public Atlas4() { m_time = 0; // Upper Label CCLabelBMFont label = new CCLabelBMFont("Bitmap Font Atlas", "fonts/bitmapFontTest.fnt"); AddChild(label); CCSize s = CCDirector.SharedDirector.WinSize; label.Position = new CCPoint(s.Width / 2, s.Height / 2); label.AnchorPoint = new CCPoint(0.5f, 0.5f); CCSprite BChar = (CCSprite)label.GetChildByTag(1); CCSprite FChar = (CCSprite)label.GetChildByTag(7); CCSprite AChar = (CCSprite)label.GetChildByTag(12); CCActionInterval rotate = new CCRotateBy(2, 360); CCAction rot_4ever = new CCRepeatForever(rotate); CCActionInterval scale = new CCScaleBy(2, 1.5f); //CCActionInterval scale_back = scale.reverse(); CCActionInterval scale_back = null; CCFiniteTimeAction scale_seq = CCSequence.FromActions(scale, scale_back, null); CCAction scale_4ever = new CCRepeatForever((CCActionInterval)scale_seq); CCActionInterval jump = new CCJumpBy(0.5f, new CCPoint(), 60, 1); CCAction jump_4ever = new CCRepeatForever(jump); CCActionInterval fade_out = new CCFadeOut(1); CCActionInterval fade_in = new CCFadeIn(1); CCFiniteTimeAction seq = CCSequence.FromActions(fade_out, fade_in, null); CCAction fade_4ever = new CCRepeatForever((CCActionInterval)seq); BChar.RunAction(rot_4ever); BChar.RunAction(scale_4ever); FChar.RunAction(jump_4ever); AChar.RunAction(fade_4ever); // Bottom Label CCLabelBMFont label2 = new CCLabelBMFont("00.0", "fonts/bitmapFontTest.fnt"); AddChild(label2, 0, (int)TagSprite.kTagBitmapAtlas2); label2.Position = new CCPoint(s.Width / 2.0f, 80); CCSprite lastChar = (CCSprite)label2.GetChildByTag(3); lastChar.RunAction((CCAction)(rot_4ever.Copy())); //schedule( schedule_selector(Atlas4::step), 0.1f); base.Schedule(step, 0.1f); }
public SpriteColorOpacity() { CCSprite sprite1 = new CCSprite("Images/grossini_dance_atlas", new CCRect(85 * 0, 121 * 1, 85, 121)); CCSprite sprite2 = new CCSprite("Images/grossini_dance_atlas", new CCRect(85 * 1, 121 * 1, 85, 121)); CCSprite sprite3 = new CCSprite("Images/grossini_dance_atlas", new CCRect(85 * 2, 121 * 1, 85, 121)); CCSprite sprite4 = new CCSprite("Images/grossini_dance_atlas", new CCRect(85 * 3, 121 * 1, 85, 121)); CCSprite sprite5 = new CCSprite("Images/grossini_dance_atlas", new CCRect(85 * 0, 121 * 1, 85, 121)); CCSprite sprite6 = new CCSprite("Images/grossini_dance_atlas", new CCRect(85 * 1, 121 * 1, 85, 121)); CCSprite sprite7 = new CCSprite("Images/grossini_dance_atlas", new CCRect(85 * 2, 121 * 1, 85, 121)); CCSprite sprite8 = new CCSprite("Images/grossini_dance_atlas", new CCRect(85 * 3, 121 * 1, 85, 121)); CCSize s = CCDirector.SharedDirector.WinSize; sprite1.Position = new CCPoint((s.Width / 5) * 1, (s.Height / 3) * 1); sprite2.Position = new CCPoint((s.Width / 5) * 2, (s.Height / 3) * 1); sprite3.Position = new CCPoint((s.Width / 5) * 3, (s.Height / 3) * 1); sprite4.Position = new CCPoint((s.Width / 5) * 4, (s.Height / 3) * 1); sprite5.Position = new CCPoint((s.Width / 5) * 1, (s.Height / 3) * 2); sprite6.Position = new CCPoint((s.Width / 5) * 2, (s.Height / 3) * 