Esempio n. 1
		public spline_ctrl(Vector2 location, Vector2 size, int num_pnt)
			: base(location, false)
			LocalBounds = new RectangleDouble(0, 0, size.x, size.y);
			m_curve_pnt = new PathStorage();
			m_curve_poly = new Stroke(m_curve_pnt);
			m_ellipse = new Ellipse();

			m_background_color = new RGBA_Bytes(1.0, 1.0, 0.9);
			m_border_color = new RGBA_Bytes(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
			m_curve_color = new RGBA_Bytes(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
			m_inactive_pnt_color = new RGBA_Bytes(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
			m_active_pnt_color = new RGBA_Bytes(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);

			m_num_pnt = (num_pnt);
			m_border_width = (1.0);
			m_border_extra = (0.0);
			m_curve_width = (1.0);
			m_point_size = (3.0);
			m_curve_poly = new Stroke(m_curve_pnt);
			m_idx = (0);
			m_vertex = (0);
			m_active_pnt = (-1);
			m_move_pnt = (-1);
			m_pdx = (0.0);
			m_pdy = (0.0);
			if (m_num_pnt < 4) m_num_pnt = 4;
			if (m_num_pnt > 32) m_num_pnt = 32;

			for (int i = 0; i < m_num_pnt; i++)
				m_xp[i] = (double)(i) / (double)(m_num_pnt - 1);
				m_yp[i] = 0.5;
				m_spline.init((int)m_num_pnt, m_xp, m_yp);
				for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
					m_spline_values[i] = m_spline.get((double)(i) / 255.0);
					if (m_spline_values[i] < 0.0) m_spline_values[i] = 0.0;
					if (m_spline_values[i] > 1.0) m_spline_values[i] = 1.0;
					m_spline_values8[i] = (byte)(m_spline_values[i] * 255.0);
Esempio n. 2
		public bezier_ctrl_impl()
			: base(new Vector2(0, 0))
			m_stroke = new Stroke(m_curve);
			m_poly = new polygon_ctrl_impl(4, 5.0);
			m_idx = (0);
			m_ellipse = new MatterHackers.Agg.VertexSource.Ellipse();

			m_poly.SetXN(0, 100.0);
			m_poly.SetYN(0, 0.0);
			m_poly.SetXN(1, 100.0);
			m_poly.SetYN(1, 50.0);
			m_poly.SetXN(2, 50.0);
			m_poly.SetYN(2, 100.0);
			m_poly.SetXN(3, 0.0);
			m_poly.SetYN(3, 100.0);
Esempio n. 3
		public override void OnDraw(Graphics2D graphics2D)
			GammaLookUpTable gamma = new GammaLookUpTable(gammaSlider.Value);
			IRecieveBlenderByte NormalBlender = new BlenderBGR();
			IRecieveBlenderByte GammaBlender = new BlenderGammaBGR(gamma);
			ImageBuffer rasterNormal = new ImageBuffer();
			rasterNormal.Attach(graphics2D.DestImage, NormalBlender);
			ImageBuffer rasterGamma = new ImageBuffer();
			rasterGamma.Attach(graphics2D.DestImage, GammaBlender);
			ImageClippingProxy clippingProxyNormal = new ImageClippingProxy(rasterNormal);
			ImageClippingProxy clippingProxyGamma = new ImageClippingProxy(rasterGamma);

			clippingProxyNormal.clear(new RGBA_Floats(1, 1, 1));

			ScanlineRasterizer ras = new ScanlineRasterizer();
			scanline_unpacked_8 sl = new scanline_unpacked_8();

			int size_mul = (int)pixelSizeSlider.Value;

			renderer_enlarged ren_en = new renderer_enlarged(size_mul);

			StyledTypeFace type = new StyledTypeFace(LiberationSansFont.Instance, 12);
			IVertexSource character = type.GetGlyphForCharacter('E');
			ren_en.RenderSolid(clippingProxyGamma, ras, sl, RGBA_Bytes.Black);

			ScanlineRenderer scanlineRenderer = new ScanlineRenderer();
			scanlineRenderer.RenderSolid(clippingProxyGamma, ras, sl, RGBA_Bytes.Black);

			ras.gamma(new gamma_none());

			PathStorage ps = new PathStorage();
			Stroke pg = new Stroke(ps);


Esempio n. 4
        public FloodFillDemo()
            BackgroundColor = RGBA_Bytes.White;
            imageToFillOn = new ImageBuffer(400, 300, 32, new BlenderBGRA());
            Graphics2D imageToFillGraphics = imageToFillOn.NewGraphics2D();
            imageToFillGraphics.DrawString("Click to fill", 20, 30);
            imageToFillGraphics.Circle(new Vector2(200, 150), 35, RGBA_Bytes.Black);
            imageToFillGraphics.Circle(new Vector2(200, 150), 30, RGBA_Bytes.Green);
            imageToFillGraphics.Rectangle(20, 50, 210, 280, RGBA_Bytes.Black);
            imageToFillGraphics.Rectangle(imageToFillOn.GetBounds(), RGBA_Bytes.Blue);

            Random rand = new Random();
            for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                Ellipse elipse = new Ellipse(rand.Next(imageToFillOn.Width), rand.Next(imageToFillOn.Height), rand.Next(10, 60), rand.Next(10, 60));
                Stroke outline = new Stroke(elipse);
                imageToFillGraphics.Render(outline, RGBA_Bytes.Black);

            m_slider1 = new Slider(new Vector2(80, 10), 510);
            m_slider2 = new Slider(new Vector2(80, 10 + 20), 510);

            m_slider1.ValueChanged += new EventHandler(NeedsRedraw);
            m_slider2.ValueChanged += new EventHandler(NeedsRedraw);


            m_slider1.Text = "Pixel size={0:F3}";
            m_slider1.SetRange(8, 100);
            m_slider1.NumTicks = 23;
            m_slider1.Value = 32;

            m_slider2.Text = "gamma={0:F3}";
            m_slider2.SetRange(0.0, 3.0);
            m_slider2.Value = 1.0;
		public override void OnDraw(Graphics2D graphics2D)
			//Trigger thumbnail generation if neeeded
			if (!thumbNailHasBeenCreated && !processingThumbnail)
				if (SetImageFast())
					thumbNailHasBeenCreated = true;
					Task.Run(() => LoadOrCreateThumbnail());

			if (this.FirstWidgetUnderMouse)
				RoundedRect rectBorder = new RoundedRect(this.LocalBounds, 0);
				//graphics2D.Render(rectBorder, this.HoverBackgroundColor);
			graphics2D.Render(thumbnailImage, Width / 2 - thumbnailImage.Width / 2, Height / 2 - thumbnailImage.Height / 2);

			if (HoverBorderColor.Alpha0To255 > 0)
				RectangleDouble Bounds = LocalBounds;
				RoundedRect borderRect = new RoundedRect(this.LocalBounds, this.borderRadius);
				Stroke strokeRect = new Stroke(borderRect, BorderWidth);
				graphics2D.Render(strokeRect, HoverBorderColor);
		public override void OnDraw(Graphics2D graphics2D)
			double fontHeight = internalTextWidget.Printer.TypeFaceStyle.EmSizeInPixels;

			if (Selecting
				&& SelectionIndexToStartBefore != CharIndexToInsertBefore)
				Vector2 selectPosition = internalTextWidget.Printer.GetOffsetLeftOfCharacterIndex(SelectionIndexToStartBefore);

