//When the player presses the play button, this will make the board visable and show the directions to the game. private void btnPlay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtPlayerOneName.Text == "" || txtPlayerTwoName.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("One or more player names blank. Please enter both player names!", "Name Error!"); } else { pnlBoard.Visible = true; txtBoardPlayer1Name.Visible = true; txtBoardPlayer2Name.Visible = true; txtBoardPlayer1Name.Text = txtPlayerOneName.Text; txtBoardPlayer2Name.Text = txtPlayerTwoName.Text; Player1 = new PlayerClass(txtPlayerOneName.Text); Player2 = new PlayerClass(txtPlayerTwoName.Text); MessageBox.Show("Directions: \n\n" + "Set Up: The Mancala board is made up of two rows of six pockets(also called “holes,” or “pits”) each. " + "Four pieces are placed in each of the 12 pockets initally." + "Each player has a “store” (also called a “Mancala”) where his/her name is placed on the Mancala board. " + "\n\nObject: The object of the game is to collect the most pieces in the players store." + "\n\nGame Play: " + "\n1. The game begins with a player clicking any one of the pockets on his / her side." + "\n2. Moving counter - clockwise, the game will deposit one of the stones in each pocket until the stones run out." + "\n3. If the pieces run into your own store, one piece is deposited in it. " + "If you run into your opponent's store, it is skiped and your pieces continue moving to the next pocket." + "\n4. If the last piece you drop is in your own store, you take another turn." + "\n5. After each move, the game will check to see if there are any pieces left in the 12 pockets. " + "If there are pieces left in the pockets, the game will continue and the other player will begin their turn. " + "If there are not any pieces left, the game will calulate who has more pieces in their store and print the winner", "Mancala - How To Play"); txtPlayerOneName.Enabled = false; txtPlayerTwoName.Enabled = false; txtBoardPlayer1Name.ReadOnly = true; txtBoardPlayer2Name.ReadOnly = true; btnPlay.Enabled = false; } }