2); sprite7.Position = new CCPoint((s.Width / 5) * 3, (s.Height / 3) * 2); sprite8.Position = new CCPoint((s.Width / 5) * 4, (s.Height / 3) * 2); CCActionInterval action = new CCFadeIn (2); CCActionInterval action_back = (CCActionInterval)action.Reverse(); CCAction fade = new CCRepeatForever ((CCActionInterval)(new CCSequence(action, action_back))); CCActionInterval tintred = new CCTintBy (2, 0, -255, -255); CCActionInterval tintred_back = (CCActionInterval)tintred.Reverse(); CCAction red = new CCRepeatForever ((CCActionInterval)(new CCSequence(tintred, tintred_back))); CCActionInterval tintgreen = new CCTintBy (2, -255, 0, -255); CCActionInterval tintgreen_back = (CCActionInterval)tintgreen.Reverse(); CCAction green = new CCRepeatForever ((CCActionInterval)(new CCSequence(tintgreen, tintgreen_back))); CCActionInterval tintblue = new CCTintBy (2, -255, -255, 0); CCActionInterval tintblue_back = (CCActionInterval)tintblue.Reverse(); CCAction blue = new CCRepeatForever ((CCActionInterval)(new CCSequence(tintblue, tintblue_back))); sprite5.RunAction(red); sprite6.RunAction(green); sprite7.RunAction(blue); sprite8.RunAction(fade); // late add: test dirtyColor and dirtyPosition AddChild(sprite1, 0, (int)kTagSprite.kTagSprite1); AddChild(sprite2, 0, (int)kTagSprite.kTagSprite2); AddChild(sprite3, 0, (int)kTagSprite.kTagSprite3); AddChild(sprite4, 0, (int)kTagSprite.kTagSprite4); AddChild(sprite5, 0, (int)kTagSprite.kTagSprite5); AddChild(sprite6, 0, (int)kTagSprite.kTagSprite6); AddChild(sprite7, 0, (int)kTagSprite.kTagSprite7); AddChild(sprite8, 0, (int)kTagSprite.kTagSprite8); Schedule(removeAndAddSprite, 2); }
public Atlas4() { m_time = 0; // Upper Label CCLabelBMFont label = new CCLabelBMFont("Bitmap Font Atlas", "fonts/bitmapFontTest.fnt"); AddChild(label); CCSize s = CCDirector.SharedDirector.WinSize; label.Position = new CCPoint(s.Width / 2, s.Height / 2); label.AnchorPoint = new CCPoint(0.5f, 0.5f); CCSprite BChar = (CCSprite)label.GetChildByTag(0); CCSprite FChar = (CCSprite)label.GetChildByTag(7); CCSprite AChar = (CCSprite)label.GetChildByTag(12); CCActionInterval rotate = new CCRotateBy (2, 360); CCAction rot_4ever = new CCRepeatForever (rotate); CCActionInterval scale = new CCScaleBy(2, 1.5f); CCFiniteTimeAction scale_back = scale.Reverse(); CCFiniteTimeAction scale_seq = new CCSequence(scale, scale_back); CCAction scale_4ever = new CCRepeatForever ((CCActionInterval)scale_seq); CCActionInterval jump = new CCJumpBy (0.5f, new CCPoint(), 60, 1); CCAction jump_4ever = new CCRepeatForever (jump); CCActionInterval fade_out = new CCFadeOut (1); CCActionInterval fade_in = new CCFadeIn (1); CCFiniteTimeAction seq = new CCSequence(fade_out, fade_in); CCAction fade_4ever = new CCRepeatForever ((CCActionInterval)seq); BChar.RunAction(rot_4ever); BChar.RunAction(scale_4ever); FChar.RunAction(jump_4ever); AChar.RunAction(fade_4ever); // Bottom Label CCLabelBMFont label2 = new CCLabelBMFont("00.0", "fonts/bitmapFontTest.fnt"); AddChild(label2, 0, (int)TagSprite.kTagBitmapAtlas2); label2.Position = new CCPoint(s.Width / 2.0f, 80); CCSprite lastChar = (CCSprite)label2.GetChildByTag(3); lastChar.RunAction((CCAction)(rot_4ever.Copy())); //schedule( schedule_selector(Atlas4::step), 0.1f); base.Schedule(step, 0.1f); }
