null;
                return true;

            // Otherwise, it's an expression, so evaluate it.
            var s = t as Structure;
            if (s != null)
                return TryQueryStructure(s, context, out foundNode, out enumerator);

            var v = t as LogicVariable;
            if (v != null && !v.IsBound)
                throw new Exception("EL query root is an unbound variable: " + v);
            throw new Exception("Malformed EL query: " + ISOPrologWriter.WriteToString(term));
Esempio n. 6
        public static bool TryChildQuery(
            out ELNode foundNode,
            out ELNodeEnumerator enumerator,
            object parentExpression,
            object keyExpression,
            bool isExclusive,
            PrologContext context)
            // Decode the parent expression
            ELNode parentNode;
            ELNodeEnumerator parentEnumerator;
            if (!TryQuery(parentExpression, context, out parentNode, out parentEnumerator))
                // Parent failed, so we fail
                enumerator = null;
                foundNode = null;
                return false;

            // Decode the key argument
            var key = keyExpression;
            var v = key as LogicVariable;

            return isExclusive?TryExclusiveQuery(out foundNode, out enumerator, parentNode, parentEnumerator, key, v)
                : TryNonExclusiveQuery(out foundNode, out enumerator, parentNode, key, v, parentEnumerator);
Esempio n. 7
        public static bool TryQuery(object term, PrologContext context, out ELNode foundNode, out ELNodeEnumerator enumerator)
            // Dereference any top-level variables.
            var t = Term.Deref(term);

            // Dereference indexicals
            var i = t as Indexical;
            if (i != null)
                t = i.GetValue(context);

            // A game object means the gameobject's EL KB.
            var g = t as GameObject;
            if (g != null)
                t = g.KnowledgeBase().ELRoot;

            // If it's already an ELNode, use that.
            var n = t as ELNode;
            if (n != null)
                foundNode = n;
                enumerator = null;
                return true;

            // Otherwise, it's an expression, so evaluate it.
            var s = t as Structure;
            if (s != null)
                return TryQueryStructure(s, context, out foundNode, out enumerator);

            var v = t as LogicVariable;
            if (v != null && !v.IsBound)
                throw new Exception("EL query root is an unbound variable: " + v);
            throw new Exception("Malformed EL query: " + ISOPrologWriter.WriteToString(term));
Esempio n. 8
 private void DumpPrologStack(PrologContext context)
     if (context.GoalStackDepth > 0)
         for (ushort i = 0; i <= context.CurrentFrame; i++)
             Structure g = context.GoalStackGoal(i);
             if (g != null)
                 ushort frame = i;
                 while (frame != 0)
                     //Output.Write("{0}/", frame);
                     Output.Write("  ");
                     frame = context.GoalStackParent(frame);
                 //Output.Write(' ');
                 //Output.Write("{0}<{1}: ", i, PrologContext.GoalStackParent(i));
         Output.WriteLine("Goal stack is empty.");
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// True if the specified goal is provable within this KnowledgeBase.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="goal">Goal to attempt to prove</param>
        /// <param name="thisValue">The value to give ot the $this indexical while running the goal</param>
        /// <returns>Success</returns>
        public bool IsTrue(object goal, object thisValue = null)
            var  t = Term.Structurify(goal, "Argument to IsTrue() should be a valid Prolog goal.");
            bool result;

            using (var prologContext = PrologContext.Allocate(this, thisValue))
                    result = Prove(t.Functor, t.Arguments, prologContext, 0).GetEnumerator().MoveNext();
                catch (InferenceStepsExceededException)
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new PrologError(
                                  false) + e.StackTrace);
        internal override IEnumerable <CutState> Prove(object[] args, PrologContext context, ushort parentFrame)
            object[] goal1Args = null;
            var      newVars   = new LogicVariable[FreeVariables.Count];

            object[] newArgs = Term.AlphaConvertArglist(HeadArgs, FreeVariables, newVars, context, true);
            // ReSharper disable UnusedVariable
#pragma warning disable 414, 168, 219
            foreach (bool ignore in Term.UnifyArraysFast(args, newArgs, context))
#pragma warning restore 414, 168, 219
                if (goal1Args == null)
                    goal1Args = Term.AlphaConvertArglist(BodyGoals[0].Arguments, FreeVariables, newVars, context, false);

#pragma warning disable 414, 168, 219
                foreach (CutState ignoreFreeze in context.ProveAllWokenGoals())
#pragma warning restore 414, 168, 219
                    // ReSharper restore UnusedVariable
                    foreach (CutState state1 in context.KnowledgeBase.Prove(BodyGoals[0].Functor, goal1Args, context, parentFrame))
                        yield return(state1);
Esempio n. 11
 internal override Metastructure MetaVarUnify(LogicVariable l, PrologContext context)
     if (DelayedGoal != null)
     return(MakeSuspension(null, FrozenGoal));
Esempio n. 12
 internal override bool UnifyWithStructure(Structure value, PrologContext context)
     if (value == null || value.Functor != Functor || value.Arguments.Length != Arguments.Length)
     return(UnifyArrays(Arguments, value.Arguments, context));
Esempio n. 13
 internal override IEnumerable <CutState> Prove(object[] args, PrologContext context, ushort parentFrame)
     if (args.Length != 1)
         throw new ArgumentCountException("variable", args, new object[] { "Value" });
     return(Term.UnifyAndReturnCutState(CurrentValue, args[0]));
Esempio n. 14
 internal IEnumerable <CutState> StackCall(PrologContext context)
     if (Compiled)
     return(Prove(context.GetCallArgumentsAsArray(Arity), context));
Esempio n. 15
        internal override Metastructure MetaMetaUnify(Metastructure theirMetaStructure, PrologContext context)
            var s = theirMetaStructure as Suspension;
            if (s == null) throw new ArgumentTypeException("MetaMetaUnify", "theirMetaStructure", theirMetaStructure, typeof(Suspension));
            if (context != s.context) throw new ArgumentException("Can't unify suspended goals across PrologContexts.");

