Esempio n. 1
 public IndexedBasisMatrix TimesTranspose(IndexedBasisMatrix m)
     return(new IndexedBasisMatrix(
                _el0.Dot(m._el0), _el0.Dot(m._el1), _el0.Dot(m._el2),
                _el1.Dot(m._el0), _el1.Dot(m._el1), _el1.Dot(m._el2),
                _el2.Dot(m._el0), _el2.Dot(m._el1), _el2.Dot(m._el2)));
Esempio n. 2
        public static IndexedMatrix CreateScale(float x, float y, float z)
            IndexedMatrix IndexedMatrix = IndexedMatrix.Identity;

            IndexedMatrix._basis = IndexedBasisMatrix.CreateScale(new IndexedVector3(x, y, z));
Esempio n. 3
        public static IndexedMatrix CreateScale(IndexedVector3 scales)
            IndexedMatrix result = IndexedMatrix.Identity;

            result._basis = IndexedBasisMatrix.CreateScale(scales);
        public static IndexedMatrix CreateScale(float scale)
            IndexedMatrix result = IndexedMatrix.Identity;

            result._basis = IndexedBasisMatrix.CreateScale(new IndexedVector3(scale));
Esempio n. 5
        public static IndexedBasisMatrix CreateFromAxisAngle(IndexedVector3 axis, float angle)
            float num1             = axis.X;
            float num2             = axis.Y;
            float num3             = axis.Z;
            float num4             = (float)Math.Sin((double)angle);
            float num5             = (float)Math.Cos((double)angle);
            float num6             = num1 * num1;
            float num7             = num2 * num2;
            float num8             = num3 * num3;
            float num9             = num1 * num2;
            float num10            = num1 * num3;
            float num11            = num2 * num3;
            IndexedBasisMatrix ibm = new IndexedBasisMatrix(num6 + num5 * (1f - num6),
                                                            (float)((double)num9 - (double)num5 * (double)num9 + (double)num4 * (double)num3),
                                                            (float)((double)num10 - (double)num5 * (double)num10 - (double)num4 * (double)num2),
                                                            (float)((double)num9 - (double)num5 * (double)num9 - (double)num4 * (double)num3),
                                                            num7 + num5 * (1f - num7),
                                                            (float)((double)num11 - (double)num5 * (double)num11 + (double)num4 * (double)num1),
                                                            (float)((double)num10 - (double)num5 * (double)num10 + (double)num4 * (double)num2),
                                                            (float)((double)num11 - (double)num5 * (double)num11 - (double)num4 * (double)num1),
                                                            num8 + num5 * (1f - num8));

Esempio n. 6
        public static IndexedBasisMatrix CreateRotationY(float radians)
            float num1             = (float)Math.Cos((double)radians);
            float num2             = (float)Math.Sin((double)radians);
            IndexedBasisMatrix ibm = new IndexedBasisMatrix(num1, 0.0f, -num2, 0.0f, 1f, 0.0f, num2, 0.0f, num1);

Esempio n. 7
	//angular constraint between two different rigidbodies

        public JacobianEntry(IndexedVector3 jointAxis,
        IndexedBasisMatrix world2A,
        IndexedBasisMatrix world2B,
        IndexedVector3 inertiaInvA,
        IndexedVector3 inertiaInvB) : this(ref jointAxis,ref world2A,ref world2B,ref inertiaInvA,ref inertiaInvB)

Esempio n. 8
        public static void CreateRotationZ(float radians, out IndexedBasisMatrix _basis)
            float num1 = (float)Math.Cos((double)radians);
            float num2 = (float)Math.Sin((double)radians);

            _basis._el0 = new IndexedVector3(num1, num2, 0);
            _basis._el1 = new IndexedVector3(-num2, num1, 0);
            _basis._el2 = new IndexedVector3(0, 0, 1);
Esempio n. 9
        public static IndexedMatrix CreateRotationZ(float radians)
            IndexedMatrix IndexedMatrix;

            IndexedMatrix._basis  = IndexedBasisMatrix.CreateRotationZ(radians);
            IndexedMatrix._origin = new IndexedVector3(0, 0, 0);

Esempio n. 10
        public IndexedMatrix InverseTimes(ref IndexedMatrix t)
            IndexedVector3 v  = new IndexedVector3(t._origin.X - _origin.X, t._origin.Y - _origin.Y, t._origin.Z - _origin.Z);
            IndexedVector3 v2 = new IndexedVector3();

            IndexedBasisMatrix.Multiply(ref v2, ref _basis, ref v);
            return(new IndexedMatrix(_basis.TransposeTimes(ref t._basis),
                                     v * _basis));
 public IndexedBasisMatrix TransposeTimes(ref IndexedBasisMatrix m)
     return(new IndexedBasisMatrix(
                _Row0.X * m._Row0.X + _Row1.X * m._Row1.X + _Row2.X * m._Row2.X,
                _Row0.X * m._Row0.Y + _Row1.X * m._Row1.Y + _Row2.X * m._Row2.Y,
                _Row0.X * m._Row0.Z + _Row1.X * m._Row1.Z + _Row2.X * m._Row2.Z,
                _Row0.Y * m._Row0.X + _Row1.Y * m._Row1.X + _Row2.Y * m._Row2.X,
                _Row0.Y * m._Row0.Y + _Row1.Y * m._Row1.Y + _Row2.Y * m._Row2.Y,
                _Row0.Y * m._Row0.Z + _Row1.Y * m._Row1.Z + _Row2.Y * m._Row2.Z,
                _Row0.Z * m._Row0.X + _Row1.Z * m._Row1.X + _Row2.Z * m._Row2.X,
                _Row0.Z * m._Row0.Y + _Row1.Z * m._Row1.Y + _Row2.Z * m._Row2.Y,
                _Row0.Z * m._Row0.Z + _Row1.Z * m._Row1.Z + _Row2.Z * m._Row2.Z));
Esempio n. 12
 public IndexedBasisMatrix TransposeTimes(IndexedBasisMatrix m)
     return(new IndexedBasisMatrix(
                _el0.X * m._el0.X + _el1.X * m._el1.X + _el2.X * m._el2.X,
                _el0.X * m._el0.Y + _el1.X * m._el1.Y + _el2.X * m._el2.Y,
                _el0.X * m._el0.Z + _el1.X * m._el1.Z + _el2.X * m._el2.Z,
                _el0.Y * m._el0.X + _el1.Y * m._el1.X + _el2.Y * m._el2.X,
                _el0.Y * m._el0.Y + _el1.Y * m._el1.Y + _el2.Y * m._el2.Y,
                _el0.Y * m._el0.Z + _el1.Y * m._el1.Z + _el2.Y * m._el2.Z,
                _el0.Z * m._el0.X + _el1.Z * m._el1.X + _el2.Z * m._el2.X,
                _el0.Z * m._el0.Y + _el1.Z * m._el1.Y + _el2.Z * m._el2.Y,
                _el0.Z * m._el0.Z + _el1.Z * m._el1.Z + _el2.Z * m._el2.Z));
Esempio n. 13
	//constraint between two different rigidbodies
    public JacobianEntry(IndexedBasisMatrix world2A,
        IndexedBasisMatrix world2B,
        IndexedVector3 rel_pos1,
        IndexedVector3 rel_pos2,
        IndexedVector3 jointAxis,
        IndexedVector3 inertiaInvA,
        float massInvA,
        IndexedVector3 inertiaInvB,
        float massInvB) : this(ref world2A,ref world2B,ref rel_pos1,ref rel_pos2,
                    ref jointAxis, ref inertiaInvA,massInvA,ref inertiaInvB,massInvB)
Esempio n. 14
 public static float[,] BasisMatrixToFloatArray(ref IndexedBasisMatrix m)
     float[,] result = new float[3, 3];
     result[0, 0] = m._Row0.X;
     result[0, 1] = m._Row0.Y;
     result[0, 2] = m._Row0.Z;
     result[1, 0] = m._Row1.X;
     result[1, 1] = m._Row1.Y;
     result[1, 2] = m._Row1.Z;
     result[2, 0] = m._Row2.X;
     result[2, 1] = m._Row2.Y;
     result[2, 2] = m._Row2.Z;
     return result;
Esempio n. 15
        public JacobianEntry(ref IndexedVector3 jointAxis,
        ref IndexedBasisMatrix world2A,
        ref IndexedBasisMatrix world2B,
		ref IndexedVector3 inertiaInvA,
		ref IndexedVector3 inertiaInvB)
            m_linearJointAxis = IndexedVector3.Zero;
            m_aJ = world2A * jointAxis;
            m_bJ = world2B * -jointAxis;
            m_0MinvJt = inertiaInvA * m_aJ;
		    m_1MinvJt = inertiaInvB * m_bJ;
		    m_Adiag =  IndexedVector3.Dot(m_0MinvJt,m_aJ) + IndexedVector3.Dot(m_1MinvJt,m_bJ);

