Esempio n. 1
        static void authorize()
            auth = new PinAuthorizer()
                Credentials = new InMemoryCredentials
                    ConsumerKey = "FiLff3SigcHPhHQxsSmpVQ", //ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["consumerKey"],
                    ConsumerSecret = "xzmPCd8drcHurgaDG3SRdRooZCBzf1ZvgmekadUYZcQ" //ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["consumerSecret"]
                GoToTwitterAuthorization = pageLink => Process.Start(pageLink),
                GetPin = () =>
                    Console.Write("Enter Twitter PIN: ");
                    var input = Console.ReadLine().Trim();
                    return input;
                AuthAccessType = AuthAccessType.Write


            if (!auth.IsAuthorized)
                Console.WriteLine("Not authorized");
Esempio n. 2
        public void Authorize()
            var auth = new PinAuthorizer()
                UserAgent = "AAafeen v" + Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(),
                Credentials = new InMemoryCredentials()
                    ConsumerKey = "BFtEaHnLWCMp9UjJEjBg",
                    ConsumerSecret = "VYwKqXpJsLPwYhdSzmQD0ri3K2Fh4n4MQyFIxZ6ME"
                GoToTwitterAuthorization = uri => Process.Start(uri),
                GetPin = () =>
                    var f = new InputPinCodeWindow();
                    return f.PinCode;

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("認証に失敗しました。", ex);

            Methods.twCtx.AuthorizedClient = auth;
Esempio n. 3
    public ITwitterAuthorizer Auth()
      var credentials = new InMemoryCredentials
        ConsumerKey = this.consumerKey,
        ConsumerSecret = this.consumerSecret

      if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(accessToken) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(oAuthToken))
        credentials.AccessToken = this.accessToken;
        credentials.OAuthToken = this.oAuthToken;

      var auth = new PinAuthorizer
        Credentials = credentials,
        UseCompression = true,
        GoToTwitterAuthorization = pageLink => Process.Start(pageLink),
        GetPin = () =>
          Console.WriteLine("\nAfter you authorize this application, Twitter will give you a 7-digit PIN Number.\n");
          Console.Write("Enter the PIN number here: ");
          return Console.ReadLine();


      return auth;
        public void Authorize_Requires_GetPin_Handler()
            const string AuthLink = "https://authorizationlink";
            var pinAuth = new PinAuthorizer {Credentials = new InMemoryCredentials()};
            var oAuthMock = new Mock<IOAuthTwitter>();
            oAuthMock.Setup(oAuth => oAuth.AuthorizationLinkGet(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>(), "oob", false, AuthAccessType.NoChange))
            pinAuth.OAuthTwitter = oAuthMock.Object;
            string destinationUrl = string.Empty;
            pinAuth.GoToTwitterAuthorization = link => destinationUrl = link;

            var ex = Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => pinAuth.Authorize());

        public void Authorize_Launches_Browser()
            const string AuthLink = "https://authorizationlink";
            var pinAuth = new PinAuthorizer {Credentials = new InMemoryCredentials()};
            var oAuthMock = new Mock<IOAuthTwitter>();
            oAuthMock.Setup(oAuth => oAuth.AuthorizationLinkGet(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>(), "oob", false, AuthAccessType.NoChange))
            pinAuth.OAuthTwitter = oAuthMock.Object;
            pinAuth.GetPin = () => "1234567";
            string destinationUrl = string.Empty;
            pinAuth.GoToTwitterAuthorization = link => destinationUrl = link;


            Assert.Equal(AuthLink, destinationUrl);
Esempio n. 6
 public static IOAuthCredentials Authenticate() {
     var auth = new PinAuthorizer {
         Credentials = new InMemoryCredentials {
             ConsumerKey = "????????????????",
             ConsumerSecret = "????????????????"
         AuthAccessType = AuthAccessType.Write,
         UseCompression = true,
         GoToTwitterAuthorization = pageLink => Process.Start(pageLink),
         GetPin = () => {
             // this executes after user authorizes, which begins with the call to auth.Authorize() below.
             Console.WriteLine("\nAfter you authorize this application, Twitter will give you a 7-digit PIN Number.\n");
             Console.Write("Enter the PIN number here: ");
             return Console.ReadLine();
     return auth.Credentials;
        public void Authorize_Gets_Access_Token()
            string screenName = "JoeMayo";
            string userID = "123";
            const string PinCode = "1234567";
            const string AuthToken = "token";
            const string AuthLink = "https://authorizationlink?oauth_token=" + AuthToken;
            var pinAuth = new PinAuthorizer {Credentials = new InMemoryCredentials()};
            var oAuthMock = new Mock<IOAuthTwitter>();
            oAuthMock.Setup(oAuth => oAuth.AuthorizationLinkGet(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>(), "oob", false, AuthAccessType.NoChange))
            oAuthMock.Setup(oAuth => oAuth.AccessTokenGet(AuthToken, PinCode, It.IsAny<string>(), string.Empty, out screenName, out userID));
            pinAuth.OAuthTwitter = oAuthMock.Object;
            pinAuth.GetPin = () => PinCode;
            string destinationUrl = string.Empty;
            pinAuth.GoToTwitterAuthorization = link => destinationUrl = link;


