private void Connect(List <Vector2> points, int j, Rect bounds, bool closingUp = false) { Vector2 rightPoint = points [points.Count - 1]; Edge newEdge = _edges [j] as Edge; Side newOrientation = _edgeOrientations [j]; // the point that must be connected to rightPoint: if (newEdge.clippedEnds [newOrientation] == null) { Debug.LogError("XXX: Null detected when there should be a Vector2!"); } Vector2 newPoint = (Vector2)newEdge.clippedEnds [newOrientation]; if (!CloseEnough(rightPoint, newPoint)) { // The points do not coincide, so they must have been clipped at the bounds; // see if they are on the same border of the bounds: if (rightPoint.x != newPoint.x && rightPoint.y != newPoint.y) { // They are on different borders of the bounds; // insert one or two corners of bounds as needed to hook them up: // (NOTE this will not be correct if the region should take up more than // half of the bounds rect, for then we will have gone the wrong way // around the bounds and included the smaller part rather than the larger) int rightCheck = BoundsCheck.Check(rightPoint, bounds); int newCheck = BoundsCheck.Check(newPoint, bounds); float px, py; if ((rightCheck & BoundsCheck.RIGHT) != 0) { px = bounds.xMax; if ((newCheck & BoundsCheck.BOTTOM) != 0) { py = bounds.yMax; points.Add(new Vector2(px, py)); } else if ((newCheck & BoundsCheck.TOP) != 0) { py = bounds.yMin; points.Add(new Vector2(px, py)); } else if ((newCheck & BoundsCheck.LEFT) != 0) { if (rightPoint.y - bounds.y + newPoint.y - bounds.y < bounds.height) { py = bounds.yMin; } else { py = bounds.yMax; } points.Add(new Vector2(px, py)); points.Add(new Vector2(bounds.xMin, py)); } } else if ((rightCheck & BoundsCheck.LEFT) != 0) { px = bounds.xMin; if ((newCheck & BoundsCheck.BOTTOM) != 0) { py = bounds.yMax; points.Add(new Vector2(px, py)); } else if ((newCheck & BoundsCheck.TOP) != 0) { py = bounds.yMin; points.Add(new Vector2(px, py)); } else if ((newCheck & BoundsCheck.RIGHT) != 0) { if (rightPoint.y - bounds.y + newPoint.y - bounds.y < bounds.height) { py = bounds.yMin; } else { py = bounds.yMax; } points.Add(new Vector2(px, py)); points.Add(new Vector2(bounds.xMax, py)); } } else if ((rightCheck & BoundsCheck.TOP) != 0) { py = bounds.yMin; if ((newCheck & BoundsCheck.RIGHT) != 0) { px = bounds.xMax; points.Add(new Vector2(px, py)); } else if ((newCheck & BoundsCheck.LEFT) != 0) { px = bounds.xMin; points.Add(new Vector2(px, py)); } else if ((newCheck & BoundsCheck.BOTTOM) != 0) { if (rightPoint.x - bounds.x + newPoint.x - bounds.x < bounds.width) { px = bounds.xMin; } else { px = bounds.xMax; } points.Add(new Vector2(px, py)); points.Add(new Vector2(px, bounds.yMax)); } } else if ((rightCheck & BoundsCheck.BOTTOM) != 0) { py = bounds.yMax; if ((newCheck & BoundsCheck.RIGHT) != 0) { px = bounds.xMax; points.Add(new Vector2(px, py)); } else if ((newCheck & BoundsCheck.LEFT) != 0) { px = bounds.xMin; points.Add(new Vector2(px, py)); } else if ((newCheck & BoundsCheck.TOP) != 0) { if (rightPoint.x - bounds.x + newPoint.x - bounds.x < bounds.width) { px = bounds.xMin; } else { px = bounds.xMax; } points.Add(new Vector2(px, py)); points.Add(new Vector2(px, bounds.yMin)); } } } if (closingUp) { // newEdge's ends have already been added return; } points.Add(newPoint); } if (newEdge.clippedEnds [SideHelper.Other(newOrientation)] == null) { Debug.LogError("XXX: Null detected when there should be a Vector2!"); } Vector2 newRightPoint = (Vector2)newEdge.clippedEnds [SideHelper.Other(newOrientation)]; if (!CloseEnough(points [0], newRightPoint)) { points.Add(newRightPoint); } }
