/// <summary>
        /// A method that creates an initial state of the world based on user preferences.
        /// </summary>
        public void CreateInitialState()
            if (manualInput) // Demo story
                // === LOCATIONS CREATING ===

                // We create locations, determine their names and the presence of evidence in them.
                List <string> locationNames      = CreateLocationsNamesList(locationsCounter);
                List <bool>   locationsEvidences = CreateLocationsEvidencesList(locationsCounter);
                Dictionary <LocationStatic, LocationDynamic> locations = CreateLocationSet(locationNames, locationsEvidences);

                // The first step in creating the initial state is setting up the environment, that is - locations.

                // === AGENTS CREATING ===

                // We create sets of attributes for agents: names, states, roles, goals, and beliefs.
                List <string>       names    = CreateAgentsNamesList(agentsCounter);
                List <bool>         statuses = CreateStatusesList(agentsCounter);
                List <AgentRole>    roles    = CreateAgentsRolesList(agentsCounter);
                List <Goal>         goals    = CreateGoalSet(roles);
                List <WorldContext> beliefs  = CreateBeliefsSet(agentsCounter);

                // The second step in creating the initial state is the creation of agents, initially with empty goals and beliefs,
                //    since they are highly dependent on the agents themselves existing in the "world". We'll finish setting this up in the next step.
                CreateAgents(names, statuses, roles, goals, beliefs, GetRandomLocationName(locationNames), agentsCounter);

                // We randomly assign an initiative value to the agents to determine the order of their turn, and sort the agents on the initiative.

                // The third step in creating an initial state is assigning to agents their goals and beliefs.

                // === Goals === //

                // Go through all the agents in the world.
                foreach (var agent in currentStoryState.GetAgents())
                    // If the agent's goal is to save/kill someone.
                    if (agent.Value.GetGoal().goalTypeIsStatus == true)
                        // Unless the agent has the role of the killer.
                        if (agent.Key.GetRole() != AgentRole.KILLER)
                            // Then his goal is that the killer must be neutralized.
                            agent.Value.GetGoal().GetGoalState().AddAgent(AgentRole.KILLER, false, "???");
                        // If the agent is the killer.
                        else if (agent.Key.GetRole() == AgentRole.KILLER)
                            int agentCounter  = 0;
                            int playerCounter = 1;
                            int killerCounter = NumberOfKillers();

                            // Then we go through all the agents.
                            foreach (var anotherAgent in currentStoryState.GetAgents())
                                // And for everyone who is not a killer...
                                if (anotherAgent.Key.GetRole() != AgentRole.KILLER)

                                    // ...add a new "victim" to the goals.
                                    if (agentCounter == (currentStoryState.GetAgents().Count() - playerCounter - killerCounter))
                                        agent.Value.GetGoal().GetGoalState().AddAgent(AgentRole.PLAYER, false, anotherAgent.Key.GetName());
                                        agent.Value.GetGoal().GetGoalState().AddAgent(AgentRole.USUAL, false, anotherAgent.Key.GetName());

                // === Beliefs === //

                // We go through all the agents in the world.
                foreach (var agent in currentStoryState.GetAgents())
                    // For each separately.
                    foreach (var anotherAgent in currentStoryState.GetAgents())
                        // If the agent meets himself.
                        if (agent.Equals(anotherAgent))
                            // Otherwise, copies the name of the selected agent and by default does not consider him a killer.
                            agent.Value.GetBeliefs().AddAgentInBeliefs(anotherAgent, AgentRole.USUAL);