Esempio n. 1
        public Level2Trident1()
            press         = new KeyPresses();
            CollectItm    = new ItemCollection();
            inv           = new Inventory(CollectItm);
            LevelFinished = false;
            GoodStory     = new Story();

Esempio n. 2
        public Level2BadEnding()
            make       = new MakeObstacle();
            CollectItm = new ItemCollection();
            observe    = new Inventory(CollectItm);
            BadStory   = new Story();
            move       = new KeyPresses();

Esempio n. 3
        public MainWindow()
            move          = new KeyPresses();
            GoodStory     = new Story();
            BadStory      = new Story();
            ItmCollect    = new ItemCollection();
            observe       = new Inventory(ItmCollect);
            make          = new MakeObstacle();
            LevelFinished = false;

        public Level2TridentPieces2And3()
            make          = new MakeObstacle();
            CollectItm    = new ItemCollection();
            inv           = new Inventory(CollectItm);
            GoodStory     = new Story();
            press         = new KeyPresses();
            LevelFinished = false;
            GameBeaten    = false;

Esempio n. 5
        public Level2Bad()
            GoodStory  = new Story();
            BadStory   = new Story();
            CollectItm = new ItemCollection();
            observe    = new Inventory(CollectItm);
            make       = new MakeObstacle();
            move       = new KeyPresses();

            GoodStory.AddIntro("<LevelIntro>Narrator: Since Xavier wanted to be a murderer, he was sent straight to Hell and had no choice in the matter. " +
                               "Xavier noticed what appeared to be a demon trying to get his attention so Xavier approaches him.");
            GoodStory.AddIntro("<CharacterIntro>Demon: You came at the right time! Satan holds special events to make sure we always have fun down here! This week there is " +
                               "the option to try and steal the throne. Now, I know this sounds crazy, but no one has signed up for some reason, so you’d be the first! Other than that, " +
                               "you could become the new right hand man! I was kicked out of the running for wasting water. If you wish to do this then take this fan. Then go and collect ice and water. " +
                               "Take them to Satan.");
            GoodStory.AddIntro("<CharacterIntro>Narrator: Xavier is faced with some hard choices, but he is quite arrogant and thus decides to take on Satan.");