private void Connect(List <Vector2> Vector2s, int j, Rect bounds, bool closingUp) { Vector2 rightVector2 = Vector2s[Vector2s.Count - 1]; Edge newEdge = _edges[j] as Edge; LR newOrientation = _edgeOrientations[j]; // the Vector2 that must be connected to rightVector2: Vector2 newVector2 = newEdge.ClippedEnds[newOrientation]; if (!CloseEnough(rightVector2, newVector2)) { // The Vector2s do not coincide, so they must have been clipped at the bounds; // see if they are on the same border of the bounds: if (rightVector2.x != newVector2.x && rightVector2.y != newVector2.y) { // They are on different borders of the bounds; // insert one or two corners of bounds as needed to hook them up: // (NOTE this will not be corRect if the region should take up more than // half of the bounds Rect, for then we will have gone the wrong way // around the bounds and included the smaller part rather than the larger) int rightCheck = BoundsCheck.Check(rightVector2, bounds); int newCheck = BoundsCheck.Check(newVector2, bounds); float px, py; //throw new NotImplementedException("Modified, might not work"); if (rightCheck == BoundsCheck.RIGHT) { px = bounds.right; if (newCheck == BoundsCheck.BOTTOM) { py = bounds.bottom; Vector2s.Add(new Vector2(px, py)); } else if (newCheck == BoundsCheck.TOP) { py =; Vector2s.Add(new Vector2(px, py)); } else if (newCheck == BoundsCheck.LEFT) { if (rightVector2.y - bounds.y + newVector2.y - bounds.y < bounds.height) { py =; } else { py = bounds.bottom; } Vector2s.Add(new Vector2(px, py)); Vector2s.Add(new Vector2(bounds.left, py)); } } else if (rightCheck == BoundsCheck.LEFT) { px = bounds.left; if (newCheck == BoundsCheck.BOTTOM) { py = bounds.bottom; Vector2s.Add(new Vector2(px, py)); } else if (newCheck == BoundsCheck.TOP) { py =; Vector2s.Add(new Vector2(px, py)); } else if (newCheck == BoundsCheck.RIGHT) { if (rightVector2.y - bounds.y + newVector2.y - bounds.y < bounds.height) { py =; } else { py = bounds.bottom; } Vector2s.Add(new Vector2(px, py)); Vector2s.Add(new Vector2(bounds.right, py)); } } else if (rightCheck == BoundsCheck.TOP) { py =; if (newCheck == BoundsCheck.RIGHT) { px = bounds.right; Vector2s.Add(new Vector2(px, py)); } else if (newCheck == BoundsCheck.LEFT) { px = bounds.left; Vector2s.Add(new Vector2(px, py)); } else if (newCheck == BoundsCheck.BOTTOM) { if (rightVector2.x - bounds.x + newVector2.x - bounds.x < bounds.width) { px = bounds.left; } else { px = bounds.right; } Vector2s.Add(new Vector2(px, py)); Vector2s.Add(new Vector2(px, bounds.bottom)); } } else if (rightCheck == BoundsCheck.BOTTOM) { py = bounds.bottom; if (newCheck == BoundsCheck.RIGHT) { px = bounds.right; Vector2s.Add(new Vector2(px, py)); } else if (newCheck == BoundsCheck.LEFT) { px = bounds.left; Vector2s.Add(new Vector2(px, py)); } else if (newCheck == BoundsCheck.TOP) { if (rightVector2.x - bounds.x + newVector2.x - bounds.x < bounds.width) { px = bounds.left; } else { px = bounds.right; } Vector2s.Add(new Vector2(px, py)); Vector2s.Add(new Vector2(px,; } } } if (closingUp) { // newEdge's ends have already been added return; } Vector2s.Add(newVector2); } Vector2 newRightVector2 = newEdge.ClippedEnds[LR.Other(newOrientation)]; if (!CloseEnough(Vector2s[0], newRightVector2)) { Vector2s.Add(newRightVector2); } }
