Esempio n. 1
        public static int Main()
            // Initialization
            const int screenWidth  = 800;
            const int screenHeight = 450;

            InitWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, "raylib [text] example - font filters");

            string msg = "Loaded Font";

            // NOTE: Textures/Fonts MUST be loaded after Window initialization (OpenGL context is required)

            // TTF Font loading with custom generation parameters
            Font font = LoadFontEx("resources/KAISG.ttf", 96, null, 0);

            // Generate mipmap levels to use trilinear filtering
            // NOTE: On 2D drawing it won't be noticeable, it looks like FILTER_BILINEAR
            GenTextureMipmaps(ref font.texture);

            float   fontSize     = font.baseSize;
            Vector2 fontPosition = new Vector2(40, screenHeight / 2 - 80);
            Vector2 textSize     = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f);

            // Setup texture scaling filter
            SetTextureFilter(font.texture, FILTER_POINT);
            TextureFilterMode currentFontFilter = FILTER_POINT;

            SetTargetFPS(60);               // Set our game to run at 60 frames-per-second

            // Main game loop
            while (!WindowShouldClose())    // Detect window close button or ESC key
                // Update
                fontSize += GetMouseWheelMove() * 4.0f;

                // Choose font texture filter method
                if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_ONE))
                    SetTextureFilter(font.texture, FILTER_POINT);
                    currentFontFilter = FILTER_POINT;
                else if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_TWO))
                    SetTextureFilter(font.texture, FILTER_BILINEAR);
                    currentFontFilter = FILTER_BILINEAR;
                else if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_THREE))
                    // NOTE: Trilinear filter won't be noticed on 2D drawing
                    SetTextureFilter(font.texture, FILTER_TRILINEAR);
                    currentFontFilter = FILTER_TRILINEAR;

                textSize = MeasureTextEx(font, msg, fontSize, 0);

                if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT))
                    fontPosition.X -= 10;
                else if (IsKeyDown(KEY_RIGHT))
                    fontPosition.X += 10;

                // Load a dropped TTF file dynamically (at current fontSize)
                if (IsFileDropped())
                    int      count        = 0;
                    string[] droppedFiles = Utils.MarshalDroppedFiles(ref count);

                    // NOTE: We only support first ttf file dropped
                    if (IsFileExtension(droppedFiles[0], ".ttf"))
                        font = LoadFontEx(droppedFiles[0], (int)fontSize, null, 0);

                // Draw

                DrawText("Use mouse wheel to change font size", 20, 20, 10, GRAY);
                DrawText("Use KEY_RIGHT and KEY_LEFT to move text", 20, 40, 10, GRAY);
                DrawText("Use 1, 2, 3 to change texture filter", 20, 60, 10, GRAY);
                DrawText("Drop a new TTF font for dynamic loading", 20, 80, 10, DARKGRAY);

                DrawTextEx(font, msg, fontPosition, fontSize, 0, BLACK);

                DrawRectangle(0, screenHeight - 80, screenWidth, 80, LIGHTGRAY);
                DrawText("CURRENT TEXTURE FILTER:", 250, 400, 20, GRAY);

                if (currentFontFilter == FILTER_POINT)
                    DrawText("POINT", 570, 400, 20, BLACK);
                else if (currentFontFilter == FILTER_POINT)
                    DrawText("BILINEAR", 570, 400, 20, BLACK);
                else if (currentFontFilter == FILTER_TRILINEAR)
                    DrawText("TRILINEAR", 570, 400, 20, BLACK);


            // De-Initialization
            UnloadFont(font);           // Font unloading
            CloseWindow();              // Close window and OpenGL context

        public unsafe static int Main()
            // Initialization
            const int screenWidth  = 800;
            const int screenHeight = 450;

            InitWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, "raylib [models] example - models loading");

            // Define the camera to look into our 3d world
            Camera3D camera = new Camera3D();

            camera.position = new Vector3(50.0f, 50.0f, 50.0f);                     // Camera position
     = new Vector3(0.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f);                       // Camera looking at point
            camera.up       = new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);                        // Camera up vector (rotation towards target)
            camera.fovy     = 45.0f;                                                // Camera field-of-view Y
            camera.type     = CAMERA_PERSPECTIVE;                                   // Camera mode type