            context.WakeUpGoal(CombineGoals(DelayedGoal, s.DelayedGoal));
            return MakeSuspension(null, CombineGoals(FrozenGoal, s.FrozenGoal));
Esempio n. 16
        internal static IEnumerable <bool> UnifyArraysFast(object[] a1, object[] a2, PrologContext context)
            int mark = context.MarkTrail();

            if (UnifyArrays(a1, a2, context))
                yield return(false);
Esempio n. 17
 internal static void RetractAll(object term, PrologContext context)
     ELNode foundNode;
     ELNodeEnumerator enumerator;
     if (!TryQuery(term, context, out foundNode, out enumerator))
     if (foundNode != null)
         while (enumerator.MoveNext()) enumerator.Current.DeleteSelf();
Esempio n. 18
 /// <summary>
 /// Attempts to prove the specified goal.
 /// </summary>
 internal IEnumerable <CutState> Prove(Symbol functor, object[] args, PrologContext context, ushort parentFrame)
     context.PushGoalStack(functor, args, parentFrame);
     PrologPrimitives.PrimitiveImplementation prim;
     if (PrologPrimitives.Implementations.TryGetValue(functor, out prim))
         return(CallPrimitive(functor, prim, args, context));
     return(ProveFromDB(functor, args, context));
Esempio n. 19
 public static IEnumerable <CutState> SucceedAndRestoreTrail(PrologContext context, int trailMark)
         yield return(CutState.Continue);
Esempio n. 20
 private void PushCallArgs(PrologContext context, int framePointer, int arity, ref ushort pc)
     for (int i = 0; i < arity; i++)
         byte   maybeReg      = code[pc++];
         object argumentValue = (maybeReg < 0x80) ?
                                context.GetStack(framePointer, maybeReg & 0x7f)
                                   : GlobalLiteralTable[((maybeReg & 0x7f) << 8) + code[pc++]];
         context.SetCallArg(i, argumentValue);
Esempio n. 21
 // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming
 IEnumerable<CutState> ProveFromDB(Symbol functor, object[] args, PrologContext context)
     PredicateInfo info = GetPredicateInfo(this, new PredicateIndicator(functor, args.Length));
     if (info == null)
         if (ErrorOnUndefined)
             throw new UndefinedPredicateException(functor, args.Length);
         return PrologPrimitives.FailImplementation;
     return info.Prove(args, context);
Esempio n. 22
        private static bool TryRootQuery(Structure term, PrologContext context, out ELNode foundNode, out ELNodeEnumerator enumerator)
            // Expression is /Key.
            var arg0 = term.Argument(0);

            // This is a "/constant" expression, i.e. a top-level lookup.
            if (arg0 is LogicVariable)
                throw new NotImplementedException("Lookups of the form /Variable are not supported.");
            enumerator = null;
            return context.KnowledgeBase.ELRoot.TryLookup(arg0, out foundNode);
        /// <summary>
        /// Merge the information from two Metastructures into one new metastructure.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="theirMetaStructure">The Metastructure to merge with.</param>
        /// <param name="context">Context in which to execute suspended goals.</param>
        /// <returns>The merged Metastructure.</returns>
        public Metastructure MetaMetaUnify(Metastructure theirMetaStructure, PrologContext context)
            if (theirMetaStructure == null)
                throw new ArgumentTypeException("MetaMetaUnify", "theirMetaStructure", theirMetaStructure, typeof(Metastructure));
            if (context != theirMetaStructure.Context)
                throw new ArgumentException("Can't unify suspended goals across PrologContexts.");

            context.WakeUpGoal(CombineGoals(DelayedGoal, theirMetaStructure.DelayedGoal));
            return(MakeSuspension(null, CombineGoals(FrozenGoal, theirMetaStructure.FrozenGoal)));
Esempio n. 24
        internal IEnumerable <CutState> AddSuspendedGoal(Structure goal, PrologContext context)
            var old = MetaBinding;

            mValue = new Metastructure(goal, null, context, old);
                yield return(CutState.Continue);
                mValue = (object)old ?? this;
Esempio n. 25
        internal IEnumerable <CutState> AddFrozenGoal(Structure goal, PrologContext context)
            var old = MetaBinding;

            mValue = new Metastructure(null, goal, context, old);
                yield return(CutState.Continue);
                mValue = old;
        internal override IEnumerable <CutState> Prove(object[] args, PrologContext context, ushort parentFrame)
            var newVars = new LogicVariable[FreeVariables.Count];

            object[] newArgs = Term.AlphaConvertArglist(HeadArgs, FreeVariables, newVars, context, true);
            // ReSharper disable UnusedVariable
#pragma warning disable 414, 168, 219
            foreach (bool ignore in Term.UnifyArrays(args, newArgs))
#pragma warning restore 414, 168, 219
                // ReSharper restore UnusedVariable
                yield return(CutState.Continue);
Esempio n. 27
#pragma warning disable 414, 168, 219
        /// <summary>
        /// Unifies arrays using trailing
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Success</returns>
        internal static bool UnifyArrays(object[] a1, object[] a2, PrologContext context)
            if (a1.Length != a2.Length)
            for (int i = 0; i < a1.Length; i++)
                if (!Unify(a1[i], a2[i], context))
Esempio n. 28
        internal static IEnumerable <CutState> Retract(object term, PrologContext context)
            ELNode           foundNode;
            ELNodeEnumerator enumerator;