				// for each selected line draw a rect for the chars of that line
				if (selectPosition.y == InsertBarPosition.y)
					RectangleDouble bar = new RectangleDouble(Math.Ceiling(selectPosition.x),
											Math.Ceiling(internalTextWidget.Height + selectPosition.y),
											Math.Ceiling(InsertBarPosition.x + 1),
											Math.Ceiling(internalTextWidget.Height + InsertBarPosition.y - fontHeight));

					RoundedRect selectCursorRect = new RoundedRect(bar, 0);
					graphics2D.Render(selectCursorRect, this.highlightColor);
					int firstCharToHighlight = Math.Min(CharIndexToInsertBefore, SelectionIndexToStartBefore);
					int lastCharToHighlight = Math.Max(CharIndexToInsertBefore, SelectionIndexToStartBefore);
					int lineStart = firstCharToHighlight;
					Vector2 lineStartPos = internalTextWidget.Printer.GetOffsetLeftOfCharacterIndex(lineStart);
					int lineEnd = lineStart + 1;
					Vector2 lineEndPos = internalTextWidget.Printer.GetOffsetLeftOfCharacterIndex(lineEnd);
					if (lineEndPos.y != lineStartPos.y)
						// we are starting on a '\n', adjust so we will show the cr at the end of the line
						lineEndPos = lineStartPos;
					bool firstCharOfLine = false;
					for (int i = lineEnd; i < lastCharToHighlight + 1; i++)
						Vector2 nextPos = internalTextWidget.Printer.GetOffsetLeftOfCharacterIndex(i);
						if (firstCharOfLine)
							if (lineEndPos.y != lineStartPos.y)
								// we are starting on a '\n', adjust so we will show the cr at the end of the line
								lineEndPos = lineStartPos;
							firstCharOfLine = false;
						if (nextPos.y != lineStartPos.y)
							if (lineEndPos.x == lineStartPos.x)
								lineEndPos.x += Printer.TypeFaceStyle.GetAdvanceForCharacter(' ');
							RectangleDouble bar = new RectangleDouble(Math.Ceiling(lineStartPos.x),
													Math.Ceiling(internalTextWidget.Height + lineStartPos.y),
													Math.Ceiling(lineEndPos.x + 1),
													Math.Ceiling(internalTextWidget.Height + lineEndPos.y - fontHeight));

							RoundedRect selectCursorRect = new RoundedRect(bar, 0);
							graphics2D.Render(selectCursorRect, this.highlightColor);
							lineStartPos = nextPos;
							firstCharOfLine = true;
							lineEndPos = nextPos;
					if (lineEndPos.x != lineStartPos.x)
						RectangleDouble bar = new RectangleDouble(Math.Ceiling(lineStartPos.x),
												Math.Ceiling(internalTextWidget.Height + lineStartPos.y),
												Math.Ceiling(lineEndPos.x + 1),
												Math.Ceiling(internalTextWidget.Height + lineEndPos.y - fontHeight));

						RoundedRect selectCursorRect = new RoundedRect(bar, 0);
						graphics2D.Render(selectCursorRect, this.highlightColor);

			if (this.Focused && BarIsShowing)
				double xFraction = graphics2D.GetTransform().tx;
				xFraction = xFraction - (int)xFraction;
				RectangleDouble bar2 = new RectangleDouble(Math.Ceiling(InsertBarPosition.x) - xFraction,
										Math.Ceiling(internalTextWidget.Height + InsertBarPosition.y - fontHeight),
										Math.Ceiling(InsertBarPosition.x + 1) - xFraction,
										Math.Ceiling(internalTextWidget.Height + InsertBarPosition.y));
				RoundedRect cursorRect = new RoundedRect(bar2, 0);
				graphics2D.Render(cursorRect, this.cursorColor);

			RectangleDouble boundsPlusPoint5 = LocalBounds;
			RoundedRect borderRect = new RoundedRect(boundsPlusPoint5, 0);
			Stroke borderLine = new Stroke(borderRect);

		public override void OnDraw(Graphics2D graphics2D)
			if (loadedGCode != null)
				Affine transform = TotalTransform;


				double gridLineWidths = 0.2 * layerScale;
				Stroke stroke = new Stroke(grid, gridLineWidths);

				if (RenderGrid)
					graphics2D.Render(stroke, new RGBA_Bytes(190, 190, 190, 255));

				RenderType renderType = RenderType.Extrusions;
				if (RenderMoves)
					renderType |= RenderType.Moves;
				if (RenderRetractions)
					renderType |= RenderType.Retractions;
				if (RenderSpeeds)
					renderType |= RenderType.SpeedColors;
				if (SimulateExtrusion)
					renderType |= RenderType.SimulateExtrusion;
				if (HideExtruderOffsets)
					renderType |= RenderType.HideExtruderOffsets;

				GCodeRenderInfo renderInfo = new GCodeRenderInfo(activeLayerIndex, activeLayerIndex, transform, layerScale, renderType,
					FeatureToStartOnRatio0To1, FeatureToEndOnRatio0To1,
					new Vector2[] { ActiveSliceSettings.Instance.GetOffset(0), ActiveSliceSettings.Instance.GetOffset(1) });
				gCodeRenderer.Render(graphics2D, renderInfo);

Esempio n. 8
		public gamma_ctrl(Vector2 position, Vector2 size)
			: base(position, false)
			Vector2 location = position;// Vector2.Zero;
			LocalBounds = new RectangleDouble(0, 0, size.x, size.y);

			m_border_width = (2.0);
			m_border_extra = (0.0);
			m_curve_width = (2.0);
			m_grid_width = (0.2);
			m_text_thickness = (1.5);
			m_point_size = (5.0);
			m_text_height = (9.0);

			double x2 = location.x + size.x;
			double y2 = location.y + size.y;
			m_xc1 = location.x;
			m_yc1 = location.y;
			m_xc2 = (x2);
			m_yc2 = (y2 - m_text_height * 2.0);
			m_xt1 = location.x;
			m_yt1 = (y2 - m_text_height * 2.0);
			m_xt2 = (x2);
			m_yt2 = (y2);

			m_curve_poly = new Stroke(m_gamma_spline);
			m_text_poly = new Stroke(m_text);
			m_idx = (0);
			m_vertex = (0);
			m_p1_active = (true);
			m_mouse_point = (0);
			m_pdx = (0.0);
			m_pdy = (0.0);