            oAuthMock.Verify(oauth => oauth.AccessTokenGet(AuthToken, PinCode, It.IsAny<string>(), string.Empty, out screenName, out userID), Times.Once());
            Assert.Equal(screenName, pinAuth.ScreenName);
            Assert.Equal(userID, pinAuth.UserId);
            Assert.Equal(AuthLink, destinationUrl);
        private static TwitterContext CreateContext(string accessToken, string oAuthToken)
            var auth = new PinAuthorizer()
                Credentials = new InMemoryCredentials
                    ConsumerKey = "rgRMroMnWQ8IoUNYcNIX0BsLV",
                    ConsumerSecret = "vfX2T7V9kwmwDzCyBW8ZP91jElRhGnCNnG6fbfcvz1ysOrt8Bz",
                    AccessToken = accessToken,
                    OAuthToken = oAuthToken
                GoToTwitterAuthorization = pageLink => Process.Start(pageLink),
                GetPin = () =>
                        "\nAfter authorizing this application, Twitter " +
                        "will give you a 7-digit PIN Number.\n");
                    Console.Write("Enter the PIN number here: ");

                    var pin =  Console.ReadLine();

                    return pin;

            auth.AuthAccessType = AuthAccessType.Write;

            return new TwitterContext(auth);

        public void Authorize_Returns_If_Already_Authorized()
            var oAuthMock = new Mock<IOAuthTwitter>();
            var pinAuth = new PinAuthorizer
                Credentials = new InMemoryCredentials
                    ConsumerKey = "consumerkey",
                    ConsumerSecret = "consumersecret",
                    OAuthToken = "oauthtoken",
                    AccessToken = "accesstoken"
                OAuthTwitter = oAuthMock.Object,
                GetPin = () => "1234567",
                GoToTwitterAuthorization = link => { }


            oAuthMock.Verify(oauth =>
                oauth.AuthorizationLinkGet(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>(), false, AuthAccessType.NoChange),
Esempio n. 10
        public void Authorize_Requires_Credentials()
            var pinAuth = new PinAuthorizer();

            var ex = Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => pinAuth.Authorize());

            Assert.Equal("Credentials", ex.ParamName);
        // From CredentialToStringAndLoadDemo
        static ITwitterAuthorizer PerformAuthorization()
            InMemoryCredentials credentials;

            // validate that credentials are present
            if (!GetCredentials(out credentials))
                return null;

            // configure the OAuth object
            var auth = new PinAuthorizer
                Credentials = credentials,
                UseCompression = true,
                GoToTwitterAuthorization = pageLink => Process.Start(pageLink),
                GetPin = () =>
                    // this executes after user authorizes, which begins with the call to auth.Authorize() below.
                    Console.WriteLine("\nAfter you authorize this application, Twitter will give you a 7-digit PIN Number.\n");
                    Console.Write("Enter the PIN number here: ");
                    return Console.ReadLine();

            // start the authorization process (launches Twitter authorization page).
            catch (WebException wex)
                    "Unable to authorize with Twitter right now. Please check pin number" +
                    " and ensure your credential keys are correct. Exception received: " + wex.ToString());

                return null;

            File.WriteAllLines(CredentialsFile, new string[] { auth.Credentials.ToString() });

            return auth;
Esempio n. 12
        static ITwitterAuthorizer DoPinOAuth()
            // validate that credentials are present
            if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["twitterConsumerKey"].IsNullOrWhiteSpace() ||
                Console.WriteLine("You need to set twitterConsumerKey and twitterConsumerSecret in App.config/appSettings. Visit for more info.\n");
                Console.Write("Press any key to exit...");
                return null;

            // configure the OAuth object
            var auth = new PinAuthorizer
                Credentials = new InMemoryCredentials
                    ConsumerKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["twitterConsumerKey"],
                    ConsumerSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["twitterConsumerSecret"]
                AuthAccessType = AuthAccessType.NoChange,
                UseCompression = true,
                GoToTwitterAuthorization = pageLink => Process.Start(pageLink),
                GetPin = () =>
                    // this executes after user authorizes, which begins with the call to auth.Authorize() below.
                    Console.WriteLine("\nAfter authorizing this application, Twitter will give you a 7-digit PIN Number.\n");
                    Console.Write("Enter the PIN number here: ");
                    return Console.ReadLine();

            // start the authorization process (launches Twitter authorization page).
            return auth;
        ITwitterAuthorizer PerformAuthorization()
            // validate that credentials are present
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(twitterConsumerKey) ||
                MessageBox.Show(@"Error while setting " +
                                    "App.config/appSettings. \n\n" +
                                    "You need to provide your twitterConsumerKey and twitterConsumerSecret in App.config \n" +
                                    "Please visit for more info.\n");

                return null;

            // configure the OAuth object
            var auth = new PinAuthorizer
                Credentials = new InMemoryCredentials
                    ConsumerKey = twitterConsumerKey,
                    ConsumerSecret = twitterConsumerSecret
                UseCompression = true,
                GoToTwitterAuthorization = pageLink => Process.Start(pageLink),
                GetPin = () =>
                    // this executes after user authorizes, which begins with the call to auth.Authorize() below.

                    PinWindow pinw = new PinWindow();
                    pinw.Owner = this;
                    if (pinw.ShowDialog() == true)
                        return pinw.Pin;
                        return "";

            // start the authorization process (launches Twitter authorization page).
            catch (WebException ex)
                /*MessageBox.Show("Unable to authroize with Twitter right now. Please check pin number", "Twitter Archive Eraser",
                    MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);

                return null;

            return auth;