            if (!TryQuery(term, context, out foundNode, out enumerator))
            if (foundNode != null)
Esempio n. 29
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests clauses in a randomized order (but still exhaustively).
        /// Uses Shuffler to generate a random permutation.
        /// </summary>
        IEnumerable <CutState> TestShuffledClauses(object[] args, PrologContext context, ushort myFrame)
            entriesListUsed = true;
            var mark        = context.MarkTrace();
            var shuffler    = new Shuffler((ushort)Entries.Count);
            var argIndexers = PredicateArgumentIndexer.ArglistIndexers(args);

            while (!shuffler.Done)
                var entry = Entries[shuffler.Next()];
                if (entry.Prematch(argIndexers))
                    // This shouldn't be here...
                    //context.PushGoalStack(Name, args, myFrame);
                    foreach (var cutState in entry.Prove(args, context, myFrame))
                        if (cutState == CutState.ForceFail)
                            if (KnowledgeBase.Trace || Trace)
                                context.TraceOutput("Cut: {0}", new Structure(Name, args));
                            goto fail;
                        if (KnowledgeBase.Trace || Trace)
                            context.TraceOutput("Succeed: {0}", new Structure(Name, args));
                        yield return(CutState.Continue);

                        if (KnowledgeBase.Trace || Trace)
                            context.TraceOutput("Retry: {0}", new Structure(Name, args));
            if (KnowledgeBase.Trace || Trace)
                context.TraceOutput("Fail: {0}", new Structure(Name, args));
            //context.UnwindStack(Name, args);
Esempio n. 30
        private ushort StartCallInstruction(PrologContext context, int framePointer, ref ushort pc, out ushort succeedPC,
                                            out IEnumerator <CutState> iterator)
            int    iteratorRegister = code[pc++];
            ushort failPC           = GetUShort(ref pc);

            succeedPC = GetUShort(ref pc);
            iterator  = null;
            // Make the iterator.  How we do this depends on the opcode, so re-fetch it.
            switch ((Opcode)code[pc - CallTargetOffset])
            case Opcode.CallWokenGoals:
                if (context.GoalsHaveWoken)
                    iterator = context.ProveAllWokenGoals().GetEnumerator();

            case Opcode.Call:
                // It's a user-defined predicate call
                PredicateInfo calledPredicate = GetPredicate(ref pc);
                PushCallArgs(context, framePointer, predicate.Arity, ref pc);
                iterator = calledPredicate.StackCall(context).GetEnumerator();

            case Opcode.CallPrimitive:
                // It's a primitive call
                PrologPrimitives.PrimitiveImplementation implementation = GetPrimitive(ref pc);
                int arity = code[pc++];
                PushCallArgs(context, framePointer, arity, ref pc);
                iterator =
                    PrologPrimitives.StackCall(implementation, arity, context).GetEnumerator();

                Debug.Assert(false, "Bad call opcode");
            context.SetStack(framePointer, iteratorRegister, iterator);
Esempio n. 31
 private IEnumerable <CutState> TestCompiledClauses(PrologContext context)
     foreach (var knowledgeBaseEntry in Entries)
         var rule = (ByteCompiledRule)knowledgeBaseEntry;
         foreach (var result in rule.StackCall(context))
             if (result == CutState.ForceFail)
                 yield break;
                 yield return(result);
Esempio n. 32
        private object DecodeOperand(PrologContext context, int framePointer, ref ushort pc)
            int    registerNumber = code[pc++];
            object value          = Term.Deref(context.GetStack(framePointer, registerNumber & 0x7f));

            if (registerNumber < 0x80)
            int argNumber = code[pc++];

            value = ((Structure)value).Argument(argNumber & 0x7f);
            if (argNumber >= 0x80)
                context.SetStack(framePointer, code[pc++], value);
Esempio n. 33
 internal bool UnifyWithCanonicalValue(object value, PrologContext context)
     if (!IsBound)
         Metastructure m = MetaBinding;
         if (m == null)
             // We're binding a truly unbound variable to something.
             if (value != this)
                 var xl = value as LogicVariable;
                 if (xl != null)
                     Metastructure xm2;
                     if ((xm2 = xl.MetaBinding) != null)
                         // We're binding a truly unbound variable to a meta-bound variable
                         xl.UnifyMetaVar(xm2, this, context);
                 SaveAndUpdate(value, context); // sets IsBound
         // This is an attributed (metabound) variable
         var l = value as LogicVariable;
         if (l == null)
             UnifyMetaTerm(m, value, context);
         Metastructure m2 = l.MetaBinding;
         if (m2 == null)
             // Need to alias l to this, that's most easily done by letting l unify to this.
             UnifyMetaVar(m, l, context);
         UnifyMetaMeta(m, m2, l, context);
Esempio n. 34
        private void SetOperand(PrologContext context, int framePointer, ref ushort pc, object newValue)
            int registerNumber = code[pc++];

