Esempio n. 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Write a Game Maker GMX formatted background
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="background">The given background to write</param>
 /// <param name="directory">The room directory</param>
 public static void WriteBackgroundGMX(GMBackground background, string directory)
     // Write a single room
     WriteBackgroundsGMX(new List <GMBackground>()
     }, directory);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads all backgrounds from a GM file reader
        /// </summary>
        public static GMList <GMBackground> ReadBackgrounds(GMFileReader reader)
            // Get version
            int version = reader.ReadGMInt();

            // Check version
            if (version != 400 && version != 800)
                throw new Exception("Unsupported Pre-Background object version.");

            // Create a new list of backgrounds
            GMList <GMBackground> backgrounds = new GMList <GMBackground>();

            // Amount of background ids
            int num = reader.ReadGMInt();

            // Iterate through backgrounds
            for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                // If version is 8.0, start inflate
                if (version == 800)

                // If the background at index does not exists, continue
                if (reader.ReadGMBool() == false)

                // Create a new background object
                GMBackground background = new GMBackground();

                // Set background id
                background.Id = i;

                // Get background data
                background.Name = reader.ReadGMString();

                // If version is 8.0, get last changed
                if (version == 800)
                    background.LastChanged = reader.ReadGMDouble();

                // Get version
                version = reader.ReadGMInt();

                // Check version
                if (version != 400 && version != 543 && version != 710)
                    throw new Exception("Unsupported Background object version.");

                // If version is less than 7.1
                if (version < 710)
                    // Background data
                    background.Width       = reader.ReadGMInt();
                    background.Height      = reader.ReadGMInt();
                    background.Transparent = reader.ReadGMBool();

                    // Check version
                    if (version > 400)
                        // Read background data
                        background.SmoothEdges          = reader.ReadGMBool();
                        background.Preload              = reader.ReadGMBool();
                        background.UseAsTileSet         = reader.ReadGMBool();
                        background.TileWidth            = reader.ReadGMInt();
                        background.TileHeight           = reader.ReadGMInt();
                        background.HorizontalOffset     = reader.ReadGMInt();
                        background.VerticalOffset       = reader.ReadGMInt();
                        background.HorizontalSeperation = reader.ReadGMInt();
                        background.VerticalSeperation   = reader.ReadGMInt();
                        // Read background data
                        background.UseVideoMemory = reader.ReadGMBool();
                        background.LoadOnlyOnUse  = reader.ReadGMBool();

                    // If image data exists
                    if (reader.ReadGMBool())
                        // If pixel data does not exist
                        if (reader.ReadGMInt() == -1)

                        // Create a new image
                        GMImage image = new GMImage();

                        // Set image data
                        image.Width  = background.Width;
                        image.Height = background.Height;

                        // Get size of image data
                        int size = reader.ReadGMInt();

                        // Get compressed image data
                        image.Data = reader.ReadGMBytes(size);

                        // Set background image
                        background.Image = image;
                    // Get background data
                    background.UseAsTileSet         = reader.ReadGMBool();
                    background.TileWidth            = reader.ReadGMInt();
                    background.TileHeight           = reader.ReadGMInt();
                    background.HorizontalOffset     = reader.ReadGMInt();
                    background.VerticalOffset       = reader.ReadGMInt();
                    background.HorizontalSeperation = reader.ReadGMInt();
                    background.VerticalSeperation   = reader.ReadGMInt();

                    // Get version
                    version = reader.ReadGMInt();

                    // Check version
                    if (version != 800)
                        throw new Exception("Unsupported Background object version.");

                    // Get image data
                    background.Width  = reader.ReadGMInt();
                    background.Height = reader.ReadGMInt();

                    // If the sprite size is not zero
                    if (background.Width != 0 && background.Height != 0)
                        // Create a new image object
                        GMImage image = new GMImage();
                        image.Compressed = false;

                        // Set image data
                        image.Width  = background.Width;
                        image.Height = background.Height;

                        // Get size of image data
                        int size = reader.ReadGMInt();

                        // Get image data
                        image.Data = reader.ReadGMBytes(size);

                        // Insert compressed image data
                        background.Image = image;

                // End object inflate

                // Add background

            // Return backgrounds
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads all backgrounds from a background XML file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="directory">The XML (.GMX) file path</param>
        /// <param name="assets">A list of assets listed in the project GMX</param>
        /// <returns>A GM background</returns>
        public static GMList <GMBackground> ReadBackgroundsGMX(string directory, ref List <string> assets)
            // A list of backgrounds
            GMList <GMBackground> backgrounds = new GMList <GMBackground>();

            backgrounds.AutoIncrementIds = false;