            Model     model   = LoadModel("resources/models/castle.obj");           // Load model
            Texture2D texture = LoadTexture("resources/models/castle_diffuse.png"); // Load model texture

            // Set map diffuse texture
            Utils.SetMaterialTexture(ref model, 0, MAP_ALBEDO, ref texture);

            Vector3 position = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);                // Set model position

            Mesh *      meshes = (Mesh *)model.meshes.ToPointer();
            BoundingBox bounds = MeshBoundingBox(meshes[0]);  // Set model bounds

            // NOTE: bounds are calculated from the original size of the model,
            // if model is scaled on drawing, bounds must be also scaled

            SetCameraMode(camera, CAMERA_FREE); // Set a free camera mode

            bool selected = false;              // Selected object flag

            SetTargetFPS(60);                   // Set our game to run at 60 frames-per-second

            // Main game loop
            while (!WindowShouldClose())    // Detect window close button or ESC key
                // Update
                UpdateCamera(ref camera);

                // Load new models/textures on dragref
                if (IsFileDropped())
                    int      count        = 0;
                    string[] droppedFiles = Utils.MarshalDroppedFiles(ref count);

                    if (count == 1) // Only support one file dropped
                        if (IsFileExtension(droppedFiles[0], ".obj") ||
                            IsFileExtension(droppedFiles[0], ".gltf") ||
                            IsFileExtension(droppedFiles[0], ".iqm")) // Model file formats supported
                            UnloadModel(model);                       // Unload previous model
                            model = LoadModel(droppedFiles[0]);       // Load new model

                            // Set current map diffuse texture
                            Utils.SetMaterialTexture(ref model, 0, MAP_ALBEDO, ref texture);

                            meshes = (Mesh *)model.meshes.ToPointer();
                            bounds = MeshBoundingBox(meshes[0]);

                            // TODO: Move camera position from target enough distance to visualize model properly
                        else if (IsFileExtension(droppedFiles[0], ".png"))  // Texture file formats supported
                            // Unload current model texture and load new one
                            texture = LoadTexture(droppedFiles[0]);
                            Utils.SetMaterialTexture(ref model, 0, MAP_ALBEDO, ref texture);

                    ClearDroppedFiles();    // Clear internal buffers

                // Select model on mouse click
                if (IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON))
                    // Check collision between ray and box
                    if (CheckCollisionRayBox(GetMouseRay(GetMousePosition(), camera), bounds))
                        selected = !selected;
                        selected = false;

                // Draw



                DrawModel(model, position, 1.0f, WHITE);        // Draw 3d model with texture

                DrawGrid(20, 10.0f);                            // Draw a grid

                if (selected)
                    DrawBoundingBox(bounds, GREEN);             // Draw selection box

                DrawText("Drag & drop model to load mesh/texture.", 10, GetScreenHeight() - 20, 10, DARKGRAY);
                if (selected)
                    DrawText("MODEL SELECTED", GetScreenWidth() - 110, 10, 10, GREEN);

                DrawText("(c) Castle 3D model by Alberto Cano", screenWidth - 200, screenHeight - 20, 10, GRAY);

                DrawFPS(10, 10);


            // De-Initialization
            UnloadTexture(texture);     // Unload texture
            UnloadModel(model);         // Unload model

            CloseWindow();              // Close window and OpenGL context

Esempio n. 3
        public static int Main()
            // Initialization
            const int screenWidth  = 800;
            const int screenHeight = 450;

            InitWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, "raylib [core] example - drop files");

            int count = 0;

            string[] droppedFiles = {};


            // Main game loop
            while (!WindowShouldClose())    // Detect window close button or ESC key
                // Update
                if (IsFileDropped())
                    droppedFiles = Utils.MarshalDroppedFiles(ref count);

                // Draw


                if (count == 0)
                    DrawText("Drop your files to this window!", 100, 40, 20, DARKGRAY);
                    DrawText("Dropped files:", 100, 40, 20, DARKGRAY);

                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        if (i % 2 == 0)
                            DrawRectangle(0, 85 + 40 * i, screenWidth, 40, Fade(LIGHTGRAY, 0.5f));
                            DrawRectangle(0, 85 + 40 * i, screenWidth, 40, Fade(LIGHTGRAY, 0.3f));