			m_background_color = new RGBA_Bytes(1.0, 1.0, 0.9);
			m_border_color = new RGBA_Bytes(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
			m_curve_color = new RGBA_Bytes(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
			m_grid_color = new RGBA_Bytes(0.2, 0.2, 0.0);
			m_inactive_pnt_color = new RGBA_Bytes(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
			m_active_pnt_color = new RGBA_Bytes(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
			m_text_color = new RGBA_Bytes(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

			m_colors[0] = m_curve_color;
			m_colors[1] = m_grid_color;
			m_colors[2] = m_inactive_pnt_color;
			m_colors[3] = m_active_pnt_color;
			m_colors[4] = m_text_color;
Esempio n. 9
		private void render_gpc(Graphics2D graphics2D)
			switch (m_polygons.SelectedIndex)
				case 0:
						// Two simple paths
						PathStorage ps1 = new PathStorage();
						PathStorage ps2 = new PathStorage();

						double x = m_x - Width / 2 + 100;
						double y = m_y - Height / 2 + 100;
						ps1.MoveTo(x + 140, y + 145);
						ps1.LineTo(x + 225, y + 44);
						ps1.LineTo(x + 296, y + 219);

						ps1.LineTo(x + 226, y + 289);
						ps1.LineTo(x + 82, y + 292);

						ps1.MoveTo(x + 220, y + 222);
						ps1.LineTo(x + 363, y + 249);
						ps1.LineTo(x + 265, y + 331);

						ps1.MoveTo(x + 242, y + 243);
						ps1.LineTo(x + 268, y + 309);
						ps1.LineTo(x + 325, y + 261);

						ps1.MoveTo(x + 259, y + 259);
						ps1.LineTo(x + 273, y + 288);
						ps1.LineTo(x + 298, y + 266);

						ps2.MoveTo(100 + 32, 100 + 77);
						ps2.LineTo(100 + 473, 100 + 263);
						ps2.LineTo(100 + 351, 100 + 290);
						ps2.LineTo(100 + 354, 100 + 374);

						graphics2D.Render(ps1, new RGBA_Floats(0, 0, 0, 0.1).GetAsRGBA_Bytes());
						graphics2D.Render(ps2, new RGBA_Floats(0, 0.6, 0, 0.1).GetAsRGBA_Bytes());

						CreateAndRenderCombined(graphics2D, ps1, ps2);

				case 1:
						// Closed stroke
						PathStorage ps1 = new PathStorage();
						PathStorage ps2 = new PathStorage();
						Stroke stroke = new Stroke(ps2);

						double x = m_x - Width / 2 + 100;
						double y = m_y - Height / 2 + 100;
						ps1.MoveTo(x + 140, y + 145);
						ps1.LineTo(x + 225, y + 44);
						ps1.LineTo(x + 296, y + 219);

						ps1.LineTo(x + 226, y + 289);
						ps1.LineTo(x + 82, y + 292);

						ps1.MoveTo(x + 220 - 50, y + 222);
						ps1.LineTo(x + 265 - 50, y + 331);
						ps1.LineTo(x + 363 - 50, y + 249);

						ps2.MoveTo(100 + 32, 100 + 77);
						ps2.LineTo(100 + 473, 100 + 263);
						ps2.LineTo(100 + 351, 100 + 290);
						ps2.LineTo(100 + 354, 100 + 374);

						graphics2D.Render(ps1, new RGBA_Floats(0, 0, 0, 0.1).GetAsRGBA_Bytes());
						graphics2D.Render(stroke, new RGBA_Floats(0, 0.6, 0, 0.1).GetAsRGBA_Bytes());

						CreateAndRenderCombined(graphics2D, ps1, stroke);

				case 2:
						// Great Britain and Arrows
						PathStorage gb_poly = new PathStorage();
						PathStorage arrows = new PathStorage();

						Affine mtx1 = Affine.NewIdentity();
						Affine mtx2 = Affine.NewIdentity();
						mtx1 *= Affine.NewTranslation(-1150, -1150);
						mtx1 *= Affine.NewScaling(2.0);

						mtx2 = mtx1;
						mtx2 *= Affine.NewTranslation(m_x - Width / 2, m_y - Height / 2);

						VertexSourceApplyTransform trans_gb_poly = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(gb_poly, mtx1);
						VertexSourceApplyTransform trans_arrows = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(arrows, mtx2);

						graphics2D.Render(trans_gb_poly, new RGBA_Floats(0.5, 0.5, 0, 0.1).GetAsRGBA_Bytes());

						Stroke stroke_gb_poly = new Stroke(trans_gb_poly);
						stroke_gb_poly.Width = 0.1;
						graphics2D.Render(stroke_gb_poly, new RGBA_Floats(0, 0, 0).GetAsRGBA_Bytes());

						graphics2D.Render(trans_arrows, new RGBA_Floats(0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.1).GetAsRGBA_Bytes());

						CreateAndRenderCombined(graphics2D, trans_gb_poly, trans_arrows);

				case 3:
						// Great Britain and a Spiral
						spiral sp = new spiral(m_x, m_y, 10, 150, 30, 0.0);
						Stroke stroke = new Stroke(sp);

						PathStorage gb_poly = new PathStorage();

						Affine mtx = Affine.NewIdentity(); ;
						mtx *= Affine.NewTranslation(-1150, -1150);
						mtx *= Affine.NewScaling(2.0);

						VertexSourceApplyTransform trans_gb_poly = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(gb_poly, mtx);

						graphics2D.Render(trans_gb_poly, new RGBA_Floats(0.5, 0.5, 0, 0.1).GetAsRGBA_Bytes());

						Stroke stroke_gb_poly = new Stroke(trans_gb_poly);
						graphics2D.Render(stroke_gb_poly, new RGBA_Floats(0, 0, 0).GetAsRGBA_Bytes());

						graphics2D.Render(stroke, new RGBA_Floats(0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.1).GetAsRGBA_Bytes());

						CreateAndRenderCombined(graphics2D, trans_gb_poly, stroke);

				case 4:
						// Spiral and glyph
						spiral sp = new spiral(m_x, m_y, 10, 150, 30, 0.0);
						Stroke stroke = new Stroke(sp);

