Esempio n. 1
    public InterlaceSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
      : base(game)
      var effect = ContentManager.Load<Effect>("PostProcessing/Interlace");

      var postProcessor = new EffectPostProcessor(GraphicsService, effect);

      _strengthParameterBinding = (ConstParameterBinding<float>)postProcessor.EffectBinding.ParameterBindings["Strength"];
      _strengthParameterBinding.Value = 1;
Esempio n. 2
    public LensDistortionSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
      : base(game)
      var effect = ContentManager.Load<Effect>("PostProcessing/LensDistortion");

      var postProcessor = new EffectPostProcessor(GraphicsService, effect);

      var powerParameterBinding = (ConstParameterBinding<float>)postProcessor.EffectBinding.ParameterBindings["Power"];
      powerParameterBinding.Value = 1f;

      _distortionParameterBinding = (ConstParameterBinding<Vector3>)postProcessor.EffectBinding.ParameterBindings["Distortion"];
      _distortionParameterBinding.Value = new Vector3(
        _distortion + _chromaticDistortion,
        _distortion + 2 * _chromaticDistortion);
Esempio n. 3
    public VignetteSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
      : base(game)
      var effect = ContentManager.Load<Effect>("PostProcessing/Vignette");

      var postProcessor = new EffectPostProcessor(GraphicsService, effect);

      // "Scale" defines the vignette size and shape.
      _scaleParameterBinding = (ConstParameterBinding<Vector2>)postProcessor.EffectBinding.ParameterBindings["Scale"];
      // Elliptic vignette.
      _scaleParameterBinding.Value = new Vector2(2.0f, 2.0f);
      // Circular vignette.
      //_scaleParameterBinding.Value = new Vector2(2.0f, 2.0f * 1280 / 720);

      // "Power" defines the vignette curve. 
      // 1 .... linear brightness falloff
      // >1 ... non-linear brightness falloff
      _powerParameterBinding = (ConstParameterBinding<float>)postProcessor.EffectBinding.ParameterBindings["Power"];
      _powerParameterBinding.Value = 2;
Esempio n. 4
    public CustomProcessorSample2(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
      : base(game)
      // Load effect.
      var effect = ContentManager.Load<Effect>("PostProcessing/NegativeFilter");

      // Create an EffectPostProcessor that uses the effect and controls the effect parameters
      // using automatically generated effect parameter bindings.
      _negativeFilter = new EffectPostProcessor(GraphicsService, effect);

      // An EffectBinding wraps an Effect and automatically creates effect parameter bindings 
      // based on the names, semantics and/or annotations specified in the fx file. 
      // The effect parameters "ViewportSize" and "SourceTexture" have names which are known
      // by the graphics service (see IDs in class DefaultEffectParameterUsages), those effect 
      // parameters will automatically be set by the graphics engine. 
      // The effect parameter "Strength" is not a known name and does not have a semantic, 
      // therefore InitializeBindings() has created a ConstParameterBinding for this parameter 
      // with the default value that was specified in the fx file. We can get this parameter 
      // binding and change the value in Update().
      _strengthParameterBinding = (ConstParameterBinding<float>)_negativeFilter.EffectBinding.ParameterBindings["Strength"];
      _strengthParameterBinding.Value = 1;