		    Debug.Assert(m_Adiag > 0.0f);
Esempio n. 16
        public JacobianEntry(
        ref IndexedBasisMatrix world2A,
        ref IndexedBasisMatrix world2B,
		ref IndexedVector3 rel_pos1,ref IndexedVector3 rel_pos2,
		ref IndexedVector3 jointAxis,
		ref IndexedVector3 inertiaInvA, 
		float massInvA,
		ref IndexedVector3 inertiaInvB,
		float massInvB)
            m_linearJointAxis = jointAxis;
            m_aJ = world2A * (rel_pos1.Cross(ref m_linearJointAxis));
            m_bJ = world2B * (rel_pos2.Cross(-m_linearJointAxis));
            m_0MinvJt = inertiaInvA * m_aJ;
		    m_1MinvJt = inertiaInvB * m_bJ;
		    m_Adiag = massInvA + IndexedVector3.Dot(m_0MinvJt,m_aJ) + massInvB + IndexedVector3.Dot(m_1MinvJt,m_bJ);

		    Debug.Assert(m_Adiag > 0.0f);
 public InertiaCallback(ref IndexedVector3 center)
     m_sum = new IndexedBasisMatrix();
     m_center = center;
Esempio n. 18
        //! Calcs the full invertion of the matrices. Useful for scaling matrices
        public void CalcFromFullInvert(ref IndexedMatrix trans0, ref IndexedMatrix trans1)
            m_R1to0 = trans0._basis.Inverse();
            m_T1to0 = m_R1to0 * (-trans0._origin);

            m_T1to0 += m_R1to0 * trans1._origin;
            m_R1to0 *= trans1._basis;

Esempio n. 19
 public static IndexedBasisMatrix CreateRotationY(float radians)
     float num1 = (float)Math.Cos((double)radians);
     float num2 = (float)Math.Sin((double)radians);
     IndexedBasisMatrix ibm = new IndexedBasisMatrix(num1,0.0f, -num2,0.0f,1f,0.0f,num2,0.0f,num1);
     return ibm;
 public static void Transpose(ref IndexedBasisMatrix IndexedMatrix, out IndexedBasisMatrix result)
     result = new IndexedBasisMatrix(IndexedMatrix._Row0.X, IndexedMatrix._Row1.X, IndexedMatrix._Row2.X,
                                     IndexedMatrix._Row0.Y, IndexedMatrix._Row1.Y, IndexedMatrix._Row2.Y,
                                     IndexedMatrix._Row0.Z, IndexedMatrix._Row1.Z, IndexedMatrix._Row2.Z);
Esempio n. 21
 public static float Mat3DotCol(IndexedBasisMatrix mat, ref IndexedVector3 vec3, int colindex)
     return vec3[0] * mat[0, colindex] + vec3[1] * mat[1, colindex] + vec3[2] * mat[2, colindex];
        public void CalcAngleInfo2(ref IndexedMatrix transA, ref IndexedMatrix transB, ref IndexedBasisMatrix invInertiaWorldA, ref IndexedBasisMatrix invInertiaWorldB)
			m_swingCorrection = 0;
			m_twistLimitSign = 0;
			m_solveTwistLimit = false;
			m_solveSwingLimit = false;

			// compute rotation of A wrt B (in constraint space)
            if (m_bMotorEnabled && (!m_useSolveConstraintObsolete))
			{	// it is assumed that setMotorTarget() was alredy called 
				// and motor target m_qTarget is within constraint limits
				// TODO : split rotation to pure swing and pure twist
				// compute desired transforms in world
				IndexedMatrix trPose = IndexedMatrix.CreateFromQuaternion(m_qTarget);
				IndexedMatrix trA = transA * m_rbAFrame;
				IndexedMatrix trB = transB * m_rbBFrame;
                IndexedMatrix trDeltaAB = trB * trPose * trA.Inverse();
				IndexedQuaternion qDeltaAB = trDeltaAB.GetRotation();
				IndexedVector3 swingAxis = new IndexedVector3(qDeltaAB.X, qDeltaAB.Y, qDeltaAB.Z);
                float swingAxisLen2 = swingAxis.LengthSquared();
                if (MathUtil.FuzzyZero(swingAxisLen2))

				m_swingAxis = swingAxis;
				m_swingCorrection = MathUtil.QuatAngle(ref qDeltaAB);
				if (!MathUtil.FuzzyZero(m_swingCorrection))
					m_solveSwingLimit = true;


				// compute rotation of A wrt B (in constraint space)
				// Not sure if these need order swapping as well?
                IndexedQuaternion qA = transA.GetRotation() * m_rbAFrame.GetRotation();
                IndexedQuaternion qB = transB.GetRotation() * m_rbBFrame.GetRotation();
                IndexedQuaternion qAB = MathUtil.QuaternionInverse(qB) * qA;