            if (registerNumber < 0x80)
                context.SetStack(framePointer, registerNumber, newValue);
                object s         = Term.Deref(context.GetStack(framePointer, registerNumber & 0x7f));
                int    argNumber = code[pc++];
                object value     = ((Structure)s).Arguments[argNumber & 0x7f] = newValue;
                if (argNumber >= 0x80)
                    context.SetStack(framePointer, code[pc++], value);
Esempio n. 35
 public static bool TryNodeBindingQuery(
     out ELNodeEnumerator enumerator,
     object nodeExpression,
     LogicVariable variableToBind,
     PrologContext context)
     // Decode the node expression
     ELNode foundNode;
     ELNodeEnumerator nodeEnumerator;
     if (!TryQuery(nodeExpression, context, out foundNode, out nodeEnumerator))
         // Parent failed, so we fail
         enumerator = null;
         return false;
     enumerator = (foundNode != null)
         ? (ELNodeEnumerator)new ELNodeEnumeratorBindFixedNodeToVariable(foundNode, variableToBind)
         : new ELNodeEnumeratorBindEnumeratedNodesToVariable(nodeEnumerator, variableToBind);
     return true;
Esempio n. 36
        /// <summary>
        /// Merge the information from two Metastructures into one new metastructure.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="theirMetaStructure">The Metastructure to merge with.</param>
        /// <param name="context">Context in which to execute suspended goals.</param>
        /// <returns>The merged Metastructure.</returns>
        public Metastructure MetaMetaUnify(Metastructure theirMetaStructure, PrologContext context)
            if (theirMetaStructure == null) throw new ArgumentTypeException("MetaMetaUnify", "theirMetaStructure", theirMetaStructure, typeof(Metastructure));
            if (context != theirMetaStructure.Context) throw new ArgumentException("Can't unify suspended goals across PrologContexts.");

            context.WakeUpGoal(CombineGoals(DelayedGoal, theirMetaStructure.DelayedGoal));
            return MakeSuspension(null, CombineGoals(FrozenGoal, theirMetaStructure.FrozenGoal));
Esempio n. 37
        private static IEnumerable<CutState> IfThenElseImplementation(object test, object consequent, object alternative, PrologContext context)
#pragma warning disable 414, 168, 219
            // ReSharper disable UnusedVariable
            foreach (var ignore in context.Prove(test, "Arguments to -> must be valid subgoals."))
                // ReSharper restore UnusedVariable
                // ReSharper disable UnusedVariable
                foreach (var ignore2 in context.Prove(consequent, "Arguments to -> must be valid subgoals."))
                    // ReSharper restore UnusedVariable
                    yield return CutState.Continue;
                yield break;
            // ReSharper disable UnusedVariable
            foreach (var ignore in context.Prove(alternative, "Arguments to -> must be valid subgoals."))
                // ReSharper restore UnusedVariable
                yield return CutState.Continue;
#pragma warning restore 414, 168, 219
Esempio n. 38
 private static IEnumerable<CutState> RealOrImplementation(object[] args, PrologContext context)
     foreach (var status1 in context.Prove(args[0], "Arguments to ; (or) must be valid subgoals."))
         if (status1 == CutState.ForceFail)
             //yield return status1;
             yield break;
         yield return CutState.Continue;
     foreach (var status2 in context.Prove(args[1], "Arguments to ; (or) must be valid subgoals."))
         if (status2 == CutState.ForceFail)
             //yield return status2;
             yield break;
         yield return CutState.Continue;
Esempio n. 39
 internal override bool UnifyWithTerm(Term value, PrologContext context)
     return value.UnifyWithAtomicConstant(this, context);
Esempio n. 40
        // ReSharper restore InconsistentNaming
        private static IEnumerable<CutState> MapListInternal(Symbol functor, object[] args, object list1, object list2,
                                                             PrologContext context)
            // maplist(_, [], []).
            // ReSharper disable UnusedVariable
#pragma warning disable 414, 168, 219
            foreach (var ignore in Term.Unify(null, list1))
                foreach (var ignore2 in Term.Unify(null, list2))
#pragma warning restore 414, 168, 219
                    // ReSharper restore UnusedVariable
                    yield return CutState.Continue;
            // maplist(P, [X | XT], [Y | YT]) :- call(P, X, Y), maplist(P, XT, YT).
            var x = new LogicVariable(SX);
            var xT = new LogicVariable(SXt);
            var y = new LogicVariable(SY);
            var yT = new LogicVariable(SYt);
            // ReSharper disable UnusedVariable
#pragma warning disable 414, 168, 219
            foreach (var ignore in Term.Unify(list1, new Structure(Symbol.PrologListConstructor, x, xT)))
                foreach (var ignore2 in Term.Unify(list2, new Structure(Symbol.PrologListConstructor, y, yT)))
#pragma warning restore 414, 168, 219
                    // call(P, X, Y)
                    var realArgs = new object[args.Length + 2];
                    args.CopyTo(realArgs, 0);
                    realArgs[realArgs.Length - 2] = x;
                    realArgs[realArgs.Length - 1] = y;
#pragma warning disable 414, 168, 219
                    foreach (
                        var ignore3 in context.KnowledgeBase.Prove(functor, realArgs, context, context.CurrentFrame))
                        // maplist(P, XT, YT)
                        foreach (var ignore4 in MapListInternal(functor, args, xT, yT, context))
#pragma warning restore 414, 168, 219
                            // ReSharper restore UnusedVariable
                            yield return CutState.Continue;
Esempio n. 41
 /// <summary>
 /// Recopy the term to replace variables.  If term contains no variables, no recopying is done.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="oldVars">Variables to be replaced</param>
 /// <param name="newVars">The corresponding variables that are replacing the oldVars</param>
 /// <param name="context">PrologContext to evaluating indexicals</param>
 /// <param name="evalIndexicals">If true, any indexicals will be replaced with their values.</param>
 /// <returns>Converted term or original term if not conversion necessary</returns>
 public abstract object AlphaConvert(
     List<LogicVariable> oldVars,
     LogicVariable[] newVars,
     PrologContext context,
     bool evalIndexicals);
Esempio n. 42
        internal override IEnumerable<CutState> Prove(object[] args, PrologContext context, ushort parentFrame)
            object[] goal1Args = null;
            object[] goal2Args = null;
            var newVars = new LogicVariable[FreeVariables.Count];
            object[] newArgs = Term.AlphaConvertArglist(HeadArgs, FreeVariables, newVars, context, true);
            // ReSharper disable UnusedVariable
            #pragma warning disable 414, 168, 219
            foreach (bool ignore in Term.UnifyArraysFast(args, newArgs, context))
            #pragma warning restore 414, 168, 219
                if (goal1Args == null)
                    goal1Args = Term.AlphaConvertArglist(BodyGoals[0].Arguments, FreeVariables, newVars, context, false);

