Esempio n. 1
    public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
      bool updateCurve = false;

      // When the sample is started or when <Space> is pressed, we create a random curve.
      if (_curve == null || InputService.IsPressed(Keys.Space, true))
        _curve = new Curve2F
          PreLoop = _loopType,
          PostLoop = _loopType,
          SmoothEnds = _smoothEnds

        // Create random key points.
        for (float x = 0; x <= 1; x += 0.1f)
          float y = RandomHelper.Random.NextFloat(0, 1);

          _curve.Add(new CurveKey2F
            Point = new Vector2F(x, y),

            // We use the same interpolation type (spline type) for all curve keys. But 
            // it is possible to use a different interpolation type for each curve key.
            Interpolation = _interpolationType,

        updateCurve = true;

      // If <1> is pressed, we change the loop type.
      if (InputService.IsPressed(Keys.D1, true))
        // Choose next enumeration value for _loopType.
        if ((int)_loopType + 1 >= EnumHelper.GetValues(typeof(CurveLoopType)).Length)
          _loopType = 0;

        _curve.PreLoop = _loopType;
        _curve.PostLoop = _loopType;
        updateCurve = true;

      // If <2> is pressed, we change the spline type.
      if (InputService.IsPressed(Keys.D2, true))
        // Choose next enumeration value for _interpolationType.
        if ((int)_interpolationType + 1 >= EnumHelper.GetValues(typeof(SplineInterpolation)).Length)
          _interpolationType = 0;

        // We skip Bézier and Hermite splines because both need additional information per
        // curve key (control points or tangents), which we did not specify in the curve creation.
        while (_interpolationType == SplineInterpolation.Bezier
            || _interpolationType == SplineInterpolation.Hermite)

        _curve.ForEach(key => key.Interpolation = _interpolationType);
        updateCurve = true;

      // If <3> is pressed, we toggle "SmoothEnds". 
      // If SmoothEnds is enabled the curve is smoother at the first and at the last 
      // key point. The effect of SmoothEnds is visible, for example, if the loop type 
      // is "Oscillate" and the spline type is "CatmullRom".
      if (InputService.IsPressed(Keys.D3, true))
        _smoothEnds = !_smoothEnds;
        _curve.SmoothEnds = _smoothEnds;
        updateCurve = true;

      if (updateCurve)
        var debugRenderer = GraphicsScreen.DebugRenderer2D;
          string.Format("\n\nLoop type = {0}\nInterpolation = {1}\nSmoothEnds = {2}",
          _curve.PreLoop, _curve[0].Interpolation, _curve.SmoothEnds));

        // Draw two lines to create chart axes.
        debugRenderer.DrawLine(new Vector3F(100, 300, 0), new Vector3F(1000, 300, 0), Color.Black, true);
        debugRenderer.DrawLine(new Vector3F(300, 100, 0), new Vector3F(300, 320, 0), Color.Black, true);

        Vector2F scale = new Vector2F(400, 200);
        Vector2F offset = new Vector2F(300, 100);

        // Draw a small cross for all curve key points.
        for (int index = 0; index < _curve.Count; index++)
          CurveKey2F key = _curve[index];
          Vector2F point = scale * key.Point + offset;
          debugRenderer.DrawLine(new Vector3F(point.X - 5, point.Y - 5, 0), new Vector3F(point.X + 5, point.Y + 5, 0), Color.Black, true);
          debugRenderer.DrawLine(new Vector3F(point.X + 5, point.Y - 5, 0), new Vector3F(point.X - 5, point.Y + 5, 0), Color.Black, true);

        // Draw the curve.
        const float stepSize = 0.02f;
        for (float x = -0.5f; x < 1.7f; x += stepSize)
          Vector2F point0 = scale * _curve.GetPoint(x) + offset;
          Vector2F point1 = scale * _curve.GetPoint(x + stepSize) + offset;
          debugRenderer.DrawLine(new Vector3F(point0.X, point0.Y, 0), new Vector3F(point1.X, point1.Y, 0), Color.Black, true);

Esempio n. 2
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            bool updateCurve = false;

