public ModularSet InitNewModularSet(Vector3 InitPosition, Quaternion InitRotation, Vector3 InitScale) { ModularSet NewSet = InitNewModularSet(); // init new set NewSet.transform.localPosition = InitPosition; NewSet.transform.localScale = InitScale; NewSet.NoneOffsettedRotation = InitRotation; return(NewSet); }
public ModularSetData(ModularSet Set) { Transform = new ModularPlacableData(Set.transform.position, Set.transform.rotation.eulerAngles, Set.transform.localScale); // init transform this.Pieces = Set.PieceData; // set pieces data this.SetName = Set.Name; this._Price = 0; this.BoundSize = Set.Bounds.size; this.LocalGridCenter = Set.LocalGridCenter; this.BoundsCenterOffset = Set.BoundsCenterOffset; }
public ModularSet InitNewModularSet(ModularSet ValueReference) { ModularSet NewSet = InitNewModularSet(); // init new set NewSet.Position = ValueReference.Position; NewSet.RotationOffset = ValueReference.RotationOffset; NewSet.NoneOffsettedRotation = ValueReference.NoneOffsettedRotation; NewSet.transform.rotation = ValueReference.transform.rotation; NewSet.transform.localScale = ValueReference.transform.localScale; return(NewSet); }
public override ModularPlacableObject Duplicate() { ModularSetStoreData SetData = new ModularSetStoreData(this); ModularSet NewSet = Management.GameManager.I.Modular.ModularBuildingSystem.InitNewModularSet(this); NewSet.AsyncLoadModularSet(SetData, (object[] Data) => { ModularSet Set = (ModularSet)Data[0]; // get set data ModularPieceSaveData PieceData = (ModularPieceSaveData)Data[1]; // get piece data Set.AddModularPiece(Management.GameManager.I.Modular.ModularBuildingSystem.InitStoreItem(PieceData), (ModularPlacableData)PieceData); // add store item }); NewSet.gameObject.layer = this.gameObject.layer; // set layer NewSet.RegisterUndoable(); // register as undoable return(NewSet); }
public void AutoStack(StackTypes StackType, ModularSet ParentSet) { if (StackType != StackTypes.Disabled) { if (GridPosChanged) // only stack if grid pos has changed { while (AutoStackSingle(ParentSet.OverlappingPieces(this, (StackType == StackTypes.Boundary) ? null : (float?)this.MinScale, true))) { } // stack until stacking is no longer possible _LastStackY = Position.y; // set last stack position } else { PlaceAtPos(new Vector3(Position.x, _LastStackY, Position.z),, false); // place at position. Dont update last grid position. It will override the actual last grid position to the free from one } } }
private ModularSet InitModularSetCore(ModularSet NewSet, ModularSetData SetData, bool InitInEditMode = false) { if (InitInEditMode) { NewSet.InitializeEditable(); } // init in edit mode NewSet.AsyncLoadModularSet(SetData, (object[] Data) => { ModularSet Set = (ModularSet)Data[0]; // get set data ModularPieceSaveData PieceData = (ModularPieceSaveData)Data[1]; // get piece data ModularPiece Piece = InitStoreItem(PieceData); // init store item to modular piece if (Piece != null) // only add when piece is not null { Set.AddModularPiece(Piece, (ModularPlacableData)PieceData); // add store item } }); return(NewSet); } // core function for init modular set
public void PlaceModularPieceAsSet(ModularPieceData Piece, Vector3 Scale, System.Func <ModularPlacableObject, bool> CanPlace, Vector3 RotationOffset = default(Vector3), Vector3 InitRotation = default(Vector3), Vector3 InitPosition = default(Vector3), object[] ExtraData = default(object[]), bool Interrupt = false) { ModularSet Set = InitNewModularSet(); // create new modular set Set.InitializeEditable(); // init as editable GameManager.I.Modular.ScopedSet = Set; // set new scoped set ModularPlacableObject NewPlacableObject = (ModularPlacableObject)InitStoreItem(Piece, Scale, RotationOffset, InitRotation, InitPosition); // init modular piece afther setting the scoped set PlaceModularPlacable(NewPlacableObject, (object[] data) => { // on object is placed ModularPiece PlacedPiece = (ModularPiece)data.Find <ModularPiece>(); // get modular piece LocalGridSystem LocalGrid = (LocalGridSystem)data.Find <LocalGridSystem>(); // get last local grid PlacePlacableObject.PlaceObjectCache Cache = (PlacePlacableObject.PlaceObjectCache)data.Find <PlacePlacableObject.PlaceObjectCache>(); // get last state cache PlacedPiece.InitializeEditable(); // initialize editable