						PathStorage glyph = new PathStorage();
						glyph.MoveTo(28.47, 6.45);
						glyph.curve3(21.58, 1.12, 19.82, 0.29);
						glyph.curve3(17.19, -0.93, 14.21, -0.93);
						glyph.curve3(9.57, -0.93, 6.57, 2.25);
						glyph.curve3(3.56, 5.42, 3.56, 10.60);
						glyph.curve3(3.56, 13.87, 5.03, 16.26);
						glyph.curve3(7.03, 19.58, 11.99, 22.51);
						glyph.curve3(16.94, 25.44, 28.47, 29.64);
						glyph.LineTo(28.47, 31.40);
						glyph.curve3(28.47, 38.09, 26.34, 40.58);
						glyph.curve3(24.22, 43.07, 20.17, 43.07);
						glyph.curve3(17.09, 43.07, 15.28, 41.41);
						glyph.curve3(13.43, 39.75, 13.43, 37.60);
						glyph.LineTo(13.53, 34.77);
						glyph.curve3(13.53, 32.52, 12.38, 31.30);
						glyph.curve3(11.23, 30.08, 9.38, 30.08);
						glyph.curve3(7.57, 30.08, 6.42, 31.35);
						glyph.curve3(5.27, 32.62, 5.27, 34.81);
						glyph.curve3(5.27, 39.01, 9.57, 42.53);
						glyph.curve3(13.87, 46.04, 21.63, 46.04);
						glyph.curve3(27.59, 46.04, 31.40, 44.04);
						glyph.curve3(34.28, 42.53, 35.64, 39.31);
						glyph.curve3(36.52, 37.21, 36.52, 30.71);
						glyph.LineTo(36.52, 15.53);
						glyph.curve3(36.52, 9.13, 36.77, 7.69);
						glyph.curve3(37.01, 6.25, 37.57, 5.76);
						glyph.curve3(38.13, 5.27, 38.87, 5.27);
						glyph.curve3(39.65, 5.27, 40.23, 5.62);
						glyph.curve3(41.26, 6.25, 44.19, 9.18);
						glyph.LineTo(44.19, 6.45);
						glyph.curve3(38.72, -0.88, 33.74, -0.88);
						glyph.curve3(31.35, -0.88, 29.93, 0.78);
						glyph.curve3(28.52, 2.44, 28.47, 6.45);

						glyph.MoveTo(28.47, 9.62);
						glyph.LineTo(28.47, 26.66);
						glyph.curve3(21.09, 23.73, 18.95, 22.51);
						glyph.curve3(15.09, 20.36, 13.43, 18.02);
						glyph.curve3(11.77, 15.67, 11.77, 12.89);
						glyph.curve3(11.77, 9.38, 13.87, 7.06);
						glyph.curve3(15.97, 4.74, 18.70, 4.74);
						glyph.curve3(22.41, 4.74, 28.47, 9.62);

						Affine mtx = Affine.NewIdentity();
						mtx *= Affine.NewScaling(4.0);
						mtx *= Affine.NewTranslation(220, 200);
						VertexSourceApplyTransform trans = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(glyph, mtx);
						FlattenCurves curve = new FlattenCurves(trans);

						CreateAndRenderCombined(graphics2D, stroke, curve);

						graphics2D.Render(stroke, new RGBA_Floats(0, 0, 0, 0.1).GetAsRGBA_Bytes());

						graphics2D.Render(curve, new RGBA_Floats(0, 0.6, 0, 0.1).GetAsRGBA_Bytes());
Esempio n. 10
        public override void Render(Graphics2D graphics2D, Affine transform, double layerScale, RenderType renderType)
            if ((renderType & RenderType.Extrusions) == RenderType.Extrusions)
                double extrusionLineWidths = 0.2 * layerScale;
                RGBA_Bytes extrusionColor = RGBA_Bytes.Black;
                //extrusionColor = color;

                PathStorage pathStorage = new PathStorage();
                VertexSourceApplyTransform transformedPathStorage = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(pathStorage, transform);
                Stroke stroke = new Stroke(transformedPathStorage, extrusionLineWidths);


                pathStorage.Add(start.x, start.y, ShapePath.FlagsAndCommand.CommandMoveTo);
                pathStorage.Add(end.x, end.y, ShapePath.FlagsAndCommand.CommandLineTo);

                graphics2D.Render(stroke, 0, extrusionColor);
Esempio n. 11
		public override void Rectangle(double left, double bottom, double right, double top, RGBA_Bytes color, double strokeWidth)
			RoundedRect rect = new RoundedRect(left + .5, bottom + .5, right - .5, top - .5, 0);
			Stroke rectOutline = new Stroke(rect, strokeWidth);

			Render(rectOutline, color);
Esempio n. 12
		private void CreateCircularBedGridImage(int linesInX, int linesInY)
			Vector2 bedImageCentimeters = new Vector2(linesInX, linesInY);
			BedImage = new ImageBuffer(1024, 1024, 32, new BlenderBGRA());
			Graphics2D graphics2D = BedImage.NewGraphics2D();
				double lineDist = BedImage.Width / (double)linesInX;

				int count = 1;
				int pointSize = 16;
				graphics2D.DrawString(count.ToString(), 4, 4, pointSize, color: bedMarkingsColor);
				double currentRadius = lineDist;
				Vector2 bedCenter = new Vector2(BedImage.Width / 2, BedImage.Height / 2);
				for (double linePos = lineDist + BedImage.Width / 2; linePos < BedImage.Width; linePos += lineDist)
					int linePosInt = (int)linePos;
					graphics2D.DrawString(count.ToString(), linePos + 2, BedImage.Height / 2, pointSize, color: bedMarkingsColor);

					Ellipse circle = new Ellipse(bedCenter, currentRadius);
					Stroke outline = new Stroke(circle);
					graphics2D.Render(outline, bedMarkingsColor);
					currentRadius += lineDist;

				graphics2D.Line(0, BedImage.Height / 2, BedImage.Width, BedImage.Height / 2, bedMarkingsColor);
				graphics2D.Line(BedImage.Width / 2, 0, BedImage.Width / 2, BedImage.Height, bedMarkingsColor);
Esempio n. 13
        public override void Render(Graphics2D graphics2D, Affine transform, double layerScale, RenderType renderType)
            if ((renderType & RenderType.Moves) == RenderType.Moves)
                double movementLineWidth = 0.35 * layerScale;
                RGBA_Bytes movementColor = new RGBA_Bytes(10, 190, 15);

                PathStorage pathStorage = new PathStorage();
                VertexSourceApplyTransform transformedPathStorage = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(pathStorage, transform);
                Stroke stroke = new Stroke(transformedPathStorage, movementLineWidth);


                pathStorage.Add(start.x, start.y, ShapePath.FlagsAndCommand.CommandMoveTo);
                if (end.x != start.x || end.y != start.y)
                    pathStorage.Add(end.x, end.y, ShapePath.FlagsAndCommand.CommandLineTo);
                    pathStorage.Add(end.x + .01, end.y, ShapePath.FlagsAndCommand.CommandLineTo);
                graphics2D.Render(stroke, 0, movementColor);
Esempio n. 14
		public void StrokedShape()
			ImageBuffer testImage = new ImageBuffer(100, 100, 32, new BlenderBGRA());
			RoundedRect rect = new RoundedRect(20, 20, 80, 80, 5);
			Stroke rectOutline = new Stroke(rect, 1);
			testImage.NewGraphics2D().Render(rectOutline, RGBA_Bytes.White);

			CheckTestAgainstControl(testImage, "DrawStroked");
			CheckTestAgainstControl(rectOutline, "ShapeStroked");
Esempio n. 15
		public override void OnDraw(Graphics2D graphics2D)
			if (loadedGCode != null)
				//using (new PerformanceTimer("GCode Timer", "Total"))
					Affine transform = TotalTransform;

					if (RenderGrid)
						//using (new PerformanceTimer("GCode Timer", "Render Grid"))
							double gridLineWidths = 0.2 * layerScale;

