Esempio n. 1
        public UUID SaveBitmap(Bitmap data, bool lossless, bool temporary)
            AssetBase asset = new AssetBase(UUID.Random(), "MRMDynamicImage", AssetType.Texture,
                                      Data = OpenJPEG.EncodeFromImage(data, lossless),
                                      Description = "MRM Image",
                                      Flags = (temporary) ? AssetFlags.Temperary : 0
            asset.ID = m_scene.AssetService.Store(asset);

            return asset.ID;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Update what the avatar is wearing using an item from their inventory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        public void AvatarIsWearing(IClientAPI client, AvatarWearingArgs e)
            IScenePresence sp = m_scene.GetScenePresence(client.AgentId);
            if (sp == null)
                m_log.WarnFormat("[AvatarFactory]: AvatarIsWearing unable to find presence for {0}", client.AgentId);

            m_log.DebugFormat("[AvatarFactory]: AvatarIsWearing called for {0}", client.AgentId);

            // operate on a copy of the appearance so we don't have to lock anything
            IAvatarAppearanceModule appearance = sp.RequestModuleInterface<IAvatarAppearanceModule> ();
            AvatarAppearance avatAppearance = new AvatarAppearance (appearance.Appearance, false);

            IOpenRegionSettingsModule module = m_scene.RequestModuleInterface<IOpenRegionSettingsModule> ();

            bool NeedsRebake = false;
            if (module != null && module.EnableTeenMode)
                foreach (AvatarWearingArgs.Wearable wear in e.NowWearing)
                    if (wear.Type == 10 & wear.ItemID == UUID.Zero && module.DefaultUnderpants != UUID.Zero)
                        NeedsRebake = true;
                        wear.ItemID = module.DefaultUnderpants;
                        InventoryItemBase item = new InventoryItemBase(UUID.Random());
                        item.InvType = (int)InventoryType.Wearable;
                        item.AssetType = (int)AssetType.Clothing;
                        item.Name = "Default Underpants";
                        item.Folder = m_scene.InventoryService.GetFolderForType(client.AgentId, InventoryType.Wearable, AssetType.Clothing).ID;
                        item.Owner = client.AgentId;
                        item.CurrentPermissions = 0;//Locked
                        item.CreatorId = UUID.Zero.ToString();
                        item.AssetID = module.DefaultUnderpants;
                        client.SendInventoryItemCreateUpdate(item, 0);
                    else if (wear.Type == 10 & wear.ItemID == UUID.Zero)
                        NeedsRebake = true;
                        InventoryItemBase item = new InventoryItemBase (UUID.Random ());
                        item.InvType = (int)InventoryType.Wearable;
                        item.AssetType = (int)AssetType.Clothing;
                        item.Name = "Default Underpants";
                        item.Folder = m_scene.InventoryService.GetFolderForType (client.AgentId, InventoryType.Wearable, AssetType.Clothing).ID;
                        item.Owner = client.AgentId;
                        item.CurrentPermissions = 0;//Locked
                        if (m_underPantsUUID == UUID.Zero)
                            m_underPantsUUID = UUID.Random ();
                            AssetBase asset = new AssetBase(m_underPantsUUID, "Default Underpants", AssetType.Clothing,
                                                            UUID.Zero) {Data = Utils.StringToBytes(m_defaultUnderPants)};
                            asset.ID = m_scene.AssetService.Store(asset);
                            m_underPantsUUID = asset.ID;
                        item.CreatorId = UUID.Zero.ToString ();
                        item.AssetID = m_underPantsUUID;
                        client.SendInventoryItemCreateUpdate(item, 0);
                        wear.ItemID = item.ID;
                    if (wear.Type == 11 && wear.ItemID == UUID.Zero && module.DefaultUndershirt != UUID.Zero)
                        NeedsRebake = true;
                        wear.ItemID = module.DefaultUndershirt;
                        InventoryItemBase item = new InventoryItemBase(UUID.Random());
                        item.InvType = (int)InventoryType.Wearable;
                        item.AssetType = (int)AssetType.Clothing;
                        item.Name = "Default Undershirt";
                        item.Folder = m_scene.InventoryService.GetFolderForType(client.AgentId, InventoryType.Wearable, AssetType.Clothing).ID;
                        item.Owner = client.AgentId;
                        item.CurrentPermissions = 0;//Locked
                        item.CreatorId = UUID.Zero.ToString();
                        item.AssetID = module.DefaultUndershirt;
                        client.SendInventoryItemCreateUpdate(item, 0);
                    else if (wear.Type == 11 & wear.ItemID == UUID.Zero)
                        NeedsRebake = true;
                        InventoryItemBase item = new InventoryItemBase (UUID.Random());
                        item.InvType = (int)InventoryType.Wearable;
                        item.AssetType = (int)AssetType.Clothing;
                        item.Name = "Default Undershirt";
                        item.Folder = m_scene.InventoryService.GetFolderForType (client.AgentId, InventoryType.Wearable, AssetType.Clothing).ID;
                        item.Owner = client.AgentId;
                        item.CurrentPermissions = 0;//Locked
                        if (m_underShirtUUID == UUID.Zero)
                            m_underShirtUUID = UUID.Random ();
                            AssetBase asset = new AssetBase(m_underShirtUUID, "Default Undershirt", AssetType.Clothing,
                                                            UUID.Zero) {Data = Utils.StringToBytes(m_defaultUnderShirt)};
                            asset.ID = m_scene.AssetService.Store(asset);
                            m_underShirtUUID = asset.ID;
                        item.CreatorId = UUID.Zero.ToString ();
                        item.AssetID = m_underShirtUUID;
                        client.SendInventoryItemCreateUpdate(item, 0);
                        wear.ItemID = item.ID;

