protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            mCustomer = (PetfirstCustomer)Session["Customer"];
            mthisPet = (Pet)Session["Pet"];


            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["new_pet"]) && mCustomer != null)//if there is query srtring passed
                bAddPet = true; //adding a new pet only
                CancelLink.HRef = "customizeplan.aspx?canceladd=true";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["current_pet"]))
                bSamePet = true;

            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                    txtZip.Text = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Zip;
                    txtPetName.Text = mthisPet.PetName;

                    DateTime today = DateTime.Today;
                    int age = today.Year - mthisPet.Birthday.Year;
                    //if (mthisPet.Birthday > today.AddYears(-age)) age--;

                    ddlAge.SelectedIndex = age;
                    if (mthisPet.BreedId == 54)
                        ddlBreed.SelectedValue = "10000"; //+ mthisPet.WeightId).ToString();
                        rbRadioButtonListMixed.SelectedValue = mthisPet.WeightId.ToString();
                        ddlBreed.SelectedValue = mthisPet.BreedId.ToString();

                    rblSpecies.SelectedValue = mthisPet.SpeciesId.ToString();
                    rblSpecies.SelectedValue = "1";
                    ddlBreed.SelectedIndex = 0;
                    rbRadioButtonListMixed.SelectedValue = "1";


            lblYourPet.Text = mthisPet.PetName;

            if (bAddPet)
                txtZip.Text = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Zip;
                txtZip.Enabled = false;

            this.Master.NumberofPets = mCustomer.MyPets.Count.ToString();
        private void InitiateNewPet()
            mthisPet = new Pet();
            this.Master.PhoneNumber = mCustomer.CallCenter;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["pet_name"])) //Check for Pet Name from main page.
                mthisPet.PetName = txtPetName.Text = (string)Request.QueryString["pet_name"];
            else if (bAddPet)
                mthisPet.PetName = "Your Next Pet";
                txtPetName.Text = "";
                mthisPet.PetName = "Your Pet";
                txtPetName.Text = "";

            mthisPet.Birthday = DateTime.Now;
            mthisPet.Gender = "M";
            mthisPet.GenderFull = "Male";
            mthisPet.SpeciesId = 1;
            mthisPet.SpeciesName = "Dog";
            mthisPet.BreedId = 0;
        private void DetermineBreedWeighID(ref Pet p)
            //kp: 2015-06-29
            //int sId =1;
            //    sId = 2;
            int sId = int.Parse (rblSpecies.SelectedValue);
            //end 2015-06-29
            int bId = int.Parse(ddlBreed.SelectedValue);
            int wId = 0;
            bool changeBreedId = false;
            if (bId == 10001)//fake breedid for mixed
                wId = 1;
                changeBreedId = true;
            else if (bId == 10002)
                wId = 2;
                changeBreedId = true;
            else if (bId == 10003)
                wId = 3;
                changeBreedId = true;

            if (changeBreedId)
                if (sId == 1)
                    bId = 54; //mixed breedid for dog
                    bId = 2; //mixed breedid for cat
            p.BreedId = bId;
            p.WeightId = wId;
 private void SavePet(bool Update, ref Pet mypet)
     mypet.Birthday = new DateTime(int.Parse(ddlYear.SelectedValue), int.Parse(ddlMonth.SelectedValue), 1);
     //mypet.Birthday = GetBirthday(txtbirthday.Text);
        //end 2015-06-29
     mypet.BreedName = ddlBreed.SelectedItem.Text;
     //kp: 2015-06-29
     //mypet.ColorId = int.Parse(ddlColor.SelectedValue);
     //mypet.ColorName = ddlColor.SelectedItem.Text;
     mypet.ColorId = 146; //default to any
     mypet.ColorName = "Any";
     //if (btnMale.CssClass.Contains("active"))
     //    mypet.Gender = "M";
     //    mypet.GenderFull = "Male";
     //    mypet.Gender = "F";
     //    mypet.GenderFull = "Female";
     //    mypet.SpayedOrNeutered = true;
     //    mypet.SpayedOrNeutered = false;
     ////if (btnYes.Checked)
     ////    mypet.SpayedOrNeutered = true;
     ////    mypet.SpayedOrNeutered = false;
     //if (btnDog.CssClass.Contains("active"))
     //    mypet.SpeciesId = 1;
     //    mypet.SpeciesName = "Dog";
     //    mypet.SpeciesId = 2;
     //    mypet.SpeciesName = "Cat";
     mypet.Gender = rblGender.SelectedValue;
     mypet.SpayedOrNeutered = bool.Parse(rblSpay.SelectedValue);
     mypet.SpeciesId =int.Parse( rblSpecies.SelectedValue);
     if(mypet.SpeciesId ==1)
         mypet.SpeciesName = "Dog";
         mypet.SpeciesName = "Cat";
     //end 2015-06-29
     DetermineBreedWeighID(ref mypet);
     if (!Update)
         mypet.PetName = txtPetName.Text.Trim();
        private QuoteServiceReference.Pet CreateQuotePet(Pet p)
            return new QuoteServiceReference.Pet()

