public void OnService1(object sender, System.EventArgs args) { btn_service1.IsEnabled = false; text_service1.IsEnabled = false; App.servicename = service1.serviceName; Image image = sender as Image; if (image != null) { string source = image.Source as FileImageSource; if (String.Equals(source, "bluebutton.png")) { image.Source = "bluebutton2.png"; } else { image.Source = "bluebutton.png"; } } UIReturn uiReturn = BranchActionsController.getInstance().reserveQueueBranch(service1); if (uiReturn.isSuccess) { BranchSessionModel.bookingQ = (Queue)uiReturn.returnObject; if (BranchSessionModel.bookingQ != null) { Navigation.PushAsync(new BranchSummaryQueuePage()); } } else { DisplayAlert("Error", uiReturn.getDescription(), "Cancel"); } }
public void OnImageSubmit(object sender, System.EventArgs args) { if (CrossConnectivity.Current.IsConnected) { if (chooseCouter.SelectedItem != null) { App.CounterUser = chooseCouter.SelectedItem.ToString(); UIReturn uiReturn = UserActionServiceController.getInstance().openService(UserSessionModel.choosedBranch, UserSessionModel.choosedGroup, App.CounterUser); if (uiReturn.isSuccess) { Navigation.PushAsync(new UserActionQueuePage()); } else { DisplayAlert(App.AppicationName, uiReturn.getDescription(), "cancel"); } } } else { DisplayAlert(App.AppicationName, App.NoInternet, "Close"); } }
public UIReturn LoginUser(Login input) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(input.username)) { return(Constants.uiErrorEmptyUserName); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(input.password)) { return(Constants.uiErrorEmptyPassword); } UserLoginRq req = UserLoginService.getInstance().getUserLoginRq(input); UserLoginRs res = UserLoginService.getInstance().CallLogin(req); if (res.header.isSuccess) { UserSessionModel.loginUser = res.user; App.Database.SaveItem(DBConstants.ID_LOGIN_USER, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(UserSessionModel.loginUser)); } UIReturn ret = new UIReturn(res.header); return(ret); }
public void OnImageSignin(object sender, System.EventArgs args) { if (CrossConnectivity.Current.IsConnected) { var username = mUsernameEntry.Text; var password = mPasswordEntry.Text; Login MasQLogin = new Login(username, password); UIReturn uiReturn = BranchLoginController.getInstance().LoginBranch(MasQLogin); if (uiReturn.isSuccess) { if (App.IPAdress != "") { List <Service> Service = (List <Service>)BranchActionsController.getInstance().getBranchServices().returnObject; int CountService = Service.Count; //CountService = 2; if (CountService == 1) { App.NumberServiceBranch = 1; Navigation.PushAsync(new Service1Page()); } else if (CountService == 2) { App.NumberServiceBranch = 1; Navigation.PushAsync(new Service2Page()); } else if (CountService == 3) { App.NumberServiceBranch = 3; Navigation.PushAsync(new Service3Page()); } else if (CountService == 4) { App.NumberServiceBranch = 4; Navigation.PushAsync(new Service4Page()); } else if (CountService == 5) { App.NumberServiceBranch = 5; Navigation.PushAsync(new Service5Page()); } else if (CountService == 6) { App.NumberServiceBranch = 6; Navigation.PushAsync(new Service6Page()); } else if (CountService == 7) { App.NumberServiceBranch = 7; Navigation.PushAsync(new Service7Page()); } else if (CountService == 8) { App.NumberServiceBranch = 8; Navigation.PushAsync(new Service8Page()); } else if (CountService == 