            foreach (AvatarWearingArgs.Wearable wear in e.NowWearing)
                if (wear.Type < AvatarWearable.MAX_WEARABLES)
                    /*if (incomingLinks.ContainsKey (wear.ItemID))
                        wear.ItemID = incomingLinks[wear.ItemID];
                    avatAppearance.Wearables[wear.Type].Add (wear.ItemID, UUID.Zero);

            avatAppearance.GetAssetsFrom (appearance.Appearance);
            // This could take awhile since it needs to pull inventory
            SetAppearanceAssets(sp.UUID, ref avatAppearance);

            // could get fancier with the locks here, but in the spirit of "last write wins"
            // this should work correctly, also, we don't need to send the appearance here
            // since the "iswearing" will trigger a new set of visual param and baked texture changes
            // when those complete, the new appearance will be sent
            appearance.Appearance = avatAppearance;
            if (NeedsRebake)
                //Tell the client about the new things it is wearing
                sp.ControllingClient.SendWearables (appearance.Appearance.Wearables, appearance.Appearance.Serial);
                //Then forcefully tell it to rebake
                for (int i = 0; i < appearance.Appearance.Texture.FaceTextures.Length; i++)
                    Primitive.TextureEntryFace face = (appearance.Appearance.Texture.FaceTextures[i]);

                    if (face != null)
                        sp.ControllingClient.SendRebakeAvatarTextures (face.TextureID);
            //Send the wearables HERE so that the client knows what it is wearing
            //sp.ControllingClient.SendWearables(sp.Appearance.Wearables, sp.Appearance.Serial);
            //Do not save or send the appearance! The client loops back and sends a bunch of SetAppearance
            //  (handled above) and that takes care of it
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called if a given model avatar name can not be found. If the external
        /// file has already been loaded once, then control returns immediately. If not, then it
        /// looks for a default appearance file. This file contains XML definitions of zero or more named
        /// avatars, each avatar can specify zero or more "outfits". Each outfit is a collection
        /// of items that together, define a particular ensemble for the avatar. Each avatar should
        /// indicate which outfit is the default, and this outfit will be automatically worn. The
        /// other outfits are provided to allow "real" avatars a way to easily change their outfits.
        /// </summary>

        private bool CreateDefaultAvatars()
            // Only load once
            if (m_defaultAvatarsLoaded)
                return false;

            m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] Creating default avatar entries");

            m_defaultAvatarsLoaded = true;

