Esempio n. 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.Write("Ключевое слово: ");
            string keyWord = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();

            Console.Write("Ключ: ");
            int key = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

            Caesar.createNewAlpha(keyWord, key);
            Console.WriteLine("Шифрованный алфавит: " + Caesar.getNewAlpha());

            string open = "Hello!My name is Kate. My surname is Pavlova. I’m seven. I live in Minsk, in Pushkin street. I go to school number 214. I’m in the first form.I’ve got a family. It is small. We are a family of four. I’ve got a father, a mother and a brother. I haven’t got a sister. My father engineer. He works in a plant. My mother is a teacher. She works at school. My brother is little. He doesn’t go to school. He goes to a kindergarten. He is four.I like to play. I have got many toys. I have got a teddy-bear, dolls, a ball, a toy monkey and a doll’s house. I like the doll’s house very much. It is big. It is pink and nice.We have got a cat. It is small and grey. It is very nice. It has big blue eyes, a funny nose, a small mouth and sharp teeth. Its ears are small. It can play hide-and-seek. I love my cat. It loves me, too.I go to school. I’m a pupil. I have got many friends. We have our classroom. It is nice and large. You can see twelve desks, many chairs, our teacher’s table, a blackboard, two bookcases in the classroom. At the lessons we have pens, pencils, pencil-boxes or pencil-cases, rulers, erasers, textbooks, exercise-books, record-books on the desks.I like to read. I can read well. I like fairytales. They are very interesting. I like «Cinderella» and «Pinocchio» best.Hello!My name is Kate. My surname is Pavlova. I’m seven. I live in Minsk, in Pushkin street. I go to school number 214. I’m in the first form.I’ve got a family. It is small. We are a family of four. I’ve got a father, a mother and a brother. I haven’t got a sister. My father engineer. He works in a plant. My mother is a teacher. She works at school. My brother is little. He doesn’t go to school. He goes to a kindergarten. He is four.I like to play. I have got many toys. I have got a teddy-bear, dolls, a ball, a toy monkey and a doll’s house. I like the doll’s house very much. It is big. It is pink and nice.We have got a cat. It is small and grey. It is very nice. It has big blue eyes, a funny nose, a small mouth and sharp teeth. Its ears are small. It can play hide-and-seek. I love my cat. It loves me, too.I go to school. I’m a pupil. I have got many friends. We have our classroom. It is nice and large. You can see twelve desks, many chairs, our teacher’s table, a blackboard, two bookcases in the classroom. At the lessons we have pens, pencils, pencil-boxes or pencil-cases, rulers, erasers, textbooks, exercise-books, record-books on the desks.I like to read. I can read well. I like fairytales. They are very interesting. I like «Cinderella» and «Pinocchio» best.Hello!My name is Kate. My surname is Pavlova. I’m seven.", close = "";

            Console.Write("Открытое сообщение: ");

            //open = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
            close = Caesar.encrypt(open);
            Console.WriteLine("Шифрованное сообщение: " + close);
            open = Caesar.decrypt(close);
            Console.WriteLine("Расшифрованное сообщение: " + open);

            string close1 = Trisemus.Encrypt();

Esempio n. 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Алгоритмы: Атбаш и Caesar\n" +
                              "Вариант 3.\nВыполнил студент 465 группы\nНикита Васильевич Зотов\n");
            bool   inputSuccess = true;
            Random rnd          = new Random();
            End    ex           = new End();

            while (inputSuccess)
                Console.WriteLine("\nДля ввода данных с клавиатуры нажмите 1\nДля ввода данных из файла нажмите 2\nДля рандомного заполнения нажмите 3\nДля выхода нажмите 4");
                List <char> primary = new List <char>();
                int         size    = 0;
                int         value   = 0;
                Menu        menu    = new Menu();
                var         choise  = (Cases)menu.ChoiseCase();
                switch (choise)
                case Cases.CONSOLE:
                    InputConsole fillList = new InputConsole();
                    primary = fillList.ReadList();     //Заполнили список элементов

                case Cases.FILE:
                    Console.WriteLine("\nУкажите путь к данным в формате (D:\\AZINO777\\...\nВведите числа в строчку, десятичные дроби введите в формате 1.1 Ввод закончите символом Enter");
                    InputFile file = new InputFile();
                    primary = file.WorkWithFile();

                case Cases.RAND:
                    size = rnd.Next(1, 20);
                    InputRand fill = new InputRand();
                    primary = fill.RandomFill(size);

                case Cases.EXIT:
                string answerAtbash = "";
                string answerCaesar = "";
                value = 0;
                if (primary.Count > 0)
                    var     inceptive = String.Join("", primary.ToArray());
                    IChiper atbash    = new Atbash();
                    IChiper caesar    = new Caesar();
                    var     code      = (Code)ex.EnumAns();

                    switch (code)
                    case Code.ENCODE_ATB:
                        value        = 1;
                        answerAtbash = atbash.Encode(inceptive);
                        Console.WriteLine("Результат шифрования методом Атбаш: " + answerAtbash);

                    case Code.DECODE_ATB:
                        value        = 2;
                        answerAtbash = atbash.Decode(inceptive);
                        Console.WriteLine("Результат шифрования методом Атбаш: " + answerAtbash);

                    case Code.ENCODE_CEA:
                        value        = 3;
                        answerCaesar = caesar.Encode(inceptive);
                        Console.WriteLine("Результат шифрования методом Caesar: " + answerCaesar);

                    case Code.DECODE_CEA:
                        value        = 4;
                        answerCaesar = caesar.Decode(inceptive);
                        Console.WriteLine("Результат шифрования методом Caesar: " + answerCaesar);
                    bool saveChoise = false;
                    Console.WriteLine("Желаете сохранить результаты работы программы?");
                    saveChoise = ex.Ans();
                    bool deleteInfo = false;
                    if (saveChoise)
                        Console.WriteLine("Введите путь");
                        string path = Console.ReadLine();
                        if (File.Exists(path))
                            Console.WriteLine("Файл существует. При сохранении данные будут стёрты. Желаете перезаписать файл?");
                            deleteInfo = ex.Ans();
                            if (deleteInfo)
                                ex.Saving(primary, answerAtbash, answerCaesar, path, value);
                            ex.Saving(primary, answerAtbash, answerCaesar, path, value);
                    Console.WriteLine("Желаете сохранить исходные данные программы?");
                    saveChoise = ex.Ans();
                    deleteInfo = false;
                    if (saveChoise)
                        Console.WriteLine("Введите путь");
                        string path = Console.ReadLine();
                        if (File.Exists(path))
                            Console.WriteLine("Файл существует. При сохранении данные будут стёрты. Желаете перезаписать файл?");
                            deleteInfo = ex.Ans();
                            if (deleteInfo)
                                ex.Saving(primary, answerAtbash, answerCaesar, path, 0);
                            ex.Saving(primary, answerAtbash, answerCaesar, path, 0);
                Console.WriteLine("Желаете протестировать программу еще раз?");
                inputSuccess = ex.Ans();