9) { App.NumberServiceBranch = 9; Navigation.PushAsync(new Service9Page()); } else if (CountService == 10) { App.NumberServiceBranch = 10; Navigation.PushAsync(new Service10Page()); } else if (CountService == 11) { App.NumberServiceBranch = 11; Navigation.PushAsync(new Service11Page()); } else if (CountService == 12) { App.NumberServiceBranch = 12; Navigation.PushAsync(new Service12Page()); } else if (CountService == 13) { App.NumberServiceBranch = 13; Navigation.PushAsync(new Service13Page()); } else if (CountService == 14) { App.NumberServiceBranch = 14; Navigation.PushAsync(new Service14Page()); } else if (CountService == 15) { App.NumberServiceBranch = 15; Navigation.PushAsync(new Service15Page()); } else if (CountService == 16) { App.NumberServiceBranch = 16; Navigation.PushAsync(new Service16Page()); } else if (CountService == 17) { App.NumberServiceBranch = 17; Navigation.PushAsync(new Service17Page()); } else if (CountService == 18) { App.NumberServiceBranch = 18; Navigation.PushAsync(new Service18Page()); } else if (CountService == 19) { App.NumberServiceBranch = 19; Navigation.PushAsync(new Service19Page()); } else if (CountService == 20) { App.NumberServiceBranch = 20; Navigation.PushAsync(new Service20Page()); } } else { DisplayAlert(App.AppicationName, "กรุณาตั้งค่า IP Address ก่อนเข้าระบบ", "Close"); Navigation.PushAsync(new BranchSetIPAddress()); } } else { DisplayAlert(App.AppicationName, uiReturn.getDescription(), "Close"); } } else { DisplayAlert(App.AppicationName, App.NoInternet, "Close"); } }
public void QRCode() { if (CrossConnectivity.Current.IsConnected) { App.TextSearch = ""; bool CheckQR = false; if (SessionModel.bookingQ == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(SessionModel.bookingQ.queueNumber)) { Branch b = new Branch(); Branch BranchID = new Branch(); double BranchNumber; var scanPage = new ZXingScannerPage(); scanPage.Title = "Scan QR Code"; // Navigate to our scanner page Navigation.PushAsync(scanPage); scanPage.OnScanResult += (result) => { // Stop scanning scanPage.IsScanning = false; // Pop the page and show the result Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async() => { await Navigation.PopAsync(); //await DisplayAlert("Scanned Barcode", result.Text, "OK"); try { BranchNumber = Convert.ToDouble(result.Text.Substring(1)); CheckQR = true; } catch { await DisplayAlert(App.AppicationName, Utils.getLabel(LabelConstants.MAIN_PAGE_NOINFORMATION), "Close"); CheckQR = false; } if (CheckQR == true) { b.branchID = result.Text; if (b.branchID != null || b.branchID != "") { UIReturn uiR = SearchController.getInstance().getBranchDetail(b); if (!uiR.isSuccess) { await DisplayAlert(App.AppicationName, uiR.getDescription(), "Close"); } else { BranchID = (Branch)uiR.returnObject; await Navigation.PushAsync(new ServicePage(BranchID)); App.SearchID = 2; } } } }); }; var options = new MobileBarcodeScanningOptions { AutoRotate = false, UseFrontCameraIfAvailable = true, TryHarder = true, PossibleFormats = new List <ZXing.BarcodeFormat> { ZXing.BarcodeFormat.EAN_8, ZXing.BarcodeFormat.EAN_13 } }; //add options and customize page scanPage = new ZXingScannerPage(options) { IsAnalyzing = true, DefaultOverlayTopText = "Align the barcode within the frame", DefaultOverlayBottomText = string.Empty, DefaultOverlayShowFlashButton = true }; } else { DisplayAlert(App.AppicationName, Utils.getLabel(LabelConstants.MAIN_PAGE_QBLOCK), "Close"); } } else { DisplayAlert(App.AppicationName, App.NoInternet, "Close"); } }