							Graphics2DOpenGL graphics2DGl = graphics2D as Graphics2DOpenGL;
							if (graphics2DGl != null)
								GlRenderGrid(graphics2DGl, transform, gridLineWidths);

								Stroke stroke = new Stroke(grid, gridLineWidths);
								graphics2D.Render(stroke, gridColor);

					RenderType renderType = RenderType.Extrusions;
					if (RenderMoves)
						renderType |= RenderType.Moves;
					if (RenderRetractions)
						renderType |= RenderType.Retractions;
					if (RenderSpeeds)
						renderType |= RenderType.SpeedColors;
					if (SimulateExtrusion)
						renderType |= RenderType.SimulateExtrusion;
					if (HideExtruderOffsets)
						renderType |= RenderType.HideExtruderOffsets;

					GCodeRenderInfo renderInfo = new GCodeRenderInfo(activeLayerIndex, activeLayerIndex, transform, layerScale, renderType,
						FeatureToStartOnRatio0To1, FeatureToEndOnRatio0To1,
						new Vector2[] { ActiveSliceSettings.Instance.GetOffset(0), ActiveSliceSettings.Instance.GetOffset(1) });

					//using (new PerformanceTimer("GCode Timer", "Render"))
						gCodeRenderer.Render(graphics2D, renderInfo);

Esempio n. 16
		public override void OnDraw(Graphics2D graphics2D)
			if (loadedGCode != null)
				Affine transform = TotalTransform;


				double gridLineWidths = 0.2 * layerScale;
				Stroke stroke = new Stroke(grid, gridLineWidths);

				if (RenderGrid)
					graphics2D.Render(stroke, RGBA_Bytes.DarkGray);

				RenderType renderType = RenderType.Extrusions;
				if (RenderMoves)
					renderType |= RenderType.Moves;
				if (RenderRetractions)
					renderType |= RenderType.Retractions;

				GCodeRenderInfo renderInfo = new GCodeRenderInfo(activeLayerIndex, activeLayerIndex, transform, layerScale, renderType,
					FeatureToStartOnRatio0To1, FeatureToEndOnRatio0To1, null);
				gCodeRenderer.Render(graphics2D, renderInfo);

Esempio n. 17
		public polygon_ctrl_impl(int np, double point_radius)
			: base(new Vector2())
			m_ellipse = new MatterHackers.Agg.VertexSource.Ellipse();
			m_polygon = new ArrayPOD<double>(np * 2);
			m_num_points = (np);
			m_node = (-1);
			m_edge = (-1);
			m_vs = new simple_polygon_vertex_source(m_polygon.Array, m_num_points, false);
			m_stroke = new Stroke(m_vs);
			m_point_radius = (point_radius);
			m_status = (0);
			m_dx = (0.0);
			m_dy = (0.0);
			m_in_polygon_check = (true);
Esempio n. 18
 public static CCSprite CreateLine(
     int width, int height,
     CCColor4B stroke,
     double strokeThickness = 1
     ImageBuffer buffer = new ImageBuffer(width, height, 32, new BlenderRGBA());
     Graphics2D g = buffer.NewGraphics2D();
     if (stroke.A > 0)
         PathStorage linesToDraw = new PathStorage();
         linesToDraw.MoveTo(0, 0);
         linesToDraw.LineTo(width, height);
         Stroke StrockedLineToDraw = new Stroke(linesToDraw, strokeThickness);
         g.Render(StrockedLineToDraw, new RGBA_Bytes(stroke.R, stroke.G, stroke.B, stroke.A));
     Texture2D xnaTexture = XnaTexture((int)width, (int)height);
     CCTexture2D ccTexture = new CCTexture2D();
     return new CCSprite(ccTexture);
Esempio n. 19
        public override void OnDraw(Graphics2D graphics2D)

            RectangleDouble Bounds = LocalBounds;
            RoundedRect borderRect = new RoundedRect(this.LocalBounds, 0);
            Stroke strokeRect = new Stroke(borderRect, borderWidth);
            graphics2D.Render(strokeRect, borderColor);
Esempio n. 20
 public UIGraphic AddLine(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, CCColor4B stroke, double strokeThickness = 1)
     if (stroke.A > 0)
         PathStorage linesToDraw = new PathStorage();
         linesToDraw.MoveTo(x1, y1);
         linesToDraw.LineTo(x2, y2);
         Stroke StrockedLineToDraw = new Stroke(linesToDraw, strokeThickness);
         this.graphics2D.Render(StrockedLineToDraw, new RGBA_Bytes(stroke.R, stroke.G, stroke.B, stroke.A));
     return this;
Esempio n. 21
 private void DrawBorder(Graphics2D graphics2D)
     RectangleDouble Bounds = LocalBounds;
     RoundedRect borderRect = new RoundedRect(this.LocalBounds, 0);
     Stroke strokeRect = new Stroke(borderRect, borderWidth);
     graphics2D.Render(strokeRect, borderColor);
Esempio n. 22
		public override void OnDraw(Graphics2D graphics2D)
			ImageBuffer widgetsSubImage = ImageBuffer.NewSubImageReference(graphics2D.DestImage, graphics2D.GetClippingRect());

			GammaLookUpTable gamma = new GammaLookUpTable(gammaSlider.Value);
			IRecieveBlenderByte NormalBlender = new BlenderBGRA();
			IRecieveBlenderByte GammaBlender = new BlenderGammaBGRA(gamma);
			ImageBuffer rasterGamma = new ImageBuffer();
			rasterGamma.Attach(widgetsSubImage, GammaBlender);
			ImageClippingProxy clippingProxyNormal = new ImageClippingProxy(widgetsSubImage);
			ImageClippingProxy clippingProxyGamma = new ImageClippingProxy(rasterGamma);

			clippingProxyNormal.clear(new RGBA_Floats(1, 1, 1));

			ScanlineRasterizer rasterizer = new ScanlineRasterizer();
			scanline_unpacked_8 sl = new scanline_unpacked_8();

			int size_mul = (int)pixelSizeSlider.Value;

			renderer_enlarged ren_en = new renderer_enlarged(size_mul);

			rasterizer.move_to_d(m_x[0] / size_mul, m_y[0] / size_mul);
			rasterizer.line_to_d(m_x[1] / size_mul, m_y[1] / size_mul);
			rasterizer.line_to_d(m_x[2] / size_mul, m_y[2] / size_mul);
			ren_en.RenderSolid(clippingProxyGamma, rasterizer, sl, RGBA_Bytes.Black);

			ScanlineRenderer scanlineRenderer = new ScanlineRenderer();
			scanlineRenderer.RenderSolid(clippingProxyGamma, rasterizer, sl, RGBA_Bytes.Black);

			rasterizer.gamma(new gamma_none());

