protected virtual void AddToCache(ISightTarget target, Transform meshParent, Mesh mesh, SkinnedMeshRenderer skinnedMeshRenderer)
            int instanceID = target.gameObject.GetInstanceID();

            //int sampleCount = config.sampleCount;
            int sampleCount   = Mathf.Clamp(20, 0, mesh.vertexCount); // TODO: FIX -- When a sight viewer with 1 sample indexes first, one with a higher sample count won't re-index...
            var randomIndices = new int[sampleCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < sampleCount; i++)
                int index = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, mesh.vertexCount);
                randomIndices[i] = index;

            if (vertexCache.ContainsKey(instanceID) == false)
                if (config.debug)
//                    Debug.Log("Added new object (" + + ") to cache", target.gameObject);

                vertexCache.Add(instanceID, new SightCacheLookup(target, meshParent, mesh, randomIndices, skinnedMeshRenderer));

            if (config.debug)
                Debug.Log("Re-building cache for " +, target.gameObject);

            vertexCache[instanceID] = new SightCacheLookup(target, meshParent, mesh, randomIndices, skinnedMeshRenderer);
        public void GetFromCache(ISightTarget target, out SightCacheLookup cacheLookup)
            if (vertexCache.ContainsKey(target.gameObject.GetInstanceID()))
                cacheLookup = vertexCache[target.gameObject.GetInstanceID()];

            throw new InvalidOperationException("Given object is not in cache, check if an object is in cache first by calling Contains");