public void Process() { CountstartMain = true; Service s = new Service(); s.serviceID = SessionModel.bookingQ.serviceID; s.branchID = SessionModel.bookingQ.branchID; UIReturn ChkQueue = ReserveQController.getInstance().reserveQueue(SessionModel.bookingQ); if (App.fristtime) { App.fristtime = false; ChkTime = SessionModel.bookingQ.estimateTime.GetHashCode() * 60; App.timercount = ChkTime; if (App.timercount < 900) { App.Massage15 = false; } } if (App.RePage == false) { Device.StartTimer(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1), () => { if (SessionModel.bookingQ != null) { if (CrossConnectivity.Current.IsConnected) { if (CountstartMain == true) { App.Recount = App.Recount + 1; } TimeSpan time = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(App.timercount); TimesQ.Text = time.ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss"); if (App.timercount == 0) { App.Massage15 = false; App.Massage5 = false; } if (App.timercount <= 900 && App.Massage15 == true) { DependencyService.Get <IFNotification>().SendNotification(Utils.getLabel(LabelConstants.MAIN_PAGE_YOURQUEUE) + " " + SessionModel.bookingQ.queueNumber, Utils.getLabel(LabelConstants.MAIN_PAGE_NOTIFICATION1)); App.Massage15 = false; } if (App.timercount == 300 && App.Massage5 == true) { DependencyService.Get <IFNotification>().SendNotification(Utils.getLabel(LabelConstants.MAIN_PAGE_YOURQUEUE) + " " + SessionModel.bookingQ.queueNumber, Utils.getLabel(LabelConstants.MAIN_PAGE_NOTIFICATION2)); App.Massage5 = false; } if (App.timercount == 0 && App.Massage0 == true) { DependencyService.Get <IFNotification>().SendNotification(Utils.getLabel(LabelConstants.MAIN_PAGE_YOURQUEUE) + " " + SessionModel.bookingQ.queueNumber, String.Format(ChkQueue.getDescription(), SessionModel.bookingQ.queueBefore)); App.Massage0 = false; } if (!ChkQueue.isSuccess) { DisplayAlert(App.AppicationName, ChkQueue.getDescription(), "Close"); TimesQ.Text = "00:00:00"; App.timercheck = false; } else { DetailQ.Text = String.Format(ChkQueue.getDescription(), SessionModel.bookingQ.queueBefore); NumberQ.Text = SessionModel.bookingQ.queueNumber; NumberQ2.Text = SessionModel.bookingQ.queueBefore.ToString(); if (SessionModel.loginMember != null) { UserNames.Text = Utils.getLabel(LabelConstants.MAIN_PAGE_HELLO) + " " + SessionModel.loginMember.firstName + " " + SessionModel.loginMember.lastName; } Main_History.Text = Utils.getLabel(LabelConstants.MAIN_PAGE_HISTORY); Main_Booking.Text = Utils.getLabel(LabelConstants.MAIN_PAGE_BOOKING); Main_QR.Text = Utils.getLabel(LabelConstants.MAIN_PAGE_QR); YourQ.Text = Utils.getLabel(LabelConstants.MAIN_PAGE_YOURQUEUE); AllQ.Text = Utils.getLabel(LabelConstants.MAIN_PAGE_ALLQUEUE); WaitTime.Text = Utils.getLabel(LabelConstants.MAIN_PAGE_WATETIME); if (App.Thai == true) { btn_cancel.IsVisible = false; btn_cancel2.IsVisible = true; } else { btn_cancel.IsVisible = true; btn_cancel2.IsVisible = false; } if (App.timercount == 0) { TimesQ.Text = "00:00:00"; } } if (App.Recount == App.TimeReface) { App.Recount = 0; Queue Queue = (Queue)ReserveQController.getInstance().reserveQueue(SessionModel.bookingQ).returnObject; ChkTime2 = SessionModel.bookingQ.estimateTime * 60; if (ChkTime2 < App.timercount) { ChkTime = SessionModel.bookingQ.estimateTime * 60; App.timercount = SessionModel.bookingQ.estimateTime * 60; NumberQ2.Text = SessionModel.bookingQ.queueBefore.ToString(); } else { if (App.timercount == 0) { App.timercount = ChkTime2; } } ChkQueue = ReserveQController.getInstance().reserveQueue(SessionModel.bookingQ); if (!ChkQueue.isSuccess) { App.timercheck = false; DisplayAlert(App.AppicationName, ChkQueue.getDescription(), "Close"); TimesQ.Text = "00:00:00"; } else { if ( == 58) { DependencyService.Get <IFNotification>().SendNotification(Utils.getLabel(LabelConstants.MAIN_PAGE_YOURQUEUE) + " " + SessionModel.bookingQ.queueNumber, ChkQueue.getDescription()); DetailQ.Text = ChkQueue.getDescription(); App.timercheck = false; CountstartMain = false; App.fristtime = true; Navigation.PushAsync(new RatingPage()); TimesQ.Text = "00:00:00"; b_booking1.IsVisible = true; b_booking2.IsVisible = false; b_qr1.IsVisible = true; b_qr2.IsVisible = false; } else if ( == 63) { DependencyService.Get <IFNotification>().SendNotification(Utils.getLabel(LabelConstants.MAIN_PAGE_YOURQUEUE) + " " + SessionModel.bookingQ.queueNumber, ChkQueue.getDescription()); SessionModel.clearQueue(); DetailQ.Text = ChkQueue.getDescription(); NumberQ.Text = "-"; App.timercheck = false; CountstartMain = false; App.fristtime = true; TimesQ.Text = "00:00:00"; b_booking1.IsVisible = true; b_booking2.IsVisible = false; b_qr1.IsVisible = true; b_qr2.IsVisible = false; btn_cancel.IsVisible = false; btn_cancel2.IsVisible = false; } else { if (SessionModel.bookingQ != null) { DetailQ.Text = String.Format(ChkQueue.getDescription(), SessionModel.bookingQ.queueBefore); } } } } } } return(App.timercheck); }); } }
private void getProvince() { UIReturn result = SearchController.getInstance().getProvinces(); }
async void OnImageJoin(object sender, System.EventArgs args) { if (CrossConnectivity.Current.IsConnected) { var name = mNameEntry.Text; var lastname = mLastNameEntry.Text; var Email = mEmailEntry.Text; var birthdate = mBirthdateEntry.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); var Password1 = PasswordEdit.ToString(); var Password2 = PasswordEdit.ToString(); var Phone = mPhone.Text; Member member = new Member(); = Email; member.password = Password1; member.confirmPassword = Password2; member.firstName = name; member.lastName = lastname; member.birthDate = birthdate; = Phone; member.memberID = SessionModel.loginMember.memberID; var answer = await DisplayAlert(Utils.getLabel(LabelConstants.PROFILE_PAGE_PROFILE), Utils.getLabel(LabelConstants.PROFILE_PAGE_EDITPROFILE), "Yes", "No"); if (answer == true) { UIReturn result = EditProfileController.getInstance().editProfile(member); if (result.isSuccess) { mNameEntry.IsEnabled = false; mLastNameEntry.IsEnabled = false; mEmailEntry.IsEnabled = false; mPhone.IsEnabled = false; mBirthdateEntry.IsEnabled = false; mPasswordEntry.IsEnabled = false; mPassword2Entry.IsEnabled = false; imgEditProfile.IsVisible = true; imgEditProfile.IsEnabled = true; imgSave1.IsVisible = false; imgSave1.IsEnabled = false; imgEditPassword.IsVisible = true; imgEditPassword.IsEnabled = true; imgSave2.IsVisible = false; imgSave2.IsEnabled = false; await DisplayAlert(App.AppicationName, result.getDescription(), "OK"); await Navigation.PushAsync(new MainPage()); } else { await DisplayAlert(App.AppicationName, result.getDescription(), "Close"); } } } else { await DisplayAlert(App.AppicationName, App.NoInternet, "Close"); } }
