/// <summary>
        /// Collects title, time, and key signature information from the Create New Score popup
        /// and uses them to create a new Score object and load it in the viewer.
        /// Called when the 'Start' button is clicked on the popup.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void createNew(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Close the popup
            Loaded = false;
            KeyCover.Visibility            = Visibility.Hidden;
            ScoreCreationWindow.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;

            //make keys, music sheet, notes and keyboard control visible
            Print.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
            Piano_KeyBoard_layout.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
            Piano_White_Keys.Visibility      = Visibility.Visible;
            Piano_Black_Keys.Visibility      = Visibility.Visible;
            MusicSheet.Visibility            = Visibility.Visible;
            Notes_Rest.Visibility            = Visibility.Visible;
            Keyboard_Controls.Visibility     = Visibility.Visible;
            WorkingButtons.Visibility        = Visibility.Visible;

            // Calculate key signature based on selected value from array
            // If selected index < 13, keyIndex - seleted index -1, else keyIndex = selected index
            MusicNameLabel.Content = MusicTitle;

            // Calculate key signature
            int keyIndex = (KeySignatureCombo.SelectedIndex < 13) ? KeySignatureCombo.SelectedIndex - 1 : 12 - KeySignatureCombo.SelectedIndex;

            Manufaktura.Controls.Model.Key key = new Manufaktura.Controls.Model.Key(keyIndex);
            model.KeySig = new Manufaktura.Controls.Model.Key(keyIndex);

            // Calculate time signature
            TimeSignature timeSig = new TimeSignature(TimeSignatureType.Numbers, beatsPerMeasure, beatLength);

            model.TimeSig = new TimeSignature(TimeSignatureType.Numbers, beatsPerMeasure, beatLength);

            // Build grand staff for now -- later may add options for more or fewer staves
            //Staff treble = new Staff();
            //MusicalSymbol[] elements = { Clef.Treble, key, timeSig }; // Add treble clef, key sig, time sig

            //for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            //    treble.Elements.Add(elements[i]);

            //Staff bass = new Staff();
            //elements[0] = Clef.Bass;        // Add bass clef, key sig, time sig

            //for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            //    bass.Elements.Add(elements[i]);

            //Staff[] staves = { treble, bass };
            //// Pass the title and the treble and bass staves to createNew
            //model.createNew(TitleBox.Text, staves);

            // Create a single staff score
            model.createNew(key, timeSig);
        /// <summary>
        /// Collects title, time, and key signature information from the Create New Score popup
        /// and uses them to create a new Score object and load it in the viewer.
        /// Called when the 'Start' button is clicked on the popup.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void createNew(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Close the popup
            isLoaded                       = false;
            KeyCover.Visibility            = Visibility.Hidden;
            ScoreCreationWindow.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;

            //make keys, music sheet, notes and keyboard control visible
            Print.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
            Piano_KeyBoard_layout.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
            Piano_White_Keys.Visibility      = Visibility.Visible;
            Piano_Black_Keys.Visibility      = Visibility.Visible;
            MusicSheet.Visibility            = Visibility.Visible;
            Notes_Rest.Visibility            = Visibility.Visible;
            Keyboard_Controls.Visibility     = Visibility.Hidden;
            WorkingButtons.Visibility        = Visibility.Visible;

            //reset note selection to quarter note

            // Calculate key signature based on selected value from array
            MusicNameLabel.Content = MusicTitle;

            // Calculate key signature
            int keyIndex = (KeySignatureCombo.SelectedIndex < 13) ? KeySignatureCombo.SelectedIndex - 1 : 12 - KeySignatureCombo.SelectedIndex;

            Manufaktura.Controls.Model.Key key = new Manufaktura.Controls.Model.Key(keyIndex);
            model.KeySig = new Manufaktura.Controls.Model.Key(keyIndex);

            // Calculate time signature
            TimeSignature timeSig = new TimeSignature(TimeSignatureType.Numbers, beatsPerMeasure, beatLength);

            model.TimeSig = new TimeSignature(TimeSignatureType.Numbers, beatsPerMeasure, beatLength);

            // Create a single staff score
            model.FileName = "";
            model.createNew(key, timeSig);
            Viewer.ScoreSource = model.Data;