private void UpdatePlot()
            // Create plot values from selected options.

            TimeSeriesPlotData xSeries = cbSourceX.SelectedItem as TimeSeriesPlotData;
            TimeSeriesPlotData ySeries = cbSourceY.SelectedItem as TimeSeriesPlotData;

            if (xSeries == null || ySeries == null || xSeries == ySeries)

            TimeSeriesPlotSpecification spec = cmbDataSource.SelectedItem as TimeSeriesPlotSpecification;

            if (spec == null)

            PlotModel model = CreatePlot(xSeries, ySeries, spec.Component, spec.Abbreviation, spec.Label);

            plotView.Model = model;
            tbTitle.Text   = model.Title;
            tbXAxis.Text   = model.Axes[0].Title;
            tbYAxis.Text   = model.Axes[1].Title;
Esempio n. 2
        private void ImportOtherDrawingsData(Metadata metadata)
            LinearKinematics linearKinematics = new LinearKinematics();

            // Trackable drawing's individual points.
            foreach (ITrackable trackable in metadata.TrackableDrawings())
                Dictionary <string, TrackablePoint> trackablePoints = metadata.TrackabilityManager.GetTrackablePoints(trackable);

                if (trackablePoints == null)

                foreach (var pair in trackablePoints)
                    TrackablePoint        tp       = pair.Value;
                    Timeline <TrackFrame> timeline = pair.Value.Timeline;
                    if (timeline.Count == 0)

                    List <TimedPoint>  samples = timeline.Enumerate().Select(p => new TimedPoint(p.Location.X, p.Location.Y, p.Time)).ToList();
                    FilteredTrajectory traj    = new FilteredTrajectory();
                    traj.Initialize(samples, metadata.CalibrationHelper);

                    TimeSeriesCollection tsc = linearKinematics.BuildKinematics(traj, metadata.CalibrationHelper);

                    string name  = trackable.Name;
                    Color  color = trackable.Color;

                    // Custom drawings may have dedicated names for their handles.
                    DrawingGenericPosture dgp = trackable as DrawingGenericPosture;
                    if (dgp == null)
                        name = name + " - " + pair.Key;
                        foreach (var handle in dgp.GenericPostureHandles)
                            if (handle.Reference.ToString() != pair.Key)

                            name  = name + " - " + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(handle.Name) ? pair.Key : handle.Name);
                            color = handle.Color == Color.Transparent ? trackable.Color : handle.Color;

                    TimeSeriesPlotData data = new TimeSeriesPlotData(name, color, tsc);
                    filteredTrajectories.Add(data, traj);
Esempio n. 3
 private void ImportTrackData(Metadata metadata)
     foreach (DrawingTrack track in metadata.Tracks())
         TimeSeriesPlotData data = new TimeSeriesPlotData(track.Name, track.MainColor, track.TimeSeriesCollection);
         filteredTrajectories.Add(data, track.FilteredTrajectory);
Esempio n. 4
        private static void ImportAngleDrawingsData(Metadata metadata, List <TimeSeriesPlotData> timeSeriesData)
            // Create three filtered trajectories named o, a, b directly based on the trackable points.
            foreach (DrawingAngle drawingAngle in metadata.Angles())
                Dictionary <string, FilteredTrajectory> trajs           = new Dictionary <string, FilteredTrajectory>();
                Dictionary <string, TrackablePoint>     trackablePoints = metadata.TrackabilityManager.GetTrackablePoints(drawingAngle);

                bool tracked = true;

                foreach (string key in trackablePoints.Keys)
                    Timeline <TrackFrame> timeline = trackablePoints[key].Timeline;
                    if (timeline.Count == 0)
                        tracked = false;

                    List <TimedPoint>  samples = timeline.Enumerate().Select(p => new TimedPoint(p.Location.X, p.Location.Y, p.Time)).ToList();
                    FilteredTrajectory traj    = new FilteredTrajectory();
                    traj.Initialize(samples, metadata.CalibrationHelper);

                    trajs.Add(key, traj);

                if (!tracked)

                TimeSeriesCollection tsc  = angularKinematics.BuildKinematics(trajs, drawingAngle.AngleOptions, metadata.CalibrationHelper);
                TimeSeriesPlotData   data = new TimeSeriesPlotData(drawingAngle.Name, drawingAngle.Color, tsc);
        private PlotModel CreatePlot(TimeSeriesPlotData xSeries, TimeSeriesPlotData ySeries, Kinematics component, string abbreviation, string title)
            if (xSeries == null || ySeries == null || xSeries == ySeries)

            PlotModel model = new PlotModel();

            model.PlotType = PlotType.XY;

            model.Title = string.Format("{0} v {1} - {2}", xSeries.Label, ySeries.Label, title);