private void Connect(ref List <Vector2f> points, int j, Rectf bounds, bool closingUp = false) { Vector2f rightPoint = points[points.Count - 1]; Edge newEdge = edges[j]; LR newOrientation = edgeOrientations[j]; // The point that must be conected to rightPoint: Vector2f newPoint = newEdge.ClippedEnds[newOrientation]; if (!CloseEnough(rightPoint, newPoint)) { // The points do not coincide, so they must have been clipped at the bounds; // see if they are on the same border of the bounds: if (rightPoint.x != newPoint.x && rightPoint.y != newPoint.y) { // They are on different borders of the bounds; // insert one or two corners of bounds as needed to hook them up: // (NOTE this will not be correct if the region should take up more than // half of the bounds rect, for then we will have gone the wrong way // around the bounds and included the smaller part rather than the larger) int rightCheck = BoundsCheck.Check(rightPoint, bounds); int newCheck = BoundsCheck.Check(newPoint, bounds); float px, py; if ((rightCheck & BoundsCheck.RIGHT) != 0) { px = bounds.right; if ((newCheck & BoundsCheck.BOTTOM) != 0) { py = bounds.bottom; points.Add(new Vector2f(px, py)); } else if ((newCheck & BoundsCheck.TOP) != 0) { py =; points.Add(new Vector2f(px, py)); } else if ((newCheck & BoundsCheck.LEFT) != 0) { if (rightPoint.y - bounds.y + newPoint.y - bounds.y < bounds.height) { py =; } else { py = bounds.bottom; } points.Add(new Vector2f(px, py)); points.Add(new Vector2f(bounds.left, py)); } } else if ((rightCheck & BoundsCheck.LEFT) != 0) { px = bounds.left; if ((newCheck & BoundsCheck.BOTTOM) != 0) { py = bounds.bottom; points.Add(new Vector2f(px, py)); } else if ((newCheck & BoundsCheck.TOP) != 0) { py =; points.Add(new Vector2f(px, py)); } else if ((newCheck & BoundsCheck.RIGHT) != 0) { if (rightPoint.y - bounds.y + newPoint.y - bounds.y < bounds.height) { py =; } else { py = bounds.bottom; } points.Add(new Vector2f(px, py)); points.Add(new Vector2f(bounds.right, py)); } } else if ((rightCheck & BoundsCheck.TOP) != 0) { py =; if ((newCheck & BoundsCheck.RIGHT) != 0) { px = bounds.right; points.Add(new Vector2f(px, py)); } else if ((newCheck & BoundsCheck.LEFT) != 0) { px = bounds.left; points.Add(new Vector2f(px, py)); } else if ((newCheck & BoundsCheck.BOTTOM) != 0) { if (rightPoint.x - bounds.x + newPoint.x - bounds.x < bounds.width) { px = bounds.left; } else { px = bounds.right; } points.Add(new Vector2f(px, py)); points.Add(new Vector2f(px, bounds.bottom)); } } else if ((rightCheck & BoundsCheck.BOTTOM) != 0) { py = bounds.bottom; if ((newCheck & BoundsCheck.RIGHT) != 0) { px = bounds.right; points.Add(new Vector2f(px, py)); } else if ((newCheck & BoundsCheck.LEFT) != 0) { px = bounds.left; points.Add(new Vector2f(px, py)); } else if ((newCheck & BoundsCheck.TOP) != 0) { if (rightPoint.x - bounds.x + newPoint.x - bounds.x < bounds.width) { px = bounds.left; } else { px = bounds.right; } points.Add(new Vector2f(px, py)); points.Add(new Vector2f(px,; } } } if (closingUp) { // newEdge's ends have already been added return; } points.Add(newPoint); } Vector2f newRightPoint = newEdge.ClippedEnds[LR.Other(newOrientation)]; if (!CloseEnough(points[0], newRightPoint)) { points.Add(newRightPoint); } }