public LabelTTFA8Test() { CCSize s = CCDirector.SharedDirector.WinSize; CCLayerColor layer = new CCLayerColor(new CCColor4B(128, 128, 128, 255)); AddChild(layer, -10); // CCLabelBMFont CCLabelTTF label1 = new CCLabelTTF("Testing A8 Format", "Marker Felt", 38); AddChild(label1); label1.Color = CCTypes.CCRed; label1.Position = new CCPoint(s.Width / 2, s.Height / 2); CCFadeOut fadeOut = new CCFadeOut (2); CCFadeIn fadeIn = new CCFadeIn (2); CCFiniteTimeAction seq = new CCSequence(fadeOut, fadeIn); CCRepeatForever forever = new CCRepeatForever ((CCActionInterval) seq); label1.RunAction(forever); }
public SpriteBatchNodeColorOpacity() { // small capacity. Testing resizing. // Don't use capacity=1 in your real game. It is expensive to resize the capacity CCSpriteBatchNode batch = new CCSpriteBatchNode("Images/grossini_dance_atlas", 1); AddChild(batch, 0, (int)kTags.kTagSpriteBatchNode); CCSprite sprite1 = new CCSprite(batch.Texture, new CCRect(85 * 0, 121 * 1, 85, 121)); CCSprite sprite2 = new CCSprite(batch.Texture, new CCRect(85 * 1, 121 * 1, 85, 121)); CCSprite sprite3 = new CCSprite(batch.Texture, new CCRect(85 * 2, 121 * 1, 85, 121)); CCSprite sprite4 = new CCSprite(batch.Texture, new CCRect(85 * 3, 121 * 1, 85, 121)); CCSprite sprite5 = new CCSprite(batch.Texture, new CCRect(85 * 0, 121 * 1, 85, 121)); CCSprite sprite6 = new CCSprite(batch.Texture, new CCRect(85 * 1, 121 * 1, 85, 121)); CCSprite sprite7 = new CCSprite(batch.Texture, new CCRect(85 * 2, 121 * 1, 85, 121)); CCSprite sprite8 = new CCSprite(batch.Texture, new CCRect(85 * 3, 121 * 1, 85, 121)); CCSize s = CCDirector.SharedDirector.WinSize; sprite1.Position = new CCPoint((s.Width / 5) * 1, (s.Height / 3) * 1); sprite2.Position = new CCPoint((s.Width / 5) * 2, (s.Height / 3) * 1); sprite3.Position = new CCPoint((s.Width / 5) * 3, (s.Height / 3) * 1); sprite4.Position = new CCPoint((s.Width / 5) * 4, (s.Height / 3) * 1); sprite5.Position = new CCPoint((s.Width / 5) * 1, (s.Height / 3) * 2); sprite6.Position = new CCPoint((s.Width / 5) * 2, (s.Height / 3) * 2); sprite7.Position = new CCPoint((s.Width / 5) * 3, (s.Height / 3) * 2); sprite8.Position = new CCPoint((s.Width / 5) * 4, (s.Height / 3) * 2); CCActionInterval action = new CCFadeIn (2); CCActionInterval action_back = (CCActionInterval)action.Reverse(); CCAction fade = new CCRepeatForever ((CCActionInterval)(CCSequence.FromActions(action, action_back))); CCActionInterval tintred = new CCTintBy (2, 0, -255, -255); CCActionInterval tintred_back = (CCActionInterval)tintred.Reverse(); CCAction red = new CCRepeatForever ((CCActionInterval)(CCSequence.FromActions(tintred, tintred_back))); CCActionInterval tintgreen = new CCTintBy (2, -255, 0, -255); CCActionInterval tintgreen_back = (CCActionInterval)tintgreen.Reverse(); CCAction green = new CCRepeatForever ((CCActionInterval)(CCSequence.FromActions(tintgreen, tintgreen_back))); CCActionInterval tintblue = new CCTintBy (2, -255, -255, 0); CCActionInterval tintblue_back = (CCActionInterval)tintblue.Reverse(); CCAction blue = new CCRepeatForever ((CCActionInterval)(CCSequence.FromActions(tintblue, tintblue_back))); sprite5.RunAction(red); sprite6.RunAction(green); sprite7.RunAction(blue); sprite8.RunAction(fade); // late add: test dirtyColor and dirtyPosition batch.AddChild(sprite1, 0, (int)kTagSprite.kTagSprite1); batch.AddChild(sprite2, 0, (int)kTagSprite.kTagSprite2); batch.AddChild(sprite3, 0, (int)kTagSprite.kTagSprite3); batch.AddChild(sprite4, 0, (int)kTagSprite.kTagSprite4); batch.AddChild(sprite5, 0, (int)kTagSprite.kTagSprite5); batch.AddChild(sprite6, 0, (int)kTagSprite.kTagSprite6); batch.AddChild(sprite7, 0, (int)kTagSprite.kTagSprite7); batch.AddChild(sprite8, 0, (int)kTagSprite.kTagSprite8); Schedule(removeAndAddSprite, 2); }
public TMXReadWriteTest() { m_gid = 0; CCTMXTiledMap map = CCTMXTiledMap.Create("TileMaps/orthogonal-test2"); AddChild(map, 0, kTagTileMap); CCTMXLayer layer = map.LayerNamed("Layer 0"); layer.Texture.SetAntiAliasTexParameters(); map.Scale = (1); CCSprite tile0 = layer.TileAt(new CCPoint(1, 63)); CCSprite tile1 = layer.TileAt(new CCPoint(2, 63)); CCSprite tile2 = layer.TileAt(new CCPoint(3, 62)); //new CCPoint(1,62)); CCSprite tile3 = layer.TileAt(new CCPoint(2, 62)); tile0.AnchorPoint = (new CCPoint(0.5f, 0.5f)); tile1.AnchorPoint = (new CCPoint(0.5f, 0.5f)); tile2.AnchorPoint = (new CCPoint(0.5f, 0.5f)); tile3.AnchorPoint = (new CCPoint(0.5f, 0.5f)); CCMoveBy move = new CCMoveBy (0.5f, new CCPoint(0, 160)); CCRotateBy rotate = new CCRotateBy (2, 360); CCScaleBy scale = new CCScaleBy(2, 5); CCFadeOut opacity = new CCFadeOut (2); CCFadeIn fadein = new CCFadeIn (2); CCScaleTo scaleback = new CCScaleTo(1, 1); CCCallFuncN finish = new CCCallFuncN(removeSprite); CCSequence seq0 = new CCSequence(move, rotate, scale, opacity, fadein, scaleback, finish); var seq1 = (CCActionInterval) (seq0.Copy()); var seq2 = (CCActionInterval) (seq0.Copy()); var seq3 = (CCActionInterval) (seq0.Copy()); tile0.RunAction(seq0); tile1.RunAction(seq1); tile2.RunAction(seq2); tile3.RunAction(seq3); m_gid = layer.TileGIDAt(new CCPoint(0, 63)); ////----UXLOG("Tile GID at:(0,63) is: %d", m_gid); Schedule(updateCol, 2.0f); Schedule(repaintWithGID, 2.0f); Schedule(removeTiles, 1.0f); ////----UXLOG("++++atlas quantity: %d", layer.textureAtlas().getTotalQuads()); ////----UXLOG("++++children: %d", layer.getChildren().count() ); m_gid2 = 0; }
public override void OnEnter() { base.OnEnter(); centerSprites(2); m_tamara.Opacity = 0; var action1 = new CCFadeIn (1.0f); var action1Back = action1.Reverse(); var action2 = new CCFadeOut (1.0f); var action2Back = action2.Reverse(); m_tamara.RunAction(new CCSequence(action1, action1Back)); m_kathia.RunAction(new CCSequence(action2, action2Back)); }