Esempio n. 1
        public async Task <StreamSubscriptionHandle <T> > SubscribeAsync(
            IAsyncObserver <T> observer,
            StreamSequenceToken token,
            StreamFilterPredicate filterFunc = null,
            object filterData = null)
            if (token != null && !IsRewindable)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("token", "Passing a non-null token to a non-rewindable IAsyncObservable.");

            if (logger.IsVerbose)
                logger.Verbose("Subscribe Observer={0} Token={1}", observer, token);
            await BindExtensionLazy();

            IStreamFilterPredicateWrapper filterWrapper = null;

            if (filterFunc != null)
                filterWrapper = new FilterPredicateWrapperData(filterData, filterFunc);

            if (logger.IsVerbose)
                logger.Verbose("Subscribe - Connecting to Rendezvous {0} My GrainRef={1} Token={2}",
                               pubSub, myGrainReference, token);

            GuidId subscriptionId = pubSub.CreateSubscriptionId(myGrainReference, stream.StreamId);
            await pubSub.RegisterConsumer(subscriptionId, stream.StreamId, streamProviderName, myGrainReference, token, filterWrapper);

            return(myExtension.SetObserver(subscriptionId, stream, observer, filterWrapper));
Esempio n. 2
        private async Task <StreamSubscriptionHandle <T> > SubscribeAsyncImpl(
            IAsyncObserver <T> observer,
            IAsyncBatchObserver <T> batchObserver,
            StreamSequenceToken token,
            string filterData = null)
            if (token != null && !IsRewindable)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("token", "Passing a non-null token to a non-rewindable IAsyncObservable.");
            if (observer is GrainReference)
                throw new ArgumentException("On-behalf subscription via grain references is not supported. Only passing of object references is allowed.", nameof(observer));
            if (batchObserver is GrainReference)
                throw new ArgumentException("On-behalf subscription via grain references is not supported. Only passing of object references is allowed.", nameof(batchObserver));

            if (logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Debug))
                logger.Debug("Subscribe Token={Token}", token);
            await BindExtensionLazy();

            if (logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Debug))
                logger.Debug("Subscribe - Connecting to Rendezvous {0} My GrainRef={1} Token={2}",
                             pubSub, myGrainReference, token);

            GuidId subscriptionId = pubSub.CreateSubscriptionId(stream.InternalStreamId, myGrainReference);

            // Optimistic Concurrency:
            // In general, we should first register the subsription with the pubsub (pubSub.RegisterConsumer)
            // and only if it succeeds store it locally (myExtension.SetObserver).
            // Basicaly, those 2 operations should be done as one atomic transaction - either both or none and isolated from concurrent reads.
            // BUT: there is a distributed race here: the first msg may arrive before the call is awaited
            // (since the pubsub notifies the producer that may immideately produce)
            // and will thus not find the subriptionHandle in the extension, basically violating "isolation".
            // Therefore, we employ Optimistic Concurrency Control here to guarantee isolation:
            // we optimisticaly store subscriptionId in the handle first before calling pubSub.RegisterConsumer
            // and undo it in the case of failure.
            // There is no problem with that we call myExtension.SetObserver too early before the handle is registered in pub sub,
            // since this subscriptionId is unique (random Guid) and no one knows it anyway, unless successfully subscribed in the pubsub.
            var subriptionHandle = myExtension.SetObserver(subscriptionId, stream, observer, batchObserver, token, filterData);

                await pubSub.RegisterConsumer(subscriptionId, stream.InternalStreamId, myGrainReference, filterData);

            catch (Exception)
                // Undo the previous call myExtension.SetObserver.