private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //WebsiteSearch webSearch = new WebsiteSearch(); // Create WebsiteSearch object
            //webSearch.SaveXML(marioMakerLevels, "MarioMakerLevels", false); // Save the marioMakerLevels list as an XML

            SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog();             // Create SaveFileDialog box

            saveFileDialog.DefaultExt   = "xml";                              // Set default extension to XML
            saveFileDialog.AddExtension = true;                               // Auto add csv to end of file if user doesn't add it
            WebsiteSearch websiteSearch = new WebsiteSearch();                // Create WebsiteSearch object

            if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)               // If the result is ok
                if (websiteSearch.Isfiletype(saveFileDialog.FileName, "xml")) // If the file extension is xml
                        websiteSearch.SaveXML(marioMakerLevels, saveFileDialog.FileName, false); // Save the marioMakerLevels list as an XML
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        ShowErrorDialog(exception.Message, "Error opening file"); // Display dialogue box with error
                    ShowErrorDialog("Save it as an XML, Sir TrynaBeCool", "Error saving file"); // Display dialogue box with error
        private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //WebsiteSearch webSearch = new WebsiteSearch(); // Create WebsiteSearch object
            //webSearch.SaveCSV(marioMakerLevels, "MarioMakerLevels"); // Save the marioMakerLevels list as a CSV

            SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog();             // Create SaveFileDialog box

            saveFileDialog.DefaultExt   = "csv";                              // Set default extension to CSV
            saveFileDialog.AddExtension = true;                               // Auto add csv to end of file if user doesn't add it
            WebsiteSearch websiteSearch = new WebsiteSearch();                // Create WebsiteSearch object

            if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)               // If the result is ok
                if (websiteSearch.Isfiletype(saveFileDialog.FileName, "csv")) // If the file extension is csv
                        websiteSearch.SaveCSV(marioMakerLevels, saveFileDialog.FileName); // Save the marioMakerLevels list as a CSV
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        ShowErrorDialog(exception.Message, "Error saving file"); // Display dialogue box with error
                    ShowErrorDialog("Save it as a CSV, shoe-brain", "Error saving file"); // Display dialogue box with error
        private void LoadCSV_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // There are multiples of this code, probs should make it a function

            OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog();

            openFileDialog.DefaultExt   = "csv"; // Set default extension to CSV
            openFileDialog.AddExtension = true;  // Auto add csv to end of file if user doesn't add it
            WebsiteSearch websiteSearch = new WebsiteSearch();

            if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                if (websiteSearch.Isfiletype(openFileDialog.FileName, "csv")) // If the file is of csv
                        marioMakerLevels = websiteSearch.ReadCSV(openFileDialog.FileName); // Read CSV file from path, putting the list of levels into the marioMakerLevels list
                        levelsChecked    = 0;                                              // Reset levelsChecked
                        ResetAll();                                                        // Call ResetAll
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        ShowErrorDialog(exception.Message, "Error opening file"); // Display dialogue box with error
                    ShowErrorDialog("Open A CSV Ya Nong-Head", "Error opening file"); // Display dialogue box with error
        // Get some of dat data dude
        private void GetSomeData() // Placeholder to check if data sniffing worked
            WebsiteSearch webSearch = new WebsiteSearch();

            for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
                foreach (var level in webSearch.GetLevels(i, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
                    level.ID = level.Link.Substring(level.Link.Length - 19);
        private void SetPicture(string link, string className, PictureBox picBox)
            // This can go to

            WebsiteSearch web = new WebsiteSearch();
            // Get Image link
            string imageLink = web.GetPictureLink(link, className);

            // Load images if they return a value
            if (imageLink != null)
        private void SetAllPictures(string link, string className1, PictureBox picBox1, string className2, PictureBox picBox2)
            Thread.Sleep(1000); //

            WebsiteSearch web = new WebsiteSearch();
            // Get links
            string imageLink1 = web.GetPictureLink(link, className1);
            string imageLink2 = web.GetPictureLink(link, className2);

            // Load images if they return a value
            if (imageLink1 != null)

            if (imageLink2 != null)
        private void dataGridView1_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
            int col = e.ColumnIndex;
            int row = e.RowIndex;

            if (col > 0 && col < dataGridView1.Width && row > 0 && row < dataGridView1.Height) // If the cell is within the grid (for some reason pressing the column name caused an out of bounds error \_(ツ)_/ )
                //if (col < 0) col = 0; else if (col > dataGridView1.Width) col = dataGridView1.Width;
                //if (row < 0) row = 0; else if (row > dataGridView1.Height) row = dataGridView1.Height;

                var cell = ((DataGridView)sender)[col, row];