                Name = p.PetName,
                BirthDate = p.Birthday,
                BreedId = p.BreedId,
                SpeciesId = p.SpeciesId,
                ColorId = p.ColorId,
                ChipNumber = string.Empty,
                Gender = p.Gender, //male: 1 female =2
                WeightId = p.WeightId,
                SpayedOrNeutered = p.SpayedOrNeutered
        protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Page.IsValid)
                if (mCustomer != null)
                        var mypet = (from p in mCustomer.MyPets
                                     where p.PetName.ToLower().Equals(txtPetName.Text.ToLower())
                                     select p).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (mypet != null)
                            SavePet(true, ref mypet);//update//note: this is different than current, not allow pets have same name
                            if (mypet.Enrolled)
                                int quoteId = mypet.QuoteId;
                                List<Pet> lstEnrolled = (from p in mCustomer.MyPets
                                                         where p.QuoteId == quoteId
                                                         select p).ToList();
                                //first check if there is senior pet in family plan
                                bool bSenior = false;
                                string seniorName = "";
                                if (lstEnrolled.Count > 1)
                                    foreach (Pet p in lstEnrolled)
                                        if (p.Age > 9)
                                            bSenior = true;
                                            seniorName = p.PetName;
                                if (bSenior)
                                    lblError.Text = string.Format("Pet {0} is considered senior pet, senior pet is not allowed to be in the family plan, please remove this pet from the enrolled plan before edit", seniorName);
                                    PetfirstBL pfBl = new PetfirstBL();
                                    DoRequote(pfBl, lstEnrolled);
                            mypet = new Pet();
                            mypet.Enrolled = false;
                            SavePet(false, ref mypet);
                            using (PetfirstData pfData = new PetfirstData())
                                pfData.SavePet(mypet, mCustomer.CustomerId);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            LoggingError("Saving Pet", ex.ToString());
                        }//don't do anything if store data fails

                        if (this.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.ToLower().Contains("addpets_xs.aspx"))
                            Response.Redirect("~/AddPets.aspx", false);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        displayError("saving pet", ex.ToString(), true);
        public bool LoadFastQuote(ref PetfirstCustomer mCustomer, ref Pet thispet)
            bool bReturn = false;

            string sMemberCodeString = "";

            sMemberCodeString += mCustomer.DiscountMilitarySelected ? "M" : "";
            sMemberCodeString += mCustomer.DiscountInternetPurchase ? "I" : "";
            sMemberCodeString += mCustomer.DiscountVetSelected ? "A" : "";

                if (thispet.preQuotes == null)
                    thispet.preQuotes = new DataTable();
                using (var con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["PFQuoteDB"].ConnectionString))
                    using (var cmd = new SqlCommand("usp_GetPreQuotes", con))
                        cmd.Parameters.Add("@StateID", SqlDbType.TinyInt);
                        cmd.Parameters["@StateID"].Value = (byte)mCustomer.MembershipInfo.StateId;
                        cmd.Parameters.Add("@BreedID", SqlDbType.Int);

                        cmd.Parameters.Add("@Age", SqlDbType.Int);
                        cmd.Parameters["@Age"].Value = thispet.Age;
                        cmd.Parameters.Add("@WeightID", SqlDbType.TinyInt);

                        cmd.Parameters.Add("@EnrollmentCode", SqlDbType.VarChar, 20).Value = mCustomer.EnrollmentCode;
                        cmd.Parameters.Add("@MemberCodeString", SqlDbType.VarChar, 20).Value = sMemberCodeString;

                        if (thispet.SpeciesId == 2)
                            cmd.Parameters["@WeightID"].Value = (byte)1;
                            cmd.Parameters["@BreedID"].Value = 2;
                        else if (thispet.SpeciesId == 1 && thispet.BreedId == 54)
                            cmd.Parameters["@WeightID"].Value = (byte)thispet.WeightId;
                            cmd.Parameters["@BreedID"].Value = thispet.BreedId;
                            cmd.Parameters["@WeightID"].Value = (byte)0;
                            cmd.Parameters["@BreedID"].Value = thispet.BreedId;

                        using (var da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd))
                            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

                            if (thispet.preQuotes.Rows.Count > 0)
                                bReturn = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                bReturn = false;
                mCustomer.WebserviceErrorMsg = ex.Message;
            return (bReturn);
        private PolicyServiceReference.Pet CreatePolicyRequestPet(Pet p)
            return new PolicyServiceReference.Pet()