public UIReturn logout() { UIReturn ret = new UIReturn(); return(ret); }
public void Process() { Service s = new Service(); s.serviceID = SessionModel.bookingQ.serviceID; s.branchID = SessionModel.bookingQ.branchID; UIReturn ChkQueue = ReserveQController.getInstance().reserveQueue(SessionModel.bookingQ); if (App.fristtime) { ChkTime = SessionModel.bookingQ.estimateTime.GetHashCode() * 60; App.fristtime = false; App.timercount = ChkTime; if (App.timercount < 900) { App.Massage15 = false; } } Device.StartTimer(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1), () => { if (SessionModel.bookingQ != null) { if (CountstartQ == true) { App.Recount = App.Recount + 1; } TimeSpan time = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(App.timercount); TimesQ.Text = time.ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss"); if (App.timercount <= 900 && App.Massage15 == true) { DependencyService.Get <IFNotification>().SendNotification("คิวเลขที่ " + SessionModel.bookingQ.queueNumber, "อีก 15 นาทีจะถึงคิวของคุณ"); App.Massage15 = false; } if (App.timercount <= 300 && App.Massage5 == true) { DependencyService.Get <IFNotification>().SendNotification("คิวเลขที่ " + SessionModel.bookingQ.queueNumber, "อีก 5 นาทีจะถึงคิวของคุณ"); App.Massage5 = false; } if (App.timercount == 0 && App.Massage0 == true) { DependencyService.Get <IFNotification>().SendNotification("คิวเลขที่ " + SessionModel.bookingQ.queueNumber, String.Format(ChkQueue.getDescription(), SessionModel.bookingQ.queueBefore)); App.Massage0 = false; } if (!ChkQueue.isSuccess) { App.timercheck = false; DisplayAlert("", ChkQueue.getDescription(), "Close"); TimesQ.Text = "00:00:00"; } else { if (SessionModel.bookingQ != null) { DetailQ.Text = String.Format(ChkQueue.getDescription(), SessionModel.bookingQ.queueBefore); } if (App.timercount == 0) { TimesQ.Text = "00:00:00"; } } if (App.Recount == 10) { App.Recount = 0; Queue Queue = (Queue)ReserveQController.getInstance().reserveQueue(SessionModel.bookingQ).returnObject; ChkTime2 = SessionModel.bookingQ.estimateTime.GetHashCode() * 60; if (ChkTime2 < App.timercount) { ChkTime = SessionModel.bookingQ.estimateTime.GetHashCode() * 60; App.timercount = SessionModel.bookingQ.estimateTime.GetHashCode() * 60; } ChkQueue = ReserveQController.getInstance().reserveQueue(SessionModel.bookingQ); if (!ChkQueue.isSuccess) { App.timercheck = false; DisplayAlert("", ChkQueue.getDescription(), "Close"); TimesQ.Text = "00:00:00"; } else { if ( == 58) { DependencyService.Get <IFNotification>().SendNotification("คิวเลขที่ " + SessionModel.bookingQ.queueNumber, ChkQueue.getDescription()); DetailQ.Text = ChkQueue.getDescription(); App.timercheck = false; CountstartQ = false; Navigation.PushAsync(new RatingPage()); TimesQ.Text = "00:00:00"; } else if ( == 63) { DependencyService.Get <IFNotification>().SendNotification("คิวเลขที่ " + SessionModel.bookingQ.queueNumber, ChkQueue.getDescription()); DetailQ.Text = ChkQueue.getDescription(); SessionModel.clearQueue(); NumberQ.Text = "-"; App.timercheck = false; CountstartQ = false; Navigation.PushAsync(new MainPage()); TimesQ.Text = "00:00:00"; } else { if (SessionModel.bookingQ != null) { DetailQ.Text = String.Format(ChkQueue.getDescription(), SessionModel.bookingQ.queueBefore); } } } } } return(App.timercheck); }); }