				// split rotation into cone and twist
				// (all this is done from B's perspective. Maybe I should be averaging axes...)
				IndexedVector3 vConeNoTwist = MathUtil.QuatRotate(ref qAB, ref vTwist);
				IndexedQuaternion qABCone = MathUtil.ShortestArcQuat(ref vTwist, ref vConeNoTwist);
				IndexedQuaternion qABTwist = MathUtil.QuaternionInverse(qABCone) * qAB;

				if (m_swingSpan1 >= m_fixThresh && m_swingSpan2 >= m_fixThresh)
					float swingAngle = 0f, swingLimit = 0f;
					IndexedVector3 swingAxis = IndexedVector3.Zero;
					ComputeConeLimitInfo(ref qABCone, ref swingAngle, ref swingAxis, ref swingLimit);

					if (swingAngle > swingLimit * m_limitSoftness)
						m_solveSwingLimit = true;

						// compute limit ratio: 0->1, where
						// 0 == beginning of soft limit
						// 1 == hard/real limit
						m_swingLimitRatio = 1f;
						if (swingAngle < swingLimit && m_limitSoftness < 1f - MathUtil.SIMD_EPSILON)
							m_swingLimitRatio = (swingAngle - swingLimit * m_limitSoftness) /
												(swingLimit - (swingLimit * m_limitSoftness));

						// swing correction tries to get back to soft limit
						m_swingCorrection = swingAngle - (swingLimit * m_limitSoftness);

						// adjustment of swing axis (based on ellipse normal)
						AdjustSwingAxisToUseEllipseNormal(ref swingAxis);

						// Calculate necessary axis & factors		
						m_swingAxis = MathUtil.QuatRotate(qB, -swingAxis);

						m_twistAxisA = IndexedVector3.Zero;

						m_kSwing = 1f /
							(ComputeAngularImpulseDenominator(ref m_swingAxis, ref invInertiaWorldA) +
							 ComputeAngularImpulseDenominator(ref m_swingAxis, ref invInertiaWorldB));
					// you haven't set any limits;
					// or you're trying to set at least one of the swing limits too small. (if so, do you really want a conetwist constraint?)
					// anyway, we have either hinge or fixed joint

                    IndexedVector3 ivA = transA._basis * m_rbAFrame._basis.GetColumn(0);
                    IndexedVector3 jvA = transA._basis * m_rbAFrame._basis.GetColumn(1);
                    IndexedVector3 kvA = transA._basis * m_rbAFrame._basis.GetColumn(2);
                    IndexedVector3 ivB = transB._basis * m_rbBFrame._basis.GetColumn(0);
                    IndexedVector3 target = IndexedVector3.Zero;
					float x = ivB.Dot(ref ivA);
					float y = ivB.Dot(ref jvA);
					float z = ivB.Dot(ref kvA);
					if ((m_swingSpan1 < m_fixThresh) && (m_swingSpan2 < m_fixThresh))
					{ // fixed. We'll need to add one more row to constraint
						if ((!MathUtil.FuzzyZero(y)) || (!(MathUtil.FuzzyZero(z))))
							m_solveSwingLimit = true;
							m_swingAxis = -ivB.Cross(ref ivA);
						if (m_swingSpan1 < m_fixThresh)
						{ // hinge around Y axis
							if (!(MathUtil.FuzzyZero(y)))
								m_solveSwingLimit = true;
								if (m_swingSpan2 >= m_fixThresh)
									y = 0;
									float span2 = (float)Math.Atan2(z, x);
									if (span2 > m_swingSpan2)
										x = (float)Math.Cos(m_swingSpan2);
										z = (float)Math.Sin(m_swingSpan2);
									else if (span2 < -m_swingSpan2)
										x = (float)Math.Cos(m_swingSpan2);
										z = -(float)Math.Sin(m_swingSpan2);
						{ // hinge around Z axis
							if (!MathUtil.FuzzyZero(z))
								m_solveSwingLimit = true;
								if (m_swingSpan1 >= m_fixThresh)
									z = 0f;
									float span1 = (float)Math.Atan2(y, x);
									if (span1 > m_swingSpan1)
										x = (float)Math.Cos(m_swingSpan1);
										y = (float)Math.Sin(m_swingSpan1);
									else if (span1 < -m_swingSpan1)
										x = (float)Math.Cos(m_swingSpan1);
										y = -(float)Math.Sin(m_swingSpan1);
						target.X = x * ivA.X + y * jvA.X + z * kvA.X;
						target.Y = x * ivA.Y + y * jvA.Y + z * kvA.Y;
						target.Z = x * ivA.Z + y * jvA.Z + z * kvA.Z;
						m_swingAxis = -(ivB.Cross(ref target));
						m_swingCorrection = m_swingAxis.Length();

				if (m_twistSpan >= 0f)
					IndexedVector3 twistAxis;
					ComputeTwistLimitInfo(ref qABTwist, out m_twistAngle, out twistAxis);

					if (m_twistAngle > m_twistSpan * m_limitSoftness)
						m_solveTwistLimit = true;

						m_twistLimitRatio = 1f;
						if (m_twistAngle < m_twistSpan && m_limitSoftness < 1f - MathUtil.SIMD_EPSILON)
							m_twistLimitRatio = (m_twistAngle - m_twistSpan * m_limitSoftness) /
												(m_twistSpan - m_twistSpan * m_limitSoftness);

						// twist correction tries to get back to soft limit
						m_twistCorrection = m_twistAngle - (m_twistSpan * m_limitSoftness);

						m_twistAxis = MathUtil.QuatRotate(qB, -twistAxis);

						m_kTwist = 1f /
							(ComputeAngularImpulseDenominator(ref m_twistAxis, ref invInertiaWorldA) +
							 ComputeAngularImpulseDenominator(ref m_twistAxis, ref invInertiaWorldB));

					if (m_solveSwingLimit)
						m_twistAxisA = MathUtil.QuatRotate(qA, -twistAxis);
					m_twistAngle = 0f;
Esempio n. 23
 public IndexedMatrix(Matrix m)
     _origin = new IndexedVector3(m.Translation);
     //_basis = new IndexedBasisMatrix(new IndexedVector3(m.Right), new IndexedVector3(m.Up), new IndexedVector3(m.Backward)).Transpose();
     _basis = new IndexedBasisMatrix(new IndexedVector3(m.Right), new IndexedVector3(m.Up), new IndexedVector3(m.Backward));
Esempio n. 24
        public IndexedBasisMatrix TransposeTimes(ref IndexedBasisMatrix m)
            return new IndexedBasisMatrix(
        _el0.X * m._el0.X + _el1.X * m._el1.X + _el2.X * m._el2.X,
        _el0.X * m._el0.Y + _el1.X * m._el1.Y + _el2.X * m._el2.Y,
        _el0.X * m._el0.Z + _el1.X * m._el1.Z + _el2.X * m._el2.Z,
        _el0.Y * m._el0.X + _el1.Y * m._el1.X + _el2.Y * m._el2.X,
        _el0.Y * m._el0.Y + _el1.Y * m._el1.Y + _el2.Y * m._el2.Y,
        _el0.Y * m._el0.Z + _el1.Y * m._el1.Z + _el2.Y * m._el2.Z,
        _el0.Z * m._el0.X + _el1.Z * m._el1.X + _el2.Z * m._el2.X,
        _el0.Z * m._el0.Y + _el1.Z * m._el1.Y + _el2.Z * m._el2.Y,
        _el0.Z * m._el0.Z + _el1.Z * m._el1.Z + _el2.Z * m._el2.Z);