                Name = p.PetName,
                BirthDate = p.Birthday,
                BreedId = p.BreedId,
                SpeciesId = p.SpeciesId,
                ColorId = p.ColorId,
                ChipNumber = string.Empty,
                Gender = p.Gender,
                WeightId = p.WeightId,
                SpayedOrNeutered = p.SpayedOrNeutered
 public void SavePet(Pet pet, int custId)
     wsQPet dbPet = null;
     bool bAdd = false;
     if (pet.PetId == 0)
         dbPet = new wsQPet();
         bAdd = true;
         dbPet.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;
         dbPet = GetPetById(pet.PetId);
     if (dbPet != null)
         dbPet.Birthdate = pet.Birthday;
         dbPet.BreedId = pet.BreedId;
         dbPet.BreedName = pet.BreedName;
         dbPet.ColorId = pet.ColorId;
         dbPet.ColorName = pet.ColorName;
         dbPet.PetName = pet.PetName;
         dbPet.Gender = pet.Gender;
         dbPet.QCustomerID = custId;
         dbPet.QPlanID = pet.QPlanId;
         dbPet.SpayedOrNeutered = pet.SpayedOrNeutered;
         dbPet.SpeciesId = pet.SpeciesId;
         dbPet.SpeciesName = pet.SpeciesName;
         dbPet.WeightId = pet.WeightId;
             dbPet.ModifyDate = DateTime.Now;
         if (pet.PetId == 0)
             pet.PetId = dbPet.QPetID;
        public bool GetFastQuote(ref PetfirstCustomer mCustomer, ref Pet thispet, bool bNewQuote)
            bool bReturn = false;

            //Load from prequote;
            if (bNewQuote)
                bReturn = LoadFastQuote(ref mCustomer, ref thispet);

            if (thispet.preQuotes != null)
                Int16 nPlanID = (Int16)thispet.PlanId;
                decimal dDeductible = thispet.DeductibleAmount;
                decimal dCopay = (1 - thispet.Reimbursement);
                Boolean b125 = false;
                Boolean b250 = false;
                Boolean b400 = false;

                switch (thispet.Routine)
                    case "routine125":
                        b125 = true;
                    case "routine250":
                        b250 = true;
                    case "routine400":
                        b400 = true;

                    FastQuoteResponse thisQuote = (from qr in thispet.preQuotes.AsEnumerable()
                                                   where dDeductible == qr.Field<decimal>("Deductible") &&
                                                         dCopay == qr.Field<decimal>("Copay") &&
                                                         nPlanID == qr.Field<Int16>("PlanId") &&
                                                         b125 == qr.Field<Boolean>("Routine125") &&
                                                         b250 == qr.Field<Boolean>("Routine250") &&
                                                         b400 == qr.Field<Boolean>("Routine400")
                                                   select new FastQuoteResponse
                                                       QuoteID = qr.Field<int>("QuoteID"),
                                                       FilingID = qr.Field<int>("FilingID"),
                                                       AnnualPremiumAmount = qr.Field<decimal>("AnnualPremiumAmount"),
                                                       AdminFee = qr.Field<decimal>("AdminFee"),
                                                       RecurringMonthlyAmount = qr.Field<decimal>("ReccuringMonthlyAmount"),
                                                       FirstMonthPremiumAmount = qr.Field<decimal>("FirstMonthPremiumAmount"),
                                                       AnnualSavings = qr.Field<decimal>("AnnualSavings"),
                                                       AnnualDiscountAmount = qr.Field<decimal>("AnnualDiscountAmount")

                    if (thisQuote == null)
                        bReturn = false;

                        thispet.FirstMonthPaymentTotal = thisQuote.FirstMonthPremiumAmount;
                        thispet.FirstMonthTax = thisQuote.AdminFee;
                        thispet.RecurringMonthPaymentTotal = thisQuote.RecurringMonthlyAmount;
                        thispet.RecurringMonthTax = thisQuote.AdminFee;
                        thispet.InternetDiscountAmount = thisQuote.AnnualDiscountAmount;
                        thispet.EBDiscountAmount = 0;
                        thispet.MilitaryDiscountAmount = 0;
                        thispet.VetDiscountAmount = 0;
                        thispet.AnnualPaymentTotal = thisQuote.AnnualPremiumAmount;

                        if (mCustomer.Underwriter == 4)
                            thispet.FirstMonthPremiumOnly = thisQuote.FirstMonthPremiumAmount - thisQuote.AdminFee;
                            thispet.RecurringMonthPremiumOnly = thisQuote.RecurringMonthlyAmount - thisQuote.AdminFee;
                            thispet.FirstMonthPremiumOnly = thisQuote.FirstMonthPremiumAmount - thisQuote.AdminFee;
                            thispet.RecurringMonthPremiumOnly = thisQuote.RecurringMonthlyAmount - thisQuote.AdminFee;
                        thispet.QuoteId = thisQuote.QuoteID;
                        thispet.Enrolled = true;
                        thispet.OldQuoteData = false;

