public void prepareVehicle(Vehicle vehicle) { if (vehicle.Exists()) { vehicle.EngineRunning = true; vehicle.InteriorLightOn = true; vehicle.HazardLightsOn = true; vehicle.Repair(); } }
public static Vehicle[] GetNearbyVehicles(Ped ped, float radius, params Model[] models) { List <Vehicle> list = new List <Vehicle>(); Vehicle currentVehicle = ped.CurrentVehicle; int num3 = Vehicle.Exists(currentVehicle) ? currentVehicle.Handle : 0; foreach (int num2 in MemoryAccess.GetVehicleHandles(ped.Position, radius, ModelListToHashList(models))) { if (num2 != num3) { list.Add(new Vehicle(num2)); } } return(list.ToArray()); }
public static Vehicle[] GetNearbyVehicles(Ped ped, float radius, params Model[] models) { int[] handles = MemoryAccess.GetVehicleHandles(ped.Position, radius, ModelListToHashList(models)); var result = new List<Vehicle>(); Vehicle ignore = ped.CurrentVehicle; int ignoreHandle = Vehicle.Exists(ignore) ? ignore.Handle : 0; foreach (int handle in handles) { if (handle == ignoreHandle) { continue; } result.Add(new Vehicle(handle)); } return result.ToArray(); }
/// <summary> /// Called every tick to process all plugin logic. /// </summary> public override void Process() { // If on duty and Z is down if (LPlayer.LocalPlayer.IsOnDuty && (Functions.IsKeyDown(Keys.Z) || (Functions.IsControllerInUse() && Functions.IsControllerKeyDown(GamepadButtonFlags.DPadRight)))) { DelayedCaller.Call( delegate { LPlayer.LocalPlayer.Ped.DrawTextAboveHead("Test", 500); }, this, 500); if (this.lcpdfrPed == null || this.lcpdfrPed.Exists() || this.lcpdfrPed.IsAliveAndWell) { // Create a ped this.lcpdfrPed = new LPed(LPlayer.LocalPlayer.Ped.Position, "F_Y_HOOKER_01"); this.lcpdfrPed.NoLongerNeeded(); this.lcpdfrPed.AttachBlip(); this.lcpdfrPed.ItemsCarried = LPed.EPedItem.Drugs; LPed.EPedItem item = this.lcpdfrPed.ItemsCarried; this.lcpdfrPed.PersonaData = new PersonaData(DateTime.Now, 0, "Sam", "T", false, 1337, true); } } // If our ped exists and has been arrested, kill it if (this.lcpdfrPed != null && this.lcpdfrPed.Exists()) { if (this.lcpdfrPed.HasBeenArrested && this.lcpdfrPed.IsAliveAndWell) { this.lcpdfrPed.Die(); } } if (Functions.IsKeyDown(Keys.B)) { if (Functions.IsPlayerPerformingPullover()) { LHandle pullover = Functions.GetCurrentPullover(); if (pullover != null) { LVehicle vehicle = Functions.GetPulloverVehicle(pullover); if (vehicle != null && vehicle.Exists()) { vehicle.AttachBlip().Color = BlipColor.Cyan; if (vehicle.HasDriver) { // Change name of driver to Sam T. LPed driver = vehicle.GetPedOnSeat(VehicleSeat.Driver); if (driver != null && driver.Exists()) { // Modify name. driver.PersonaData = new PersonaData(DateTime.Now, 0, "Sam", "T", true, 0, false); string name = driver.PersonaData.FullName; Functions.PrintText("--- Pulling over: " + name + " ---", 10000); // Looking up the driver will make the vehicle explode. Functions.PedLookedUpInPoliceComputer += delegate(PersonaData data) { if (data.FullName == name) { DelayedCaller.Call(delegate { if (vehicle.Exists()) { vehicle.Explode(); } }, this, Common.GetRandomValue(5000, 10000)); } }; } } } } } else { // Disable pullovers for vehicle in front. GTA.Vehicle vehicle = World.GetClosestVehicle(LPlayer.LocalPlayer.Ped.GetOffsetPosition(new Vector3(0, 10, 0)), 5f); if (vehicle != null && vehicle.Exists()) { LVehicle veh = LVehicle.FromGTAVehicle(vehicle); if (veh != null) { veh.DisablePullover = true; veh.AttachBlip(); } } } } // Kill all partners. if (Functions.IsKeyDown(Keys.N)) { LHandle partnerManger = Functions.GetCurrentPartner(); LPed[] peds = Functions.GetPartnerPeds(partnerManger); if (peds != null) { foreach (LPed partner in peds) { if (partner.Exists()) { partner.Die(); } } } } // Send RequestBackup message in network game. if (Functions.IsKeyDown(Keys.X)) { if (Networking.IsInSession && Networking.IsConnected) { if (Networking.IsHost) { Vector3 position = LPlayer.LocalPlayer.Ped.Position; // Tell client we need backup. DynamicData dynamicData = new DynamicData(Networking.GetServerInstance()); dynamicData.Write(position); Networking.GetServerInstance().Send("API_Example", ENetworkMessages.RequestBackup, dynamicData); } } } }
void OnKeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { Keys activateKeyVal = (Keys)Enum.Parse(typeof(Keys), activate); if (e.KeyCode == activateKeyVal) { if (showGUI) { showGUI = false; } if (active) { active = false; } else { rectWidth = 0.1268f; Random rnd = new Random(); int r = rnd.Next(Flags.allFlags.Count); flag = Flags.allFlags[r]; closestVeh = World.GetClosestVehicle(player.GetOffsetInWorldCoords(new Vector3(0, 4, 0)), 5); pedDriver = closestVeh.GetPedOnSeat(VehicleSeat.Driver); vehModel = closestVeh.DisplayName; //vehModel = closestVeh.Model.ToString(); vehID = closestVeh.Handle.ToString(); if (Function.Call<bool>(Hash._IS_HEADLIGHT_R_BROKEN, closestVeh)) { flag = flag + "\n~b~Right Headlight Broke"; rectWidth = 0.1568f; } if (Function.Call<bool>(Hash._IS_HEADLIGHT_L_BROKEN, closestVeh)) { flag = flag + "\n~b~Left Headlight Broke"; rectWidth = 0.1568f; } if (Function.Call<bool>(Hash._IS_HEADLIGHT_L_BROKEN, closestVeh) && Function.Call<bool>(Hash._IS_HEADLIGHT_R_BROKEN, closestVeh)) { rectWidth = 0.1868f; } if (closestVeh.Exists()) { UI.Notify("~b~" + name + ": ~s~" + "Dispatch, can I get a vehicle check on \n" + "~b~Model: " + vehModel + "\n" + "PLATE: " + closestVeh.NumberPlate); Wait(2000); UI.Notify("~b~Dispatch: ~s~Affirmitive, standby."); Wait(4000); UI.Notify("~b~Dispatch: ~s~Information sent to you."); Wait(100); active = true; showGUI = true; Wait(1000); UI.Notify("~b~" + name + ": ~s~Thank you."); } else { UI.Notify("No vehicle found, get closer!"); } } } }