Esempio n. 1
        private void InitializeActionFile(MsgFileLocation filename, string[] lines)
            MsgFileLocation = filename;
            Name            = filename.package + "." + filename.basename;
            className       = filename.basename;
            fileNamespace  += "." + filename.package;

            var parsedAction = ParseActionFile(lines);

            // Goal Messages
            GoalMessage       = CreateMessageFile(filename, parsedAction.GoalParameters, "Goal");
            GoalActionMessage = CreateMessageFile(filename, parsedAction.GoalActionParameters, "ActionGoal");
            GoalActionMessage.ActionMessageType = ActionMessageType.Goal;

            // Result Messages
            ResultMessage       = CreateMessageFile(filename, parsedAction.ResultParameters, "Result");
            ResultActionMessage = CreateMessageFile(filename, parsedAction.ResultActionParameters, "ActionResult");
            ResultActionMessage.ActionMessageType = ActionMessageType.Result;

            // Feedback Messages
            FeedbackMessage       = CreateMessageFile(filename, parsedAction.FeedbackParameters, "Feedback");
            FeedbackActionMessage = CreateMessageFile(filename, parsedAction.FeedbackActionParameters, "ActionFeedback");
            FeedbackActionMessage.ActionMessageType = ActionMessageType.Feedback;
Esempio n. 2
        public static SingleType WhatItIs(MsgFile parent, string s, string extraindent)
            string[] pieces  = s.Split('/');
            string   package = null;

            // sometimes, a string can contain the char '/', such as the following line:
            // string CONTENT_JSON = "application/json"
            if (pieces.Length == 2)
                if (s.ToLower().Contains("string") && !MsgFile.resolver.ContainsKey(pieces[0]))
                    goto ResolvingStep;

                package = pieces[0];
                s       = pieces[1];

            SingleType st = new SingleType(package, s, extraindent);

            WhatItIs(parent, st);
Esempio n. 3
 public MessageTemplateInfo(MsgFile OuterMessage, MsgFile InnerMessage, string OuterMessagePlaceHoder,
                            string InnerMessagePlaceHolder)
     this.OuterMessage            = OuterMessage;
     this.InnerMessage            = InnerMessage;
     this.OuterMessagePlaceHoder  = OuterMessagePlaceHoder;
     this.InnerMessagePlaceHolder = InnerMessagePlaceHolder;
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Wrapper to create a MsgsFile
        /// </summary>
        private MsgFile CreateMessageFile(MsgFileLocation messageLocation, List <string> parameters, string suffix)
            var result = new MsgFile(new MsgFileLocation(
                                         messageLocation.Path, messageLocation.searchroot),

Esempio n. 5
        public static void WhatItIs(MsgFile parent, SingleType t)
            if (t.IsPrimitve)
                t.rostype = t.Type;
                SingleType.Finalize(parent, t);

            t.Finalize(parent, t.input.Split(spliter, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries), false);
Esempio n. 6
        public SrvFile(MsgFileLocation filename)
            msgfilelocation = filename;
            // read in srv file
            var lines = File.ReadAllLines(filename.Path);

            classname  = filename.basename;
            Namespace += "." + filename.package;
            Name       = filename.package + "." + filename.basename;

            // def is the list of all lines in the file
            def = new List <string>();
            int  mid      = 0;
            bool found    = false;
            var  request  = new List <string>();
            var  response = new List <string>();

            // Search through for the "---" separator between request and response
            for ( ; mid < lines.Length; mid++)
                lines[mid] = lines[mid].Replace("\"", "\\\"");
                if (lines[mid].Contains('#'))
                    lines[mid] = lines[mid].Substring(0, lines[mid].IndexOf('#'));
                lines[mid] = lines[mid].Trim();
                if (lines[mid].Length == 0)
                if (lines[mid].Contains("---"))
                    found = true;
                if (found)