            LinearAxis xAxis = new LinearAxis();

            xAxis.Position           = AxisPosition.Bottom;
            xAxis.MajorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Solid;
            xAxis.MinorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Dot;
            xAxis.MinimumPadding     = 0.05;
            xAxis.MaximumPadding     = 0.1;
            xAxis.Title = string.Format("{0} {1} ({2})", xSeries.Label, title, abbreviation);

            LinearAxis yAxis = new LinearAxis();

            yAxis.Position           = AxisPosition.Left;
            yAxis.MajorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Solid;
            yAxis.MinorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Dot;
            yAxis.MinimumPadding     = 0.05;
            yAxis.MaximumPadding     = 0.1;
            yAxis.Title = string.Format("{0} {1} ({2})", ySeries.Label, title, abbreviation);

            LineSeries series = new LineSeries();

            //series.Title =
            //series.Color = OxyColor.;
            series.MarkerType = MarkerType.Circle;
            series.Smooth     = true;

            double[] xPoints = xSeries.TimeSeriesCollection[component];
            double[] yPoints = ySeries.TimeSeriesCollection[component];
            long[]   xTimes  = xSeries.TimeSeriesCollection.Times;
            long[]   yTimes  = ySeries.TimeSeriesCollection.Times;

            // The plot is only defined in the range of common time coordinates.
            int xIndex = 0;
            int yIndex = 0;

            while (xIndex < xTimes.Length && yIndex < yTimes.Length)
                long xTime = xTimes[xIndex];
                long yTime = yTimes[yIndex];

                if (xTime < yTime)
                else if (yTime < xTime)
                    series.Points.Add(new DataPoint(xPoints[xIndex], yPoints[yIndex]));


Esempio n. 6
        private static void ImportCustomDrawingsData(Metadata metadata, List <TimeSeriesPlotData> timeSeriesData)
            // Collect angular trajectories for all the angles in all the custom tools.

            foreach (DrawingGenericPosture drawing in metadata.GenericPostures())
                Dictionary <string, TrackablePoint> trackablePoints = metadata.TrackabilityManager.GetTrackablePoints(drawing);

                // First create trajectories for all the trackable points in the drawing.
                // This avoids duplicating the filtering operation for points shared by more than one angle.
                // Here the trajectories are indexed by the original alias in the custom tool, based on the index.
                Dictionary <string, FilteredTrajectory> trajs = new Dictionary <string, FilteredTrajectory>();
                bool tracked = true;

                foreach (string key in trackablePoints.Keys)
                    Timeline <TrackFrame> timeline = trackablePoints[key].Timeline;

                    if (timeline.Count == 0)
                        // The point is trackable but doesn't have any timeline data.
                        // This happens if the user is not tracking that drawing, so we don't need to go further.
                        tracked = false;

                    List <TimedPoint>  samples = timeline.Enumerate().Select(p => new TimedPoint(p.Location.X, p.Location.Y, p.Time)).ToList();
                    FilteredTrajectory traj    = new FilteredTrajectory();
                    traj.Initialize(samples, metadata.CalibrationHelper);

                    trajs.Add(key, traj);

                if (!tracked)

                // Loop over all angles in this drawing and find the trackable aliases of the points making up the particular angle.
                // The final collection of trajectories for each angle should have indices named o, a, b.
                foreach (GenericPostureAngle gpa in drawing.GenericPostureAngles)
                    // From integer indices to tracking aliases.
                    string keyO = gpa.Origin.ToString();
                    string keyA = gpa.Leg1.ToString();
                    string keyB = gpa.Leg2.ToString();

                    // All points in an angle must be trackable as there is currently no way to get the static point coordinate.
                    if (!trajs.ContainsKey(keyO) || !trajs.ContainsKey(keyA) || !trajs.ContainsKey(keyB))

                    // Remap to oab.
                    Dictionary <string, FilteredTrajectory> angleTrajs = new Dictionary <string, FilteredTrajectory>();
                    angleTrajs.Add("o", trajs[keyO]);
                    angleTrajs.Add("a", trajs[keyA]);
                    angleTrajs.Add("b", trajs[keyB]);

                    AngleOptions         options = new AngleOptions(gpa.Signed, gpa.CCW, gpa.Supplementary);
                    TimeSeriesCollection tsc     = angularKinematics.BuildKinematics(angleTrajs, options, metadata.CalibrationHelper);

                    string name = drawing.Name;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gpa.Name))
                        name = name + " - " + gpa.Name;

                    Color color             = gpa.Color == Color.Transparent ? drawing.Color : gpa.Color;
                    TimeSeriesPlotData data = new TimeSeriesPlotData(name, color, tsc);