modular piece PlacedPiece.OnPlaced(); // call on placed callback // Economy int Price = GameManager.I.Economy.EvaluateModularPiece(Piece); GameManager.I.Economy.RemoveMoney(Price); GameManager.I.Economy.SpawnMoneyIndicator(PlacedPiece.transform.position, Price); // add piece to set Set.AddModularPiece(PlacedPiece); Set.Name =; Set.FinalizeSet(GameManager.I.Modular.ModularPieceLayer, true); // finalize set // place new modular piece with last rotation PlaceModularPieceAsSet(Piece, Scale, CanPlace, PlacedPiece.RotationOffset.eulerAngles, PlacedPiece.NoneOffsettedRotation.eulerAngles, PlacedPiece.transform.position, new object[] { LocalGrid, Cache }); }, CanPlace, (Data) => { // on canceled GameManager.I.Modular.ScopedSet.DeregisterPlacingObject(); // de register object ModularPlacableObject PlacableObject = (ModularPlacableObject)Data.Find <ModularPlacableObject>(); PlacableObject.Destroy(); // destroy on cancle Set.FinalizeSet(GameManager.I.Modular.ModularPieceLayer, false); // finalize set Statemachine.changeState(new ModularSpectate(), this); }, SnapTypes.Default, ExtraData, Interrupt); // place new created store modular piece Set.RegisterPlacingObject(NewPlacableObject); // register new placable object to be placed inside building }
} // core function for init modular set public bool StrokeModularPlacable(ModularPieceData PieceData, System.Action <ModularPlacableObject> OnPlaced, System.Func <int, bool> CanPlace) { if (PieceData != null) { // init new modular set GameManager.I.Modular.ScopedSet = InitNewModularSet(); GameManager.I.Modular.ScopedSet.InitializeEditable(); // place HashSet <ModularSet> AffectedSets = new HashSet <ModularSet> (); if (PieceData.Prefab != null && PieceData.Prefab.GetComponent <StrokeModularPiece> () != null) { StrokeModularPiece StrokePiece = PieceData.Prefab.GetComponent <StrokeModularPiece> (); // get stroke piece from prefab ModularStrokeSetData StrokeSet = GameManager.I.Modular.FindStrokeSet(PieceData.Key); if (StrokeSet != null) // if there is found a strokeset { return(StrokeModularPlacable(PieceData, (ModularPlacableObject Placable) => { // on deleted if (typeof(ModularPiece).IsAssignableFrom(Placable.GetType())) { ModularPiece Piece = (ModularPiece)Placable; ModularSet ParentSet = Piece.ParentSet; if (ParentSet != null) { bool NotDestoryed = ParentSet.RemoveModularPiece(Piece); // remove piece from set if (!AffectedSets.Contains(ParentSet)) // add set to affected sets { AffectedSets.Add(ParentSet); } else if (!NotDestoryed) { AffectedSets.Remove(ParentSet); } } } }, OnPlaced, (object[] Data) => { // on cancel if (!AffectedSets.Contains(GameManager.I.Modular.ScopedSet)) { AffectedSets.Add(GameManager.I.Modular.ScopedSet); } foreach (ModularSet Set in AffectedSets) { Set.FinalizeSet(Management.GameManager.I.Modular.ModularPieceLayer); } // Update render sets of affected modular sets Statemachine.changeState(new ModularSpectate(), this); }, (StrokeType Type) => { // return information return StrokeSet.FindStrokePieceComponent(Type); }, (StrokeType Type) => { // return new instance ModularPieceData Piece = StrokeSet.FindPiece(Type); if (Piece == null) { Piece = PieceData; } var Object = InitStoreItem(Piece,; Object.InitializeEditable(); GameManager.I.Modular.ScopedSet.AddModularPiece(Object); // add piece to set return Object; }, CanPlace)); } } } return(false); }
public ModularSet InitModularSet(ModularSetData SetData, ModularSet ReferenceSet, bool InitInEditMode = false) { return(InitModularSetCore(InitNewModularSet(ReferenceSet), SetData, InitInEditMode)); }
public void PlaceModularSet(ModularSet ModularSet, Delegates.GenericDataCallbak PlacedCallback, System.Action <object[]> OnCanceled, System.Func <ModularPlacableObject, bool> CanPlace, object[] ExtraData = default(object[]), bool Interrupt = false) { PlaceModularPlacable((ModularPlacableObject)ModularSet, PlacedCallback, CanPlace, OnCanceled, SnapTypes.Default, ExtraData, Interrupt); }
public void Initialize(ModularSet Set) { this._ParentSet = Set; }
public ModularSetStoreData(ModularSet Set, Texture2D Image) : base(Set) { this._Image = Image.ToSprite(); // convert image to sprite this.Base64Image = Image.ToBase64(); // convert image to base 64 }
public ModularSetStoreData(ModularSet Set) : base(Set) { }