Esempio n. 25
 public static IndexedQuaternion GetRotation(ref IndexedBasisMatrix a)
     return a.GetRotation();
Esempio n. 26
 public static void Multiply(ref IndexedVector3 vout, ref IndexedVector3 vin, ref IndexedBasisMatrix m)
     vout = new IndexedVector3(m.TDotX(ref vin), m.TDotY(ref vin), m.TDotZ(ref vin));
Esempio n. 27
 public IndexedBasisMatrix TimesTranspose(IndexedBasisMatrix m)
     return new IndexedBasisMatrix(
         _el0.Dot(m._el0), _el0.Dot(m._el1), _el0.Dot(m._el2),
         _el1.Dot(m._el0), _el1.Dot(m._el1), _el1.Dot(m._el2),
         _el2.Dot(m._el0), _el2.Dot(m._el1), _el2.Dot(m._el2));
Esempio n. 28
 public static void Multiply(ref IndexedVector3 vout, ref IndexedBasisMatrix m, ref IndexedVector3 v)
     vout = new IndexedVector3(m._el0.X * v.X + m._el0.Y * v.Y + m._el0.Z * v.Z,
                               m._el1.X * v.X + m._el1.Y * v.Y + m._el1.Z * v.Z,
                               m._el2.X * v.X + m._el2.Y * v.Y + m._el2.Z * v.Z);
        public void UpdateWheelTransform(int wheelIndex, bool interpolatedTransform)
	        WheelInfo wheel = m_wheelInfo[ wheelIndex ];

	        IndexedVector3 up = -wheel.m_raycastInfo.m_wheelDirectionWS;
	        IndexedVector3 right = wheel.m_raycastInfo.m_wheelAxleWS;
	        IndexedVector3 fwd = IndexedVector3.Cross(up,right);
        //	up = right.cross(fwd);
        //	up.normalize();

	        //rotate around steering over de wheelAxleWS
	        float steering = wheel.m_steering;
	        IndexedQuaternion steeringOrn = new IndexedQuaternion(up,steering);//wheel.m_steering);
            IndexedBasisMatrix steeringMat = new IndexedBasisMatrix(ref steeringOrn);

            IndexedQuaternion rotatingOrn = new IndexedQuaternion(right, -wheel.m_rotation);
            IndexedBasisMatrix rotatingMat = new IndexedBasisMatrix(ref rotatingOrn);

            IndexedBasisMatrix basis2 = new IndexedBasisMatrix(
            // FIXME MAN - MATRIX ORDER
            //wheel.m_worldTransform = steeringMat * rotatingMat * basis2;
            wheel.m_worldTransform._basis = steeringMat * rotatingMat * basis2;
	        wheel.m_worldTransform._origin = 
		        wheel.m_raycastInfo.m_hardPointWS + (wheel.m_raycastInfo.m_wheelDirectionWS * wheel.m_raycastInfo.m_suspensionLength);
        public void CalcAngleInfo2(IndexedMatrix transA, IndexedMatrix transB, IndexedBasisMatrix invInertiaWorldA, IndexedBasisMatrix invInertiaWorldB)
			CalcAngleInfo2(ref transA, ref transB, ref invInertiaWorldA, ref invInertiaWorldB);
 public virtual void InternalProcessTriangleIndex(IndexedVector3[] triangle, int partId, int triangleIndex)
     IndexedBasisMatrix i = new IndexedBasisMatrix();
     IndexedVector3 a = triangle[0] - m_center;
     IndexedVector3 b = triangle[1] - m_center;
     IndexedVector3 c = triangle[2] - m_center;
     float volNeg = -Math.Abs(a.Triple(ref b, ref c)) * (1.0f / 6.0f);
      for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
         for (int k = 0; k <= j; k++)
            i[j,k] = i[k,j] = volNeg * (0.1f * (a[j] * a[k] + b[j] * b[k] + c[j] * c[k])
               + 0.05f * (a[j] * b[k] + a[k] * b[j] + a[j] * c[k] + a[k] * c[j] + b[j] * c[k] + b[k] * c[j]));
  float i00 = -i._el0.X;
  float i11 = -i._el1.Y;
  float i22 = -i._el2.Z;
  i[0,0] = i11 + i22; 
  i[1,1] = i22 + i00; 
  i[2,2] = i00 + i11;
  m_sum._el0 += i._el0;
  m_sum._el1 += i._el1;
  m_sum._el2 += i._el2;
Esempio n. 32
 public IndexedMatrix(float m11, float m12, float m13, float m21, float m22, float m23, float m31, float m32, float m33, float m41, float m42, float m43)
     _basis  = new IndexedBasisMatrix(m11, m12, m13, m21, m22, m23, m31, m32, m33);
     _origin = new IndexedVector3(m41, m42, m43);
Esempio n. 33
 public static void GetRotation(ref IndexedBasisMatrix a, out IndexedQuaternion rot)
     rot = a.GetRotation();
Esempio n. 34
 public static IndexedBasisMatrix CreateFromAxisAngle(IndexedVector3 axis, float angle)
     float num1 = axis.X;
     float num2 = axis.Y;
     float num3 = axis.Z;
     float num4 = (float)Math.Sin((double)angle);
     float num5 = (float)Math.Cos((double)angle);
     float num6 = num1 * num1;
     float num7 = num2 * num2;
     float num8 = num3 * num3;
     float num9 = num1 * num2;
     float num10 = num1 * num3;
     float num11 = num2 * num3;
     IndexedBasisMatrix ibm = new IndexedBasisMatrix(num6 + num5 * (1f - num6),
         (float)((double)num9 - (double)num5 * (double)num9 + (double)num4 * (double)num3),
         (float)((double)num10 - (double)num5 * (double)num10 - (double)num4 * (double)num2),
         (float)((double)num9 - (double)num5 * (double)num9 - (double)num4 * (double)num3),
         num7 + num5 * (1f - num7),
         (float)((double)num11 - (double)num5 * (double)num11 + (double)num4 * (double)num1),
         (float)((double)num10 - (double)num5 * (double)num10 + (double)num4 * (double)num2),
         (float)((double)num11 - (double)num5 * (double)num11 - (double)num4 * (double)num1),
         num8 + num5 * (1f - num8));
     return ibm;
Esempio n. 35
        public IndexedMatrix Inverse()
            IndexedBasisMatrix inv = _basis.Transpose();

            return(new IndexedMatrix(inv, inv * -_origin));
            public virtual void ProcessTriangle(IndexedVector3[] triangle, int partId, int triangleIndex)
                //skip self-collisions
                if ((m_partIdA == partId) && (m_triangleIndexA == triangleIndex))

