public void HeroFight() { bool fight = false; while (!fight) { Console.WriteLine("Hero turn"); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Choose the option you want: "); Console.WriteLine("Press 1 to show status."); Console.WriteLine("Press 2 to show inventory."); Console.WriteLine("Press 3 to choose the weapon."); Console.WriteLine("Press 4 to choose the armor."); Console.WriteLine("Press 5 to buy health."); Console.WriteLine("Press 0 to quit the fight."); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to fight directly."); char inputValue = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar; Console.WriteLine(); if (inputValue == '0') { Hero.CurrentHealth = Hero.OriginalHealth; Monster.CurrentHealth = Monster.OriginalHealth; throw new Exception("You quit the fight."); } else if (inputValue == '1') { Hero.ShowStats(); fight = false; } else if (inputValue == '2') { Hero.ShowInventory(); fight = false; } else if (inputValue == '3') { Hero.GetWeapon(); fight = false; } else if (inputValue == '4') { Hero.GetArmor(); fight = false; } else if (inputValue == '5') { Hero.BuyHealth(); } else { fight = true; } } int lostHealth = 0; if (Hero.EquippedWeapon == null) { lostHealth = Hero.Strength - Monster.Defense; } else { lostHealth = Hero.Strength + Hero.EquippedWeapon.Power - Monster.Defense; } if (lostHealth <= 0) { lostHealth = 0; } Monster.CurrentHealth -= lostHealth; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Your attack made the monstor lose {0} health.", lostHealth); Console.WriteLine(); }