			PathStorage ps = new PathStorage();
			Stroke pg = new Stroke(ps);

			ps.MoveTo(m_x[0], m_y[0]);
			ps.LineTo(m_x[1], m_y[1]);
			ps.LineTo(m_x[2], m_y[2]);
			ps.LineTo(m_x[0], m_y[0]);
			scanlineRenderer.RenderSolid(clippingProxyNormal, rasterizer, sl, new RGBA_Bytes(0, 150, 160, 200));

Esempio n. 23
		public void Line(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, RGBA_Bytes color, double strokeWidth = 1)
			PathStorage m_LinesToDraw = new PathStorage();
			m_LinesToDraw.MoveTo(x1, y1);
			m_LinesToDraw.LineTo(x2, y2);
			Stroke StrockedLineToDraw = new Stroke(m_LinesToDraw, strokeWidth);
			Render(StrockedLineToDraw, color);
		public override void OnDraw(Graphics2D graphics2D)
			if (loadedGCode != null)
				Affine transform = TotalTransform;


				double gridLineWidths = 0.2 * layerScale;
				Stroke stroke = new Stroke(grid, gridLineWidths);

				if (RenderGrid)
                    graphics2D.Render(stroke, new RGBA_Bytes(190, 190, 190, 255));

				RenderType renderType = RenderType.Extrusions;
				if (RenderMoves)
					renderType |= RenderType.Moves;
				if (RenderRetractions)
					renderType |= RenderType.Retractions;
                if (RenderSpeeds)
                    renderType |= RenderType.SpeedColors;
                if (SimulateExtrusion)
                    renderType |= RenderType.SimulateExtrusion;

				gCodeRenderer.Render(graphics2D, activeLayerIndex, transform, layerScale, renderType, 
					FeatureToStartOnRatio0To1, FeatureToEndOnRatio0To1);

Esempio n. 25
		public override void OnDraw(Graphics2D graphics2D)
			ImageBuffer widgetsSubImage = ImageBuffer.NewSubImageReference(graphics2D.DestImage, graphics2D.GetClippingRect());

			if (!didInit)
				didInit = true;

			if (m_gamma.Value != m_old_gamma)
				ImageIO.LoadImageData("spheres.bmp", m_SourceImage);
				m_old_gamma = m_gamma.Value;

			ImageBuffer pixf = new ImageBuffer();
			switch (widgetsSubImage.BitDepth)
				case 24:
					pixf.Attach(widgetsSubImage, new BlenderBGR());

				case 32:
					pixf.Attach(widgetsSubImage, new BlenderBGRA());

					throw new NotImplementedException();

			ImageClippingProxy clippingProxy = new ImageClippingProxy(pixf);

			clippingProxy.clear(new RGBA_Floats(1, 1, 1));

			if (m_trans_type.SelectedIndex < 2)
				// For the affine parallelogram transformations we
				// calculate the 4-th (implicit) point of the parallelogram
				m_quad.SetXN(3, m_quad.GetXN(0) + (m_quad.GetXN(2) - m_quad.GetXN(1)));
				m_quad.SetYN(3, m_quad.GetYN(0) + (m_quad.GetYN(2) - m_quad.GetYN(1)));

			ScanlineRenderer scanlineRenderer = new ScanlineRenderer();
			// draw a background to show how the alpha is working
			int RectWidth = 70;
			int xoffset = 50;
			int yoffset = 50;
			for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
				for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++)
					if ((i + j) % 2 != 0)
						VertexSource.RoundedRect rect = new VertexSource.RoundedRect(i * RectWidth + xoffset, j * RectWidth + yoffset,
							(i + 1) * RectWidth + xoffset, (j + 1) * RectWidth + yoffset, 2);

						scanlineRenderer.RenderSolid(clippingProxy, g_rasterizer, g_scanline, new RGBA_Bytes(.2, .2, .2));

			// Render the "quad" tool and controls
			scanlineRenderer.RenderSolid(clippingProxy, g_rasterizer, g_scanline, new RGBA_Bytes(0, 0.3, 0.5, 0.1));

			// Prepare the polygon to rasterize. Here we need to fill
			// the destination (transformed) polygon.
			g_rasterizer.SetVectorClipBox(0, 0, Width, Height);
			int b = 0;
			g_rasterizer.move_to_d(m_quad.GetXN(0) - b, m_quad.GetYN(0) - b);
			g_rasterizer.line_to_d(m_quad.GetXN(1) + b, m_quad.GetYN(1) - b);
			g_rasterizer.line_to_d(m_quad.GetXN(2) + b, m_quad.GetYN(2) + b);
			g_rasterizer.line_to_d(m_quad.GetXN(3) - b, m_quad.GetYN(3) + b);

			//typedef agg::span_allocator<color_type> span_alloc_type;
			span_allocator sa = new span_allocator();
			image_filter_bilinear filter_kernel = new image_filter_bilinear();
			ImageFilterLookUpTable filter = new ImageFilterLookUpTable(filter_kernel, true);

			ImageBufferAccessorClamp source = new ImageBufferAccessorClamp(m_SourceImage);


			switch (m_trans_type.SelectedIndex)
				case 0:
								agg::trans_affine tr(m_quad.polygon(), g_x1, g_y1, g_x2, g_y2);

								typedef agg::span_interpolator_linear<agg::trans_affine> interpolator_type;
								interpolator_type interpolator(tr);

								typedef image_filter_2x2_type<source_type,
															  interpolator_type> span_gen_type;
								span_gen_type sg(source, interpolator, filter);
								agg::render_scanlines_aa(g_rasterizer, g_scanline, rb_pre, sa, sg);

				case 1:
								agg::trans_affine tr(m_quad.polygon(), g_x1, g_y1, g_x2, g_y2);

								typedef agg::span_interpolator_linear<agg::trans_affine> interpolator_type;
								typedef image_resample_affine_type<source_type> span_gen_type;

								interpolator_type interpolator(tr);
								span_gen_type sg(source, interpolator, filter);
								agg::render_scanlines_aa(g_rasterizer, g_scanline, rb_pre, sa, sg);

				case 2:
								agg::trans_perspective tr(m_quad.polygon(), g_x1, g_y1, g_x2, g_y2);
									typedef agg::span_interpolator_linear_subdiv<agg::trans_perspective> interpolator_type;
									interpolator_type interpolator(tr);

									typedef image_filter_2x2_type<source_type,
																  interpolator_type> span_gen_type;
									span_gen_type sg(source, interpolator, filter);
									agg::render_scanlines_aa(g_rasterizer, g_scanline, rb_pre, sa, sg);

				case 3:
								agg::trans_perspective tr(m_quad.polygon(), g_x1, g_y1, g_x2, g_y2);
									typedef agg::span_interpolator_trans<agg::trans_perspective> interpolator_type;
									interpolator_type interpolator(tr);

									typedef image_filter_2x2_type<source_type,
																  interpolator_type> span_gen_type;
									span_gen_type sg(source, interpolator, filter);
									agg::render_scanlines_aa(g_rasterizer, g_scanline, rb_pre, sa, sg);