            #pragma warning disable 414, 168, 219
                foreach (CutState ignoreFreeze in context.ProveAllWokenGoals())
                    // ReSharper restore UnusedVariable
                    foreach (CutState state1 in context.KnowledgeBase.Prove(BodyGoals[0].Functor, goal1Args, context, parentFrame))
            #pragma warning restore 414, 168, 219
                    if (state1 == CutState.ForceFail) yield return CutState.ForceFail;
                    if (goal2Args == null)
                        goal2Args = Term.AlphaConvertArglist(BodyGoals[1].Arguments, FreeVariables, newVars, context, false);

                    foreach (CutState state2 in context.KnowledgeBase.Prove(BodyGoals[1].Functor, goal2Args, context, parentFrame))
                        yield return state2;
Esempio n. 43
 /// <summary>
 /// Called after the variable bound to this Metastructure is unified with a non-variable term.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value">The term to which to unify</param>
 /// <param name="contextOfBinding">Context in which to execute suspended goals.</param>
 public void MetaTermUnify(object value, PrologContext contextOfBinding)
     Debug.Assert(contextOfBinding == Context, "Delayed goal woken in a different context than it was created in.");
     contextOfBinding.WakeUpGoal(CombineGoals(DelayedGoal, FrozenGoal));
Esempio n. 44
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new set of suspended goals.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="delayedGoal">Goal to run upon unification with any value.</param>
 /// <param name="frozenGoal">Goal to run upon unification with a non-variable term.</param>
 /// <param name="prologContext">Context in which to run goals.</param>
 public Metastructure(Structure delayedGoal, Structure frozenGoal, PrologContext prologContext)
     DelayedGoal = delayedGoal;
     FrozenGoal = frozenGoal;
     Context = prologContext;
Esempio n. 45
 private static IEnumerable<CutState> NotImplementation(object[] args, PrologContext context)
     if (args.Length != 1) throw new ArgumentCountException("not", args, "goal");
     LogicVariable v = Term.FindUninstantiatedVariable(args[0]);
     if (v != null)
         throw new InstantiationException(v, "Argument to not must be a ground literal (i.e. contain no unbound variables).");
     using (var e = context.Prove(args[0], "Argument to not must be a valid term to prove.").GetEnumerator())
         if (!e.MoveNext() || e.Current == CutState.ForceFail)
             yield return CutState.Continue;
Esempio n. 46
        private static IEnumerable<CutState> OnceImplementation(object[] args, PrologContext context)
            if (args.Length != 1) throw new ArgumentCountException("once", args, "goal");
#pragma warning disable 414, 168, 219
            // ReSharper disable UnusedVariable
            foreach (var ignore in context.Prove(args[0], "Argument to once/1 must be a valid subgoal."))
#pragma warning restore 414, 168, 219
                // ReSharper restore UnusedVariable
                yield return CutState.Continue;
                yield break;
Esempio n. 47
 private static IEnumerable<CutState> IgnoreImplementation(object[] args, PrologContext context)
     if (args.Length != 1) throw new ArgumentCountException("ignore", args, "goal");
     using (var e = context.Prove(args[0], "Argument to ignore/n must be a valid subgoal.").GetEnumerator())
         e.MoveNext();  // Ignore whether it succeeded.
         yield return CutState.Continue;
 public static object EvalMemberExpression(object obj, object memberExpression, PrologContext context)
     obj = Eval(obj, context);
     memberExpression = Term.Deref(memberExpression);
     var methodCall = memberExpression as Structure;
     if (methodCall != null)
         // Method call
         var args = new object[methodCall.Arity];
         for (var i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
             args[i] = Eval(methodCall.Argument(i), context);
         return obj.InvokeMethod(methodCall.Functor.Name, args);
     var propName = memberExpression as Symbol;
     if (propName != null)
         // Field or property reference
         return obj.GetPropertyOrField(propName.Name);
     throw new ArgumentException(
         "Invalid member expression: " + ISOPrologWriter.WriteToString(new Structure(Symbol.Dot, obj, memberExpression)));
        public static object Eval(object term, PrologContext context)
            term = Term.Deref(term);
            var indexical = term as Indexical;
            if (indexical != null)
                return indexical.GetValue(context);
            var offendingVariable = term as LogicVariable;
            if (offendingVariable != null)
                throw new InstantiationException(offendingVariable,
                    "arithmetic expression cannot be evaluated because it includes an uninstantiated variable.");
            var t = term as Structure;
            if (t == null)
                //var s = term as Symbol;
                //if (s != null)
                //    throw new BadProcedureException(s, 0);
                //throw new BadProcedureException(term);
                return term;  // It's a literal.
            switch (t.Functor.Name)
                case "+":
                    if (t.Arguments.Length != 2)
                        throw new ArgumentCountException("+", t.Arguments, "number1", "number2");
                    return GenericArithmetic.Add(Eval(t.Arguments[0], context), Eval(t.Arguments[1], context));