private void Connect(List <Point> points, int j, Rect bounds, bool closingUp = false) { Point rightPoint = points[points.Count - 1]; Edge newEdge = _edges[j] as Edge; Side newOrientation = _edgeOrientations[j]; // the point that must be connected to rightPoint: if (newEdge.clippedEnds[newOrientation] == null) { Debug.WriteLine("XXX: Null detected when there should be a Point!", "Error"); } Point newPoint = (Point)newEdge.clippedEnds[newOrientation]; if (!CloseEnough(rightPoint, newPoint)) { // The points do not coincide, so they must have been clipped at the bounds; // see if they are on the same border of the bounds: if (rightPoint.X != newPoint.X && rightPoint.Y != newPoint.Y) { // They are on different borders of the bounds; // insert one or two corners of bounds as needed to hook them up: // (NOTE this will not be correct if the region should take up more than // half of the bounds rect, for then we will have gone the wrong way // around the bounds and included the smaller part rather than the larger) int rightCheck = BoundsCheck.Check(rightPoint, bounds); int newCheck = BoundsCheck.Check(newPoint, bounds); double px, py; if ((rightCheck & BoundsCheck.RIGHT) != 0) { px = bounds.Right; if ((newCheck & BoundsCheck.BOTTOM) != 0) { py = bounds.Bottom; points.Add(new Point(px, py)); } else if ((newCheck & BoundsCheck.TOP) != 0) { py = bounds.Top; points.Add(new Point(px, py)); } else if ((newCheck & BoundsCheck.LEFT) != 0) { if (rightPoint.Y - bounds.Y + newPoint.Y - bounds.Y < bounds.Height) { py = bounds.Top; } else { py = bounds.Bottom; } points.Add(new Point(px, py)); points.Add(new Point(bounds.Left, py)); } } else if ((rightCheck & BoundsCheck.LEFT) != 0) { px = bounds.Left; if ((newCheck & BoundsCheck.BOTTOM) != 0) { py = bounds.Bottom; points.Add(new Point(px, py)); } else if ((newCheck & BoundsCheck.TOP) != 0) { py = bounds.Top; points.Add(new Point(px, py)); } else if ((newCheck & BoundsCheck.RIGHT) != 0) { if (rightPoint.Y - bounds.Y + newPoint.Y - bounds.Y < bounds.Height) { py = bounds.Top; } else { py = bounds.Bottom; } points.Add(new Point(px, py)); points.Add(new Point(bounds.Right, py)); } } else if ((rightCheck & BoundsCheck.TOP) != 0) { py = bounds.Top; if ((newCheck & BoundsCheck.RIGHT) != 0) { px = bounds.Right; points.Add(new Point(px, py)); } else if ((newCheck & BoundsCheck.LEFT) != 0) { px = bounds.Left; points.Add(new Point(px, py)); } else if ((newCheck & BoundsCheck.BOTTOM) != 0) { if (rightPoint.X - bounds.X + newPoint.X - bounds.X < bounds.Width) { px = bounds.Left; } else { px = bounds.Right; } points.Add(new Point(px, py)); points.Add(new Point(px, bounds.Bottom)); } } else if ((rightCheck & BoundsCheck.BOTTOM) != 0) { py = bounds.Bottom; if ((newCheck & BoundsCheck.RIGHT) != 0) { px = bounds.Right; points.Add(new Point(px, py)); } else if ((newCheck & BoundsCheck.LEFT) != 0) { px = bounds.Left; points.Add(new Point(px, py)); } else if ((newCheck & BoundsCheck.TOP) != 0) { if (rightPoint.X - bounds.X + newPoint.X - bounds.X < bounds.Width) { px = bounds.Left; } else { px = bounds.Right; } points.Add(new Point(px, py)); points.Add(new Point(px, bounds.Top)); } } } if (closingUp) { // newEdge's ends have already been added return; } points.Add(newPoint); } if (newEdge.clippedEnds[SideHelper.Other(newOrientation)] == null) { Debug.WriteLine("XXX: Null detected when there should be a Point!", "Error"); } Point newRightPoint = (Point)newEdge.clippedEnds[SideHelper.Other(newOrientation)]; if (!CloseEnough(points[0], newRightPoint)) { points.Add(newRightPoint); } }