            // treat request and response like 2 message files, each with a partial definition and extra stuff tagged on to the classname
            Request  = new MsgFile(new MsgFileLocation(filename.Path.Replace(".srv", ".msg"), filename.searchroot), true, request, "\t");
            Response = new MsgFile(new MsgFileLocation(filename.Path.Replace(".srv", ".msg"), filename.searchroot), false, response, "\t");
Esempio n. 7
 public static void Finalize(MsgFile parent, SingleType thing)
     string[] parts = thing.input.Split(' ');
     thing.rostype = parts[0];
     if (!KnownStuff.KnownTypes.ContainsKey(thing.rostype))
         thing.meta = true;
         parts[0] = KnownStuff.KnownTypes[thing.rostype];
     thing.Finalize(parent, parts, true);
Esempio n. 8
 public static SingleType WhatItIs(MsgFile parent, string s, string extraindent)
     string[] pieces = s.Split('/');
     string package = null;
     if (pieces.Length == 2)
         package = pieces[0];
         s = pieces[1];
     SingleType st = new SingleType(package, s, extraindent);
     WhatItIs(parent, st);
     return st;
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the template for a single message and replaces all the $placeholders with appropriate content
        /// </summary>
        public string GenerateMessageFromTemplate(string template, MsgFile message, MsgFile childMessage)
            var properties = message.GenerateProperties();

            template = template.Replace("$CLASS_NAME", message.classname);
            template = template.Replace("$$PROPERTIES", properties);
            template = template.Replace("$ISMETA", message.meta.ToString().ToLower());
            template = template.Replace("$MSGTYPE", fileNamespace.Replace("Messages.", "") + "/" + message.classname);
            template = template.Replace("$MESSAGEDEFINITION", "@\"" + message.Definition + "\"");
            template = template.Replace("$HASHEADER", message.HasHeader.ToString().ToLower());
            template = template.Replace("$NULLCONSTBODY", "");
            template = template.Replace("$EXTRACONSTRUCTOR", "");

            template = template.Replace("$MD5SUM", MD5.Sum(message));

            // Set the base class of the message
            var actionClasses = new List <string> {
            var actionClass = actionClasses[(int)message.ActionMessageType];

            actionClass = actionClass.Replace("$ACTION_GENERIC", childMessage != null ? childMessage.Name : "");
            template    = template.Replace("$ACTION_CLASS", actionClass);

            string deserializationCode = "";
            string serializationCode   = "";
            string randomizationCode   = "";
            string equalizationCode    = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < message.Stuff.Count; i++)
                deserializationCode += message.GenerateDeserializationCode(message.Stuff[i], 1);
                serializationCode   += message.GenerateSerializationCode(message.Stuff[i], 1);
                randomizationCode   += message.GenerateRandomizationCode(message.Stuff[i], 1);
                equalizationCode    += message.GenerateEqualityCode(message.Stuff[i], 1);

            template = template.Replace("$SERIALIZATIONCODE", serializationCode);
            template = template.Replace("$DESERIALIZATIONCODE", deserializationCode);
            template = template.Replace("$RANDOMIZATIONCODE", randomizationCode);
            template = template.Replace("$EQUALITYCODE", equalizationCode);

Esempio n. 10
        public static void Resolve(MsgFile parent, SingleType st)
            if (st.Type == null)
                KnownStuff.WhatItIs(parent, st);

            if (st.IsPrimitve)

            List <string> prefixes = new List <string>(new[] { "", "std_msgs", "geometry_msgs", "actionlib_msgs" });

            if (st.Type.Contains("/"))
                string[] pieces = st.Type.Split('/');
                st.Package = pieces[0];
                st.Type    = pieces[1];

            prefixes[0] = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(st.Package) ? st.Package : parent.Package;
            foreach (string p in prefixes)
                if (resolver.Keys.Contains(p))
                    if (resolver[p].ContainsKey(st.Type))
                        if (resolver[p][st.Type].Count == 1)
                            st.Package = p;
                            st.Definer = resolver[p][st.Type][0].Definer;
                        else if (resolver[p][st.Type].Count > 1)
                            throw new ArgumentException($"Could not resolve: {st.Type}");
Esempio n. 11
        public void Finalize(MsgFile parent, string[] s, bool isliteral)
            backup = new string[s.Length];
            Array.Copy(s, backup, s.Length);
            bool isconst = false;

            IsLiteral = isliteral;
            string type       = s[0];
            string name       = s[1];
            string otherstuff = "";

            if (name.Contains('='))
                string[] parts = name.Split('=');
                isconst    = true;
                name       = parts[0];
                otherstuff = " = " + parts[1];

            if (name == parent.Name.Split(".").Last() || !MsgFileLocation.IsValidCSharpIdentifier(name) && name.Length > 0)
                if (IsCSharpKeyword(name))
                    name = "@" + name;
                else if (MsgFileLocation.IsValidCSharpIdentifier(name) && name == parent.Name.Split(".").Last())
                    name = "_" + name;
                    throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Variable '{0}' from '{1}' is not a compatible C# identifier name\n\tAll variable names must conform to C# Language Specifications (refer to this StackOverflow answer:\n", name, parent.msgFileLocation.Path));