            // Load processing starts here...

                string defaultAppearanceFileName = null;

                //m_config may be null if RemoteAdmin configuration secition is missing or disabled in Aurora.ini
                if (m_config != null)
                    defaultAppearanceFileName = m_config.GetString("default_appearance", "default_appearance.xml");

                if (File.Exists(defaultAppearanceFileName))
                    XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
                    string name     = "*unknown*";
                    string email    = "anon@anon";
                    uint   regionXLocation     = 1000;
                    uint   regionYLocation     = 1000;
                    string password   = UUID.Random().ToString(); // No requirement to sign-in.
                    UUID ID = UUID.Zero;
                    AvatarAppearance avatarAppearance;
                    XmlNodeList avatars;
                    XmlNodeList assets;
                    XmlNode perms = null;
                    bool include = false;
                    bool select  = false;

                    IScene scene = manager.CurrentOrFirstScene;
                    IInventoryService inventoryService = scene.InventoryService;
                    IAssetService assetService = scene.AssetService;


                    // Load up any included assets. Duplicates will be ignored
                    assets = doc.GetElementsByTagName("RequiredAsset");
                    foreach (XmlNode assetNode in assets)
                        AssetBase asset = new AssetBase(UUID.Random(), GetStringAttribute(assetNode, "name", ""),
                                                        SByte.Parse(GetStringAttribute(assetNode, "type", "")),
                                                  Description = GetStringAttribute(assetNode, "desc", ""),
                                                  Data = Convert.FromBase64String(assetNode.InnerText),
                                                  Flags = ((Boolean.Parse(GetStringAttribute(assetNode, "local", "")))
                                                               ? AssetFlags.Local
                                                               : AssetFlags.Normal) |
                                                          ((Boolean.Parse(GetStringAttribute(assetNode, "temporary", "")))
                                                               ? AssetFlags.Temperary
                                                               : AssetFlags.Normal)

                        asset.ID = assetService.Store(asset);

                    avatars = doc.GetElementsByTagName("Avatar");

                    // The document may contain multiple avatars

                    foreach (XmlElement avatar in avatars)
                        m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] Loading appearance for {0}, gender = {1}",
                            GetStringAttribute(avatar,"name","?"), GetStringAttribute(avatar,"gender","?"));

                        // Create the user identified by the avatar entry

                            // Only the name value is mandatory
                            name   = GetStringAttribute(avatar,"name",name);
                            email  = GetStringAttribute(avatar,"email",email);
                            regionXLocation   = GetUnsignedAttribute(avatar,"regx",regionXLocation);
                            regionYLocation   = GetUnsignedAttribute(avatar,"regy",regionYLocation);
                            password = GetStringAttribute(avatar,"password",password);

                            string[] names = name.Split();
                            UUID scopeID = scene.RegionInfo.ScopeID;
                            UserAccount account = scene.UserAccountService.GetUserAccount(scopeID, names[0], names[1]);
                            if (null == account)
                                account = CreateUser(scopeID, names[0], names[1], password, email);
                                if (null == account)
                                    m_log.ErrorFormat("[RADMIN] Avatar {0} {1} was not created", names[0], names[1]);
                                    return false;

                            // Set home position

                            GridRegion home = scene.GridService.GetRegionByPosition(scopeID, 
                                (int)(regionXLocation * Constants.RegionSize), (int)(regionYLocation * Constants.RegionSize));
                            if (null == home) {
                                m_log.WarnFormat("[RADMIN]: Unable to set home region for newly created user account {0} {1}", names[0], names[1]);
                            } else {
                                IAgentInfoService agentInfoService = scene.RequestModuleInterface<IAgentInfoService>();
                                agentInfoService.SetHomePosition(account.PrincipalID.ToString(), home.RegionID, new Vector3(128, 128, 0), new Vector3(0, 1, 0));
                                m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN]: Set home region {0} for updated user account {1} {2}", home.RegionID, names[0], names[1]);

                            ID = account.PrincipalID;

                            m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] User {0}[{1}] created or retrieved", name, ID);
                            include = true;
                        catch (Exception e)
                            m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] Error creating user {0} : {1}", name, e.Message);
                            include = false;

                        // OK, User has been created OK, now we can install the inventory.
                        // First retrieve the current inventory (the user may already exist)
                        // Note that althought he inventory is retrieved, the hierarchy has
                        // not been interpreted at all.