                case "-":
                    if (t.Arguments.Length == 2)
                        return GenericArithmetic.Subtract(Eval(t.Arguments[0], context),
                            Eval(t.Arguments[1], context));
                    if (t.Arguments.Length == 1)
                        return GenericArithmetic.Subtract(Eval(t.Arguments[0], context));
                    throw new ArgumentException("Wrong number of arguments in - expression; should be 1 or 2.");

                case "*":
                    if (t.Arguments.Length != 2)
                        throw new ArgumentCountException("*", t.Arguments, "number1", "number2");
                    return GenericArithmetic.Multiply(Eval(t.Arguments[0], context),
                        Eval(t.Arguments[1], context));

                case "/":
                    if (t.Arguments.Length != 2)
                        throw new ArgumentCountException("/", t.Arguments, "number1", "number2");
                    return GenericArithmetic.Divide(Eval(t.Arguments[0], context),
                        Eval(t.Arguments[1], context));

                case "mod":
                    if (t.Arguments.Length != 2)
                        throw new ArgumentCountException("mod", t.Arguments, "number1", "number2");
                    return Convert.ToInt32(Eval(t.Arguments[0], context))%
                           Convert.ToInt32((Eval(t.Arguments[1], context)));

                case "//":
                    if (t.Arguments.Length != 2)
                        throw new ArgumentCountException("//", t.Arguments, "number1", "number2");
                    return Convert.ToInt32(Eval(t.Arguments[0], context))/
                           Convert.ToInt32(Eval(t.Arguments[1], context));

                case "sqrt":
                    if (t.Arguments.Length != 1) throw new ArgumentCountException("sqrt", t.Arguments, "number");
                    return Math.Sqrt(Convert.ToDouble(Eval(t.Arguments[0], context)));

                case "abs":
                    if (t.Arguments.Length != 1) throw new ArgumentCountException("abs", t.Arguments, "number");
                    return Math.Abs(Convert.ToDouble(Eval(t.Arguments[0], context)));

                case "log":
                    if (t.Arguments.Length != 1) throw new ArgumentCountException("log", t.Arguments, "number");
                    return Math.Log(Convert.ToDouble(Eval(t.Arguments[0], context)));

                case "exp":
                    if (t.Arguments.Length != 1) throw new ArgumentCountException("exp", t.Arguments, "number");
                    return Math.Exp(Convert.ToDouble(Eval(t.Arguments[0], context)));

                case "floor":
                    if (t.Arguments.Length != 1) throw new ArgumentCountException("floor", t.Arguments, "number");
                    return Math.Floor(Convert.ToDouble(Eval(t.Arguments[0], context)));

                case "float":
                    if (t.Arguments.Length != 1) throw new ArgumentCountException("floor", t.Arguments, "number");
                    return Convert.ToSingle(Eval(t.Arguments[0], context));

            case "min":
                    if (t.Arguments.Length != 2)
                        throw new ArgumentCountException("min", t.Arguments, "number1", "number2");
                    return GenericArithmetic.Min(Eval(t.Arguments[0], context), Eval(t.Arguments[1], context));

            case "max":
                    if (t.Arguments.Length != 2)
                        throw new ArgumentCountException("max", t.Arguments, "number1", "number2");
                    return GenericArithmetic.Max(Eval(t.Arguments[0], context), Eval(t.Arguments[1], context));

                case "magnitude":
                    if (t.Arguments.Length != 1)
                        throw new ArgumentCountException("magnitude", t.Arguments, "Vector3");
                    object v = Eval(t.Argument(0), context);
                    if (!(v is Vector3))
                        throw new ArgumentTypeException("magnitude", "vector", v, typeof (Vector3));
                    return ((Vector3) v).magnitude;

                case "magnitude_squared":
                    if (t.Arguments.Length != 1)
                        throw new ArgumentCountException("magnitude_squared", t.Arguments, "Vector3");
                    object v = Eval(t.Argument(0), context);
                    if (!(v is Vector3))
                        throw new ArgumentTypeException("magnitude_squared", "vector", v, typeof (Vector3));
                    return ((Vector3) v).sqrMagnitude;

                case "distance":
                    if (t.Arguments.Length != 2)
                        throw new ArgumentCountException("distance", t.Arguments, "v1", "v2");
                    object v1 = Eval(t.Argument(0), context);
                    if (v1 is GameObject)
                        v1 = ((GameObject)v1).transform.position;
                    object v2 = Eval(t.Argument(1), context);
                    if (v2 is GameObject)
                        v2 = ((GameObject)v2).transform.position;
                    if (!(v1 is Vector3))
                        throw new ArgumentTypeException("distance", "v1", v1, typeof (Vector3));
                    if (!(v2 is Vector3))
                        throw new ArgumentTypeException("distance", "v2", v2, typeof (Vector3));
                    return Vector3.Distance((Vector3) v1, (Vector3) v2);

