         * <p>
         * Checks to see if the matrix is positive definite.
         * </p>
         * <p>
         * x<sup>T</sup> A x &gt; 0<br>
         * for all x where x is a non-zero vector and A is a symmetric matrix.
         * </p>
         * @param A square symmetric matrix. Not modified.
         * @return True if it is positive definite and false if it is not.
        public static bool isPositiveDefinite(DMatrixRMaj A)
            if (!isSquare(A))

            CholeskyDecompositionInner_DDRM chol = new CholeskyDecompositionInner_DDRM(true);

            if (chol.inputModified())
                A = A.copy();

         * Creates a random distribution with the specified mean and covariance.  The references
         * to the variables are not saved, their value are copied.
         * @param rand Used to create the random numbers for the draw. Reference is saved.
         * @param cov The covariance of the distribution.  Not modified.
        public CovarianceRandomDraw_DDRM(Random rand, DMatrixRMaj cov)
            r = new DMatrixRMaj(cov.numRows, 1);
            CholeskyDecompositionInner_DDRM cholesky = new CholeskyDecompositionInner_DDRM(true);

            if (cholesky.inputModified())
                cov = cov.copy();
            if (!cholesky.decompose(cov))
                throw new SystemException("Decomposition failed!");

            A = cholesky.getT();
            //this.rand = rand;
            this.rand = new Java.Util.Random();
Esempio n. 3
  * Creates a solver for symmetric positive definite matrices.
  * @return A new solver for symmetric positive definite matrices.
 public static LinearSolverDense <DMatrixRMaj> symmPosDef(int matrixWidth)
     if (matrixWidth < EjmlParameters.SWITCH_BLOCK64_CHOLESKY)
         CholeskyDecompositionCommon_DDRM decomp = new CholeskyDecompositionInner_DDRM(true);
         return(new LinearSolverChol_DDRM(decomp));
         if (EjmlParameters.MEMORY == EjmlParameters.MemoryUsage.FASTER)
             return(new LinearSolverChol_DDRB());
             CholeskyDecompositionCommon_DDRM decomp = new CholeskyDecompositionInner_DDRM(true);
             return(new LinearSolverChol_DDRM(decomp));