            for (int i = 2; i < s.Length; i++)
                otherstuff += " " + s[i];

            if (otherstuff.Contains('='))
                isconst = true;

            if (!IsArray)
                if (otherstuff.Contains('=') && type.Equals("string", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                    otherstuff = otherstuff.Replace("\\", "\\\\");
                    otherstuff = otherstuff.Replace("\"", "\\\"");
                    string[] split = otherstuff.Split('=');
                    otherstuff = split[0] + " = " + split[1].Trim() + "";
                if (otherstuff.Contains('=') && type == "bool")
                    otherstuff = otherstuff.Replace("0", "false").Replace("1", "true");
                if (otherstuff.Contains('=') && type == "byte")
                    otherstuff = otherstuff.Replace("-1", "255");

                Const = isconst;
                bool wantsconstructor = !KnownStuff.IsPrimitiveType(this);
                if (otherstuff.Contains("="))
                    string[] chunks = otherstuff.Split('=');
                    ConstValue = chunks[chunks.Length - 1].Trim();
                    if (type.Equals("string", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        otherstuff       = chunks[0] + " = \"" + chunks[1].Trim() + "\"";
                        wantsconstructor = false;
                string prefix = "", suffix = "";
                if (isconst)
                    // why can't strings be constants?

                    //if (!type.Equals("string", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    if (KnownStuff.IsPrimitiveType(this))
                        prefix = "const ";
                        prefix = "static readonly ";
                    wantsconstructor = false;

                string t = KnownStuff.GetNamespacedType(this, type);
                if (otherstuff.Contains('='))
                    if (wantsconstructor)
                        if (type == "string")
                            suffix = " = \"\"";
                            suffix = " = new " + type + "()";
                        suffix = KnownStuff.GetConstTypesAffix(type);
                    if (type == "string")
                        suffix = " = \"\"";
                    else if (wantsconstructor)
                        suffix = " = new " + prefix + t + "()";
                output = lowestindent + "public " + prefix + t + " " + name + otherstuff + suffix + ";";
                if (length.Length > 0)
                    IsLiteral = true;
                if (otherstuff.Contains('='))
                    string[] split = otherstuff.Split('=');
                    otherstuff = split[0] + " = (" + type + ")" + split[1];
                string t = KnownStuff.GetNamespacedType(this, type);
                if (length.Length > 0)
                    output = lowestindent + "public " + t + "[] " + name + otherstuff + " = new " + type + "[" + length + "];";
                    output = lowestindent + "public " + "" + t + "[] " + name + otherstuff + ";";
            Type = type;
            if (!KnownStuff.KnownTypes.ContainsKey(rostype))
                meta = true;
            Name = name.Length == 0 ? otherstuff.Trim() : name;
            if (Name.Contains('='))
                Name = Name.Substring(0, Name.IndexOf("=")).Trim();
Esempio n. 12
        public void Finalize(MsgFile parent, string[] s, bool isliteral)
            backup = new string[s.Length];
            Array.Copy(s, backup, s.Length);
            bool isstatic = false;

            IsLiteral = isliteral;
            string type       = s[0];
            string name       = s[1];
            string otherstuff = "";

            if (name.Contains('='))
                string[] parts = name.Split('=');
                isstatic   = true;
                name       = parts[0];
                otherstuff = " = " + parts[1];

            if (IsCSharpKeyword(name))
                name = "@" + name;

            for (int i = 2; i < s.Length; i++)
                otherstuff += " " + s[i];

            if (otherstuff.Contains('='))
                isstatic = true;