                        if (thisQuote.FilingID > 47)
                            thispet.MultiPetAvailable = true;

                        bReturn = true;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    bReturn = false;

            return (bReturn);
        public void RetrieveSavedData(ref PetfirstCustomer mCustomer)
            wsQCustomer dbCustomer = GetCustomerById(mCustomer.CustomerId);
            if (dbCustomer != null)
                mCustomer.BillingInfo.City = dbCustomer.BillCity;
                mCustomer.BillingInfo.FirstName = dbCustomer.BillFirstName;
                mCustomer.BillingInfo.LastName = dbCustomer.BillLastName;
                mCustomer.BillingInfo.State = dbCustomer.BillState;
                if(dbCustomer.BillStateId !=null)
                    mCustomer.BillingInfo.StateId = (int)dbCustomer.BillStateId;
                mCustomer.BillingInfo.Address1 = dbCustomer.BillStreetAddress;
                mCustomer.BillingInfo.Address2 = dbCustomer.BillStreetAddress2;
                mCustomer.BillingInfo.Zip = dbCustomer.BillZipcode;
                mCustomer.MembershipInfo.City = dbCustomer.City;
                mCustomer.MembershipInfo.FirstName = dbCustomer.FirstName;
                mCustomer.MembershipInfo.LastName = dbCustomer.LastName;
                mCustomer.MembershipInfo.State = dbCustomer.State;
                if(dbCustomer.StateId !=null)
                    mCustomer.MembershipInfo.StateId = (int)dbCustomer.StateId;
                mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Address1 = dbCustomer.StreetAddress;
                mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Address2 = dbCustomer.StreetAddress2;
                mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Zip = dbCustomer.Zipcode;
                mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Email = dbCustomer.Email;
                mCustomer.EnrollmentCode = dbCustomer.EnrollmentCode;
                mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Phone = dbCustomer.Phone;
                if(dbCustomer.PaymentFrequency !=null)
                    mCustomer.PayFrequency = (short)dbCustomer.PaymentFrequency;
            int custId =mCustomer.CustomerId;
            ////kp:2015-05-04 Retrieve Quote
            DateTime endDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(90);// prinsloo wants to data from 90 days back//TODO: verify with Prinsloo
            //end 2015-05-04
            //retrieve pets
            if (custId != 0)
                //find the pets that does not have a policy but have plandata

                var lstDbPet1 = (from p in context.wsQPets
                                     pl in context.wsQPlans on p.QPlanID equals pl.QPlanID
                                 where p.QCustomerID == custId
                                 && (pl.PolicyNumber.Equals("") || pl.PolicyNumber == null)
                                 && pl.CreateDate <= endDate
                                 select p).ToList();
                //list of pets that does not have a quote yet
                var lstDbPet2 = (from p in context.wsQPets
                                 where p.QCustomerID == custId
                                 && (p.QPlanID==0 ||p.QPlanID ==null)
                                 //&& p.CreateDate <=endDate
                                 select p).ToList();
                var lstDbPet = lstDbPet1.Concat(lstDbPet2).ToList();
                //this filter dup
                //var lstDbPet = new List<wsQPet>(lstDbPet1);
                //lstDbPet.AddRange(lstDbPet2.Where(p2 => lstDbPet1.All(p1 => p1.QPetID != p2.QPetID)));
                foreach (wsQPet dbPet in lstDbPet)
                    Pet pet = new Pet();
                    pet.PetId = dbPet.QPetID;
                    if(dbPet.Birthdate !=null)
                        pet.Birthday =(DateTime) dbPet.Birthdate;