				case 4:
						//typedef agg::span_interpolator_persp_lerp<> interpolator_type;
						//typedef agg::span_subdiv_adaptor<interpolator_type> subdiv_adaptor_type;

						span_interpolator_persp_lerp interpolator = new span_interpolator_persp_lerp(m_quad.polygon(), g_x1, g_y1, g_x2, g_y2);
						span_subdiv_adaptor subdiv_adaptor = new span_subdiv_adaptor(interpolator);

						span_image_resample sg = null;
						if (interpolator.is_valid())
							switch (source.SourceImage.BitDepth)
								case 24:
									sg = new span_image_resample_rgb(source, subdiv_adaptor, filter);

								case 32:
									sg = new span_image_resample_rgba(source, subdiv_adaptor, filter);

							scanlineRenderer.GenerateAndRender(g_rasterizer, g_scanline, clippingProxy, sa, sg);

				case 5:
								typedef agg::span_interpolator_persp_exact<> interpolator_type;
								typedef agg::span_subdiv_adaptor<interpolator_type> subdiv_adaptor_type;

								interpolator_type interpolator(m_quad.polygon(), g_x1, g_y1, g_x2, g_y2);
								subdiv_adaptor_type subdiv_adaptor(interpolator);

									typedef image_resample_type<source_type,
																subdiv_adaptor_type> span_gen_type;
									span_gen_type sg(source, subdiv_adaptor, filter);
									agg::render_scanlines_aa(g_rasterizer, g_scanline, rb_pre, sa, sg);

			double tm = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

			gsv_text t = new gsv_text();

			Stroke pt = new Stroke(t);

			string buf = string.Format("{0:F2} ms", tm);
			t.start_point(10.0, 70.0);

			scanlineRenderer.RenderSolid(clippingProxy, g_rasterizer, g_scanline, new RGBA_Bytes(0, 0, 0));

			//m_trans_type.Render(g_rasterizer, g_scanline, clippingProxy);
			//m_gamma.Render(g_rasterizer, g_scanline, clippingProxy);
			//m_blur.Render(g_rasterizer, g_scanline, clippingProxy);
Esempio n. 26
		public override void Rectangle(double left, double bottom, double right, double top, RGBA_Bytes color, double strokeWidth)
#if true
			// This only works for translation. If we have a rotation or scale in the transform this will have some problems.
			Affine transform = GetTransform();
			double fastLeft = left;
			double fastBottom = bottom;
			double fastRight = right;
			double fastTop = top;

			transform.transform(ref fastLeft, ref fastBottom);
			transform.transform(ref fastRight, ref fastTop);

			if (fastLeft == (int)fastLeft
				&& fastBottom == (int)fastBottom
				&& fastRight == (int)fastRight
				&& fastTop == (int)fastTop)
				// FillRectangle will do the traslation so use the original variables
				FillRectangle(left, bottom, right, bottom + 1, color);
				FillRectangle(left, top, right, top - 1, color);

				FillRectangle(left, bottom, left + 1, top, color);
				FillRectangle(right - 1, bottom, right, top, color);
				RoundedRect rect = new RoundedRect(left + .5, bottom + .5, right - .5, top - .5, 0);
				Stroke rectOutline = new Stroke(rect, strokeWidth);

				Render(rectOutline, color);
        public void SavingFunction()
            currentlySaving = true;
            countThatHaveBeenSaved = 0;
            // first create images for all the parts
            foreach (FileNameAndPresentationName stlFileNames in stlFilesToPrint)
                Mesh loadedMesh = StlProcessing.Load(stlFileNames.fileName);
                if (loadedMesh != null)
                    AxisAlignedBoundingBox aabb = loadedMesh.GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox();
                    RectangleDouble bounds2D = new RectangleDouble(aabb.minXYZ.x, aabb.minXYZ.y, aabb.maxXYZ.x, aabb.maxXYZ.y);
                    double widthInMM = bounds2D.Width + PartMarginMM * 2;
                    double textSpaceMM = 5;
                    double heightMM = textSpaceMM + bounds2D.Height + PartMarginMM * 2;

                    TypeFacePrinter typeFacePrinter = new TypeFacePrinter(stlFileNames.presentationName, 28, Vector2.Zero, Justification.Center, Baseline.BoundsCenter);
                    double sizeOfNameX = typeFacePrinter.GetSize().x + PartMarginPixels * 2;
                    Vector2 sizeOfRender = new Vector2(widthInMM * PixelPerMM, heightMM * PixelPerMM);

                    ImageBuffer imageOfPart = new ImageBuffer((int)(Math.Max(sizeOfNameX, sizeOfRender.x)), (int)(sizeOfRender.y), 32, new BlenderBGRA());
                    typeFacePrinter.Origin = new Vector2(imageOfPart.Width / 2, (textSpaceMM / 2) * PixelPerMM);

                    Graphics2D partGraphics2D = imageOfPart.NewGraphics2D();

                    RectangleDouble rectBounds = new RectangleDouble(0, 0, imageOfPart.Width, imageOfPart.Height);
                    double strokeWidth = .5 * PixelPerMM;
                    rectBounds.Inflate(-strokeWidth / 2);
                    RoundedRect rect = new RoundedRect(rectBounds, PartMarginMM * PixelPerMM);
                    partGraphics2D.Render(rect, RGBA_Bytes.LightGray);
                    Stroke rectOutline = new Stroke(rect, strokeWidth);
                    partGraphics2D.Render(rectOutline, RGBA_Bytes.DarkGray);

                    PolygonMesh.Rendering.OrthographicZProjection.DrawTo(partGraphics2D, loadedMesh, new Vector2(-bounds2D.Left + PartMarginMM, -bounds2D.Bottom + textSpaceMM + PartMarginMM), PixelPerMM, RGBA_Bytes.Black);
                    partGraphics2D.Render(typeFacePrinter, RGBA_Bytes.Black);

                    partImagesToPrint.Add(new PartImage(imageOfPart));
                if (UpdateRemainingItems != null)
                    UpdateRemainingItems(this, new StringEventArgs(Path.GetFileName(stlFileNames.presentationName)));


            PdfDocument document = new PdfDocument();
            document.Info.Title = "MatterHackers Parts Sheet";
            document.Info.Author = "MatterHackers Inc.";
            document.Info.Subject = "This is a list of the parts that are in a queue from MatterControl.";
            document.Info.Keywords = "MatterControl, STL, 3D Printing";

            int nextPartToPrintIndex = 0;
            int plateNumber = 1;
            bool done = false;
            while (!done && nextPartToPrintIndex < partImagesToPrint.Count)
                PdfPage pdfPage = document.AddPage();
                CreateOnePage(plateNumber++, ref nextPartToPrintIndex, pdfPage);
                // save the final document
                // Now try and open the document. This will lanch whatever PDF viewer is on the system and ask it 
                // to show the file (at least on Windows).
			catch (Exception)

            currentlySaving = false;
Esempio n. 28
        public override void OnDraw(Graphics2D graphics2D)
            ImageBuffer widgetsSubImage = ImageBuffer.NewSubImageReference(graphics2D.DestImage, graphics2D.GetClippingRect());