            if (!IsArray)
                if (otherstuff.Contains('=') && type.Equals("string", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                    otherstuff = otherstuff.Replace("\\", "\\\\");
                    otherstuff = otherstuff.Replace("\"", "\\\"");
                    string[] split = otherstuff.Split('=');
                    otherstuff = split[0] + " = " + split[1].Trim() + "";
                if (otherstuff.Contains('=') && type == "bool")
                    otherstuff = otherstuff.Replace("0", "false").Replace("1", "true");
                if (otherstuff.Contains('=') && type == "byte")
                    otherstuff = otherstuff.Replace("-1", "255");
                Static = isstatic;
                bool wantsconstructor = true;
                if (otherstuff.Contains("="))
                    string[] chunks = otherstuff.Split('=');
                    StaticValue = chunks[chunks.Length - 1].Trim();
                    if (type.Equals("string", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        otherstuff       = chunks[0] + " = \"" + chunks[1].Trim() + "\"";
                        wantsconstructor = false;
                string prefix = "", suffix = "";
                if (isstatic)
                    if (!type.Equals("string", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        prefix           = "static ";
                        wantsconstructor = false;
                string t = KnownStuff.GetNamespacedType(this, type);
                if (otherstuff.Contains('='))
                    if (wantsconstructor)
                        if (type == "string")
                            suffix = " = \"\"";
                            suffix = " = new " + type + "()";
                        suffix = KnownStuff.GetConstTypesAffix(type);
                    if (type == "string")
                        suffix = " = \"\"";
                        suffix = " = new " + prefix + t + "()";
                output = lowestindent + "public " + prefix + t + " " + name + otherstuff + suffix + ";";
                if (length.Length > 0)
                    IsLiteral = true;
                if (otherstuff.Contains('='))
                    string[] split = otherstuff.Split('=');
                    otherstuff = split[0] + " = (" + type + ")" + split[1];
                string t = KnownStuff.GetNamespacedType(this, type);
                if (length.Length > 0)
                    output = lowestindent + "public " + t + "[] " + name + otherstuff + " = new " + type + "[" + length + "];";
                    output = lowestindent + "public " + "" + t + "[] " + name + otherstuff + ";";
            Type = type;
            if (!KnownStuff.KnownTypes.ContainsKey(rostype))
                meta = true;
            Name = name.Length == 0 ? otherstuff.Trim() : name;
            if (Name.Contains('='))
                Name = Name.Substring(0, Name.IndexOf("=")).Trim();
Esempio n. 13
        public void refinalize(MsgFile parent, string REALTYPE)
            bool isstatic = false;

            Type = REALTYPE;
            string name       = backup[1];
            string otherstuff = "";

            if (name.Contains('='))
                string[] parts = name.Split('=');
                isstatic   = true;
                name       = parts[0];
                otherstuff = " = " + parts[1];
            if (IsCSharpKeyword(name))
                name = "@" + name;
            for (int i = 2; i < backup.Length; i++)
                otherstuff += " " + backup[i];
            if (otherstuff.Contains('='))
                isstatic = true;
            if (!IsArray)
                if (otherstuff.Contains('=') && Type.Equals("string", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                    otherstuff = otherstuff.Replace("\\", "\\\\");
                    otherstuff = otherstuff.Replace("\"", "\\\"");
                    string[] split = otherstuff.Split('=');
                    otherstuff = split[0] + " = \"" + split[1].Trim() + "\"";
                if (otherstuff.Contains('=') && Type == "bool")
                    otherstuff = otherstuff.Replace("0", "false").Replace("1", "true");
                if (otherstuff.Contains('=') && Type == "byte")
                    otherstuff = otherstuff.Replace("-1", "255");
                Static = isstatic;
                bool wantsconstructor = false;
                if (otherstuff.Contains("="))
                    string[] chunks = otherstuff.Split('=');
                    StaticValue = chunks[chunks.Length - 1].Trim();
                    if (Type.Equals("string", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        otherstuff = chunks[0] + " = \"" + chunks[1].Trim().Replace("\"", "") + "\"";
                else if (!Type.Equals("String"))
                    wantsconstructor = true;
                string prefix = "", suffix = "";
                if (isstatic)
                    if (!Type.Equals("string", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        prefix = "const ";
                if (otherstuff.Contains('='))
                    if (wantsconstructor)
                        if (Type == "string")
                            suffix = " = \"\"";
                            suffix = " = new " + Type + "()";
                        suffix = KnownStuff.GetConstTypesAffix(Type);
                string t = KnownStuff.GetNamespacedType(this, Type);
                output = lowestindent + "public " + prefix + t + " " + name + otherstuff + suffix + ";";
                if (length.Length != 0)
                    IsLiteral = true; //type != "string";
                if (otherstuff.Contains('='))
                    string[] split = otherstuff.Split('=');
                    otherstuff = split[0] + " = (" + Type + ")" + split[1];
                string t = KnownStuff.GetNamespacedType(this, Type);
                if (length.Length != 0)
                    output = lowestindent + "public " + t + "[] " + name + otherstuff + " = new " + t + "[" + length + "];";
                    output = lowestindent + "public " + "" + t + "[] " + name + otherstuff + ";";
            if (!KnownStuff.KnownTypes.ContainsKey(rostype))
                meta = true;
            Name = name.Length == 0 ? otherstuff.Split('=')[0].Trim() : name;