Esempio n. 1
        public static FinderPattern findFinderPattern(bool[][] image)
            Line[]  lineCross = FinderPattern.FindLineCross(FinderPattern.FindLineAcross(image));
            Point[] center;
                center = FinderPattern.GetCenter(lineCross);
            catch (FinderPatternNotFoundException ex)
                throw ex;
            int[]   angle      = FinderPattern.GetAngle(center);
            Point[] pointArray = FinderPattern.Sort(center, angle);
            int[]   width      = FinderPattern.GetWidth(image, pointArray, angle);
            int[]   moduleSize = new int[3]
                (width[0] << QRCodeImageReader.DECIMAL_POINT) / 7,
                (width[1] << QRCodeImageReader.DECIMAL_POINT) / 7,
                (width[2] << QRCodeImageReader.DECIMAL_POINT) / 7
            int version = FinderPattern.calcRoughVersion(pointArray, width);

            if (version > 6)
                    version = FinderPattern.CalcExactVersion(pointArray, angle, moduleSize, image);
                catch (VersionInformationException ex)
            return(new FinderPattern(pointArray, version, angle, width, moduleSize));
Esempio n. 2
        internal static Point[][] getCenter(bool[][] image, FinderPattern finderPattern, Point[][] logicalCenters)
            int  moduleSize = finderPattern.GetModuleSize();
            Axis axis       = new Axis(finderPattern.GetAngle(), moduleSize);
            int  length     = logicalCenters.Length;

            Point[][] pointArray = new Point[length][];
            for (int index = 0; index < length; ++index)
                pointArray[index] = new Point[length];
            axis.Origin      = finderPattern.GetCenter(0);
            pointArray[0][0] = axis.translate(3, 3);
            AlignmentPattern.canvas.DrawCross(pointArray[0][0], Color_Fields.BLUE);
            axis.Origin = finderPattern.GetCenter(1);
            pointArray[length - 1][0] = axis.translate(-3, 3);
            AlignmentPattern.canvas.DrawCross(pointArray[length - 1][0], Color_Fields.BLUE);
            axis.Origin = finderPattern.GetCenter(2);
            pointArray[0][length - 1] = axis.translate(3, -3);
            AlignmentPattern.canvas.DrawCross(pointArray[0][length - 1], Color_Fields.BLUE);
            Point p1 = pointArray[0][0];

            for (int index1 = 0; index1 < length; ++index1)
                for (int index2 = 0; index2 < length; ++index2)
                    if ((index2 != 0 || index1 != 0) && (index2 != 0 || index1 != length - 1) && (index2 != length - 1 || index1 != 0))
                        Point point1 = (Point)null;
                        if (index1 == 0)
                            if (index2 > 0 && index2 < length - 1)
                                point1 = axis.translate(pointArray[index2 - 1][index1], logicalCenters[index2][index1].X - logicalCenters[index2 - 1][index1].X, 0);
                            pointArray[index2][index1] = new Point(point1.X, point1.Y);
                            AlignmentPattern.canvas.DrawCross(pointArray[index2][index1], Color_Fields.RED);
                        else if (index2 == 0)
                            if (index1 > 0 && index1 < length - 1)
                                point1 = axis.translate(pointArray[index2][index1 - 1], 0, logicalCenters[index2][index1].Y - logicalCenters[index2][index1 - 1].Y);
                            pointArray[index2][index1] = new Point(point1.X, point1.Y);
                            AlignmentPattern.canvas.DrawCross(pointArray[index2][index1], Color_Fields.RED);
                            Point point2 = axis.translate(pointArray[index2 - 1][index1], logicalCenters[index2][index1].X - logicalCenters[index2 - 1][index1].X, 0);
                            Point point3 = axis.translate(pointArray[index2][index1 - 1], 0, logicalCenters[index2][index1].Y - logicalCenters[index2][index1 - 1].Y);
                            pointArray[index2][index1] = new Point((point2.X + point3.X) / 2, (point2.Y + point3.Y) / 2 + 1);
                        if (finderPattern.Version > 1)
                            Point precisionCenter = AlignmentPattern.getPrecisionCenter(image, pointArray[index2][index1]);
                            if (pointArray[index2][index1].DistanceOf(precisionCenter) < 6)
                                AlignmentPattern.canvas.DrawCross(pointArray[index2][index1], Color_Fields.RED);
                                int num1 = precisionCenter.X - pointArray[index2][index1].X;
                                int num2 = precisionCenter.Y - pointArray[index2][index1].Y;
                                AlignmentPattern.canvas.Print("Adjust AP(" + (object)index2 + "," + (object)index1 + ") to d(" + (object)num1 + "," + (object)num2 + ")");
                                pointArray[index2][index1] = precisionCenter;
                        AlignmentPattern.canvas.DrawCross(pointArray[index2][index1], Color_Fields.BLUE);
                        AlignmentPattern.canvas.DrawLine(new Line(p1, pointArray[index2][index1]), Color_Fields.LIGHTBLUE);
                        p1 = pointArray[index2][index1];
        internal static Point[][] getCenter(bool[][] image, FinderPattern finderPattern, Point[][] logicalCenters)
            int moduleSize = finderPattern.GetModuleSize();