                //skip duplicates (disabled for now)
                //if ((m_partIdA <= partId) && (m_triangleIndexA <= triangleIndex))
                //	return;

                //search for shared vertices and edges
                int numshared = 0;
                int[] sharedVertsA = new int[] { -1, -1, -1 };
                int[] sharedVertsB = new int[] { -1, -1, -1 };

                ///skip degenerate triangles
                float crossBSqr = IndexedVector3.Cross((triangle[1] - triangle[0]), (triangle[2] - triangle[0])).LengthSquared();
                if (crossBSqr < m_triangleInfoMap.m_equalVertexThreshold)

                float crossASqr = IndexedVector3.Cross((m_triangleVerticesA[1] - m_triangleVerticesA[0]), (m_triangleVerticesA[2] - m_triangleVerticesA[0])).LengthSquared();
                ///skip degenerate triangles
                if (crossASqr < m_triangleInfoMap.m_equalVertexThreshold)

#if false
                printf("triangle A[0]	=	(%f,%f,%f)\ntriangle A[1]	=	(%f,%f,%f)\ntriangle A[2]	=	(%f,%f,%f)\n",

                printf("partId=%d, triangleIndex=%d\n",partId,triangleIndex);
                printf("triangle B[0]	=	(%f,%f,%f)\ntriangle B[1]	=	(%f,%f,%f)\ntriangle B[2]	=	(%f,%f,%f)\n",

                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                        if ((m_triangleVerticesA[i] - triangle[j]).LengthSquared() < m_triangleInfoMap.m_equalVertexThreshold)
                            sharedVertsA[numshared] = i;
                            sharedVertsB[numshared] = j;
                            ///degenerate case
                            if (numshared >= 3)
                    ///degenerate case
                    if (numshared >= 3)
                switch (numshared)
                    case 0:
                    case 1:
                            //shared vertex
                    case 2:
                            //shared edge
                            //we need to make sure the edge is in the order V2V0 and not V0V2 so that the signs are correct
                            if (sharedVertsA[0] == 0 && sharedVertsA[1] == 2)
                                sharedVertsA[0] = 2;
                                sharedVertsA[1] = 0;
                                int tmp = sharedVertsB[1];
                                sharedVertsB[1] = sharedVertsB[0];
                                sharedVertsB[0] = tmp;

                            int hash = GetHash(m_partIdA, m_triangleIndexA);

                            TriangleInfo info = null;
                            if (m_triangleInfoMap.ContainsKey(hash))
                                info = m_triangleInfoMap[hash];
                                info = new TriangleInfo();
                                m_triangleInfoMap[hash] = info;

                            int sumvertsA = sharedVertsA[0] + sharedVertsA[1];
                            int otherIndexA = 3 - sumvertsA;

                            IndexedVector3 edge = new IndexedVector3(m_triangleVerticesA[sharedVertsA[1]] - m_triangleVerticesA[sharedVertsA[0]]);

                            TriangleShape tA = new TriangleShape(m_triangleVerticesA[0], m_triangleVerticesA[1], m_triangleVerticesA[2]);
                            int otherIndexB = 3 - (sharedVertsB[0] + sharedVertsB[1]);

                            TriangleShape tB = new TriangleShape(triangle[sharedVertsB[1]], triangle[sharedVertsB[0]], triangle[otherIndexB]);
                            //btTriangleShape tB(triangle[0],triangle[1],triangle[2]);

                            IndexedVector3 normalA;
                            IndexedVector3 normalB;
                            tA.CalcNormal(out normalA);
                            tB.CalcNormal(out normalB);
                            IndexedVector3 edgeCrossA = IndexedVector3.Normalize(IndexedVector3.Cross(edge, normalA));

                                IndexedVector3 tmp = m_triangleVerticesA[otherIndexA] - m_triangleVerticesA[sharedVertsA[0]];
                                if (IndexedVector3.Dot(edgeCrossA, tmp) < 0)
                                    edgeCrossA *= -1;

                            IndexedVector3 edgeCrossB = IndexedVector3.Cross(edge, normalB).Normalized();

                                IndexedVector3 tmp = triangle[otherIndexB] - triangle[sharedVertsB[0]];
                                if (IndexedVector3.Dot(edgeCrossB, tmp) < 0)
                                    edgeCrossB *= -1;

                            float angle2 = 0;
                            float ang4 = 0.0f;

                            IndexedVector3 calculatedEdge = IndexedVector3.Cross(edgeCrossA, edgeCrossB);
                            float len2 = calculatedEdge.LengthSquared();

                            float correctedAngle = 0f;
                            IndexedVector3 calculatedNormalB = normalA;
                            bool isConvex = false;

                            if (len2 < m_triangleInfoMap.m_planarEpsilon)
                                angle2 = 0.0f;
                                ang4 = 0.0f;
                                IndexedVector3 calculatedNormalA = IndexedVector3.Cross(calculatedEdge, edgeCrossA);
                                angle2 = GetAngle(ref calculatedNormalA, ref edgeCrossA, ref edgeCrossB);
                                ang4 = MathUtil.SIMD_PI - angle2;
                                float dotA = IndexedVector3.Dot(normalA, edgeCrossB);
                                ///@todo: check if we need some epsilon, due to floating point imprecision
                                isConvex = (dotA < 0f);

                                correctedAngle = isConvex ? ang4 : -ang4;
                                IndexedQuaternion orn2 = new IndexedQuaternion(calculatedEdge, -correctedAngle);
                                IndexedMatrix rotateMatrix = IndexedMatrix.CreateFromQuaternion(orn2);
                                calculatedNormalB = new IndexedBasisMatrix(orn2) * normalA;

                            //alternatively use 
                            //IndexedVector3 calculatedNormalB2 = quatRotate(orn,normalA);

                            switch (sumvertsA)
                                case 1:
                                        IndexedVector3 edge1 = m_triangleVerticesA[0] - m_triangleVerticesA[1];
                                        IndexedQuaternion orn = new IndexedQuaternion(edge1, -correctedAngle);
                                        IndexedVector3 computedNormalB = MathUtil.QuatRotate(orn, normalA);
                                        float bla = IndexedVector3.Dot(computedNormalB, normalB);
                                        if (bla < 0)
                                            computedNormalB *= -1;
                                            info.m_flags |= TriangleInfoMap.TRI_INFO_V0V1_SWAP_NORMALB;
                                        if ((computedNormalB - normalB).Length() > 0.0001f)
                                            System.Console.WriteLine("warning: normals not identical");