                        if (include)
                            // Setup for appearance processing
                            AvatarData avatarData = scene.AvatarService.GetAvatar(ID);
                            if (avatarData != null)
                                avatarAppearance = avatarData.ToAvatarAppearance(ID);
                                avatarAppearance = new AvatarAppearance();

                            AvatarWearable[] wearables = avatarAppearance.Wearables;
                            for (int i=0; i<wearables.Length; i++)
                                wearables[i] = new AvatarWearable();

                                // m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] {0} folders, {1} items in inventory",
                                //   uic.folders.Count, uic.items.Count);

                                InventoryFolderBase clothingFolder = inventoryService.GetFolderForType (ID, InventoryType.Wearable, AssetType.Clothing);

                                // This should *never* be the case
                                if (clothingFolder == null || clothingFolder.Type != (short)AssetType.Clothing)
                                    clothingFolder = new InventoryFolderBase();
                                    clothingFolder.ID       = UUID.Random();
                                    clothingFolder.Name     = "Clothing";
                                    clothingFolder.Owner    = ID;
                                    clothingFolder.Type     = (short)AssetType.Clothing;
                                    clothingFolder.ParentID = inventoryService.GetRootFolder(ID).ID;
                                    clothingFolder.Version  = 1;
                                    inventoryService.AddFolder(clothingFolder);     // store base record
                                    m_log.ErrorFormat("[RADMIN] Created clothing folder for {0}/{1}", name, ID);

                                // OK, now we have an inventory for the user, read in the outfits from the
                                // default appearance XMl file.

                                XmlNodeList outfits = avatar.GetElementsByTagName("Ensemble");
                                InventoryFolderBase extraFolder;
                                string outfitName;
                                UUID assetid;

                                foreach (XmlElement outfit in outfits)
                                    m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] Loading outfit {0} for {1}",
                                        GetStringAttribute(outfit,"name","?"), GetStringAttribute(avatar,"name","?"));

                                    outfitName   = GetStringAttribute(outfit,"name","");
                                    select  = (GetStringAttribute(outfit,"default","no") == "yes");

                                    // If the folder already exists, re-use it. The defaults may
                                    // change over time. Augment only.

                                    List<InventoryFolderBase> folders = inventoryService.GetFolderContent(ID, clothingFolder.ID).Folders;
                                    extraFolder = null;

                                    foreach (InventoryFolderBase folder in folders)
                                    if (folder.Name == outfitName)
                                            extraFolder = folder;

                                    // Otherwise, we must create the folder.
                                    if (extraFolder == null)
                                        m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] Creating outfit folder {0} for {1}", outfitName, name);
                                        extraFolder          = new InventoryFolderBase();
                                        extraFolder.ID       = UUID.Random();
                                        extraFolder.Name     = outfitName;
                                        extraFolder.Owner    = ID;
                                        extraFolder.Type     = (short)AssetType.Clothing;
                                        extraFolder.Version  = 1;
                                        extraFolder.ParentID = clothingFolder.ID;
                                        m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] Adding outfile folder {0} to folder {1}", extraFolder.ID, clothingFolder.ID);

                                    // Now get the pieces that make up the outfit
                                    XmlNodeList items = outfit.GetElementsByTagName("Item");

                                    foreach (XmlElement item in items)
                                        assetid = UUID.Zero;
                                        XmlNodeList children = item.ChildNodes;
                                        foreach (XmlNode child in children)
                                            switch (child.Name)
                                                case "Permissions" :
                                                    m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] Permissions specified");
                                                    perms = child;
                                                case "Asset" :
                                                    assetid = new UUID(child.InnerText);

                                        InventoryItemBase inventoryItem = null;

