Esempio n. 1
        private static int RunFunctionDelegate(LuaState luaState, ObjectTranslator translator)
            LuaNativeFunction func = (LuaNativeFunction)translator.GetRawNetObject(luaState, 1);

            LuaLib.LuaRemove(luaState, 1);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Debug tool to dump the lua stack
        /// </summary>
        /// FIXME, move somewhere else
        public static void DumpStack(ObjectTranslator translator, LuaState luaState)
            int depth = LuaLib.LuaGetTop(luaState);

            Debug.WriteLine("lua stack depth: {0}", depth);
            Debug.Print("lua stack depth: {0}", depth);

            for (int i = 1; i <= depth; i++)
                var type = LuaLib.LuaType(luaState, i);
                // we dump stacks when deep in calls, calling typename while the stack is in flux can fail sometimes, so manually check for key types
                string typestr = (type == LuaTypes.Table) ? "table" : LuaLib.LuaTypeName(luaState, type);
                string strrep  = LuaLib.LuaToString(luaState, i).ToString();

                if (type == LuaTypes.UserData)
                    object obj = translator.GetRawNetObject(luaState, i);
                    strrep = obj.ToString();

                Debug.WriteLine("{0}: ({1}) {2}", i, typestr, strrep);
                Debug.Print("{0}: ({1}) {2}", i, typestr, strrep);
Esempio n. 3
        private static int ToStringLua(LuaState luaState, ObjectTranslator translator)
            object obj = translator.GetRawNetObject(luaState, 1);

            if (obj != null)
                translator.Push(luaState, obj.ToString() + ": " + obj.GetHashCode().ToString());

Esempio n. 4
		/// <summary>
		/// Debug tool to dump the lua stack
		/// </summary>
		/// FIXME, move somewhere else
		public static void DumpStack (ObjectTranslator translator, LuaState luaState)
			int depth = LuaLib.LuaGetTop (luaState);

			Debug.WriteLine("lua stack depth: {0}", depth);
#elif UNITY_3D
			UnityEngine.Debug.Log(string.Format("lua stack depth: {0}", depth));
			Debug.Print ("lua stack depth: {0}", depth);

			for (int i = 1; i <= depth; i++) {
				var type = LuaLib.LuaType (luaState, i);
				// we dump stacks when deep in calls, calling typename while the stack is in flux can fail sometimes, so manually check for key types
				string typestr = (type == LuaTypes.Table) ? "table" : LuaLib.LuaTypeName (luaState, type);
				string strrep = LuaLib.LuaToString (luaState, i).ToString ();

				if (type == LuaTypes.UserData) {
					object obj = translator.GetRawNetObject (luaState, i);
					strrep = obj.ToString ();

                Debug.WriteLine("{0}: ({1}) {2}", i, typestr, strrep);
#elif UNITY_3D
				UnityEngine.Debug.Log(string.Format("{0}: ({1}) {2}", i, typestr, strrep));
				Debug.Print ("{0}: ({1}) {2}", i, typestr, strrep);
Esempio n. 5
		static int UnaryNegationLua (LuaState luaState, ObjectTranslator translator)
			object obj1 = translator.GetRawNetObject (luaState, 1);

			if (obj1 == null) {
				translator.ThrowError (luaState, "Cannot negate a nil object");
				LuaLib.LuaPushNil (luaState);
				return 1;

			Type type = obj1.GetType ();
			MethodInfo opUnaryNegation = type.GetMethod ("op_UnaryNegation");

			if (opUnaryNegation == null) {
				translator.ThrowError (luaState, "Cannot negate object (" + type.Name + " does not overload the operator -)");
				LuaLib.LuaPushNil (luaState);
				return 1;
			obj1 = opUnaryNegation.Invoke (obj1, new object [] { obj1 });
			translator.Push (luaState, obj1);
			return 1;
Esempio n. 6
		private static int ToStringLua (LuaState luaState, ObjectTranslator translator)
			object obj = translator.GetRawNetObject (luaState, 1);

			if (obj != null)
				translator.Push (luaState, obj.ToString () + ": " + obj.GetHashCode ().ToString());
				LuaLib.LuaPushNil (luaState);