private void Connect(List <PointF> PointFs, int j, RectangleF bounds, bool closingUp) { PointF rightPointF = PointFs[PointFs.Count - 1]; Edge newEdge = _edges[j] as Edge; LR newOrientation = _edgeOrientations[j]; // the PointF that must be connected to rightPointF: PointF newPointF = newEdge.ClippedEnds[newOrientation]; if (!CloseEnough(rightPointF, newPointF)) { // The PointFs do not coincide, so they must have been clipped at the bounds; // see if they are on the same border of the bounds: if (rightPointF.X != newPointF.X && rightPointF.Y != newPointF.Y) { // They are on different borders of the bounds; // insert one or two corners of bounds as needed to hook them up: // (NOTE this will not be corRectangleF if the region should take up more than // half of the bounds RectangleF, for then we will have gone the wrong way // around the bounds and included the smaller part rather than the larger) int rightCheck = BoundsCheck.Check(rightPointF, bounds); int newCheck = BoundsCheck.Check(newPointF, bounds); float px, py; //throw new NotImplementedException("Modified, might not work"); if (rightCheck == BoundsCheck.RIGHT) { px = bounds.Right; if (newCheck == BoundsCheck.BOTTOM) { py = bounds.Bottom; PointFs.Add(new PointF(px, py)); } else if (newCheck == BoundsCheck.TOP) { py = bounds.Top; PointFs.Add(new PointF(px, py)); } else if (newCheck == BoundsCheck.LEFT) { if (rightPointF.Y - bounds.Y + newPointF.Y - bounds.Y < bounds.Height) { py = bounds.Top; } else { py = bounds.Bottom; } PointFs.Add(new PointF(px, py)); PointFs.Add(new PointF(bounds.Left, py)); } } else if (rightCheck == BoundsCheck.LEFT) { px = bounds.Left; if (newCheck == BoundsCheck.BOTTOM) { py = bounds.Bottom; PointFs.Add(new PointF(px, py)); } else if (newCheck == BoundsCheck.TOP) { py = bounds.Top; PointFs.Add(new PointF(px, py)); } else if (newCheck == BoundsCheck.RIGHT) { if (rightPointF.Y - bounds.Y + newPointF.Y - bounds.Y < bounds.Height) { py = bounds.Top; } else { py = bounds.Bottom; } PointFs.Add(new PointF(px, py)); PointFs.Add(new PointF(bounds.Right, py)); } } else if (rightCheck == BoundsCheck.TOP) { py = bounds.Top; if (newCheck == BoundsCheck.RIGHT) { px = bounds.Right; PointFs.Add(new PointF(px, py)); } else if (newCheck == BoundsCheck.LEFT) { px = bounds.Left; PointFs.Add(new PointF(px, py)); } else if (newCheck == BoundsCheck.BOTTOM) { if (rightPointF.X - bounds.X + newPointF.X - bounds.X < bounds.Width) { px = bounds.Left; } else { px = bounds.Right; } PointFs.Add(new PointF(px, py)); PointFs.Add(new PointF(px, bounds.Bottom)); } } else if (rightCheck == BoundsCheck.BOTTOM) { py = bounds.Bottom; if (newCheck == BoundsCheck.RIGHT) { px = bounds.Right; PointFs.Add(new PointF(px, py)); } else if (newCheck == BoundsCheck.LEFT) { px = bounds.Left; PointFs.Add(new PointF(px, py)); } else if (newCheck == BoundsCheck.TOP) { if (rightPointF.X - bounds.X + newPointF.X - bounds.X < bounds.Width) { px = bounds.Left; } else { px = bounds.Right; } PointFs.Add(new PointF(px, py)); PointFs.Add(new PointF(px, bounds.Top)); } } } if (closingUp) { // newEdge's ends have already been added return; } PointFs.Add(newPointF); } PointF newRightPointF = newEdge.ClippedEnds[LR.Other(newOrientation)]; if (!CloseEnough(PointFs[0], newRightPointF)) { PointFs.Add(newRightPointF); } }