                    if (dbPet.BreedId != null)
                        pet.BreedId = (int)dbPet.BreedId;
                        pet.BreedName = dbPet.BreedName;
                    if (dbPet.ColorId != null)
                        pet.ColorId = (int)dbPet.ColorId;
                        pet.ColorName = dbPet.ColorName;
                    pet.PetName = dbPet.PetName;
                    pet.Gender = dbPet.Gender;
                    if (dbPet.Gender.Equals("M"))
                        pet.GenderFull = "Male";
                    else if (dbPet.Gender.Equals("F"))
                        pet.GenderFull = "Female";
                    custId = dbPet.QCustomerID;
                    if(dbPet.QPlanID !=null)
                        pet.QPlanId =(int) dbPet.QPlanID;
                    if(dbPet.SpayedOrNeutered !=null)
                        pet.SpayedOrNeutered = (bool)dbPet.SpayedOrNeutered;
                    if (dbPet.SpeciesId != null)
                        pet.SpeciesId = (int)dbPet.SpeciesId;
                        pet.SpeciesName = dbPet.SpeciesName;
                        pet.WeightId =(int) dbPet.WeightId;
                    if (dbPet.QPlanID !=null)
                        pet.QPlanId = (int)dbPet.QPlanID;
                        pet.Enrolled = false;
                    if (dbPet.ModifyDate == null)
                        pet.ModifiedDate = dbPet.CreateDate;
                        pet.ModifiedDate = (DateTime)dbPet.ModifyDate;
               //retrieve plans
                var lstDbPlan = (from p in context.wsQPets
                                     pl in context.wsQPlans on p.QPlanID equals pl.QPlanID
                                 where p.QCustomerID == custId
                                 && (pl.PolicyNumber.Equals("") || pl.PolicyNumber == null)
                                 && pl.CreateDate <= endDate
                                 ////kp: 2015-05-21 delete standard plan site wide
                                 && pl.PlanId >=61 //only retrieve lifetime
                                 ////end 2015-05-21
                                 select pl).ToList();
                foreach (wsQPlan dbQPlan in lstDbPlan)
                    foreach (Pet p in mCustomer.MyPets)
                        int count = 0;
                        if (p.QPlanId == dbQPlan.QPlanID)
                            if (dbQPlan.Deductible != null)
                                p.DeductibleAmount = (decimal)dbQPlan.Deductible;
                            p.LeadId = dbQPlan.LeadId;
                            if (dbQPlan.PlanId != null)
                                p.PlanId = (int)dbQPlan.PlanId;
                            if (dbQPlan.PlanTypeId != null)
                                p.PlanType = dbQPlan.PlanTypeId.ToString();
                            p.PlanName = dbQPlan.PlanName;
                            if (dbQPlan.QuoteId != null)
                                p.QuoteId = (int)dbQPlan.QuoteId;
                            if (dbQPlan.Limit != null)
                                p.LimitAmount = (decimal)dbQPlan.Limit;
                            if (dbQPlan.Reimbursement != null)
                                p.Reimbursement = (decimal)dbQPlan.Reimbursement;
                            p.Breeder = dbQPlan.RiderBreeders;
                            if (dbQPlan.RiderHereditary100)
                                p.Hereditary = "hereditary100";
                            else if (dbQPlan.RiderHereditary25)
                                p.Hereditary = "hereditary25";
                            p.PrescriptionFood = dbQPlan.RiderPrescriptionFood;
                            if (dbQPlan.RiderRoutine125)
                                p.Routine = "routine125";
                            else if (dbQPlan.RiderRoutine250)
                                p.Routine = "routine250";
                            else if (dbQPlan.RiderRoutine400)
                                p.Routine = "routine400";
                            if (dbQPlan.AnnualPayment != null)
                                p.AnnualPaymentTotal = (decimal)dbQPlan.AnnualPayment;
                            if (dbQPlan.FirstMonthPayment != null)
                                p.FirstMonthPaymentTotal = (decimal)dbQPlan.FirstMonthPayment;
                            if (dbQPlan.FirstMonthTax != null)
                                p.FirstMonthTax = (decimal)dbQPlan.FirstMonthTax;
                            if (dbQPlan.RecurringMonthPayment != null)
                                p.RecurringMonthPaymentTotal = (decimal)dbQPlan.RecurringMonthPayment;
                            if (dbQPlan.RecurringMonthTax != null)
                                p.RecurringMonthTax = (decimal)dbQPlan.RecurringMonthTax;
                            if (dbQPlan.PolicyId != null)
                                p.PolicyId = (Int64)dbQPlan.PolicyId;
                            p.Enrolled = true;
                            p.OldQuoteData = true; //retrieved old quote amount
                            ////kp: 2015-05-04 retrieve quote
                            if (dbQPlan.ModifyDate == null)
                                p.ModifiedDate = dbQPlan.CreateDate;
                                p.ModifiedDate = (DateTime)dbQPlan.ModifyDate;
                            //concat rider name to display on the page
                            string ridername = string.Empty;
                            bool hasRider = false;
                            if (p.Routine.Equals("routine125"))
                                hasRider = true;
                                ridername = "Routine Care 125";
                            else if (p.Routine.Equals("routine250"))
                                hasRider = true;
                                ridername = "Routine Care 250";
                            else if (p.Routine.Equals("routine400"))
                                hasRider = true;
                                ridername = "Routine Care 400";
                            //prescrption food
                            if (hasRider && p.PrescriptionFood)
                                ridername += "<br />" + "Prescription Food";
                            else if (p.PrescriptionFood)
                                hasRider = true;
                                ridername = "Prescription Food";
                            if (hasRider && p.Hereditary.Equals("hereditary25"))
                                ridername += "<br />" + "Hereditary & Chronic 25%";
                            else if (hasRider && p.Hereditary.Equals("hereditary100"))
                                ridername += "<br />" + "Hereditary & Chronic 100%";
                            else if (p.Hereditary.Equals("hereditary25"))
                                hasRider = true;
                                ridername = "Hereditary & Chronic 25%";
                            else if (p.Hereditary.Equals("hereditary100"))
                                hasRider = true;
                                ridername = "Hereditary & Chronic 100%";
                            if (hasRider && p.Breeder)
                                ridername += "<br />" + "Breeder Coverage";
                            else if (p.Breeder)
                                ridername = "Breeder Coverage";
                            p.RiderName = ridername;
                            ////end 2015-05-04
                        if (count > 1)
                            p.IsFamilyPlan = true;