                        DrawText(droppedFiles[i], 120, 100 + 40 * i, 10, GRAY);

                    DrawText("Drop new files...", 100, 110 + 40 * count, 20, DARKGRAY);


            // De-Initialization
            ClearDroppedFiles();    // Clear internal buffers

            CloseWindow();          // Close window and OpenGL context

        public static int Main()
            // Initialization
            const int screenWidth  = 800;
            const int screenHeight = 450;

            InitWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, "raylib [models] example - skybox loading and drawing");

            // Define the camera to look into our 3d world
            Camera3D camera = new Camera3D(new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), new Vector3(4.0f, 1.0f, 4.0f), new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), 45.0f, CAMERA_PERSPECTIVE);

            // Load skybox model
            Mesh  cube   = GenMeshCube(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
            Model skybox = LoadModelFromMesh(cube);

            // Load skybox shader and set required locations
            // NOTE: Some locations are automatically set at shader loading
            Shader shader = LoadShader("resources/shaders/glsl330/skybox.vs", "resources/shaders/glsl330/skybox.fs");

            Utils.SetMaterialShader(ref skybox, 0, ref shader);
            Utils.SetShaderValue(shader, GetShaderLocation(shader, "environmentMap"), new int[] { (int)MAP_CUBEMAP }, UNIFORM_INT);
            Utils.SetShaderValue(shader, GetShaderLocation(shader, "vflipped"), new int[] { 1 }, UNIFORM_INT);

            // Load cubemap shader and setup required shader locations
            Shader shdrCubemap = LoadShader("resources/shaders/glsl330/cubemap.vs", "resources/shaders/glsl330/cubemap.fs");

            Utils.SetShaderValue(shdrCubemap, GetShaderLocation(shdrCubemap, "equirectangularMap"), new int[] { 0 }, UNIFORM_INT);

            // Load HDR panorama (sphere) texture
            string    panoFileName = "resources/dresden_square_2k.hdr";
            Texture2D panorama     = LoadTexture(panoFileName);

            // Generate cubemap (texture with 6 quads-cube-mapping) from panorama HDR texture
            // NOTE: New texture is generated rendering to texture, shader computes the sphre->cube coordinates mapping
            Texture2D cubemap = GenTextureCubemap(shdrCubemap, panorama, 1024, PixelFormat.UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8A8);

            Utils.SetMaterialTexture(ref skybox, 0, MAP_CUBEMAP, ref cubemap);
            UnloadTexture(panorama);                    // Texture not required anymore, cubemap already generated

            SetCameraMode(camera, CAMERA_FIRST_PERSON); // Set a first person camera mode

            SetTargetFPS(60);                           // Set our game to run at 60 frames-per-second

            // Main game loop
            while (!WindowShouldClose())            // Detect window close button or ESC key
                // Update
                UpdateCamera(ref camera);              // Update camera

                // Load new cubemap texture on drag&drop
                if (IsFileDropped())
                    int      count        = 0;
                    string[] droppedFiles = Utils.MarshalDroppedFiles(ref count);

                    // Only support one file dropped
                    if (count == 1)
                        if (IsFileExtension(droppedFiles[0], ".png;.jpg;.hdr;.bmp;.tga"))
                            // Unload current cubemap texture and load new one
                            UnloadTexture(Utils.GetMaterialTexture(ref skybox, 0, MAP_CUBEMAP));
                            panorama     = LoadTexture(droppedFiles[0]);
                            panoFileName = droppedFiles[0];

                            // Generate cubemap from panorama texture
                            cubemap = GenTextureCubemap(shdrCubemap, panorama, 1024, PixelFormat.UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8A8);
                            Utils.SetMaterialTexture(ref skybox, 0, MAP_CUBEMAP, ref cubemap);

                    // Clear internal buffers

                // Draw

                DrawModel(skybox, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), 1.0f, WHITE);
                DrawGrid(10, 1.0f);

                DrawFPS(10, 10);

            // De-Initialization
            UnloadModel(skybox);        // Unload skybox model (and textures)

            CloseWindow();              // Close window and OpenGL context