                                        // Check if asset is in inventory already
                                        inventoryItem = null;
                                        List<InventoryItemBase> inventoryItems = inventoryService.GetFolderContent(ID, extraFolder.ID).Items;

                                        foreach (InventoryItemBase listItem in inventoryItems)
                                            if (listItem.AssetID == assetid)
                                                inventoryItem = listItem;

                                        // Create inventory item
                                        if (inventoryItem == null)
                                            inventoryItem = new InventoryItemBase(UUID.Random(), ID);
                                            inventoryItem.Name = GetStringAttribute(item,"name","");
                                            inventoryItem.Description = GetStringAttribute(item,"desc","");
                                            inventoryItem.InvType = GetIntegerAttribute(item,"invtype",-1);
                                            inventoryItem.CreatorId = GetStringAttribute(item,"creatorid","");
                                            inventoryItem.CreatorIdAsUuid = (UUID)GetStringAttribute(item,"creatoruuid","");
                                            inventoryItem.NextPermissions = GetUnsignedAttribute(perms,"next",0x7fffffff);
                                            inventoryItem.CurrentPermissions = GetUnsignedAttribute(perms,"current",0x7fffffff);
                                            inventoryItem.BasePermissions = GetUnsignedAttribute(perms,"base",0x7fffffff);
                                            inventoryItem.EveryOnePermissions = GetUnsignedAttribute(perms,"everyone",0x7fffffff);
                                            inventoryItem.GroupPermissions = GetUnsignedAttribute(perms,"group",0x7fffffff);
                                            inventoryItem.AssetType = GetIntegerAttribute(item,"assettype",-1);
                                            inventoryItem.AssetID = assetid; // associated asset
                                            inventoryItem.GroupID = (UUID)GetStringAttribute(item,"groupid","");
                                            inventoryItem.GroupOwned = (GetStringAttribute(item,"groupowned","false") == "true");
                                            inventoryItem.SalePrice = GetIntegerAttribute(item,"saleprice",0);
                                            inventoryItem.SaleType = (byte)GetIntegerAttribute(item,"saletype",0);
                                            inventoryItem.Flags = GetUnsignedAttribute(item,"flags",0);
                                            inventoryItem.CreationDate = GetIntegerAttribute(item,"creationdate",Util.UnixTimeSinceEpoch());
                                            inventoryItem.Folder = extraFolder.ID; // Parent folder

                                            ILLClientInventory inventoryModule = manager.CurrentOrFirstScene.RequestModuleInterface<ILLClientInventory>();
                                            if (inventoryModule != null)
                                            m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] Added item {0} to folder {1}", inventoryItem.ID, extraFolder.ID);

                                        // Attach item, if attachpoint is specified
                                        int attachpoint = GetIntegerAttribute(item,"attachpoint",0);
                                        if (attachpoint != 0)
                                            avatarAppearance.SetAttachment(attachpoint, inventoryItem.ID, inventoryItem.AssetID);
                                            m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] Attached {0}", inventoryItem.ID);

                                        // Record whether or not the item is to be initially worn
                                            if (select && (GetStringAttribute(item, "wear", "false") == "true"))
                                                avatarAppearance.Wearables[inventoryItem.Flags].Wear(inventoryItem.ID, inventoryItem.AssetID);
                                        catch (Exception e)
                                            m_log.WarnFormat("[RADMIN] Error wearing item {0} : {1}", inventoryItem.ID, e.Message);
                                    } // foreach item in outfit
                                    m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] Outfit {0} load completed", outfitName);
                                } // foreach outfit
                                m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] Inventory update complete for {0}", name);
                                AvatarData avatarData2 = new AvatarData(avatarAppearance);
                                scene.AvatarService.SetAvatar(ID, avatarData2);
                            catch (Exception e)
                                m_log.WarnFormat("[RADMIN] Inventory processing incomplete for user {0} : {1}",
                                    name, e.Message);
                        } // End of include
                    m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] Default avatar loading complete");
                    m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] No default avatar information available");
                    return false;
            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.WarnFormat("[RADMIN] Exception whilst loading default avatars ; {0}", e.Message);
                return false;