                                        info.m_edgeV0V1Angle = -correctedAngle;

                                        if (isConvex)
                                            info.m_flags |= TriangleInfoMap.TRI_INFO_V0V1_CONVEX;
                                case 2:
                                        IndexedVector3 edge1 = m_triangleVerticesA[2] - m_triangleVerticesA[0];
                                        IndexedQuaternion orn = new IndexedQuaternion(edge1, -correctedAngle);
                                        IndexedVector3 computedNormalB = MathUtil.QuatRotate(orn, normalA);
                                        if (IndexedVector3.Dot(computedNormalB, normalB) < 0)
                                            computedNormalB *= -1;
                                            info.m_flags |= TriangleInfoMap.TRI_INFO_V2V0_SWAP_NORMALB;

                                        if ((computedNormalB - normalB).Length() > 0.0001)
                                            System.Console.WriteLine("warning: normals not identical");
                                        info.m_edgeV2V0Angle = -correctedAngle;
                                        if (isConvex)
                                            info.m_flags |= TriangleInfoMap.TRI_INFO_V2V0_CONVEX;
                                case 3:
                                        IndexedVector3 edge1 = m_triangleVerticesA[1] - m_triangleVerticesA[2];
                                        IndexedQuaternion orn = new IndexedQuaternion(edge1, -correctedAngle);
                                        IndexedVector3 computedNormalB = MathUtil.QuatRotate(orn, normalA);
                                        if (IndexedVector3.Dot(computedNormalB, normalB) < 0)
                                            info.m_flags |= TriangleInfoMap.TRI_INFO_V1V2_SWAP_NORMALB;
                                            computedNormalB *= -1;
                                        if ((computedNormalB - normalB).Length() > 0.0001)
                                            System.Console.WriteLine("warning: normals not identical");
                                        info.m_edgeV1V2Angle = -correctedAngle;

                                        if (isConvex)
                                            info.m_flags |= TriangleInfoMap.TRI_INFO_V1V2_CONVEX;

                            //				printf("warning: duplicate triangle\n");

Esempio n. 37
 public IndexedMatrix(IndexedBasisMatrix basis, IndexedVector3 origin)
     _basis  = basis;
     _origin = origin;
Esempio n. 38
        public static IndexedBasisMatrix Transpose(IndexedBasisMatrix IndexedMatrix)
            return new IndexedBasisMatrix(IndexedMatrix._el0.X, IndexedMatrix._el1.X, IndexedMatrix._el2.X,
                IndexedMatrix._el0.Y, IndexedMatrix._el1.Y, IndexedMatrix._el2.Y,
                IndexedMatrix._el0.Z, IndexedMatrix._el1.Z, IndexedMatrix._el2.Z);

 public static IndexedBasisMatrix Transpose(IndexedBasisMatrix IndexedMatrix)
     return(new IndexedBasisMatrix(IndexedMatrix._Row0.X, IndexedMatrix._Row1.X, IndexedMatrix._Row2.X,
                                   IndexedMatrix._Row0.Y, IndexedMatrix._Row1.Y, IndexedMatrix._Row2.Y,
                                   IndexedMatrix._Row0.Z, IndexedMatrix._Row1.Z, IndexedMatrix._Row2.Z));
Esempio n. 40
 public static void Multiply(ref IndexedVector3 vout, ref IndexedVector3 vin, ref IndexedBasisMatrix m)
     vout = new IndexedVector3(m.TDotX(ref vin), m.TDotY(ref vin), m.TDotZ(ref vin));
Esempio n. 41
 public static void Transpose(ref IndexedBasisMatrix IndexedMatrix, out IndexedBasisMatrix result)
     result = new IndexedBasisMatrix(IndexedMatrix._el0.X, IndexedMatrix._el1.X, IndexedMatrix._el2.X,
         IndexedMatrix._el0.Y, IndexedMatrix._el1.Y, IndexedMatrix._el2.Y,
         IndexedMatrix._el0.Z, IndexedMatrix._el1.Z, IndexedMatrix._el2.Z);
Esempio n. 42
 public static void CreateRotationZ(float radians, out IndexedMatrix result)
     result._basis  = IndexedBasisMatrix.CreateRotationZ(radians);
     result._origin = new IndexedVector3(0, 0, 0);
Esempio n. 43
        //! Calc the transformation relative  1 to 0. Inverts matrics by transposing
        public void CalcFromHomogenic(ref IndexedMatrix trans0, ref IndexedMatrix trans1)
            IndexedMatrix temp_trans = trans0.Inverse();
            temp_trans = temp_trans * trans1;

            m_T1to0 = temp_trans._origin;
            m_R1to0 = temp_trans._basis;

Esempio n. 44
 public static void Multiply(ref IndexedVector3 vout, ref IndexedBasisMatrix m, ref IndexedVector3 v)
     vout = new IndexedVector3(m._el0.X * v.X + m._el0.Y * v.Y + m._el0.Z * v.Z,
     m._el1.X * v.X + m._el1.Y * v.Y + m._el1.Z * v.Z,
     m._el2.X * v.X + m._el2.Y * v.Y + m._el2.Z * v.Z);
        public void GetInfo2NonVirtual(ConstraintInfo2 info, IndexedMatrix transA, IndexedMatrix transB, IndexedBasisMatrix invInertiaWorldA, IndexedBasisMatrix invInertiaWorldB)
			CalcAngleInfo2(ref transA, ref transB, ref invInertiaWorldA, ref invInertiaWorldB);


			// set jacobian
			info.m_solverConstraints[0].m_contactNormal.X = 1f;
			info.m_solverConstraints[1].m_contactNormal.Y = 1f;
			info.m_solverConstraints[2].m_contactNormal.Z = 1f;

			IndexedVector3 a1 = transA._basis * m_rbAFrame._origin;
				IndexedVector3 a1neg = -a1;
				MathUtil.GetSkewSymmetricMatrix(ref a1neg,
					out info.m_solverConstraints[0].m_relpos1CrossNormal,
					out info.m_solverConstraints[1].m_relpos1CrossNormal,
					out info.m_solverConstraints[2].m_relpos1CrossNormal);

            IndexedVector3 a2 = transB._basis * m_rbBFrame._origin;
				MathUtil.GetSkewSymmetricMatrix(ref a2,
					out info.m_solverConstraints[0].m_relpos2CrossNormal,
					out info.m_solverConstraints[1].m_relpos2CrossNormal,
					out info.m_solverConstraints[2].m_relpos2CrossNormal);