            // Iterate through .gmx files in the directory
            foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(directory, "*.gmx"))
                // Set name of the background
                string name = GetResourceName(file);

                // If the file is not in the asset list, it has been orphaned, continue
                if (!assets.Contains(name))

                // Create a dictionary of room properties
                Dictionary <string, string> properties = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                foreach (GMXBackgroundProperty property in Enum.GetValues(typeof(GMXBackgroundProperty)))
                    properties.Add(GMXEnumString(property), "");

                // Background image and texture group strings
                GMImage image         = null;
                string  textureGroup  = GMXEnumString(GMXBackgroundProperty.TextureGroup);
                string  textureGroup0 = GMXEnumString(GMXBackgroundProperty.TextureGroup0);

                // Create an XMLReader to read in the resource elements
                using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(file))
                    // Move to a content node

                    // Read XML file
                    while (reader.Read())
                        // If the node is not an element, continue
                        if (reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)

                        // Get the element name
                        string nodeName = reader.Name;

                        // Read

                        // If the element value is null or empty, continue
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader.Value))

                        // If the element is a frame element create subimage, else normal property
                        if (nodeName.ToLower() == GMXEnumString(GMXBackgroundProperty.Data))
                            // Create an image and set the image path
                            image            = new GMImage();
                            image.Compressed = false;
                            image.FilePath   = reader.Value;
                            image.Data       = GMUtilities.LoadBytesFromBitmap(directory + "\\" + image.FilePath);
                            // Set the property value
                            properties[nodeName] = reader.Value;

                // Create a new background and set its properties
                GMBackground background = new GMBackground();
                background.Id                   = GetIdFromName(name);
                background.Name                 = name;
                background.UseAsTileSet         = GMXBool(properties[GMXEnumString(GMXBackgroundProperty.IsTileset)], background.UseAsTileSet);
                background.TileWidth            = GMXInt(properties[GMXEnumString(GMXBackgroundProperty.TileWidth)], background.TileWidth);
                background.TileHeight           = GMXInt(properties[GMXEnumString(GMXBackgroundProperty.TileHeight)], background.TileHeight);
                background.HorizontalOffset     = GMXInt(properties[GMXEnumString(GMXBackgroundProperty.TileXOff)], background.HorizontalOffset);
                background.VerticalOffset       = GMXInt(properties[GMXEnumString(GMXBackgroundProperty.TileYOff)], background.VerticalOffset);
                background.HorizontalSeperation = GMXInt(properties[GMXEnumString(GMXBackgroundProperty.TileHSep)], background.HorizontalSeperation);
                background.VerticalSeperation   = GMXInt(properties[GMXEnumString(GMXBackgroundProperty.TileVSep)], background.VerticalSeperation);
                background.TileHorizontally     = GMXBool(properties[GMXEnumString(GMXBackgroundProperty.HTile)], background.TileHorizontally);
                background.TileVertically       = GMXBool(properties[GMXEnumString(GMXBackgroundProperty.VTile)], background.TileVertically);
                background.UsedFor3D            = GMXBool(properties[GMXEnumString(GMXBackgroundProperty.For3D)], background.UsedFor3D);
                background.Width                = GMXInt(properties[GMXEnumString(GMXBackgroundProperty.Width)], background.Width);
                background.Height               = GMXInt(properties[GMXEnumString(GMXBackgroundProperty.Height)], background.Height);
                properties[textureGroup]        = properties[textureGroup] == "" ? "0" : properties[textureGroup];
                properties[textureGroup0]       = properties[textureGroup0] == "" ? "0" : properties[textureGroup0];
                image.Width      = background.Width;
                image.Height     = background.Height;
                background.Image = image;

                // The texture group does not equal zero set texture group 0 to the texture group value
                if (properties[textureGroup] != "0")
                    properties[textureGroup0] = properties[textureGroup];
                // The texture group zero does not equal zero set texture group to the texture group 0 value
                else if (properties[textureGroup0] != "0")
                    properties[textureGroup] = properties[textureGroup0];

                // Create a list of texture groups
                List <int> textureGroups = new List <int>();
                for (int i = 0; properties.ContainsKey(string.Concat(textureGroup, i)); i++)
                    textureGroups.Add(Convert.ToInt32(properties[string.Concat(textureGroup, i)]));

                background.TextureGroups = textureGroups.ToArray();

                // Add the background

            // Return the list of backgrounds