public static CertificateShortcutProviderKey EncryptPassphrase(X509Certificate2 certificate, ProtectedString passphrase)
            // Instead of directly encrypting the passphrase with the certificate,
            // we use an intermediate random symmetric key.
            // The passphrase is encrypted with the symmetric key, and the symmetric key is encrypted with the certificate.
            // (asymmetric encryption is not suited to encrypt a lot of data)

            // symmetric encryption:
            var randomKey           = new ProtectedBinary(true, CryptoRandom.Instance.GetRandomBytes(32));
            var passphraseBinary    = new ProtectedBinary(true, passphrase.ReadUtf8());
            var encryptedPassphrase = EncryptSecret(passphraseBinary, randomKey, out var iv);

            // now we asymmetrically encrypt the random key.
            byte[] encryptedRandomKey;
            RSA    rsa;
            ECDsa  ecdsa;

            if ((rsa = certificate.GetRSAPublicKey()) != null)
                encryptedRandomKey = rsa.Encrypt(randomKey.ReadData(), RSAEncryptionPadding.OaepSHA256);
            else if ((ecdsa = certificate.GetECDsaPublicKey()) != null)
                // TODO:
                // var ecdh = ECDiffieHellman.Create(ecdsa.ExportParameters(false));
                throw new NotSupportedException("Certificate's key type not supported.");
                throw new NotSupportedException("Certificate's key type not supported.");

            var result = new CertificateShortcutProviderKey(certificate, encryptedRandomKey, iv, encryptedPassphrase);

        public static ProtectedBinary DecryptPassphrase(CertificateShortcutProviderKey keyFile)
            var fromSourceCertificate = keyFile.ReadCertificate();
            var fromStoreCertificate  = LoadFromStore(fromSourceCertificate);

            if (fromStoreCertificate == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The specified certificate could not be found in the store.");

            // First we decrypt the symmetric key:
            ProtectedBinary decryptedKey;
            RSA             rsa;
            ECDsa           ecdsa;

            if ((rsa = fromStoreCertificate.GetRSAPrivateKey()) != null)
                decryptedKey = new ProtectedBinary(true, rsa.Decrypt(keyFile.EncryptedKey, RSAEncryptionPadding.OaepSHA256));
            else if ((ecdsa = fromStoreCertificate.GetECDsaPrivateKey()) != null)
                // TODO:
                // var ecdh = ECDiffieHellman.Create(ecdsa.ExportParameters(false));
                throw new NotSupportedException("Certificate's key type not supported.");
                throw new NotSupportedException("Certificate's key type not supported.");

            // Then we use the symmetric key to decrypt the passphrase:
            var decryptedPassphrase = DecryptSecret(keyFile.EncryptedPassphrase, decryptedKey, keyFile.IV);