                // This just grabs the data from the cell clicked, and puts it into the text objects
                if (cell.Value != null)
                    DataGridViewRow rows = cell.OwningRow;
                    WebsiteSearch   web  = new WebsiteSearch();

                    TextTitle.Text      = "Title - " + rows.Cells["Title"].Value.ToString();
                    TextAuthor.Text     = "Author - " + rows.Cells["Author"].Value.ToString();
                    TextDifficulty.Text = "Difficulty - " + rows.Cells["Difficulty"].Value.ToString();
                    TextClearRate.Text  = "Clear Rate - " + rows.Cells["ClearRate"].Value.ToString();
                    TextStars.Text      = "Stars - " + rows.Cells["Stars"].Value.ToString();
                    var index = Array.FindIndex(web.gameStylesShort, i => i == rows.Cells["GameStyle"].Value.ToString());
                    TextGameStyle.Text = "Game Style - " + web.gameStylesLong[index];
                    //TextGameStyle.Text = "GameStyle - " + rows.Cells["GameStyle"].Value.ToString();
                    TextPlayersPlayed.Text = "Players Played - " + rows.Cells["PlayersPlayed"].Value.ToString();
                    TextRegion.Text        = "Region - " + rows.Cells["Flag"].Value.ToString();
                    TextTag.Text           = "Tag - " + rows.Cells["Tag"].Value.ToString();
                    TextID.Text            = "ID - " + rows.Cells["ID"].Value.ToString();

                    //StartGetPictureThread(rows.Cells["Link"].Value.ToString(), "course-image", PictureBoxLevelThumbnail);
                    //StartGetPictureThread(rows.Cells["Link"].Value.ToString(), "course-image-full", PictureBoxFullCourse);
                    // Replaced the previous two with a single one, therefore I just need to run one thread! (Also, accessing a site two times that quickly makes it a bit suspish, shhh)
                    StartSetAllPicturesThread(rows.Cells["Link"].Value.ToString(), "course-image", PictureBoxLevelThumbnail, "course-image-full", PictureBoxFullCourse);
        private void GetAllData()
            WebsiteSearch webSearch = new WebsiteSearch();

            // Loop through all permutations of searching
            for (int o = 0; o < webSearch.uploadDates.Length; o++)
                for (int n = 0; n < 16; n++)
                    for (int m = 0; m < webSearch.difficulties.Length; m++)
                        for (int l = 0; l < webSearch.regions.Length; l++)
                            for (int k = 0; k < webSearch.courseThemes.Length; k++)
                                for (int j = 0; j < webSearch.gameStyles.Length; j++)
                                    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                                        List <MarioMakerLevel> tempLevels = new List <MarioMakerLevel>();
                                        bool hasNull = false;

                                        foreach (var level in webSearch.GetLevels(i, j, k, l, m, n, o))
                                            //level.ID = marioMakerLevels.Count;
                                            level.ID = level.Link.Substring(level.Link.Length - 19); // Copy the last 19 characters (Result example 0000-0000-0000-0000)

                                            hasNull = checkHasNull(level);                           // Check if the level has a null value (This causes the data to be shifted)
                                            tempLevels.Add(level);                                   // Add level to temp

                                            levelsChecked += 1;                                      // Add one to levels checked

                                        //if (!hasNull) // If it didn't find null in previous search
                                        //    foreach (var level in tempLevels) // Loop through levels
                                        //    {
                                        //        bool exists = false; // To check if the entry already exists
                                        //        foreach (var lev in marioMakerLevels) // Loop through entries collected
                                        //            if (lev.ID == level.ID) // If the entry already exists then make exists equal to true
                                        //                exists = true;

                                        //        if (!exists) // If the entry doesn't exist then add it
                                        //            marioMakerLevels.Add(level);
                                        //    }

                                        // This does the same as the commented code above
                                        if (!hasNull)
                                            marioMakerLevels.AddRange(tempLevels.Where(p => marioMakerLevels.Where(q => q.ID == p.ID).ToArray().Length == 0));

                                        searchValues = new int[] { i, j, k, l, m, n, o };
                                        Thread.Sleep(1500); // Sleep for 1.5 seconds, if we do this too fast Nintendo will block access