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

            mCustomer = (PetfirstCustomer)Session["Customer"];
            mthisPet = (Pet)Session["Pet"];
            if (mCustomer == null)
                Response.Redirect("Default.aspx", false);
                if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                    if (mCustomer != null)
                        ListsManager lm = new ListsManager();

                    if (mthisPet != null)
                        if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["canceladd"])) //see if we are cancelling add pet. If so, then load latest pet.
                            mthisPet = mCustomer.MyPets.ElementAtOrDefault(mCustomer.MyPets.Count - 1);
                            mCustomer.MyPets.RemoveAt(mCustomer.MyPets.Count - 1);

                        string jd;
                        PetName.Text = mthisPet.PetName + "'s";
                        ddlLimit.SelectedValue = mthisPet.LimitAmount.ToString("C0");
                        ddlDeductible.SelectedValue  = mthisPet.DeductibleAmount.ToString("C0");
                        ddlReimburse.SelectedValue = jd = (mthisPet.Reimbursement.ToString("P0").Replace(" ", ""));
                        ddlRoutine.SelectedValue = GetRiderNameFromValue(mthisPet.Routine);
                        lblDiscounts.Text = (mthisPet.InternetDiscountAmount +
                                             mthisPet.EBDiscountAmount +
                                             mthisPet.MilitaryDiscountAmount +

                if (mthisPet != null)

                this.Master.NumberofPets = (mCustomer.MyPets.Count + 1).ToString();


            #region debug
            //            if (mCustomer != null && mthisPet != null)
            //            {
            //                CustomerDebug.Text = String.Format(@"  First Name: [{0}], Last Name: [{1}], Add1: [{2}], Add2: [{3}], City: [{4}], State: [{5}], StateCode: [{6}],
            //                                                 Zip: [{7}], Phone: [{8}], Email: [{9}], CustomerID: [{10}], CallCenter: [{11}], EC: [{12}], Pay Freq: [{13}],
            //                                                 CC Num: [{14}], Sec Code: [{15}], Exp: [{16}/{17}], LifeTimeActive: [{18}] DISCOUNTS: EBEC: [{19}], Vet: [{20}],
            //                                                 Military: [{21}], MilBranchID [{22}], MilStatusID[{23}]",
            //                   mCustomer.MembershipInfo.FirstName,
            //                   mCustomer.MembershipInfo.LastName,
            //                   mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Address1,
            //                   mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Address2,
            //                   mCustomer.MembershipInfo.City,
            //                   mCustomer.MembershipInfo.State,
            //                   mCustomer.MembershipInfo.StateId,
            //                   mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Zip,
            //                   mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Phone,
            //                   mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Email,
            //                   mCustomer.CustomerId,
            //                   mCustomer.CallCenter,
            //                   mCustomer.EnrollmentCode,
            //                   mCustomer.PayFrequency,
            //                   mCustomer.CcNumber,
            //                   mCustomer.SecCode,
            //                   mCustomer.ExpirationMonth,
            //                   mCustomer.ExpirationYear,
            //                   mCustomer.LifeTimeActive,
            //                   mCustomer.EBEnrollmentCodeDiscount,
            //                   mCustomer.VetDiscount,
            //                   mCustomer.MilitaryDiscount,
            //                   mCustomer.MilitaryBranchID,
            //                   mCustomer.MilitaryStatusID
            //                   );
            //                CurrentPetDebug.Text = String.Format(@"ID: [{0}], Name: [{1}], SpeciesID: [{2}], SpeciesName: [{3}], BreedID: [{4}], BreedName: [{5}], Age: [{6}],
            //                                                 BirthDay: [{7}], WeightID: [{8}], Gender: [{9}], GenderFull: [{10}], Limit Amount: [{11}], Deductible Amount: [{12}], Reimbursement: [{13}],
            //                                                 Rider Name: [{14}], Routine: [{15}], AnnualPaymentTotal: [{16}], FirstMonthlyPaymentTotal: [{17}], FirstMonthlyPremiumOnly: [{18}],
            //                                                 FirstMonthTax: [{19}], RecurringMonthPaymentTotal: [{20}], RecurringMonthPremiumOnly: [{21}], RecurringMonthTax [{22}], PolicyNumber[{23}],
            //                                                 PolicyID: [{24}], PlanType: [{25}], PlanName: [{26}], PlanID: [{27}], SpayedNeutered: [{28}]",
            //                    mthisPet.PetId,
            //                    mthisPet.PetName,
            //                    mthisPet.SpeciesId,
            //                    mthisPet.SpeciesName,
            //                    mthisPet.BreedId,
            //                    mthisPet.BreedName,
            //                    mthisPet.Age,
            //                    mthisPet.Birthday,
            //                    mthisPet.WeightId,
            //                    mthisPet.Gender,
            //                    mthisPet.GenderFull,
            //                    mthisPet.LimitAmount,
            //                    mthisPet.DeductibleAmount,
            //                    mthisPet.Reimbursement,
            //                    mthisPet.RiderName,
            //                    mthisPet.Routine,
            //                    mthisPet.AnnualPaymentTotal,
            //                    mthisPet.FirstMonthPaymentTotal,
            //                    mthisPet.FirstMonthPremiumOnly,
            //                    mthisPet.FirstMonthTax,
            //                    mthisPet.RecurringMonthPaymentTotal,
            //                    mthisPet.RecurringMonthPremiumOnly,
            //                    mthisPet.RecurringMonthTax,
            //                    mthisPet.PolicyNumber,
            //                    mthisPet.PolicyId,
            //                    mthisPet.PlanType,
            //                    mthisPet.PlanName,
            //                    mthisPet.PlanId,
            //                    mthisPet.SpayedOrNeutered);
            //            }
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bCurrentCustomer = false;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["current_customer"]))
                bCurrentCustomer = true;