            return true;
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a composited terrain texture given the region texture
        /// and heightmap settings
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="heightmap">Terrain heightmap</param>
        /// <param name="regionInfo">Region information including terrain texture parameters</param>
        /// <returns>A composited 256x256 RGB texture ready for rendering</returns>
        /// <remarks>Based on the algorithm described at
        /// </remarks>
        public static Bitmap Splat(ITerrainChannel heightmap, UUID[] textureIDs, float[] startHeights, float[] heightRanges, Vector3d regionPosition, IAssetService assetService, bool textureTerrain)
            Debug.Assert (textureIDs.Length == 4);
            Debug.Assert (startHeights.Length == 4);
            Debug.Assert (heightRanges.Length == 4);

            Bitmap[] detailTexture = new Bitmap[4];

            if (textureTerrain)
                // Swap empty terrain textureIDs with default IDs
                for (int i = 0; i < textureIDs.Length; i++)
                    if (textureIDs[i] == UUID.Zero)
                        textureIDs[i] = DEFAULT_TERRAIN_DETAIL[i];

                #region Texture Fetching

                if (assetService != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                        AssetBase asset;
                        UUID cacheID = UUID.Combine (TERRAIN_CACHE_MAGIC, textureIDs[i]);

                        // The asset service does this check as well, so I don't think we need to do this.
                        asset = assetService.GetCached (cacheID.ToString ());
                        if ((asset != null) && (asset.Data != null) && (asset.Data.Length != 0))
                                using (System.IO.MemoryStream stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream (asset.Data))
                                    detailTexture[i] = (Bitmap)Image.FromStream (stream);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                m_log.Warn ("Failed to decode cached terrain texture " + cacheID +
                                    " (textureID: " + textureIDs[i] + "): " + ex.Message);

                        if (detailTexture[i] == null)
                            // Try to fetch the original JPEG2000 texture, resize if needed, and cache as PNG
                            asset = assetService.Get (textureIDs[i].ToString ());
                            if (asset != null)
                                    detailTexture[i] = (Bitmap)CSJ2K.J2kImage.FromBytes (asset.Data);
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    m_log.Warn ("Failed to decode terrain texture " + asset.ID + ": " + ex.Message);

                            if (detailTexture[i] != null)
                                Bitmap bitmap = detailTexture[i];

                                // Make sure this texture is the correct size, otherwise resize
                                if (bitmap.Width != 256 || bitmap.Height != 256)
                                    bitmap = ImageUtils.ResizeImage (bitmap, 256, 256);

                                // Save the decoded and resized texture to the cache
                                byte[] data;
                                using (System.IO.MemoryStream stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream ())
                                    bitmap.Save (stream, ImageFormat.Png);
                                    data = stream.ToArray ();

                                // Cache a PNG copy of this terrain texture
                                AssetBase newAsset = new AssetBase
                                    Data = data,
                                    Description = "PNG",
                                    Flags = AssetFlags.Collectable | AssetFlags.Temperary | AssetFlags.Local,
                                    ID = cacheID,
                                    Name = String.Empty,
                                    TypeString = "image/png"
                                newAsset.ID = assetService.Store(newAsset);

                #endregion Texture Fetching

            // Fill in any missing textures with a solid color
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                if (detailTexture[i] == null)
                    // Create a solid color texture for this layer
                    detailTexture[i] = new Bitmap (256, 256, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
                    using (Graphics gfx = Graphics.FromImage (detailTexture[i]))
                        using (SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush (DEFAULT_TERRAIN_COLOR[i]))
                            gfx.FillRectangle (brush, 0, 0, 256, 256);
                else if (detailTexture[i].Width != 256 || detailTexture[i].Height != 256)
                    detailTexture[i] = ResizeBitmap (detailTexture[i], 256, 256);

            #region Layer Map

            int diff = (int)heightmap.Height / Constants.RegionSize;
            float[] layermap = new float[Constants.RegionSize * Constants.RegionSize];

            for (int y = 0; y < heightmap.Height; y += diff)
                for (int x = 0; x < heightmap.Height; x += diff)
                    int newX = x / diff;
                    int newY = y / diff;
                    float height = heightmap[newX, newY];

                    float pctX = (float)newX / 255f;
                    float pctY = (float)newY / 255f;