            IImageByte backBuffer = widgetsSubImage;
            GammaLookUpTable gamma = new GammaLookUpTable(m_gamma.Value);
            IRecieveBlenderByte NormalBlender = new BlenderBGRA();
            IRecieveBlenderByte GammaBlender = new BlenderGammaBGRA(gamma);
            ImageBuffer rasterNormal = new ImageBuffer();
            rasterNormal.Attach(backBuffer, NormalBlender);
            ImageBuffer rasterGamma = new ImageBuffer();
            rasterGamma.Attach(backBuffer, GammaBlender);
            ImageClippingProxy clippingProxyNormal = new ImageClippingProxy(rasterNormal);
            ImageClippingProxy clippingProxyGamma = new ImageClippingProxy(rasterGamma);

            clippingProxyNormal.clear(m_white_on_black.Checked ? new RGBA_Floats(0, 0, 0) : new RGBA_Floats(1, 1, 1));

            ScanlineRasterizer ras = new ScanlineRasterizer();
            ScanlineCachePacked8 sl = new ScanlineCachePacked8();

            VertexSource.Ellipse e = new VertexSource.Ellipse();

            // TODO: If you drag the control circles below the bottom of the window we get an exception.  This does not happen in AGG.
            // It needs to be debugged.  Turning on clipping fixes it.  But standard agg works without clipping.  Could be a bigger problem than this.
            //ras.clip_box(0, 0, width(), height());

            // Render two "control" circles
            e.init(m_x[0], m_y[0], 3, 3, 16);
            ScanlineRenderer scanlineRenderer = new ScanlineRenderer();
            scanlineRenderer.render_scanlines_aa_solid(clippingProxyNormal, ras, sl, new RGBA_Bytes(127, 127, 127));
            e.init(m_x[1], m_y[1], 3, 3, 16);
            scanlineRenderer.render_scanlines_aa_solid(clippingProxyNormal, ras, sl, new RGBA_Bytes(127, 127, 127));

            double d = m_offset.Value;

            // Creating a rounded rectangle
            VertexSource.RoundedRect r = new VertexSource.RoundedRect(m_x[0] + d, m_y[0] + d, m_x[1] + d, m_y[1] + d, m_radius.Value);

            // Drawing as an outline
            if (!m_DrawAsOutlineCheckBox.Checked)
                Stroke p = new Stroke(r);

            scanlineRenderer.render_scanlines_aa_solid(clippingProxyGamma, ras, sl, m_white_on_black.Checked ? new RGBA_Bytes(255, 255, 255) : new RGBA_Bytes(0, 0, 0));

Esempio n. 29
		public static void Main(string[] args)
			// first we will show how to use the simple drawing functions in graphics 2D
				ImageBuffer simpleImage = new ImageBuffer(640, 480, 32, new BlenderBGRA());
				Graphics2D simpleImageGraphics2D = simpleImage.NewGraphics2D();
				// clear the image to white
				// draw a circle
				simpleImageGraphics2D.Circle(50, 50, 30, RGBA_Bytes.Blue);
				// draw a line
				simpleImageGraphics2D.Line(10, 100, 520, 50, new RGBA_Bytes(20, 200, 200));
				// draw a filled box
				simpleImageGraphics2D.FillRectangle(60, 260, 200, 280, RGBA_Bytes.Yellow);
				// and an outline around it
				simpleImageGraphics2D.Rectangle(60, 260, 200, 280, RGBA_Bytes.Magenta);
				// draw some text
				simpleImageGraphics2D.DrawString("A Simple Example", 300, 400, 20);

				// and save this image out
				ImageTgaIO.Save(simpleImage, "SimpleDrawAndSave.tga");

			// now we will we will show how to use the render function to draw more complex things
				ImageBuffer lessSimpleImage = new ImageBuffer(640, 480, 32, new BlenderBGRA());
				Graphics2D lessSimpleImageGraphics2D = lessSimpleImage.NewGraphics2D();
				// clear the image to white
				// draw a circle
				Ellipse ellipseTest = new Ellipse(0, 0, 100, 50);
				for (double angleDegrees = 0; angleDegrees < 180; angleDegrees += 22.5)
					VertexSourceApplyTransform rotatedTransform = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(ellipseTest, Affine.NewRotation(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(angleDegrees)));
					VertexSourceApplyTransform rotatedAndTranslatedTransform = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(rotatedTransform, Affine.NewTranslation(lessSimpleImage.Width / 2, 150));
					lessSimpleImageGraphics2D.Render(rotatedAndTranslatedTransform, RGBA_Bytes.Yellow);
					Stroke ellipseOutline = new Stroke(rotatedAndTranslatedTransform, 3);
					lessSimpleImageGraphics2D.Render(ellipseOutline, RGBA_Bytes.Blue);

				// and a little polygon
				PathStorage littlePoly = new PathStorage();
				littlePoly.MoveTo(50, 50);
				littlePoly.LineTo(150, 50);
				littlePoly.LineTo(200, 200);
				littlePoly.LineTo(50, 150);
				littlePoly.LineTo(50, 50);
				lessSimpleImageGraphics2D.Render(littlePoly, RGBA_Bytes.Cyan);

				// draw some text
				TypeFacePrinter textPrinter = new TypeFacePrinter("Printing from a printer", 30, justification: Justification.Center);
				IVertexSource translatedText = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(textPrinter, Affine.NewTranslation(new Vector2(lessSimpleImage.Width / 2, lessSimpleImage.Height / 4 * 3)));
				lessSimpleImageGraphics2D.Render(translatedText, RGBA_Bytes.Red);
				Stroke strokedText = new Stroke(translatedText);
				lessSimpleImageGraphics2D.Render(strokedText, RGBA_Bytes.Black);

				IVertexSource rotatedText = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(textPrinter, Affine.NewRotation(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(90)));
				IVertexSource rotatedTranslatedText = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(rotatedText, Affine.NewTranslation(new Vector2(40, lessSimpleImage.Height / 2)));
				lessSimpleImageGraphics2D.Render(rotatedTranslatedText, RGBA_Bytes.Black);

				// and save this image out
				ImageTgaIO.Save(lessSimpleImage, "LessSimpleDrawAndSave.tga");
Esempio n. 30
		private void DrawBorder(Graphics2D graphics2D)
			RectangleDouble Bounds = LocalBounds;
			if (BorderWidth > 0)
				if (BorderWidth == 1)
					graphics2D.Rectangle(Bounds, BorderColor);
					RoundedRect borderRect = new RoundedRect(this.LocalBounds, 0);
					Stroke strokeRect = new Stroke(borderRect, BorderWidth);
					graphics2D.Render(strokeRect, BorderColor);