                case "distance_squared":
                    if (t.Arguments.Length != 2)
                        throw new ArgumentCountException("distance_squared", t.Arguments, "v1", "v2");
                    object v1 = Eval(t.Argument(0), context);
                    if (v1 is GameObject)
                        v1 = ((GameObject)v1).transform.position;
                    object v2 = Eval(t.Argument(1), context);
                    if (v2 is GameObject)
                        v2 = ((GameObject)v2).transform.position;
                    if (!(v1 is Vector3))
                        throw new ArgumentTypeException("distance_squared", "v1", v1, typeof (Vector3));
                    if (!(v2 is Vector3))
                        throw new ArgumentTypeException("distance_squared", "v2", v2, typeof (Vector3));
                    return Vector3.SqrMagnitude((Vector3) v1 - (Vector3) v2);

                case "position":
                    if (t.Arguments.Length != 1)
                        throw new ArgumentCountException("position", t.Arguments, "gameObject");
                    var gameObject = Eval(t.Argument(0), context);
                    var go = gameObject as GameObject;
                    if (go==null)
                        throw new ArgumentTypeException("position", "gameObject", gameObject, typeof(GameObject));
                    return go.transform.position;

                case ".":
                    if (t.Arguments.Length != 2)
                        throw new ArgumentCountException(".", t.Arguments, "object");
                    return EvalMemberExpression(t.Arguments[0], t.Arguments[1], context);

                case "property":
                    if (t.Arguments.Length != 2)
                        throw new ArgumentCountException("property", t.Arguments, "object", "property_name");
                    object o = t.Argument(0);
                    if (o is Structure)
                        o = Eval(o, context);
                    var name = t.Argument(1) as Symbol;
                    if (name == null)
                        throw new ArgumentTypeException("property", "property_name", t.Argument(1), typeof(Symbol));
                    return o.GetPropertyOrField(name.Name);

                case "vector":
                    if (t.Arguments.Length != 3)
                        throw new ArgumentCountException("vector", t.Arguments, "x", "y", "z");
                    return new Vector3(Convert.ToSingle(Eval(t.Argument(0), context)),
                        Convert.ToSingle(Eval(t.Argument(1), context)),
                        Convert.ToSingle(Eval(t.Argument(2), context)));

                case "instance_id":
                    if (t.Arguments.Length != 1)
                        throw new ArgumentCountException("instance_id", t.Arguments, "game_object");
                    var arg = t.Argument(0) as UnityEngine.Object;
                    if (arg == null)
                        throw new ArgumentTypeException("instance_id", "object", t.Argument(0), typeof(UnityEngine.Object));
                    return arg.GetInstanceID();

                    throw new BadProcedureException(t.Functor, t.Arguments.Length);
Esempio n. 50
 /// <summary>
 /// Called after the variable bound to this Metastructure is unified with an unbound variable
 /// that is not (itself) bound to a Metastructure.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="l">The logic variable with which to Unify.</param>
 /// <param name="context">Context in which to execute suspended goals.</param>
 /// <returns>The Metastructure to bind to the newly aliased variables.</returns>
 public Metastructure MetaVarUnify(LogicVariable l, PrologContext context)
     if (DelayedGoal != null)
     return MakeSuspension(null, FrozenGoal);
Esempio n. 51
 internal static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<CutState> Retract(object term, PrologContext context)
     ELNode foundNode;
     ELNodeEnumerator enumerator;
     if (!TryQuery(term, context, out foundNode, out enumerator))
         return PrologPrimitives.FailDriver();
     if (foundNode != null)
         return PrologPrimitives.SucceedDriver();
     return DeleteSuccessive(enumerator);
Esempio n. 52
 public Metastructure(Structure delayedGoal, Structure frozenGoal, PrologContext prologContext, Metastructure old)
     : this(CombineGoals(delayedGoal, old?.DelayedGoal),
          CombineGoals(frozenGoal, old?.FrozenGoal),
Esempio n. 53
 internal static void RetractAll(object term, PrologContext context)
     ELNode foundNode;
     ELNodeEnumerator enumerator;
     if (!TryQuery(term, context, out foundNode, out enumerator))
     if (foundNode != null)
         while (enumerator.MoveNext()) enumerator.Current.DeleteSelf();
Esempio n. 54
 internal override IEnumerable<CutState> Prove(object[] args, PrologContext context, ushort parentFrame)
     var newVars = new LogicVariable[FreeVariables.Count];
     object[] newArgs = Term.AlphaConvertArglist(HeadArgs, FreeVariables, newVars, context, true);
     // ReSharper disable UnusedVariable
     #pragma warning disable 414, 168, 219
     foreach (bool ignore in Term.UnifyArrays(args, newArgs))
     #pragma warning restore 414, 168, 219
         // ReSharper restore UnusedVariable
         yield return CutState.Continue;
Esempio n. 55
        private static IEnumerable<CutState> IfThenImplementation(object[] args, PrologContext context)
            if (args.Length != 2) throw new ArgumentCountException("->", args, "if_condition", "then_result");