            mCustomer = (PetfirstCustomer)Session["Customer"];
            mthisPet = (Pet)Session["Pet"];
            if (mCustomer == null)
                Response.Redirect("Default.aspx", false);
                if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                    if (bCurrentCustomer)
                        chkInternetDiscount.Checked = mCustomer.DiscountInternetPurchase;
                        MilitaryBlock.Visible = mCustomer.DiscountMilitaryAvailable;
                        chkMilitary.Checked = mCustomer.DiscountMilitarySelected;
                        chkEmployeeGroup.Checked = mCustomer.DiscountEBEnrollmentCode;
                        txtEmployer.Text = mCustomer.EBEnrollmentCodeCompany;
                        VetBlock.Visible = mCustomer.DiscountVetAvailable;
                        chkVetEmp.Checked = mCustomer.DiscountVetSelected;
                        txtEmail.Text = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Email;
                        ddlBranch.SelectedIndex = mCustomer.MilitaryBranchID;
                        rblServiceType.SelectedIndex = mCustomer.MilitaryStatusID;
                        bCurrentCustomer = true;

                        chkInternetDiscount.Checked = mCustomer.DiscountInternetPurchase;
                        PetfirstData pfData = new PetfirstData();
                        chkEmployeeGroup.Checked = mCustomer.DiscountEBEnrollmentCode = pfData.IsCorporateDiscount(mCustomer.EnrollmentCode);
                        MilitaryBlock.Visible = mCustomer.DiscountMilitaryAvailable;
                        VetBlock.Visible = mCustomer.DiscountVetAvailable;

                this.Master.NumberofPets = mCustomer.MyPets.Count.ToString();
        private void SavePetAttributes(ref Pet pet)
            string planName = "";
            pet.PlanType = (mCustomer.LifeTimeActive ? "2" : "1");
            //pet.PlanType =rblPlanType.SelectedValue;
            //string planName = rblPlanType.SelectedValue.Equals("1") ? "Standard" : "Lifetime";
            planName = (mCustomer.LifeTimeActive ? "Lifetime" : "Standard");
            pet.PlanName = string.Concat(planName, " ", ddlLimit.SelectedValue.Replace("$", ""));//sarah want to display the , but not the $
            pet.LimitAmount = decimal.Parse(ddlLimit.SelectedValue.Replace("$", ""));
            pet.DeductibleAmount = decimal.Parse(ddlDeductible.SelectedValue.Replace("$", ""));
            pet.Reimbursement = decimal.Parse(ddlReimburse.SelectedValue.Replace("%", "")) / 100;
            //rider special handle
            if (pnlRoutine.Visible)
                pet.Routine = rblRoutine.SelectedValue;
                pet.Breeder = cbBreeder.Checked;
                pet.PrescriptionFood = cbPrescription.Checked;
                pet.Hereditary = rblHereditary.SelectedValue;
            ////kp: 2015-05-04 retrieve quote- phase1 leftover item: show rider name to plan repeater
            string riderName = string.Empty;
            bool hasRider = false;
            if (pnlRoutine.Visible&&rblRoutine.SelectedValue.Equals("routine125"))
                hasRider = true;
                riderName = "Routine Care 125";
            else if(pnlRoutine.Visible&&rblRoutine.SelectedValue.Equals("routine250"))
                hasRider = true;
                riderName = "Routine Care 250";
            else if (pnlRoutine.Visible && rblRoutine.SelectedValue.Equals("routine400"))
                hasRider = true;
                riderName = "Routine Care 400";

