Esempio n. 1
        public async Task <City> CreateCityAsync(UpdateCityRequest city)
            var duplicateCityDb = await _cityCntx.Cities.Where(c => c.CountryId == city.CountryId && String.CompareOrdinal(c.CityName, city.CityName) == 0).ToArrayAsync();

            if (duplicateCityDb.Length > 0)
                throw new DuplicateFoundException("Current city already exists");

            var added = _cityCntx.Cities.Add(_mapper.Map <CityDTO>(city));

            var result = await _cityCntx.SaveChangesAsync();

            if (result == 0)
                throw new DuplicateFoundException("Can not add city with requested parameters");

            return(_mapper.Map <City>(added));
Esempio n. 2
        public async Task <City> UpdateCityByIdAsync(int cityId, UpdateCityRequest city)
            var citiesDb = await _cityCntx.Cities.Where(c => c.CityId == cityId).ToArrayAsync();

            if (citiesDb?.Length < 1)
                throw new IdNotFoundException("No city found");

            var mapped = _mapper.Map <UpdateCityRequest, CityDTO>(city, citiesDb[0]);

            mapped.CityId = citiesDb[0].CityId;

            var updated = _cityCntx.Cities.Update(mapped);

            var result = await _cityCntx.SaveChangesAsync();

            if (result == 0)
                throw new DuplicateFoundException("Can not update city with such requested parameters");

            return(_mapper.Map <City>(updated));