                    // Use bilinear interpolation between the four corners of start height and
                    // height range to select the current values at this position
                    float startHeight = ImageUtils.Bilinear (
                        pctX, pctY);
                    startHeight = Utils.Clamp (startHeight, 0f, 255f);

                    float heightRange = ImageUtils.Bilinear (
                        pctX, pctY);
                    heightRange = Utils.Clamp (heightRange, 0f, 255f);

                    // Generate two frequencies of perlin noise based on our global position
                    // The magic values were taken from
                    Vector3 vec = new Vector3
                        ((float)regionPosition.X + newX) * 0.20319f,
                        ((float)regionPosition.Y + newY) * 0.20319f,
                        height * 0.25f

                    float lowFreq = Perlin.noise2 (vec.X * 0.222222f, vec.Y * 0.222222f) * 6.5f;
                    float highFreq = Perlin.turbulence2 (vec.X, vec.Y, 2f) * 2.25f;
                    float noise = (lowFreq + highFreq) * 2f;

                    // Combine the current height, generated noise, start height, and height range parameters, then scale all of it
                    float layer = ((height + noise - startHeight) / heightRange) * 4f;
                    if (Single.IsNaN (layer))
                        layer = 0f;
                    layermap[newY * Constants.RegionSize + newX] = Utils.Clamp (layer, 0f, 3f);

            #endregion Layer Map

            #region Texture Compositing

            Bitmap output = new Bitmap (256, 256, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
            BitmapData outputData = output.LockBits (new Rectangle (0, 0, 256, 256), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);

                // Get handles to all of the texture data arrays
                BitmapData[] datas = new BitmapData[]
                    detailTexture[0].LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, 256, 256), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, detailTexture[0].PixelFormat),
                    detailTexture[1].LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, 256, 256), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, detailTexture[1].PixelFormat),
                    detailTexture[2].LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, 256, 256), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, detailTexture[2].PixelFormat),
                    detailTexture[3].LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, 256, 256), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, detailTexture[3].PixelFormat)

                int[] comps = new int[]
                    (datas[0].PixelFormat == PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb) ? 4 : 3,
                    (datas[1].PixelFormat == PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb) ? 4 : 3,
                    (datas[2].PixelFormat == PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb) ? 4 : 3,
                    (datas[3].PixelFormat == PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb) ? 4 : 3

                for (int y = 0; y < Constants.RegionSize; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < Constants.RegionSize; x++)
                        float layer = layermap[y * Constants.RegionSize + x];

                        // Select two textures
                        int l0 = (int)Math.Floor (layer);
                        int l1 = Math.Min (l0 + 1, 3);

                        byte* ptrA = (byte*)datas[l0].Scan0 + y * datas[l0].Stride + x * comps[l0];
                        byte* ptrB = (byte*)datas[l1].Scan0 + y * datas[l1].Stride + x * comps[l1];
                        byte* ptrO = (byte*)outputData.Scan0 + y * outputData.Stride + x * 3;

                        float aB = *(ptrA + 0);
                        float aG = *(ptrA + 1);
                        float aR = *(ptrA + 2);

                        float bB = *(ptrB + 0);
                        float bG = *(ptrB + 1);
                        float bR = *(ptrB + 2);

                        float layerDiff = layer - l0;

                        // Interpolate between the two selected textures
                        *(ptrO + 0) = (byte)Math.Floor (aB + layerDiff * (bB - aB));
                        *(ptrO + 1) = (byte)Math.Floor (aG + layerDiff * (bG - aG));
                        *(ptrO + 2) = (byte)Math.Floor (aR + layerDiff * (bR - aR));

                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    detailTexture[i].UnlockBits (datas[i]);
                    detailTexture[i].Dispose ();

            layermap = null;
            output.UnlockBits (outputData);

            // We generated the texture upside down, so flip it
            output.RotateFlip (RotateFlipType.RotateNoneFlipY);

            #endregion Texture Compositing

            return output;