//constructor (Spawner) public Pitcher() { Recipe recipe = new Recipe(); }
public double ShowMoney(Customer customer, Inventory inventory, Money money, Recipe recipe) { Console.WriteLine("You have {0} dollars.", moneyLeft); return(Math.Round(moneyLeft)); }
public static decimal SetLemonadePrice(Recipe recipe) { Console.WriteLine("Enter price of your lemonade in cents: "); recipe.lemonadePrice = Convert.ToDecimal(Console.ReadLine()); return(recipe.lemonadePrice); }
public Player() { inventory = new Inventory(); recipe = new Recipe(); wallet = new Wallet(); }
public void StartTransactions(string WeatherPredict, Inventory backpack, Player playerOne, Recipe recipe) { FindWeather(WeatherPredict); if (playerOne.Money <= 0) { Console.WriteLine("Darn, you don't have any money to buy supplies"); backpack.MakeLemonade(playerOne, recipe); } else { PurchaseLemons(Product, backpack, playerOne); PurchaseSugar(Product, backpack, playerOne); PurchaseIce(Product, backpack, playerOne); PurchaseCups(Product, backpack, playerOne); } }
//Wallet to start public static void WalletToStart(Player player, Recipe recipe) { Console.WriteLine($"Wallet: ${player.wallet.money}"); }
private void DisplayProfits(Player player, Recipe lemonade) { Console.WriteLine("\n\n{2} sold {0} cups for a total of ${1}! \n\n", player.cupsSold, String.Format("{0:0.00}", lemonade.price * player.cupsSold), player.name); Console.WriteLine("After expenses, you made a total of ${0} today. Your total profit so far is ${1}. \n\n", String.Format("{0:0.00}", player.money - player.todaysStartingMoney), String.Format("{0:0.00}", player.money - 20)); }
public Player() { CurrentMoney = new Wallet(); CurrentInventory = new Inventory(); recipe = new Recipe(); }