            if (pnlPrescription.Visible && cbPrescription.Checked && hasRider)
                riderName += "<br />" + "Prescription Food";
            else if (pnlPrescription.Visible && cbPrescription.Checked)
                hasRider = true;
                riderName = "Prescription Food";
            if (pnlHereditary.Visible && !rblHereditary.SelectedItem.Text.ToLower().Equals("none") && hasRider)
                riderName += "<br />" + rblHereditary.SelectedItem.Text;
            else if (pnlHereditary.Visible && !rblHereditary.SelectedItem.Text.ToLower().Equals("none"))
                hasRider = true;
                riderName = rblHereditary.SelectedItem.Text;
            if (pnlBreeder.Visible && cbBreeder.Checked && hasRider)
                riderName += "<br />" + "Breeder Coverage";
            else if (pnlBreeder.Visible && cbBreeder.Checked)
                riderName = "Breeder Coverage";
            pet.RiderName = riderName;
            ////end 2015-05-04
        private bool LoadCustomerInfo(ref PetfirstCustomer mCustomer, string scustomerLookup)
            bool bReturn = true;
            SqlConnection con = GetConnection();
            SqlDataReader sdr = null;
            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("usp_pricecompare_tmpcustomer_get_by_customer_id", con);

            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@customer_id", SqlDbType.BigInt));
            cmd.Parameters["@customer_id"].Value = Int32.Parse(scustomerLookup);

                sdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                while (sdr.Read())
                    mCustomer.MembershipInfo.FirstName = sdr.GetString(CTFIRSTNAME);
                    mCustomer.MembershipInfo.LastName = sdr.GetString(CTLASTNAME);
                    mCustomer.EnrollmentCode = sdr.GetString(CTENROLLMENTCODE);

                    using (PetfirstData pfData = new PetfirstData())
                        mCustomer.CallCenter = pfData.GetPhoneNumber(mCustomer.EnrollmentCode);

                    mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Email = sdr.GetString(CTEMAIL);
                    mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Zip = sdr.GetString(CTZIP);
                    mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Phone = sdr.GetString(CTPHONE);

                    if ((sdr.GetString(CTPAYFREQUENCY)).ToString().Contains("monthly") == true)
                        mCustomer.PayFrequency = 1;
                        mCustomer.PayFrequency = 2;

                    CoreServiceClient csc = new CoreServiceClient();
                    CoreServiceGetStateByZipResponse resp = csc.GetStateByZip(mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Zip);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(resp.Error.ErrorText))
                        mCustomer.MembershipInfo.StateId = resp.State.Id;
                        mCustomer.MembershipInfo.City = resp.State.CityName;
                        mCustomer.MembershipInfo.State = resp.State.StateName;

                    Pet myPet = new Pet();

                    myPet.Birthday = sdr.GetDateTime(CTPETBIRTHDAY);
                    myPet.ColorId = 146; //Any Breed//
                    myPet.ColorName = "Any";

                    if ((sdr.GetString(CTSPECIESNAME)).ToString().Contains("dog") == true)
                        myPet.SpeciesId = 1;
                        myPet.SpeciesName = "Dog";
                        myPet.SpeciesId = 2;
                        myPet.SpeciesName = "Cat";

                    myPet.BreedId = sdr.GetInt32(CTBREEDID);
                    myPet.WeightId = sdr.GetByte(CTWEIGHTID);
                    myPet.PetName = sdr.GetString(CTPETNAME);
                    myPet.GenderFull = sdr.GetString(CTPETGENDER);

                    if (myPet.GenderFull.Contains("female"))
                        myPet.Gender = "F";
                        myPet.Gender = "M";

                    myPet.DeductibleAmount = sdr.GetDecimal(CTDEDUCTIBLE);
                    myPet.Reimbursement = sdr.GetDecimal(CTREIMBURSEMENT);
                    myPet.SpayedOrNeutered = sdr.GetBoolean(CTSPAYORNEUTER);
                    //stored procedure will take care of figuring out if this is true or not.
                    mCustomer.DiscountVetAvailable = true;
                    mCustomer.DiscountMilitaryAvailable = true;
                    mCustomer.DiscountMilitarySelected = sdr.GetBoolean(CTMILITARY);
                    mCustomer.DiscountVetSelected = sdr.GetBoolean(CTVETPROFFESIONAL);


                        using (PetfirstData pfData = new PetfirstData())


            catch (Exception ex)
                bReturn = false;
                LoggingError(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);
                if (con != null)
                    con = null;
                if (cmd != null)
                    cmd = null;

            return (bReturn);