Esempio n. 1
        private void ChessTable_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            int   boxWidth        = (Width - 0) / 8 - 8; // 0 is there for spacing between boxes
            int   boxHeight       = (Height - 0) / 8 - 8;
            Color currentAltColor = BlackBackgroundColor;
            bool  alt             = false;

            for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i--)
                for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                    if (alt)
                        currentAltColor = WhiteBackgroundColor;
                        alt             = false; //Change alternance
                        currentAltColor = BlackBackgroundColor;
                        alt             = true;                                                                                                      //Change alternance
                    squares[i, j] = new ChessTableSquare(currentAltColor, SelectedColor, new DummyPiece(new PiecePosition((EColumn)(i + 1), j + 1))) //Create new square, initialise it with a blank piece
                        Location = new Point(i * boxWidth + (i + 1) * 2, j * boxHeight + (j + 1) * 2),                                               // Calculate it's location
                        Size     = new Size(boxWidth, boxHeight)                                                                                     // Use the precalculated size
                    };                                                                                                                               //Object initialiser
                    squares[i, j].Enabled    = Enabled;                                                                                              // Set enabled status
                    squares[i, j].MouseDown += ChessTableSquare_MouseDown;                                                                           //Register to click event
                    this.Controls.Add(squares[i, j]);                                                                                                //Add to the control
                alt = !alt;                                                                                                                          // Change alternance for new row
Esempio n. 2
        private void AttemptMove(ChessTableSquare from, ChessTableSquare to, bool ignoreRules)
            if (from.RepresentedPiece.Position.Equals(to.RepresentedPiece.Position))
                throw new IllegalMoveException(to.RepresentedPiece, "You can't move on the same space");
            PiecePosition toPosition   = new PiecePosition(to.RepresentedPiece.Position);
            PiecePosition fromPosition = new PiecePosition(from.RepresentedPiece.Position);

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(squares[(int)to.RepresentedPiece.Position.Column - 1, to.RepresentedPiece.Position.Row - 1].RepresentedPiece.ToString() + "\n" + squares[(int)from.RepresentedPiece.Position.Column - 1, from.RepresentedPiece.Position.Row - 1].RepresentedPiece.ToString());

            //If there is another piece there not owned by player1
            if (!ignoreRules && to.RepresentedPiece.Owner.Equals(Player1.Owner))
                MessageBox.Show("You can not move over your own pieces");

            //If it's players turn
            if (false)
                throw new IllegalMoveException(to.RepresentedPiece, "It's not your turn");

            //If the move is even permitted, move
            if (!from.RepresentedPiece.Move(to.RepresentedPiece.Position, squares))
                throw new IllegalMoveException(from.RepresentedPiece, String.Format("Can not move from {0} to {1}", from.RepresentedPiece.Position.ToString(), to.RepresentedPiece.Position.ToString()));

            //If it got to this point notify player2 of what happened
            // TODO: "from" and "to" are the same when are being accesed outside
            // NOTE: OnPieceMoved is called when forcibly moved by opponent
            OnPieceMoved?.Invoke(this, new PieceMovedEventArgs(from.RepresentedPiece, to.RepresentedPiece, fromPosition, toPosition));
            //If player2 has pieces there, take them out of the board,in this case, just raise event
            if (to.RepresentedPiece.Owner != from.RepresentedPiece.Owner)
                OnPieceLost?.Invoke(this, new PieceLostEventArgs(from.RepresentedPiece, to.RepresentedPiece, fromPosition, toPosition));
            if (to.RepresentedPiece.Type == PieceTypes.King)
                OnKingLost?.Invoke(this, new PieceLostEventArgs(to.RepresentedPiece));
            //If move was succesful then move graphically
            if (to.RepresentedPiece is DummyPiece)
            squares[(int)toPosition.Column - 1, toPosition.Row - 1].RepresentedPiece = from.RepresentedPiece;

            from.Selected      = false;
            userHasSelected    = false;
            lastSelectedSquare = null;

            squares[(int)fromPosition.Column - 1, fromPosition.Row - 1].RepresentedPiece = new DummyPiece(fromPosition);
Esempio n. 3
 private void AttemptMove(ChessTableSquare from, ChessTableSquare to)
         AttemptMove(from, to, true);
     catch (IllegalMoveException ex)
Esempio n. 4
 private void ChessTable_EnabledChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
             squares[i, j].Enabled  = Enabled;
             squares[i, j].Selected = false;
             squares[i, j].Invalidate();
     userHasSelected    = false;
     lastSelectedSquare = null;
Esempio n. 5
        private void ChessTableSquare_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (!Enabled)
            ChessTableSquare instance = sender as ChessTableSquare;

            if (instance.Selected)
                instance.Selected  = false;
                userHasSelected    = false;
                lastSelectedSquare = null;
                if (userHasSelected)
                    if (Player1.CanMove)
                        AttemptMove(lastSelectedSquare, instance);
                        MessageBox.Show("It's not your turn");
                        lastSelectedSquare.Selected = false;
                        lastSelectedSquare          = null;
                        userHasSelected             = false;
                    if (!instance.IsEmpty && (instance.RepresentedPiece.Owner.Equals(Player1.Owner)))
                        instance.Selected  = true;
                        userHasSelected    = true;
                        lastSelectedSquare = instance;
Esempio n. 6
 public ChessTable()
     squares         = new ChessTableSquare[8, 8];
     userHasSelected = false;