			// set right hand side
			float linERP = ((m_flags & (int)ConeTwistFlags.BT_CONETWIST_FLAGS_LIN_ERP) != 0) ? m_linERP : info.erp;
			float k = info.fps * linERP;

			for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
				info.m_solverConstraints[j].m_rhs = k * (a2[j] + transB._origin[j] - a1[j] - transA._origin[j]);
				info.m_solverConstraints[j].m_lowerLimit = -MathUtil.SIMD_INFINITY;
				info.m_solverConstraints[j].m_upperLimit = MathUtil.SIMD_INFINITY;
				if ((m_flags & (int)ConeTwistFlags.BT_CONETWIST_FLAGS_LIN_CFM) != 0)
					info.m_solverConstraints[j].m_cfm = m_linCFM;
			int row = 3;

			IndexedVector3 ax1;
			// angular limits
			if (m_solveSwingLimit)
				if ((m_swingSpan1 < m_fixThresh) && (m_swingSpan2 < m_fixThresh))
					IndexedMatrix trA = transA *  m_rbAFrame;

					IndexedVector3 p = trA._basis.GetColumn(1);
					IndexedVector3 q = trA._basis.GetColumn(2);
					info.m_solverConstraints[row].m_relpos1CrossNormal = p;
					info.m_solverConstraints[row + 1].m_relpos1CrossNormal = q;
					info.m_solverConstraints[row].m_relpos2CrossNormal = -p;
					info.m_solverConstraints[row + 1].m_relpos2CrossNormal = -q;

					float fact = info.fps * m_relaxationFactor;
					info.m_solverConstraints[row].m_rhs = fact * m_swingAxis.Dot(ref p);
					info.m_solverConstraints[row + 1].m_rhs = fact * m_swingAxis.Dot(ref q);
					info.m_solverConstraints[row].m_lowerLimit = -MathUtil.SIMD_INFINITY;
					info.m_solverConstraints[row].m_upperLimit = MathUtil.SIMD_INFINITY;
					info.m_solverConstraints[row + 1].m_lowerLimit = -MathUtil.SIMD_INFINITY;
					info.m_solverConstraints[row + 1].m_upperLimit = MathUtil.SIMD_INFINITY;
					row += 2;
					ax1 = m_swingAxis * m_relaxationFactor * m_relaxationFactor;
					info.m_solverConstraints[row].m_relpos1CrossNormal = ax1;
					info.m_solverConstraints[row].m_relpos2CrossNormal = -ax1;

					float k1 = info.fps * m_biasFactor;

					info.m_solverConstraints[row].m_rhs = k1 * m_swingCorrection;
					if ((m_flags & (int)ConeTwistFlags.BT_CONETWIST_FLAGS_ANG_CFM) != 0)
						info.m_solverConstraints[row].m_cfm = m_angCFM;
					// m_swingCorrection is always positive or 0
					info.m_solverConstraints[row].m_lowerLimit = 0;
					info.m_solverConstraints[row].m_upperLimit = MathUtil.SIMD_INFINITY;
			if (m_solveTwistLimit)
				ax1 = m_twistAxis * m_relaxationFactor * m_relaxationFactor;
				info.m_solverConstraints[row].m_relpos1CrossNormal = ax1;
				info.m_solverConstraints[row].m_relpos2CrossNormal = -ax1;
				float k1 = info.fps * m_biasFactor;
				info.m_solverConstraints[row].m_rhs = k1 * m_twistCorrection;
				if ((m_flags & (int)ConeTwistFlags.BT_CONETWIST_FLAGS_ANG_CFM) != 0)
					info.m_solverConstraints[row].m_cfm = m_angCFM;

				if (m_twistSpan > 0.0f)
					if (m_twistCorrection > 0.0f)
						info.m_solverConstraints[row].m_lowerLimit = 0;
						info.m_solverConstraints[row].m_upperLimit = MathUtil.SIMD_INFINITY;
						info.m_solverConstraints[row].m_lowerLimit = -MathUtil.SIMD_INFINITY;
						info.m_solverConstraints[row].m_upperLimit = 0;
					info.m_solverConstraints[row].m_lowerLimit = -MathUtil.SIMD_INFINITY;
					info.m_solverConstraints[row].m_upperLimit = MathUtil.SIMD_INFINITY;

			if (BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null && BulletGlobals.debugConstraints)
                //PrintInfo2(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, this, info);

Esempio n. 46
 public static void CreateRotationZ(float radians, out IndexedBasisMatrix _basis)
     float num1 = (float)Math.Cos((double)radians);
     float num2 = (float)Math.Sin((double)radians);
     _basis._el0 = new IndexedVector3(num1, num2, 0);
     _basis._el1 = new IndexedVector3(-num2, num1, 0);
     _basis._el2 = new IndexedVector3(0, 0, 1);
Esempio n. 47
 public static void CreateScale(float scale, out IndexedMatrix result)
     result        = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
     result._basis = IndexedBasisMatrix.CreateScale(new IndexedVector3(scale));
Esempio n. 48
	    // solve unilateral raint (equality, direct method)
        public void ResolveUnilateralPairConstraint(RigidBody body0, RigidBody body1, ref IndexedBasisMatrix world2A,
                            ref IndexedBasisMatrix world2B,
                            ref IndexedVector3 invInertiaADiag,
                            float invMassA,
                            ref IndexedVector3 linvelA, ref IndexedVector3 angvelA,
                            ref IndexedVector3 rel_posA1,
                            ref IndexedVector3 invInertiaBDiag,
                            float invMassB,
                            ref IndexedVector3 linvelB, ref IndexedVector3 angvelB,
                            ref IndexedVector3 rel_posA2,
                            float depthA, ref IndexedVector3 normalA,
                            ref IndexedVector3 rel_posB1, ref IndexedVector3 rel_posB2,
                            float depthB, ref IndexedVector3 normalB,
                            out float imp0, out float imp1)

	        imp0 = 0f;
	        imp1 = 0f;

	        float len = Math.Abs(normalA.Length()) - 1f;
	        if (Math.Abs(len) >= MathUtil.SIMD_EPSILON)

	        Debug.Assert(len < MathUtil.SIMD_EPSILON);

	        //this jacobian entry could be re-used for all iterations
	        JacobianEntry jacA = new JacobianEntry(ref world2A,ref world2B,ref rel_posA1,ref rel_posA2,ref normalA,ref invInertiaADiag,invMassA,
		        ref invInertiaBDiag,invMassB);
	        JacobianEntry jacB = new JacobianEntry(ref world2A,ref world2B,ref rel_posB1,ref rel_posB2,ref normalB,ref invInertiaADiag,invMassA,
		        ref invInertiaBDiag,invMassB);
	        // float vel0 = jacA.getRelativeVelocity(linvelA,angvelA,linvelB,angvelB);
	        // float vel1 = jacB.getRelativeVelocity(linvelA,angvelA,linvelB,angvelB);

	        float vel0 = IndexedVector3.Dot(normalA,(body0.GetVelocityInLocalPoint(ref rel_posA1)-body1.GetVelocityInLocalPoint(ref rel_posA1)));
	        float vel1 = IndexedVector3.Dot(normalB,(body0.GetVelocityInLocalPoint(ref rel_posB1)-body1.GetVelocityInLocalPoint(ref rel_posB1)));