			return 1;
Esempio n. 7
		private static int RunFunctionDelegate (LuaState luaState, ObjectTranslator translator)
			LuaNativeFunction func = (LuaNativeFunction)translator.GetRawNetObject (luaState, 1);
			LuaLib.LuaRemove (luaState, 1);
			return func (luaState);
Esempio n. 8
		static object GetTargetObject (LuaState luaState, string operation, ObjectTranslator translator)
			Type t;
			object target = translator.GetRawNetObject (luaState, 1);
			if (target != null) {
				t = target.GetType ();
				if (t.HasMethod (operation))
					return target;
			target = translator.GetRawNetObject (luaState, 2);
			if (target != null) {
				t = target.GetType ();
				if (t.HasMethod (operation))
					return target;
			return null;
Esempio n. 9
        private int GetMethodInternal(LuaState luaState)
            object obj = translator.GetRawNetObject(luaState, 1);

            if (obj == null)
                translator.ThrowError(luaState, "trying to index an invalid object reference");

            object index = translator.GetObject(luaState, 2);
            //var indexType = index.GetType();
            string methodName = index as string;                        // will be null if not a string arg
            var    objType    = obj.GetType();

            // Handle the most common case, looking up the method by name.

            // CP: This will fail when using indexers and attempting to get a value with the same name as a property of the object,
            // ie: xmlelement['item'] <- item is a property of xmlelement
            try {
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(methodName) && IsMemberPresent(objType, methodName))
                    return(GetMember(luaState, objType, obj, methodName, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase));
            } catch {

            // Try to access by array if the type is right and index is an int (lua numbers always come across as double)
            if (objType.IsArray && index is double)
                int intIndex = (int)((double)index);

                if (objType.UnderlyingSystemType == typeof(float[]))
                    float[] arr = ((float[])obj);
                    translator.Push(luaState, arr [intIndex]);
                else if (objType.UnderlyingSystemType == typeof(double[]))
                    double[] arr = ((double[])obj);
                    translator.Push(luaState, arr [intIndex]);
                else if (objType.UnderlyingSystemType == typeof(int[]))
                    int[] arr = ((int[])obj);
                    translator.Push(luaState, arr [intIndex]);
                    object[] arr = (object[])obj;
                    translator.Push(luaState, arr [intIndex]);
                // Try to use get_Item to index into this .net object
                var methods = objType.GetMethods();

                foreach (var mInfo in methods)
                    if (mInfo.Name == "get_Item")
                        //check if the signature matches the input
                        if (mInfo.GetParameters().Length == 1)
                            var getter      = mInfo;
                            var actualParms = (getter != null) ? getter.GetParameters() : null;

                            if (actualParms == null || actualParms.Length != 1)
                                translator.ThrowError(luaState, "method not found (or no indexer): " + index);
                                // Get the index in a form acceptable to the getter
                                index = translator.GetAsType(luaState, 2, actualParms [0].ParameterType);
                                object[] args = new object[1];

                                // Just call the indexer - if out of bounds an exception will happen
                                args [0] = index;

                                try {
                                    object result = getter.Invoke(obj, args);
                                    translator.Push(luaState, result);
                                } catch (TargetInvocationException e) {
                                    // Provide a more readable description for the common case of key not found
                                    if (e.InnerException is KeyNotFoundException)
                                        translator.ThrowError(luaState, "key '" + index + "' not found ");
                                        translator.ThrowError(luaState, "exception indexing '" + index + "' " + e.Message);


            LuaLib.LuaPushBoolean(luaState, false);
Esempio n. 10
		static int AddLua (LuaState luaState, ObjectTranslator translator)
			object obj1 = translator.GetRawNetObject (luaState, 1);
			object obj2 = translator.GetRawNetObject (luaState, 2);

			if (obj1 == null || obj2 == null) {
				translator.ThrowError (luaState, "Cannot add a nil object");
				LuaLib.LuaPushNil (luaState);
				return 1;

			Type type = obj1.GetType ();
			MethodInfo opAddition = type.GetMethod ("op_Addition");

			if (opAddition == null) {
				translator.ThrowError (luaState, "Cannot add object (" + type.Name+ " does not overload the operator +)");
				LuaLib.LuaPushNil (luaState);
				return 1;
			obj1 = opAddition.Invoke (obj1, new object[] { obj1, obj2 });
			translator.Push (luaState, obj1);
			return 1;