#pragma warning disable 414, 168, 219
            // ReSharper disable UnusedVariable
            foreach (var ignore in context.Prove(args[0], "Arguments to -> must be valid subgoals."))
                // ReSharper restore UnusedVariable
                // ReSharper disable UnusedVariable
                foreach (var ignore2 in context.Prove(args[1], "Arguments to -> must be valid subgoals."))
                // ReSharper restore UnusedVariable
#pragma warning restore 414, 168, 219
                    yield return CutState.Continue;
                yield break;
Esempio n. 56
        internal override IEnumerable<CutState> Prove(object[] args, PrologContext context, ushort parentFrame)
            object[] goal1Args = null;
            object[] goal2Args = null;
            object[] goal3Args = null;
            object[] goal4Args = null;
            object[] goal5Args = null;
            object[] goal6Args = null;
            object[] goal7Args = null;
            object[] goal8Args = null;

            var newVars = new LogicVariable[FreeVariables.Count];
            object[] newArgs = Term.AlphaConvertArglist(HeadArgs, FreeVariables, newVars, context, true);
            // ReSharper disable UnusedVariable
            foreach (bool ignore in Term.UnifyArraysFast(args, newArgs, context))
                if (goal1Args == null)
                    goal1Args = Term.AlphaConvertArglist(BodyGoals[0].Arguments, FreeVariables, newVars, context, false);

                foreach (CutState ignoreFreeze in context.ProveAllWokenGoals())
                    // ReSharper restore UnusedVariable
                    foreach (CutState state1 in context.KnowledgeBase.Prove(BodyGoals[0].Functor, goal1Args, context, parentFrame))
                    if (state1 == CutState.ForceFail) yield return CutState.ForceFail;
                    if (goal2Args == null)
                        goal2Args = Term.AlphaConvertArglist(BodyGoals[1].Arguments, FreeVariables, newVars, context, false);

                    foreach (CutState state2 in context.KnowledgeBase.Prove(BodyGoals[1].Functor, goal2Args, context, parentFrame))
                        if (state2 == CutState.ForceFail) yield return CutState.ForceFail;
                        if (goal3Args == null)
                            goal3Args = Term.AlphaConvertArglist(BodyGoals[2].Arguments, FreeVariables, newVars, context, false);

                        foreach (CutState state3 in context.KnowledgeBase.Prove(BodyGoals[2].Functor, goal3Args, context, parentFrame))
                            if (state3 == CutState.ForceFail) yield return CutState.ForceFail;
                            if (goal4Args == null)
                                goal4Args = Term.AlphaConvertArglist(BodyGoals[3].Arguments, FreeVariables, newVars, context, false);

                            foreach (CutState state4 in context.KnowledgeBase.Prove(BodyGoals[3].Functor, goal4Args, context, parentFrame))
                                if (state4 == CutState.ForceFail) yield return CutState.ForceFail;
                                if (goal5Args == null)
                                    goal5Args = Term.AlphaConvertArglist(BodyGoals[4].Arguments, FreeVariables, newVars, context, false);

                                foreach (CutState state5 in context.KnowledgeBase.Prove(BodyGoals[4].Functor, goal5Args, context, parentFrame))
                                    if (state5 == CutState.ForceFail) yield return CutState.ForceFail;
                                    if (goal6Args == null)
                                        goal6Args = Term.AlphaConvertArglist(BodyGoals[5].Arguments, FreeVariables, newVars, context, false);

                                    foreach (CutState state6 in context.KnowledgeBase.Prove(BodyGoals[5].Functor, goal6Args, context, parentFrame))
                                        if (state6 == CutState.ForceFail) yield return CutState.ForceFail;
                                        if (goal7Args == null)
                                            goal7Args = Term.AlphaConvertArglist(BodyGoals[6].Arguments, FreeVariables, newVars, context, false);

                                        foreach (CutState state7 in context.KnowledgeBase.Prove(BodyGoals[6].Functor, goal7Args, context, parentFrame))
                                            if (state7 == CutState.ForceFail) yield return CutState.ForceFail;
                                            if (goal8Args == null)
                                                goal8Args = Term.AlphaConvertArglist(BodyGoals[7].Arguments, FreeVariables, newVars, context, false);

                                            foreach (CutState state8 in context.KnowledgeBase.Prove(BodyGoals[7].Functor, goal8Args, context, parentFrame))
                                                yield return state8;
Esempio n. 57
        private static bool TryRootQuery(Structure term, PrologContext context, out ELNode foundNode, out ELNodeEnumerator enumerator)
            // Expression is /Key.
            var arg0 = term.Argument(0);

            // This is a "/constant" expression, i.e. a top-level lookup.
            if (arg0 is LogicVariable)
                throw new NotImplementedException("Lookups of the form /Variable are not supported.");
            enumerator = null;
            return context.KnowledgeBase.ELRoot.TryLookup(arg0, out foundNode);
Esempio n. 58
 private static IEnumerable<CutState> NotPlusImplementation(object[] args, PrologContext context)
     if (args.Length != 1) throw new ArgumentCountException("\\+", args, "goal");
     using (var e = context.Prove(args[0], "Argument to \\+ must be a valid term to prove.").GetEnumerator())
         if (!e.MoveNext() || e.Current == CutState.ForceFail)
             yield return CutState.Continue;
Esempio n. 59
 private static IEnumerable<CutState> MapListImplementation(object[] args, PrologContext context)
     if (args.Length != 3)
         throw new ArgumentCountException("maplist", args, "predicate", "list1", "list2");
     object predicate = Term.Deref(args[0]);
     var functor = predicate as Symbol;
     object[] arguments;
     if (functor != null)
         arguments = NoArgs;
         var t = predicate as Structure;
         if (t != null)
             functor = t.Functor;
             arguments = t.Arguments;
             throw new ArgumentTypeException("maplist", "predicate", predicate, typeof (Symbol));
     return MapListInternal(functor, arguments, args[1], args[2], context);