private void Connect(List <Vector2> points, int j, Rect bounds, bool closingUp = false) { Vector2 vector = points[points.Count - 1]; Edge edge = _edges[j]; Side side = _edgeOrientations[j]; if (!edge.clippedEnds[side].HasValue) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("XXX: Null detected when there should be a Vector2!"); } Vector2 value = edge.clippedEnds[side].Value; if (!CloseEnough(vector, value)) { if (vector.x != value.x && vector.y != value.y) { int num = BoundsCheck.Check(vector, bounds); int num2 = BoundsCheck.Check(value, bounds); if ((num & BoundsCheck.RIGHT) != 0) { float xMax = bounds.xMax; if ((num2 & BoundsCheck.BOTTOM) != 0) { float yMax = bounds.yMax; points.Add(new Vector2(xMax, yMax)); } else if ((num2 & BoundsCheck.TOP) != 0) { float yMax = bounds.yMin; points.Add(new Vector2(xMax, yMax)); } else if ((num2 & BoundsCheck.LEFT) != 0) { float yMax = (!(vector.y - bounds.y + value.y - bounds.y < bounds.height)) ? bounds.yMax : bounds.yMin; points.Add(new Vector2(xMax, yMax)); points.Add(new Vector2(bounds.xMin, yMax)); } } else if ((num & BoundsCheck.LEFT) != 0) { float xMax = bounds.xMin; if ((num2 & BoundsCheck.BOTTOM) != 0) { float yMax = bounds.yMax; points.Add(new Vector2(xMax, yMax)); } else if ((num2 & BoundsCheck.TOP) != 0) { float yMax = bounds.yMin; points.Add(new Vector2(xMax, yMax)); } else if ((num2 & BoundsCheck.RIGHT) != 0) { float yMax = (!(vector.y - bounds.y + value.y - bounds.y < bounds.height)) ? bounds.yMax : bounds.yMin; points.Add(new Vector2(xMax, yMax)); points.Add(new Vector2(bounds.xMax, yMax)); } } else if ((num & BoundsCheck.TOP) != 0) { float yMax = bounds.yMin; if ((num2 & BoundsCheck.RIGHT) != 0) { float xMax = bounds.xMax; points.Add(new Vector2(xMax, yMax)); } else if ((num2 & BoundsCheck.LEFT) != 0) { float xMax = bounds.xMin; points.Add(new Vector2(xMax, yMax)); } else if ((num2 & BoundsCheck.BOTTOM) != 0) { float xMax = (!(vector.x - bounds.x + value.x - bounds.x < bounds.width)) ? bounds.xMax : bounds.xMin; points.Add(new Vector2(xMax, yMax)); points.Add(new Vector2(xMax, bounds.yMax)); } } else if ((num & BoundsCheck.BOTTOM) != 0) { float yMax = bounds.yMax; if ((num2 & BoundsCheck.RIGHT) != 0) { float xMax = bounds.xMax; points.Add(new Vector2(xMax, yMax)); } else if ((num2 & BoundsCheck.LEFT) != 0) { float xMax = bounds.xMin; points.Add(new Vector2(xMax, yMax)); } else if ((num2 & BoundsCheck.TOP) != 0) { float xMax = (!(vector.x - bounds.x + value.x - bounds.x < bounds.width)) ? bounds.xMax : bounds.xMin; points.Add(new Vector2(xMax, yMax)); points.Add(new Vector2(xMax, bounds.yMin)); } } } if (closingUp) { return; } points.Add(value); } if (!edge.clippedEnds[SideHelper.Other(side)].HasValue) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("XXX: Null detected when there should be a Vector2!"); } Vector2 value2 = edge.clippedEnds[SideHelper.Other(side)].Value; if (!CloseEnough(points[0], value2)) { points.Add(value2); } }