            Axis axis = new Axis(finderPattern.GetAngle(), moduleSize);
            int sqrtCenters = logicalCenters.Length;
            Point[][] centers = new Point[sqrtCenters][];
            for (int i = 0; i < sqrtCenters; i++)
                centers[i] = new Point[sqrtCenters];

            axis.Origin = finderPattern.GetCenter(FinderPattern.UL);
            centers[0][0] = axis.translate(3, 3);
            canvas.DrawCross(centers[0][0], MessagingToolkit.QRCode.Helper.Color_Fields.BLUE);

            axis.Origin = finderPattern.GetCenter(FinderPattern.UR);
            centers[sqrtCenters - 1][0] = axis.translate(- 3, 3);
            canvas.DrawCross(centers[sqrtCenters - 1][0], MessagingToolkit.QRCode.Helper.Color_Fields.BLUE);

            axis.Origin = finderPattern.GetCenter(FinderPattern.DL);
            centers[0][sqrtCenters - 1] = axis.translate(3, - 3);
            canvas.DrawCross(centers[0][sqrtCenters - 1], MessagingToolkit.QRCode.Helper.Color_Fields.BLUE);

            Point tmpPoint = centers[0][0];

            for (int y = 0; y < sqrtCenters; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < sqrtCenters; x++)
                    if ((x == 0 && y == 0) || (x == 0 && y == sqrtCenters - 1) || (x == sqrtCenters - 1 && y == 0))
                    Point target = null;
                    if (y == 0)
                        if (x > 0 && x < sqrtCenters - 1)
                            target = axis.translate(centers[x - 1][y], logicalCenters[x][y].X - logicalCenters[x - 1][y].X, 0);
                        centers[x][y] = new Point(target.X, target.Y);
                        canvas.DrawCross(centers[x][y], MessagingToolkit.QRCode.Helper.Color_Fields.RED);
                    else if (x == 0)
                        if (y > 0 && y < sqrtCenters - 1)
                            target = axis.translate(centers[x][y - 1], 0, logicalCenters[x][y].Y - logicalCenters[x][y - 1].Y);
                        centers[x][y] = new Point(target.X, target.Y);
                        canvas.DrawCross(centers[x][y], MessagingToolkit.QRCode.Helper.Color_Fields.RED);
                        Point t1 = axis.translate(centers[x - 1][y], logicalCenters[x][y].X - logicalCenters[x - 1][y].X, 0);
                        Point t2 = axis.translate(centers[x][y - 1], 0, logicalCenters[x][y].Y - logicalCenters[x][y - 1].Y);
                        centers[x][y] = new Point((t1.X + t2.X) / 2, (t1.Y + t2.Y) / 2 + 1);
                    if (finderPattern.Version > 1)
                        Point precisionCenter = getPrecisionCenter(image, centers[x][y]);

                        if (centers[x][y].DistanceOf(precisionCenter) < 6)
                            canvas.DrawCross(centers[x][y], MessagingToolkit.QRCode.Helper.Color_Fields.RED);
                            int dx = precisionCenter.X - centers[x][y].X;
                            int dy = precisionCenter.Y - centers[x][y].Y;
                            canvas.Print("Adjust AP(" + x + "," + y + ") to d(" + dx + "," + dy + ")");

                            centers[x][y] = precisionCenter;
                    canvas.DrawCross(centers[x][y], MessagingToolkit.QRCode.Helper.Color_Fields.BLUE);
                    canvas.DrawLine(new Line(tmpPoint, centers[x][y]), MessagingToolkit.QRCode.Helper.Color_Fields.LIGHTBLUE);
                    tmpPoint = centers[x][y];
            return centers;