            // When the sample is started or when <Space> is pressed, we create a random curve.
            if (_curve == null || InputService.IsPressed(Keys.Space, true))
                _curve = new Curve2F
                    PreLoop    = _loopType,
                    PostLoop   = _loopType,
                    SmoothEnds = _smoothEnds

                // Create random key points.
                for (float x = 0; x <= 1; x += 0.1f)
                    float y = RandomHelper.Random.NextFloat(0, 1);

                    _curve.Add(new CurveKey2F
                        Point = new Vector2F(x, y),

                        // We use the same interpolation type (spline type) for all curve keys. But
                        // it is possible to use a different interpolation type for each curve key.
                        Interpolation = _interpolationType,

                updateCurve = true;

            // If <1> is pressed, we change the loop type.
            if (InputService.IsPressed(Keys.D1, true))
                // Choose next enumeration value for _loopType.
                if ((int)_loopType + 1 >= EnumHelper.GetValues(typeof(CurveLoopType)).Length)
                    _loopType = 0;

                _curve.PreLoop  = _loopType;
                _curve.PostLoop = _loopType;
                updateCurve     = true;

            // If <2> is pressed, we change the spline type.
            if (InputService.IsPressed(Keys.D2, true))
                // Choose next enumeration value for _interpolationType.
                if ((int)_interpolationType + 1 >= EnumHelper.GetValues(typeof(SplineInterpolation)).Length)
                    _interpolationType = 0;

                // We skip Bezier and Hermite splines because both need additional information per
                // curve key (control points or tangents), which we did not specify in the curve creation.
                while (_interpolationType == SplineInterpolation.Bezier ||
                       _interpolationType == SplineInterpolation.Hermite)

                _curve.ForEach(key => key.Interpolation = _interpolationType);
                updateCurve = true;

            // If <3> is pressed, we toggle "SmoothEnds".
            // If SmoothEnds is enabled the curve is smoother at the first and at the last
            // key point. The effect of SmoothEnds is visible, for example, if the loop type
            // is "Oscillate" and the spline type is "CatmullRom".
            if (InputService.IsPressed(Keys.D3, true))
                _smoothEnds       = !_smoothEnds;
                _curve.SmoothEnds = _smoothEnds;
                updateCurve       = true;

            if (updateCurve)
                var debugRenderer = GraphicsScreen.DebugRenderer2D;
                    string.Format("\n\nLoop type = {0}\nInterpolation = {1}\nSmoothEnds = {2}",
                                  _curve.PreLoop, _curve[0].Interpolation, _curve.SmoothEnds));

                // Draw two lines to create chart axes.
                debugRenderer.DrawLine(new Vector3F(100, 300, 0), new Vector3F(1000, 300, 0), Color.Black, true);
                debugRenderer.DrawLine(new Vector3F(300, 100, 0), new Vector3F(300, 320, 0), Color.Black, true);

                Vector2F scale  = new Vector2F(400, 200);
                Vector2F offset = new Vector2F(300, 100);

                // Draw a small cross for all curve key points.
                for (int index = 0; index < _curve.Count; index++)
                    CurveKey2F key   = _curve[index];
                    Vector2F   point = scale * key.Point + offset;
                    debugRenderer.DrawLine(new Vector3F(point.X - 5, point.Y - 5, 0), new Vector3F(point.X + 5, point.Y + 5, 0), Color.Black, true);
                    debugRenderer.DrawLine(new Vector3F(point.X + 5, point.Y - 5, 0), new Vector3F(point.X - 5, point.Y + 5, 0), Color.Black, true);

                // Draw the curve.
                const float stepSize = 0.02f;
                for (float x = -0.5f; x < 1.7f; x += stepSize)
                    Vector2F point0 = scale * _curve.GetPoint(x) + offset;
                    Vector2F point1 = scale * _curve.GetPoint(x + stepSize) + offset;
                    debugRenderer.DrawLine(new Vector3F(point0.X, point0.Y, 0), new Vector3F(point1.X, point1.Y, 0), Color.Black, true);