        //	float penetrationImpulse = (depth*contactTau*timeCorrection)  * massTerm;//jacDiagABInv
	        float massTerm = 1f / (invMassA + invMassB);

	        // calculate rhs (or error) terms
	        float dv0 = depthA  * m_tau * massTerm - vel0 * m_damping;
	        float dv1 = depthB  * m_tau * massTerm - vel1 * m_damping;

	        // dC/dv * dv = -C
	        // jacobian * impulse = -error

	        //impulse = jacobianInverse * -error

	        // inverting 2x2 symmetric system (offdiagonal are equal!)

	        float nonDiag = jacA.GetNonDiagonal(jacB,invMassA,invMassB);
	        float invDet = 1f / (jacA.GetDiagonal() * jacB.GetDiagonal() - nonDiag * nonDiag );
	        //imp0 = dv0 * jacA.getDiagonal() * invDet + dv1 * -nonDiag * invDet;
	        //imp1 = dv1 * jacB.getDiagonal() * invDet + dv0 * - nonDiag * invDet;

	        imp0 = dv0 * jacA.GetDiagonal() * invDet + dv1 * -nonDiag * invDet;
	        imp1 = dv1 * jacB.GetDiagonal() * invDet + dv0 * - nonDiag * invDet;

	        //[a b]								  [d -c]
	        //[c d] inverse = (1 / determinant) * [-b a] where determinant is (ad - bc)

	        //[jA nD] * [imp0] = [dv0]
	        //[nD jB]   [imp1]   [dv1]
        public static bool ClampNormal(ref IndexedVector3 edge, ref IndexedVector3 tri_normal_org, ref IndexedVector3 localContactNormalOnB, float correctedEdgeAngle, out IndexedVector3 clampedLocalNormal)
            IndexedVector3 tri_normal = tri_normal_org;
            //we only have a local triangle normal, not a local contact normal . only normal in world space...
            //either compute the current angle all in local space, or all in world space

            IndexedVector3 edgeCross = IndexedVector3.Cross(edge, tri_normal).Normalized();
            float curAngle = GetAngle(ref edgeCross, ref tri_normal, ref localContactNormalOnB);

            if (correctedEdgeAngle < 0)
                if (curAngle < correctedEdgeAngle)
                    float diffAngle = correctedEdgeAngle - curAngle;
                    IndexedQuaternion rotation = new IndexedQuaternion(edge, diffAngle);
                    clampedLocalNormal = new IndexedBasisMatrix(rotation) * localContactNormalOnB;
                    return true;

            if (correctedEdgeAngle >= 0)
                if (curAngle > correctedEdgeAngle)
                    float diffAngle = correctedEdgeAngle - curAngle;
                    IndexedQuaternion rotation = new IndexedQuaternion(edge, diffAngle);
                    clampedLocalNormal = new IndexedBasisMatrix(rotation) * localContactNormalOnB;
                    return true;
            clampedLocalNormal = IndexedVector3.Zero;
            return false;
Esempio n. 50
	    public void UpdateInertiaTensor()
#if DEBUG        
			if (BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null && BulletGlobals.debugRigidBody)
                BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter.WriteLine(String.Format("[{0}] RigidBody updateInertiaTensor",(String)m_userObjectPointer));
                MathUtil.PrintVector3(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "invInertiaLocal", m_invInertiaLocal);
                MathUtil.PrintMatrix(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, m_worldTransform);
                MathUtil.PrintMatrix(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, m_worldTransform._basis.Scaled(ref m_invInertiaLocal));
                MathUtil.PrintMatrix(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, m_worldTransform._basis.Transpose());
            m_invInertiaTensorWorld = m_worldTransform._basis.Scaled(ref m_invInertiaLocal) * m_worldTransform._basis.Transpose();
			if (BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null && BulletGlobals.debugRigidBody)
        ///computes the exact moment of inertia and the transform from the coordinate system defined by the principal axes of the moment of inertia
        ///and the center of mass to the current coordinate system. "masses" points to an array of masses of the children. The resulting transform
        ///"principal" has to be applied inversely to all children transforms in order for the local coordinate system of the compound
        ///shape to be centered at the center of mass and to coincide with the principal axes. This also necessitates a correction of the world transform
        ///of the collision object by the principal transform.
        public void CalculatePrincipalAxisTransform(IList<float> masses, ref IndexedMatrix principal, out IndexedVector3 inertia)
            int n = m_children.Count;

            float totalMass = 0;
            IndexedVector3 center = IndexedVector3.Zero;

            for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)
                Debug.Assert(masses[k] > 0f);
                center += m_children[k].m_transform._origin * masses[k];
                totalMass += masses[k];

            Debug.Assert(totalMass > 0f);
            center /= totalMass;
            principal._origin = center;

            IndexedBasisMatrix tensor = new IndexedBasisMatrix();
            for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)
                IndexedVector3 i;
                m_children[k].m_childShape.CalculateLocalInertia(masses[k], out i);

                IndexedMatrix t = m_children[k].m_transform;
                IndexedVector3 o = t._origin - center;

                //compute inertia tensor in coordinate system of compound shape
                IndexedBasisMatrix j = t._basis.Transpose();
                j._el0 *= i.X;
                j._el1 *= i.Y;
                j._el2 *= i.Z;
                j = t._basis * j;

                //add inertia tensor
                tensor._el0 += j._el0;
                tensor._el1 += j._el1;
                tensor._el2 += j._el2;
                //tensor += j;

                //compute inertia tensor of pointmass at o
                float o2 = o.LengthSquared();
                j._el0 = new IndexedVector3(o2, 0, 0);
                j._el1 = new IndexedVector3(0, o2, 0);
                j._el2 = new IndexedVector3(0, 0, o2);

                j._el0 += o * -o.X;
                j._el1 += o * -o.Y;
                j._el2 += o * -o.Z;

                //add inertia tensor of pointmass
                tensor._el0 += masses[k] * j._el0;
                tensor._el1 += masses[k] * j._el1;
                tensor._el2 += masses[k] * j._el2;
            tensor.Diagonalize(out principal, 0.00001f, 20);
            inertia = new IndexedVector3(tensor._el0.X, tensor._el1.Y, tensor._el2.Z);
Esempio n. 52
 public static void CreateScale(ref IndexedVector3 scales, out IndexedMatrix result)
     result        = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
     result._basis = IndexedBasisMatrix.CreateScale(scales);